when reincarnation invades

Chapter 212 This Taste Is Too Heavy

Chapter 212 This Taste Is Too Heavy

Although Lin Bin asked Gu Yuan to help him inquire about the props to cure Lin Xue's legs, in fact, he really didn't put his hopes on him.

The main reason was that he planned to cheat him at the time. If he behaved too impartially, it might arouse his suspicion.


Appropriately giving some requests can reduce his suspicion.

But who knew that there was no hope, but hope came instead.

It was past six in the evening.

Lin Bin didn't even have time to eat, so he rushed to the affiliated hospital of the Samsara Space Association.

Gu Yuan had already been waiting at the door for a long time.

Seeing Lin Bin, he beckoned to him...

Relying on the reincarnation watches on their wrists, the two easily entered the reincarnation hospital exclusively for reincarnations.

Gu Yuan walked and said: "Brother, you are kind to big brother, big brother will naturally remember it in my heart, even with your matter, big brother, I will help you seriously... In fact, before entering the B-185 plane Before, I sent messages to my old friends one by one to inquire, but you also know that we reincarnation practitioners have been practicing for several months, so unless it is a coincidence, it is difficult to get an immediate response."

He sighed: "When I sent the message, this brother Li was in the secret realm. When he replied to my message, I was fighting with the apostles in the secret realm again. When I came out, I saw the good news he gave me. , He has entered the secret realm again... So in fact, the news has been obtained a long time ago, but it was only yesterday that we actually got in touch, no, I will bring you here as soon as I confirm the details of the matter."


Gu Yuan deeply felt that Lin Bin treated him with heart and soul, so the detailed explanation was not because he didn't try his best to handle his affairs, but because the work cycle was stretched too long.

Lin Bin was worried about another aspect.

He asked, "That Li Si is in the hospital... Could it be that he was injured?"

"This... you will know the specifics when you go to the place."

Gu Yuan sighed and said: "This is also one of the unexpected things. Originally, according to my friendship with him, I just asked for a pill, even if I don't give anything, it's nothing, but when he replied to my message He was in excellent condition, but who knew that such a big accident happened during the experience in the secret realm, causing him to be seriously injured. I am worried that what if he took the Yin-Yang Dragon Profound Pill for himself in order to treat his injury? If that's the case, wouldn't I have broken my promise? That's why I contacted you in a hurry, because I was afraid that if he took the pill by himself, if his injury was serious, we could actually exchange it for him. A healing tool."

Yin Yang Dragon Profound Pill?
Upon hearing this, Lin Bin already knew the origin of the elixir.

Indeed, it is said that after taking this elixir, it will not take full effect immediately, but will continue to repair the damaged parts of the body.

In a way, this elixir is the nemesis of those old wounds.

And if it comes from the Doupo plane, the level of strength is not low, at least much stronger than the Tang family's secret realm, and the possibility of healing Lin Xue's leg is indeed extremely high.

"How is his injury?"

Lin Bin glanced at the entrance of the nearby supermarket, and wondered if he should carry a fruit basket there?

But think about it...

When someone else was injured, he wanted the healing medicine from the other party's hand. In a sense, this was considered an offense.

That is to say, Gu Yuan spoke from it, otherwise Lin Bin might not have had such an exaggerated idea.

"I don't know, he just replied to me and came out. He is in the hospital... I will send another message and he will not reply. I am afraid the injury should be serious."

"Let's go."

The two arrived at the front desk.

After a short inquiry, he found Li Si's bed number.

ICU room.

Lin Bin couldn't help but sink slightly, and even Gu Yuan's face darkened.

Obviously, he did not expect Li Si's injury to be so serious.

Especially after arriving in the ICU room, I looked at Li Si who was lying on the hospital bed, with almost half of his chest cavity mutilated, completely soaked in nutrient solution to maintain his life.

Gu Yuan was surprised: "Old Li, which red secret realm did you break into, and how did you get hurt so badly?"

Li Si, who seemed to have died without his own consciousness, slowly opened his eyes, just knocking his eyelids open, but to him, it seemed that he had exhausted all his strength.

He gave Gu Yuan a weak look.

He smiled lowly and said, "Is it miserable? It's a blessing to be able to come back alive. I came back alive, and I can still talk to you here. It's better than Team Sun and the others..."

