Chapter 329
The night slowly deepened.

The people in Changjing all went back to their houses, the shops were closed, and the streets quickly became deserted.It's just the beginning of winter today, it's a starless and moonless night, and the streets are filled with only cold fog.

Sanhuamao is still playing with the ball.

At this time, she didn't deliberately control her movements, she ran wantonly upstairs, and even ran very hard on purpose, making ding-ding-dong-dong noises, especially the old and uneven floors, which were often lifted up by her steps. Fall down, make a sound and movement.

Just playing around, she who was pounced on the cloth ball suddenly changed direction, ran to the window without stopping, jumped onto the window sill, and looked down.

Then he turned his head and said to the Taoist:
"Master Chenghuang is here!"

"Thank you, Empress Sanhua."

"Do you want Empress Sanhua to go down and open the door?"

"Then thank you even more."

"You're welcome!"

The three-flowered cat turned around again, jumped off the window sill, and ran downstairs quickly.

There was only a sound on the floor.

There seems to be endless energy.

When Mistress Sanhua lit the oil lamp downstairs and opened the door, Lord Chenghuang and two assistant officials stood outside the door, and the Taoist also came down from the upstairs holding on to the wooden railing.

"I have seen Mr. Sanhua and Empress Sanhua." The City God bowed first, "Knowing that Mr. is back, the little god came to see Mr. right away."

"Master Cheng Huang, why are you so polite?" Song You said, "My lords, please come in."

"The little god has set a rule for himself to patrol the city twice a month. Today is the winter solstice, and he is about to go to the streets to patrol the streets, so he stops by to say hello to Mr. Chenghuang." Before sitting down carefully, he said again, "After Mr. left, there were many turmoil in Changjing. I don't know how many high officials have been changed, and how many dignitaries have died. Thanks to Mr.'s guidance, the little god can still sit in Changjing safely." In the position of God, no matter what, I should come to thank you sir."

"Master Chenghuang is too polite."

Song You returned to Beijing this time, and along the way, he felt much less evil than when he first entered Beijing. It may be related to the downfall of Princess Changping and the power drama in Changjing. There is an inseparable relationship with this Changjing City God.

"I just came back, and I don't have any tea to entertain the City God..."

"Don't dare."

"I was about to ask about Changjing after I left from the mouth of the City God, but in the end I didn't even have a pot of tea. It's always rude." Song You said shamelessly.

"Sir, if you can invite the little god to come in and sit down, the little god will be flattered."

Although the City God is limited to one city, this place is the center of Dayan. Naturally, the Changjing City God has also heard about the events in the north.

I heard that the demon, which even the Heavenly Palace could not destroy with all its strength, was suppressed after this person passed by. It is said that a mountain was borrowed from Pingzhou across thousands of miles, so that Hezhou, Hezhou, which had never had a mountain before, could be suppressed. It turned out that there was an extra mountain out of thin air, and because of this, the mountain god in Pingzhou did not know how much incense was raised in the past two years.I also heard that Fu Leigong, the head of the Ministry of Lei, was beheaded outside the city of Hezhou by his own hands because of malfeasance and dereliction of duty. Divine power, but they are all amazing.

There are still a lot of scattered things.

Whether it is the demon king who is comparable to a god by his side, whether it is the righteous god of Tiangong, or the innate god bred by the heaven and the earth, the fate can't stop the ups and downs.

I heard that even if the real dragon passes by, there will be visions of heaven and earth even if you don’t want to. I heard that the gods walk in the world, even if they are unintentional, they will have an impact on the world. These are probably groundless rumors in the world, but the Lord City God at this time is I don't think it's unreasonable.

Now there is only one feeling in my heart——

Tiangong Zhengshen does have a lot of influence on the earth gods, and the government and court have direct power over the abolition of the city god, but whether it is Tiangong Zhengshen or a high official in the court, it is better to follow behind this one.

My own City God of the Imperial City is gradually looking good now, the position of god is stable, the power of the gods is back, the power of the gods is rising, and the incense is flourishing. Recalling the City God of Changjing four years ago, it is really like a dream.

And aren't these all brought by this person?

At this time, the City God naturally did not dare to entrust him.

Seeing the candles flickering in the room, the Old City God sat upright and said to him:

"Shortly after Mr. left, the national teacher was often not in Changjing. It seemed that he had something important to do elsewhere, and no one knew what it was. Some said that the national teacher was in poor health, and some said it was the national teacher. The master is busy with Taoist alchemy and practice, so he is less interested in state affairs. It is also said that the national teacher returned to Luming Mountain and was busy with the inheritance of the teacher's school. Where to go and what to do is beyond the control of the little god."

"Is the assassination incident of a small country in the Western Regions true?"

"From what the little god sees, it should be true."

Lord Chenghuang lowered his voice and said to him:
"I heard that General Anxi often provoked wars in the Western Regions for military merit, disregarding the life and death of those small countries, almost treating people like livestock.

"Previously, the Fire Nation in the Western Regions was blackmailed by General Anxi with many precious and beautiful women. It was miserable, but in the end General Anxi found an excuse and sent troops to almost destroy the Fire Nation. It is said that half of the royal family was killed. After being humiliated, the general even reported to the court, saying that King Dihuo was disrespectful to Dayan, so he sent troops to attack him, and was commended by the court.

"Afterwards, the nephew of the original king rebuilt the country and professed his vassalship to Dayan, but I heard that the country over there is very small, and sometimes the royal family has a deep relationship, so this nephew has a very deep relationship with the original king. He has a violent temper, so he pretended to be a minister and made a confession, and went to Beijing to plead guilty, but he did not know where to borrow the treasure. When he opened the box, lava and ground fire rushed out. The palace that received foreign ministers was almost burned that day. A few of the ministers and guards were burned to death, but fortunately the palace also had some arrangements, so His Majesty was spared."

