History of Hong Kong Island

Chapter 278 Anti-water

Chapter 278 Anti-water
Mai Jingtao saw that Yifu had accepted the shareholding agreement, and said again: "The Star Ferry Company needs a favor from us."

"What's the matter?" Yifu was calm, even expected.There is no such thing as a free lunch in the world, and you must ask for something that is delivered to your door.Mai Jingtao didn't hide much, and said bluntly: "Help the Star Ferry get a franchise license."

"You don't need to intervene in business matters, but you need to control the Chinese police officers below."

Yifu immediately understood, and said, "Is there a Chinese boss interested in the license?"

"It's the Chinese Police Fund, or He Dingxian's Oriental Group." Mai Jingtao said: "The police don't care about the fair competition between the two in business, but if the commercial crime team, or serious crime team, O's If Xiaolun makes any moves, you must stop them immediately."

Yifu took a deep look at Mai Jingtao, nodded: "No problem."

"Pleasant to work with."

With a smile on his face, Mai Jingtao bent down, bent over and offered his right hand.

Yifu held Mai Jingtao's hand, feeling even more pitiful for him.

"Pleasant to work with."

Mai Jingtao stood up with a smile, and said, "Let's go first, there are still documents to look at in the office."

Yifu got up and sent him to the door together, and greeted him: "Mai sir, let's watch the horse race together when we have time."


Mai Jingtao readily agreed, and said: "Next time, I will introduce you to the president of Wharf."

"Thank you, sir." With a smile on his face, Yifu raised his hand at the door to salute, and said very decently: "Goodbye, sir."


Mai Jingtao left the office of the senior assistant director, somewhat complacent in his heart. Isn't his trick of borrowing flowers and presenting Buddha a good one?Use the five points of shares sent by Wharf to enter the police force fund to become a member of the board of directors, and then you can slowly operate it, and maybe you can use the police union for your own use.

Unfortunately, he did not know the relationship between the Police Fund and the Chinese Police Fund.Competing with the Chinese Police Fund for business is not robbing the Police Fund for business?You must know that not only all the money in the police fund is borrowed from the Eastern Bank, but also the money in the police fund is in turn entrusted to the Chinese Police Fund.In the future, the Police Fund may carry out investment projects independently, but so far it is under full custody, which is equivalent to holding each other and buying the income rights of the Chinese Police Fund.

The annual revenue of the Chinese Police Fund directly affects the income of the police fund and the pocketbooks of the high-level government officials.At present, the board of directors of the police fund is composed of people sent by the government, but the police union has already registered police officers sent by the army.Although the military faction has not entered the board of directors, Jian Baoning, the deputy director of operations, is the vice chairman of the labor union.It is foreseeable that the military faction will enter the police fund board of directors in the future. The government faction headed by Yifu already has the possibility of cooperating with the military faction.

"He sir, are you free to go out for a cup of coffee together?" Yifu closed the wooden door of the office and immediately called the operation department.He Dingxian held a document in his left hand, picked up the phone with his right hand, and said briskly, "No problem, when is it?"

"Right now, Zhonghuan is waiting for you." Yifu said, hung up the phone, picked up a suit jacket, and hurriedly left the police station.

Half an hour later, Central, Bay Cafe.

He Dingxian came to the door by car, opened the door, stepped out of the car, entered the coffee shop, and waved to the officer at the corner.Yifu was wearing a gray suit and a black tie. He sat on the chair and smiled, returned the menu to the waiter, and said, "Two cups of latte."

"Okay, sir." The waiter put away the menu and turned to leave.He Dingxian pulled out the chair, sat across from him, and said, "Sir Yifu, what's the matter, you made an appointment outside on purpose?"

"There are no plainclothes police?" He looked around, looking around.Yifu took out a folder, pushed it over, and said with a smile: "It's not good to talk about business matters in the police force, let's have a look first."

He Dingxian nodded, picked up the folder, and opened it. The more he looked, the more surprised he became. He raised his eyelids and said in disbelief, "Where did it come from?"

"Sir Mai sent it."

Yifu said: "One hour ago, Sir Mai came to my office with a document, hoping that I could help the Star Ferry Company obtain a license plate. The main purpose is to guard against the Chinese police, because the opponent of the Star Ferry is you."

He Dingxian was not angry, but put down the documents, took out a cigarette in his hand, and said with a light smile: "I have always wanted to acquire the Star Ferry Company, but I never thought that the first stake would come from my opponent."

"Yifu sir." He handed out a cigarette, lit a match, lit it for the officer, and said, "However, there is something wrong with what you said just now. What do you mean by guarding against you? You are guarding against us!"

Yifu exhaled smoke and sat on a chair with a cigarette between his fingers. His expression was slightly astonished, but he immediately smiled and said, "Oh, Sir He is right. Sir Mai doesn't know the relationship between the Chinese Police Fund and the Police Fund. They want to use equity to sow discord between us."

"Naive." He Dingxian probed the soot with a disdainful expression: "He has no experience, so let him see it."

Yifu nodded: "He will also take this opportunity to join the board of directors, hoping to regain his influence in the police force by taking advantage of his position."

