History of Hong Kong Island

Chapter 441 Lou Wang and Lou Hua

Chapter 441 Lou Wang and Lou Hua


Staring at the young man in front of him, Zhou Xinian sighed in his heart. It seems that after he led the chamber of commerce to repel the British capital last time, he already had a great prestige in the chamber of commerce, and he was able to organize the chamber of commerce to fight an offensive.

If this attack is won and Hua Zi can rob Gui Lao for the first time, then no one can shake his prestige in the chamber of commerce.

"Thank you."

"At that time, Congressman Zhou will have to support him more."

He Dingxian drank the wine with a smile.

In fact, there was an important reason why he was able to announce in public that he would unite with the chamber of commerce, that is, all chambers of commerce had been damaged in the financial war, and everyone was suffocating.

Not only did the four major families want to give British capital a warning, but all Chinese capital also wanted to fight back.

Ghosts are worse.

The cooler they are.

A thing that conforms to public opinion, no worries about no support
There is no need for conspiracy and tricks in the world.

"However, if we want to launch an attack on the British capital, we have to wait for a while for the Chinese capital to recover." He Dingxian knew in his heart: "Although the Chinese capital escaped from the financial war, a lot of funds have flowed out, and the collective has created a conservative atmosphere."

"When people have insufficient cash on hand, they will reduce their investment. What's more, just because of the financial crisis in the property market, they will naturally feel more nervous. It's not like being bitten by a snake once and afraid of well ropes for ten years. There is no money to come up with offensive funds in time."

After detonating the geopolitical crisis, the British capital fled, and the Chinese capital was willing to take out the money to buy the bottom.

Since the Hong Kong government still has 30 years of rule, the British capital fled for a while, so they must come back and continue to invest.Like Hong Kong Island, there are not many cities that are experiencing economic upswings and shipping advantages during the period of port explosions.

The British colonies are the only ones like this, which caused the British capital to flee and return several times.Just as foreign capital flees from the mainland and will return later, hot money will always flock to areas with the highest rate of return.

What the Chinese capital has to do is to win the market, keep the wealth created by the Chinese with blood and sweat, and prevent foreign capital from sucking blood into the economy.

In financial warfare, native assets are inherently just.

But now even if the bosses of the Chamber of Commerce are all self-sufficient, it is still unknown how much money they will be able to spend to buy bottoms. If there is less money, first of all, they will not be able to cut off the British capital.

Second, if the market cannot be supported, the market will hit the bottom and the economy will plummet.

It is not easy to restore the market value in a short time, but it will affect the future development of Hong Kong Island. In the long run, it is a bit of a steal.Therefore, in order to ensure the effectiveness of the attack on the British capital, it is necessary to give the Chinese capital a little time to accumulate strength.

It will take at least half a year to a year to smooth out the impact of the last financial war.

A month later.

Luo Wenhui, Jian Leqiang, and Luo Wenjin all proposed regulations to strengthen the safety of bank funds in the Legislative Council. There are a total of [-] articles, also known as the "Banking Regulatory Clause".After the clause was proposed by the Legislative Council, it was submitted to the financial bureau committee under its jurisdiction for review and voting. Except for Luo Wenhui's approval in the first vote, the remaining seven members were all against it.

The Hong Kong Island Legislative Council system adopts a hierarchical system. There are many committees under the Legislative Council, such as the Education Committee, the Transportation Advisory Committee, which proposed the ferry fare increase, and the Finance Committee in charge of the Financial Services Bureau.

The Legislative Council itself is responsible for the "Criminal Law" of Hong Kong Island and the future "Basic Law", and has the right to propose amendments to relevant regulations. The laws related to the operation of various departments, such as the "Police Act" and the "Bank Supervision Regulations", are all Issued by the Legislative Council to various groups for discussion, revision, and voting.

At present, Hong Kong Island uses the contents of the "Emperor's Promise", "Order of the Privy Council", "Royal Instructions", "Special Articles on the Expansion of Hong Kong Island's Boundary Site", and "Nanjing Treaty" as the "supreme constitution" to ensure that the Great Britain The orthodox jurisprudence of Hong Kong Island.

Later, the Sino-British Joint Declaration will also be at the constitutional level.

Kan Leqiang is a member of the Transportation Advisory Committee, Luo Wenjin is a member of the Disciplined Services Committee, and Luo Wenhui is a member of the Finance Committee. Members of the group are elected every two years, and the replacement is faster than the tenure of members to prevent members from colluding with the supervised party.

If you don't know how to bribe, you can't find the right person. However, lobbying parliamentarians has always been the biggest sales of many companies and government departments to the public every year.

"The [-] regulatory clauses this time are not only implemented for Chinese, but also for the supervision of ghosts. Naturally, one vote of ghosts in the Finance Committee will not vote for it." Luo Wenhui is sitting in the office of Luo Wenjin's barrister's office , wearing a suit, crossed his legs, and said in a calm tone: "After all, British capital is the beneficiary of the barbaric market at present. Various types of fund embezzlement and illegal sales of financial products can bring a lot of profits every year."

Wearing glasses, Luo Wenjin said politely: "It doesn't matter, now we only need to propose, revise, and be responsible for advancing."

"Adults will not reason with children, and hope to control children forever. Reason is the rule between two adults. The British capital refused to discuss the rules with us, because they have not yet taken our performance seriously."