"Is the national teacher not here?"


"That's it."

Song You showed a thoughtful look.

This City God is the patron saint of Changjing, so he can see the affairs of the city more clearly than anyone else.Even if General Chen has internal support in the court and eyes and ears in the capital, it is impossible to match him.Moreover, although Lord Cheng Huang was a god after the death of the head of the state, he has been dead for many years and has also become a god for many years. Although he has a deep bond with mortals and the court, his fundamental standpoint is also different. From what he said, he should be relatively objective.

This is also the reason why he wanted to hear from Chenghuang.

Cheng Huang paused for a while, then continued:

"Afterwards, His Majesty's health deteriorated a lot. Princess Changping has been in the court for many years, and her influence is deeply entrenched. She has many supporters. How could she let go of this opportunity? But who would have thought that Her Majesty would do this specially, and would also like to take this opportunity to serve as a successor for the successor?" She cleared the way for the regent prince. There was a lot of open and secret fighting, and finally even a mutiny. What Princess Changping didn't expect was that the generals of the imperial army who appeared to be attached to her were still loyal to her majesty. He was assassinated by his subordinates. This was the final outcome. Princess Changping's power was uprooted, and it was impossible for Dayan to have an empress again. Afterwards, no matter who succeeded the two princes, there was no longer any resistance. "

"Has Your Majesty appointed a crown prince?"


Lord Chenghuang shook his head with a helpless expression.

Song You stayed in Changjing before, and he had heard about the two princes, and had met once, but that was three years ago.At the dinner table tonight, I chatted with General Chen again, and I learned a little more about the changes of the two princes after three years.

The two princes have grown up a lot now, and their respective personalities have initially shown.

The eldest prince was not born to the empress, but he was born to His Majesty's favorite noble concubine. The little prince is a legitimate son, and has greater legal advantages. However, the empress has not been favored for many years, and the family power has also been involved in power shortly after His Majesty ascended the throne. The center was cleared by the emperor. On the contrary, the imperial concubine's mother's family now has considerable military power and controls some troops around Changjing.

The Eldest Prince has a strong and martial personality, and as he grew older in the past two years, he has become quite heroic and has the demeanor of a Martial Emperor, very similar to His Majesty today, and His Majesty likes him very much.

The little prince is elegant and quiet, although a little cowardly, he is very talented, kind and benevolent, and is widely praised by the government and the public.

It is heard that many people in the court hope that His Majesty will appoint a heir as soon as possible, and it is best to follow the tradition of establishing a heir and not an elder, so as to avoid trouble, but His Majesty seems to have other ideas and has not expressed his opinion for a long time.This is a majestic emperor. Before that, he fought against all opinions and marched into the hinterland of Saibei. General Chen lived up to his entrustment. He is like a real old dragon, even though everyone knows that he has few years to live, but everyone walks by him, but no one dares not hold his breath.

As for the Emperor Wu's thoughts, the Earth God of Changjing shook his head and said:

"He is an amazing emperor. He has been in power for ten years and has been firmly in control of the entire country. There has never been any trouble. The country is rich and the people are strong. Even if the arrogant Saibei people go south, they will be repelled. He likes this kind of single-handed control. All the feelings, I also enjoy this feeling, I am addicted to it, I can't extricate myself, even at the end of life, Dayan can only be controlled by him, but he forgot, he is old."

Song You thinks his angle is very interesting.

"I have to ask Lord Chenghuang, do you know when the Jianghu woman who lived next door left?"

"I'm afraid it will be two or three months."

"Is Miss Wanjiang from Crane Tower still alive?"

"It seems to be still in the capital."

"Still in the capital..."


Although Lord Chenghuang didn't know why this gentleman was a little surprised that the Wanjiang girl was still in Changjing, he answered truthfully.

After talking at night for a long time, the city god left.

"Mister's two paintings are still in the small temple, and they are properly preserved for him. If you want to get them back, the little god will send them back for you."

"I will visit the temple in a few days."


Chenghuang got up and saluted him, then went out with two assistant officials, and after another salute, he disappeared into the night.

The little girl turned to look at the Taoist.

"Close the door."


With a creak, the door closed.

The Taoist walked up the stairs, while the little girl looked up at him, and waited attentively for him to go upstairs before turning off the oil lamp, turning into a cat and running after him.

Back in Changjing, there are still many things to think about.

There are quite a few old friends in Changjing alone, such as Yu Zhizhou who once invited him to travel with him on the river and saw him off at the Changting Pavilion, Yu Zhizhou who once gave him a wool felt and woolen blanket, and Liu Junshou who had a good impression when they reunited in Hezhou. He didn't come back from the north, but most likely he had to go to Beiqin Mountain. If the national teacher returned to Beijing, or the emperor knew about it, he might come to visit him or order him.

However, as General Chen said, with Song You's lazy temperament, after walking tens of thousands of miles to return to the capital, he must rest for a few days and ignore things outside the window.

After thinking about it, he lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

When I woke up the next day, it was already high in the sun. I opened my eyes and saw that Mistress Sanhua had opened the window. Outside the window was a blue sky with a few clouds floating. A swallow was standing on the window sill combing its feathers. The branches are left, the sun shines in, everything in the house is clean, and the wood reflects.

The Taoist immediately felt very good.

A clear window is a safe place to live.

(End of this chapter)

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