He Dingxian laughed lightly: "Now the government has you talking about it, and the army has Sir Jian, and everyone will give him face if he says it's both. What qualifications does he have to regain power?" In fact, if you want to break it down, there are Chinese in the police force One faction, adding up to four factions, is very confusing.To a certain extent, it is indeed the situation that Mai Sir hoped at the earliest, that there is me in you, and you in there.But the reality is that there is me in you, but there is no you in me!
In addition to his advantages in public office, Mai Jingtao has been completely overshadowed by the middle and lower levels.In terms of political thinking, there are actually only two of the four factions, one is the traditional colonial faction, and the other is the new generation of Chinese forces.

Whether it is Yifu, Jian Baoning, or Ge Bai, they are all abandoning the traditional colonial faction and moving closer to the Chinese forces. It can be said that they are pro-China factions, but they are still a part of the Chinese forces.The puppet army is the same as the Japanese army!

As time changes, Chinese forces in the police force will dominate, and British police officers will also be divided into pro-China faction and neo-colonial faction.An important feature of the neo-colonial faction will be to recognize the strength of the Chinese and to serve the ancestral family's goal of infiltrating Hong Kong Island in the next stage.

From occupation to penetration.

This is a shift in political strategy.

The neo-colonial faction will be more insidious, more covert, and cunning. On the surface, they cooperate with the Chinese, but in private, their mission is to disrupt the law and order of Hong Kong Island and specialize in making big news.Some neo-colonial officials are hidden in the pro-China faction, or have been transformed by pro-China faction bureaucrats.

If Yifu, Jian Baoning and others are smart enough, in fact, they can already have a glimpse of the future situation of the police force.If you are willing to take the initiative to come over, the benefits will definitely not be less.

"He sir, what are you going to do?" After the waiter finished serving the coffee, Yifu took a puff of his cigarette and narrowed his eyes.He Dingxian smiled and said, "You are in charge and tell the people in the licensing department who the license should belong to."

"Let the Star Ferry people know that they are not qualified to join the police force."

Ifu picked up the coffee, took a sip, and said knowingly: "Yes, sir."

He Dingxian didn't stay in the coffee shop for long, took a sip of coffee, then turned and left.

This kind of small matter is very convenient to take care of. None of the projects that the Chinese Police Fund is eyeing will be snatched away.Unless the opponent has the power to hurt the power structure of the police force and cannot shuffle the cards, then let the cards be shuffled!
that evening.

Yifu drove out of the police station in a BMW car, and did not return to the villa in the southern district, but drove directly to the entrance of the office building of the Council and parked there.The Government Affairs Bureau, Finance Bureau, Licensing Section and other institutions under the Conference Bureau all work in the building.

When the staff in suits and leather shoes, carrying briefcases, walked out of the door one after another to stop the car.Yifu's driver sat in the driver's seat, but looked at a few photos and kept comparing them.When a man in a black suit, with brown hair, dark skin, and some Latino ancestry walked out of the building.The driver handed the photo to the chief officer of the co-driver, and said, "Sir, the man has come out."

"Ask him to get in the car and have a chat." Yifu was wearing plain clothes, with a casual tone.The driver immediately opened the door, got out of the car and walked towards Andrew, who was about to pick up the car, stood in front of him, showed his ID and said, "Hello, I am Superintendent of the Safety Division of the Police Department, Adrian."

Andrew put away the car keys in a panic, stretched out his hand and said, "Hello, I'm Andrew."

"The Commercial Crime Unit has an unfair competition case. I hope you will cooperate with our investigation. Is it okay?" Adrian put away his documents and looked back at the car.Andrew followed his gaze, thinking about the relationship between the commercial crime team and the security department, but Adrian had already led him to the door of the car and said, "A few minutes."

"it is good."

In a nervous mood, Andrew opened the car door, sat in the back row, and looked at the co-driver.Yifu casually threw out a document, which contained some deposit records.

"I heard that you have a good relationship with the Star Ferry Company?"

Andrew looked at those record sheets, flustered, and immediately retorted: "Sir, the Commercial Investigation Section has no right to investigate public officials, not to mention that I am still the section chief of the License Section, so it is not normal to have a little investment income?"

"It's quite normal." Yifu said with a smile: "Our target is only the Star Ferry Company, and it doesn't involve you. I came here to see you today, just to do some routine investigations."

"However, if a public official is connected with a corruption case, what will the Hong Kong Governor's Office of the Audit Office think? Should you go to court to file a lawsuit? Will it affect your work within the Government Affairs Bureau?"

Andrew was also a little panicked when he heard the words, and asked, "Are you the superintendent of the Commercial Crime Unit?"

"No." Yifu shook his head: "I am the person in charge of the Hong Kong Island District, Senior Assistant Director!"

Andrew looked at the gentle, gentle and gentlemanly officer in front of him, and blurted out, "Sir, can you let me go?"

"Ha ha."

Yifu said: "I came to you today to remind you? However, if you want me to let you go, first of all, you have to learn to let go of yourself. Is there any way to grant the license to the Yau Ma Tei Ferry Company? You know, we may not be good at solving crimes, but making trouble for someone can definitely ruin a family."

(End of this chapter)

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