Gu Yuan was startled and said, "Brother Sun..."


Li Si closed his eyes and smiled miserably.

After laughing a few times, I couldn't help coughing in a low voice, and after a long while, I continued intermittently: "They are all dead... I am the only survivor, I am the only one alive... Hahahaha, I am the only one alive... "


Gu Yuan's face suddenly became dull.

Half shocked, half embarrassed.

Even Lin Bin, who had been silent all this time, had a strange expression on his face.

Group destroyed? !
I don't know how many people are in this Li Si's team, but he can make friends with Gu Yuan. He said that Li Si is also a saint-level reincarnation, and his teammates are obviously no worse than him.

Unexpectedly, they all died.

But in this way...

No matter how thick-skinned he was, no matter how much he needed it, he was too embarrassed to ask for that Yin-Yang Profound Dragon Pill.

On the contrary, Li Si looked up at Lin Bin.

Asked: "Is he the reincarnator Abin who you mentioned earlier, who rose to fame recently?"


"Do you want my pill?"

Gu Yuan glanced at Lin Bin.

With a long sigh, he stretched out his hand and patted his shoulder lightly, and sighed: "Don't talk about it, you can keep the elixir for yourself, alas... I really didn't expect that your experience would be so dangerous this time." This level is simply... Brother Abin, have you seen it? The strength of the saint-level reincarnation is far superior to that of the extraordinary, but the dangers of the secret realm we have experienced are far from what the reincarnation of the mortal realm can match. Shen, it's a matter of life and death."

From this sentence, it can be seen that Gu Yuan really treats Lin Bin as a brother.

At this time, do not forget to warn.

Lin Bin nodded and said, "Thank you, brother, for your suggestion."

Li Si's breathing suddenly became fast. He stared at Lin Bin and asked, "Have you broken through to the holy level?"

Lin Bin nodded.

"This...so fast, I remember that you became a reincarnator in less than two years..."

"You know it well."

"I arranged for my daughter to enter the Reincarnation Association. She is your fan. She always talks about you in front of me, and always compares me with you. She said that you broke through and became a saint 3.7 times faster than me, so you are better than me." I am 3.7 times stronger...I naturally know it clearly."

Speaking of his daughter, the gloomy expression on Li Si's face became a little brighter.

He smiled wryly, "Now that I'm useless, you're probably 37 times stronger than me."

After laughing at himself, Li Si's expression quickly turned serious.

Staring at Lin Bin, he asked, "Do you want the Yin-Yang Profound Dragon Pill?"

"You are so seriously injured, you should keep this medicine and take it yourself, I will think of another way."

"You don't need to think of other ways. I didn't take the elixir. As long as you help me accomplish one thing, I can give you this elixir for free."

Li Si's mood suddenly became excited.

A blush appeared on his face, and he said excitedly: "My injuries are too serious, and my internal organs have been damaged to varying degrees. Even if I recover, there is no hope of becoming a reincarnation again, so I did not take that pill, but plan to Slowly recuperate, apply for retirement after the injury recovers, then use this elixir to sell it for a good price, plus the association's pension, save a little, but you can barely live the kind of playing piano and chess advertised by the Samsara Association Retirement life, but...but if you want this elixir, I can give it to you, as long as you take revenge for me...no, for Captain Sun, Lao Zhou and the others!"

Lin Bin asked in confusion, "Revenge?"

Gu Yuan frowned, and reprimanded: "Old Li, you are not authentic. Your five-person team is all the elites of the Samsara Association, and even the five of you are almost wiped out. You let Abin go ...Isn't this pushing him to death? Your elixir is not worth the price."

"We were plotted against, resulting in internal strife, the enemy's strength is not as strong as imagined, and... what I want is the destruction of that world, and if I want the destruction of that world, I don't necessarily need to directly confront that tree demon grandma !"

"Grandma Dryad?"

Lin Bin paused when he heard the words, and asked in surprise, "Could it be Lanruo Temple where your group was destroyed?"

Li Si glanced at Lin Bin in surprise, and asked, "How do you know?"

"I just happened to hear about this world!"

