Chapter 72 Remarried

"Is it okay for me to tell the truth? You always give me an accurate statement. If it doesn't work, I will find another way."

Seeing that Zhang Yun hadn't said a word, Li Weidong couldn't help it.

"No need to go, I know the situation of his wife." Zhang Yunshang said suddenly.

"You know?"

Li Weidong stared at him suspiciously.

"What are you looking at, kid? Little Six has been with me for a few years, so after he went in, I also paid attention to the situation in his house."

Zhang Yunshang glared at Li Weidong, then continued.

"Go back and tell him that his wife has remarried."


Li Weidong didn't believe it.

The main reason is that Zhang Yunshang's expression is very strange.

"Nonsense, why would I lie to you about this kind of thing? Even if you go to inquire about it yourself, you will know."

"Did you really remarry? If that's the case, why do you have such an expression?" Li Weidong was a little puzzled.

"Little Six only married his wife in her 30s, and his mother-in-law used to be in a half-closed business. She lived with him for a few years and gave birth to a daughter."

"Wait, daughter? Isn't it son?"

Li Weidong remembered it clearly, but Wu Laoliu knelt in front of him, talking about his son.

"He only has a daughter. Where did he get a son? Oh, I guess he was afraid that you would deceive him, so he called it a son. If you really went to his house, you would definitely find out that it was a daughter." Zhang Yunshang explained.

"Sure enough, people can't be judged by their appearance."

Li Weidong shook his head mockingly.

He really believed Wu Lao Liu's words before, but he didn't expect that someone would dig a hole for him.

It is said that guarding against others is indispensable, but it is strange to be happy when this kind of thing falls on me.

Zhang Yunshang didn't laugh at him. In his opinion, this kind of trick is really normal.

"When Little Six went in, it happened to be the most difficult time.

He probably also knew that his mother-in-law didn't have a serious job, so she definitely couldn't support her daughter on her own.

Either continue to do business with half-closed doors, or remarry with children. "

"Then Wu Lao Liu hopes that his wife hasn't remarried?"

"No, he probably wants his mother-in-law to remarry, which is better for the children."

"I said, why does he have to let me see if his wife has remarried, but even if he knows, what can he do?
After you come out, go get the person back?
By the way, I think he really cares about... his daughter, how is his daughter doing now?You won't even change your last name, will you? "

"Dead, sick, didn't make it through."

Zhang Yunshang said it lightly, but Li Weidong was stunned.

"You mean, his real purpose is to let me help him see his daughter? He... guessed it?"

"It's probably because I have a bad premonition in my heart, so I can't wait, let you take a look." Zhang Yunshang sighed.

Li Weidong couldn't help but fell silent.

This kind of thing is actually not uncommon.

It's just that it didn't happen to him in the past, so the feeling is not deep.

He was silent for a moment, then asked: "Then how should I tell him when I go back? Tell him that his wife has remarried and his daughter is fine?"

"You just said that you only found out that his mother-in-law and her daughter remarried. When he is about to come out, please come and tell me. I will pick him up then."

"Okay, but his daughter is really just sick?"

"The man his mother-in-law is looking for is a drunkard. If he drinks too much, he will beat and scold her and his wife. I guess he will beat them hard."


Li Weidong slapped the table with a slap.

"What kind of anger are you making? Does it have something to do with you?" Zhang Yunshang still had that indifferent look.

"It has nothing to do with me, but Wu Lao Liu has been with you for several years? You just watched?" Li Weidong asked.

"There were a lot of people who followed me back then, who is Wu Laoliu? Why should I help him watch?

Don't look at me with that kind of look, I've seen many that are ten times worse than this.

Wu Laoliu is not up to date, and no one will take care of him for his mistakes.

If you want to blame, blame his bad luck. "

Zhang Yunshang's words were full of cold blood.

But Li Weidong also knew that he was not qualified to accuse the other party.

Besides, if Zhang Yunshang was really so cold-blooded, he wouldn't have let him talk to Wu Laoliu just now before he was released from prison.

"That's it, I'll go back and tell him."

Li Weidong didn't stay any longer, got up and walked out.

"By the way, his wife's name is Xu Qin, and there is a mole on the left chin."


Zhang Yunshang watched Li Weidong leave without looking back, and sighed silently.

When Li Weidong pushed his bicycle back to the courtyard, it was completely dark.

"Why did you come back so late?"

Zhang Xiuzhen heard the voice and came out of the house.

"Something is delayed."

Li Weidong nodded with a smile, but didn't take his emotions home.

When he entered the house, he saw that the food had been served on the table, but no one moved, the whole family was waiting for him.

"What can you do? I think you are riding a bicycle and forgot your way home."

Li Shuqun snorted coldly, and his resentment for the bicycle being ridden away by Li Weidong has not dissipated.

"It's just a broken bicycle, what's there to show off? Let's talk about it when you drive a Jeep someday."

Li Weidong said something indifferent.

Li Shuqun's anger flared up again.

"Okay, both of you, please don't say a few words, Xiaobin and Xiaoru, you two hurry up and eat, are you starving?"

The old lady stopped the conflict that was about to escalate.

"Grandma, I'm not hungry."

As Li Xueru said that, she also showed a bright smile at Li Weidong.

When she came home from school, she found the soaked wheat.

Obviously, the second brother didn't lie to her.

At that time, grandma asked her to eat with Li Weibin first, but she insisted on waiting for Li Weidong.

As for Li Weibin, his stomach was already growling with hunger.

But under Li Xueru's small eyes, he didn't dare to move.

"Eat quickly, you two. If I come back late in the future, don't wait for me."

Li Weidong didn't think he could make such a big deal.

"Finally, there is still a little self-knowledge."

Li Shuqun sat on his seat and muttered.

Let me wait for my son to eat?

In this regard, Li Weidong did not refute. After washing his hands and face, he also sat on the table and began to eat.

In the afternoon, after Wu Laoliu steamed the steamed buns, he stuffed one into his stomach, so he wasn't hungry yet.

Thinking of Wu Laoliu, and looking at the younger brothers and sisters who kept stuffing cornbread into their mouths, some of his thoughts became more determined.

The next day, Li Weidong rode away on a bicycle under Li Shuqun's resentful eyes.

In fact, he doesn't have to ride a bicycle, walking is nothing to him.

But seeing Li Shuqun jumping, his mood inexplicably improved.

After arriving at the farm, Li Weidong greeted Song Yan first, and then went to light the stove.

Even if there is no shortage of charcoal in the farm, Song Yan does not have the habit of keeping the stove burning for 24 hours.

And he still went to the cafeteria to make porridge in the morning.

When the work was almost over, Li Weidong went to find Wu Laoliu who was working.

(End of this chapter)

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