"It will make them face up to it."

the end of the month.

Lixin Real Estate, Huo Xiantang Real Estate, and Eastern Bank signed a "Real Estate Development Cooperation Agreement", with Eastern Bank as the guarantor, guaranteeing that the two properties have the ability to sell "unplanned properties".If the real estate project developed under its subsidiary fails to be completed on schedule after the pre-sale of the "off-plan", and there is a break in funds, Eastern Bank will advance the funds until the building is handed over.

The "off-plan flats" that Hong Kong people are familiar with are also "pre-sale houses" in Chinese culture, and the "off-plan house" system appeared in newspapers for the first time.

Starting from "unplanned flats", real estate is completely labeled as a financial product, and financial valuations appear in house prices.

Because, from the purchase of real estate to the sale, financial instruments are used for the first time. Since financial instruments are used, they are financial products in a substantial sense.When the sales flyer showed that a 3-square-foot house on a land reclamation land in West Kowloon could be purchased for only [-] yuan, customers in the Kowloon City area flocked to buy a house with their entire family savings.

Houses of the same location and size are currently priced at 5000 yuan. The [-] yuan saved by buying "off-plan properties" is already a huge sum of money for many home buyers. During the ups and downs, it will definitely be sold cheaper than the existing houses in the same period, and during the upswing period of the property market, it will definitely be sold at a higher price than ordinary existing houses.

The two-to-three-year period of property recovery can be largely accepted by customers under the expectation of "saving money" or "making money".You must know that there are at least 100 million citizens in the shantytowns in the New Territories and Kowloon who need to improve their housing!

These 100 million people are accumulating living capital by washing dishes, moving goods, and doing coolies. The first thing to do when they have money is to move out of the shanty towns that frequently catch fire and "go upstairs" to live in new houses.

The real estate market on Hong Kong Island has huge potential. After a little stimulation, it immediately stopped falling and rebounded. A group of real estate banks and bosses became active again. Factories, vigorously develop the electrical industry.

Real estate bosses can only look at the real estate industry.

He Dingxian is the boss of the banking industry. He holds the lifeline of the Chinese-funded economy. Naturally, he can't buy what is hot. He uses real estate to earn money from citizens, and then invests in emerging industries such as electrical appliances and manufacturing. It is a healthy economic cycle to earn money from the public through retail and retail sales.

Everyone has a job, and everyone has food.

If you only use real estate to draw blood and do not cultivate new industries, in the end, the bubble will burst sooner or later, and you will have to spit out what you eat. In fact, the industrial income of a city and the average income of residents have always been marked against the upper limit of the property market.
Sometimes, whether a region is strong or not can really be seen by looking at property prices.

Whether the management of a district has a conscience can be seen by looking at the property purchases. Sometimes, if you have land, don’t complain that you can’t afford the property. The property price is high, but it’s just that you can’t afford it!

"This time I want to sell off-plan properties, but the ghost from the Urban Construction Department still doesn't agree."

Lixin Real Estate.

Huo Guantai threw a copy on the table, and said aloud: "I spent a lot of money, and finally negotiated with Dongfang Bank. I obtained a pre-sale license and can issue uncompleted properties."

Previously, Huo Guantai had always had the idea of ​​releasing uncompleted properties, but was suppressed by He Dingxian. After the financial war, he could naturally adapt to the times and sell uncompleted properties to stimulate the recovery of the property market, which would benefit the Hong Kong economy.

However, the "off-plan" system has investment risks at first glance. The biggest risk is that developers embezzle property funds instead of doing development, and run away with money, leaving a pile of unfinished buildings.However, under the game between ghosts and Chinese capital, a more fair consumption environment for citizens has been created.

For example, from the very beginning, the uncompleted property system on Hong Kong Island has required bank guarantees to assume "unlimited joint and several liability". If no bank is willing, the real estate company will not be able to obtain the right to uncompleted properties.This is also why Huo Guantai was the only one who wanted to be an uncompleted property in the early days of Hong Kong Island and dared to be an uncompleted property. Because he used to hold the thigh of HSBC, and now he has the backing of Oriental Bank.If a capital does not have a powerful financial institution to operate, it will often encounter constraints.

If the trader and the real estate developer are a group of people, the bank only assumes the supervision responsibility, but not the real joint and several liability. Unexpectedly, many times people yell at the inventor of the "unplanned flat", but in fact, financial tools are just tools. Talent is the key!
Hong Kong Island is the birthplace of uncompleted properties, and unfinished properties are actually rare
He Dingxian opened the sales report on the desktop and saw that more than 200 houses were sold within a month of the release of the off-plan. He couldn't help but feel secretly happy, and said with a smile: "Brother Tai, you are out of the plan, and it is difficult for others to learn."

"Everyone calls you the King of Buildings now."

Huo Guantai shook his head with a cigarette in his mouth: "If the four major foreign firms are not destroyed, who dares to be king among the Chinese?"


"Then hurry up."

He still holds a financial means of "Instalment", which is a magic stroke for the establishment of "Sun Hung Kai". Exciting too much.

At least we have to wait ten or eight years for the real estate market to digest it. As for the "public sharing", it is not a financial means, but a "tax policy" proposed to cooperate with the ghost government. It is useless except for selling more land. .

Hong Kong Island's subsequent abolition of public pools also proved the original policy wrong.

Hong Kong Island only, please do not read too much.

(End of this chapter)

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