Lin Bin nodded and said, "Yin-Yang Profound Dragon Pill, right? Yes, I can enter that world and try my best to help you kill Grandma the Dryad, but as the elder brother mentioned, this pill is not worth the price, so I agree You, but you need to give me the elixir now, and I will go to the secret realm for you, whether it succeeds or fails, it is regarded as a deal with you."

"Then if you go inside and stroll around, then come out..."

"If I enter, I will waste my quota in the secret realm, but there is something I can do, and I will definitely not steal and play tricks, but if there is something I can't do, and I can wipe out the five of you, the possibility of my success should be Not big, right? Or maybe it’s just a hope for you, and you didn’t expect me to succeed, did you?”

Gu Yuan also helped to persuade: "Old Li, you can trust my brother's integrity. You were injured and came here to recuperate just after leaving the secret realm. You may not be clear about it. During this period of time, I had conflicts with the apostle, thanks to this brother. Help me find out the news and organize a team, otherwise, I won't be able to take revenge so quickly, you can trust him!"

Li Si smiled wryly.

He sighed and said, "Actually, this is all my fault. If I hadn't been indulging in the beauty of the tree demon grandma, how could it have caused our team to fight among ourselves, and then ended up like this? If I don't avenge this revenge, I won't do it in this life." I'll let myself go... even if it's just a hope, give up my pension, even if I die immediately, what is there to be afraid of? Good! With Gu's endorsement, I believe in you, I believe that you will never let me down!"

Lin Bin looked at Li Si with a look of shock in his eyes.

Indulging in... the dryad grandma... still beautiful?

He always thought that his taste was strong enough, but he didn't expect that he was so weak compared to Li Si in front of him.

Li Si turned to look at the cabinet on one side, and said, "The elixir is inside, I originally planned to ask my daughter to sell it, but now I give it to you.

"Thank you Mr. Li."

Lin Bin nodded, got up and opened the cabinet, and saw a pure white glazed porcelain bottle about the size of a palm inside.

Take it over and open it up.

Immediately there was a strange fragrance.

A elixir that emits light fluorescence, surrounded by a myriad of dense surroundings, as if surrounded by dragons, seems to be much more powerful than the previous Da Huan elixir.

[Yin-Yang Xuanlong Pill (a-level prop): The seventh-grade elixir of Doupo Dimension, which contains rich dragon energy and extremely strong medicinal properties, and can be used for continuous treatment of patients. 】

[Note: Where did you get hurt?I will cure you slowly. 】

Sure enough, this is a special medicine for old injuries and difficult diseases.

And it's still A grade!
Lin Bin put away the elixir, turned around and said: "I will accept the elixir, you can sort out your information and give it to me. I dare not promise you anything, but as long as there is even a chance, I will never Will give up easily! You can rest assured about this."

"With your words, I am relieved."

Li Si nodded and said, "I'm tired, let me think about it, come back in three days."

Lin Bin said seriously: "Thank you!"

"Brother, let's go."

Gu Yuan patted Lin Bin's shoulder and said, "Let him rest."

The two left the ward.

Lin Bin said seriously: "Brother, thank you very much."

At this moment, he was truly grateful to Gu Yuan.

You know, an A-level item is exchanged for entering a killing-level secret realm to practice.

In a sense, it was actually Lin Bin who made the money, but Gu Yuan's words were not worth the price, and Li Si couldn't refute it because of the heavy loss, which gave Lin Bin a chance to bargain.

at the moment.

Lin Xue's chance of recovery is at hand.

Lin Bin took a deep look at Gu Yuan, thinking that you threatened me once, but I also cheated you once... no... twice... not right... three times?four times?Or five times?
Too many to remember.

But we've evened it out.

If you really treat me with sincerity in the future, I will never use you as a tool again.

Therefore, he did bring a bit of sincerity to the phrase "big brother".

On the contrary, it was Gu Yuan who sighed: "Brother, you promised too well. I have actually heard of this killing-level secret realm. It was just a very simple killing-level secret realm at the beginning. It is between white and white. Among the red secret realms, but in just a few years, it has become a red secret realm, and this time, it seems that the difficulty inside has increased a lot, and it may be upgraded to a nightmare-level secret realm in a while! "

"But in the current reincarnation space, healing items are really rare, especially this kind of medicine that happens to be aimed at my sister. If I don't catch it, I may have to wait another three years!"

Lin Bin said: "Brother, don't worry, I'm quite sure, even if it doesn't work, it's not a problem for me to escape... I'll give my sister the pill first when I go back. If it really doesn't work, he just wants to find someone If I want the pill, it won’t work, so I will compensate him from other sources, anyway, I will do my best, and I will never force it.”

"I hope you will remember this sentence, he is my friend, and I also regard you as a brother, so it is not easy to be biased, but before you plan to enter, you'd better have a good chat with him, ask for some strategies, maybe you can have some It might be of great help.”


Lin Bin nodded.

I can see that Lin Bin's heart is like an arrow.

Gu Yuan didn't say much, just patted him on the shoulder again, and said: "I still have some matters about the apostles that need to be coordinated with the Samsara Association. I'm afraid I won't be able to come in three days. Then you will talk to the apostles." Let's negotiate with him, remember, the crisis of the Saint-level secret realm is not at the same level as the Transcendent realm, so be careful!"

"Thanks for the tip, brother!"

Lin Bin watched Gu Yuan leave, then impatiently got into the car, kicked the gas pedal and ran towards home.

With the elixir in hand, he couldn't wait for Lin Xue to take it.

arrive home.

Concubine Yan was the only one at home at this time.

In just over a month, she has already integrated into the real world very well.

At the moment, she was wearing a beige sweater cardigan, skinny jeans, and her slender hair was casually tied into a ponytail with a headband, swaying behind her buttocks with her movements.

That figure is really extraordinarily slender and graceful.

Especially the headband, although he knew it was a decent headband, but its style always reminded Lin Bin of some kind of women's clothing.

That is, there is something urgent, otherwise he would have to be amazed.

At this time, Concubine Yan was wearing a mask and was supervising the painters to spray paint.

During this period of time, she also had a lot of money in her hands, and bought a lot of clothes for Gao Yue...

But the room is too narrow, so I can only buy a temporary simple wardrobe for the time being.

Therefore, the progress of the decoration is also rushed.

After asking, Lin Bin found out that Lin Xue and the landlady went to cheer for Nie Wanrong today in the mock exam of the college entrance examination.

"Then just wait."

Lin Bin paused for a moment, his eyes swept up and down on Concubine Yan.

"What's the matter, brother Bin?"

Concubine Yan saw that Lin Bin's gaze was wrong, she turned around and looked around, wondering, "Where is it dirty?"

"No... It's just that there are some things that I need to tell you in advance."

Lin Bin has already planned to formally invite Concubine Yan to join his team.

After all, a reliable support, and a milk with a strong output ability, obeys his advice and never refute... He is reluctant to let go.

But this time it was because of his own personal affairs.

Knowing that it is the plane of A Chinese Ghost Story, no matter which timeline the first part is in, Lin Bin is absolutely sure to get out of it, which is why he agreed so simply.

But this matter has nothing to do with Concubine Yan, especially her strength is strong, but she is still a little short of the holy level, so it may be bad if she enters rashly.

He tactfully told Concubine Yan about the matter.

"Yes...is that so? The secret realm is too dangerous next time, and Fei Yan's strength is insufficient, so can't I enter?"

Concubine Yan didn't refute or do anything else when she heard the words, but a bit of loneliness appeared in her eyes, and then she turned resolute, and said: "Fei Yan understands, then the next time the plane Fei Yan will try to let her strength break through to become a saint as soon as possible." At that time, I will be able to fight side by side with Brother Bin, Fei Yan has already noticed the existence of the bottleneck, and it only takes a small opportunity to break through!"

Lin Bin comforted, "It's good that you don't get angry."

"It's because Fei Yan is too weak. Even if you are angry, you should be angry with yourself. Brother Bin rejects Fei Yan because he cares about Fei Yan. It's too late for Fei Yan to be grateful."

Really understanding.

Lin Bin nodded in satisfaction.

And Concubine Yan seemed to suddenly remember something, and said, "By the way, Brother Bin, the Sovereign Zhu came to visit today, and brought a woman who looked somewhat similar to her, and learned that Brother Bin was not here. , when she lets Brother Bin have some free time, go to Datang Town to find them!"

Lin Bin nodded and said, "I see, let's get down to business today and go tomorrow."

(End of this chapter)

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