when reincarnation invades

Chapter 264 No plot, the timeline is completely messed up

Chapter 264 Plot... No, the timeline is completely messed up
And at the same time.

In another world.

The fierce battle has been going on for quite a long time.

The brilliance of the infinite gemstones flashed continuously, and every time it flashed, the whole world trembled.

This is the power gathered by the six infinite gems. It is so powerful that it has even surpassed the level of the town and country, and it can easily rewrite the world.

With such a powerful power, even the world trembled under its terrifying power.

The owner of the Infinity Stones is none other than Vision!
Or it could be said that Ultron is more appropriate... After all, the body of Vision was originally created by Ultron for himself, but it was taken away by someone halfway.

In this world, Vision was not born, and superheroes failed to stop Ultron.

Ever since, the most perfect Ultron... was born.

At this time, Ultron was wearing a black vibrating gold armor, with infinite gems of different colors inlaid on his chest and forehead!
The body created entirely by Zhenjin can perfectly counteract the backlash caused by using the infinite gem... It is also because of this that his strength has been raised to an extremely astonishing level.

Even if his opponents are different superheroes from different universes.

But in fact, no one dared to fight him head-on, they only harassed and attacked him from the side, and never confronted him head-on.

Obviously, in terms of absolute power, even if the superheroes from different universes join forces, they can never be his opponent...

In fact, the reason why they can still compete with Ultron is entirely because Ultron was directly taken away from one of the six gems because of carelessness at the beginning.

There are only five infinity gems left, although the power is still strong, but it seems that only six people can perform the Tiangang Beidou Formation... It is always a bit lacking in taste.

This is also the reason why they can barely stalemate.

But even so, the superheroes were completely suppressed.

It's just that they never stop like a wheel battle, use fancy coordination to attack Ultron, and hit it with one hit, never stop... just because once it becomes a head-on confrontation, with their strength, it may be quite enough to last for a few breaths. Great thing.

Although from time to time, it can cause a lot of damage to Ao.

But this so-called harm...

Not to mention how much damage Uo Chuang can cause with a vibrating body, he even has a time gem on his body, which can restore his injuries to the original state.

"Continue to fight like this, and Ultron will not die until we are exhausted!"

And one of them, a middle-aged man with a medium build and shortness of breath, was Gu Yuan, whom Lin Bin had been looking for before.

It is obviously extremely reluctant to face Ultron, who is even stronger than Zhen Guo, with his power at the holy level.

But the protection of the golden runes suspended around his body is the blessing from the most supreme Book of Weishandi on the magic side, and there are many powerful and magical props on him...

Therefore, not only allowed him to fight Ultron, but also served as the main force in this battle.

After all, no matter how strong Ao Chuang is, once he is hand-to-hand with an ancient martial arts master, even if Ao Chuang knows all the fighting skills in the world, the composition of martial arts from different worlds still makes him suffer.

Because of this, his opinion is extraordinarily important.

He shouted loudly: "This can't work, we need help to delay Ultron's footsteps, otherwise, even if we get the soul gem from him, we won't have a chance to destroy it!"

"That's right, I have a way."

Many superheroes confronting Ultron are all from the Marvel plane, but they are obviously different parallel time and space.

Thor Tony, Star Lord T'Challa, Captain America Carter, and Gamora holding the tyrant's butcher knife...

And as the absolute main force.

The Doctor Strange in this world is completely different from the Doctor Strange in the orthodox Marvel plane.

His eyes are black and blue, his eyes are evil, and he exudes an ominous turbulent demonic energy all over his body. He looks even more evil and terrifying than the three-eyed Doctor Strange who has read the Book of Darkness.

"I understand what you mean, here we come."

He raised his hand and already drew the iconic teleportation circle.

A huge halo of light appeared from the top of Ultron's head...

next moment.

Like dumplings, countless zombies fell directly from the sky, smashing on Ao Chuang's body, and buried him alive at the bottom.

The mountain of corpses piled up higher and higher.

Until everyone is at the foot of the mountain, looking up, there is a sense of majesty and magnificence looking up at Mount Tai.

Gu Yuan was stunned, looking at the corpse that was pressed in the deepest part and seeing him as a living person, she desperately wanted to crawl this way, but she couldn't break free from the tearing of her companion.

Even if he is well-informed about such a spectacular sight, he has never seen such an act of throwing all the zombies in the whole world down.

And these zombies are clearly...

Gu Yuan's original intention was actually to say that we need someone to sacrifice himself to hold back Ultron's footsteps so that others can retreat safely.

But who knew that when the other party raised his hand, he directly recruited a large number of helpers.

Noticed Gu Yuan's dull eyes.

Doctor Strange explained: "These zombies come from another world that is about to be destroyed. All the human beings here have been transformed into zombie-like creatures. Anyway, they are no longer human beings, so they can be used as waste."

He turned around and drew another teleportation circle, and shouted: "Let's go quickly while these zombies temporarily hold Ultron back!"

Everyone hadn't had time to escape through the aperture.

In the crowd of zombies, an extremely fiery explosion suddenly broke out.

Gamora was stunned for a moment, staring fixedly at the group of zombies, for a moment, she seemed to be a little bewildered.

I saw the zombies falling.

A gigantic giant with more than three meters in length broke free from the crowd of zombies, roaring angrily... The infinity glove in his hand radiated the aura of infinite gems, directly blasting away all the zombies that hit him .

Then he looked left and right, as if looking for something.

"Help, save, save... help!"

Among the zombies.

A red metal mech rolled and tumbled all the way from the top of the mountain, and fell down with a grunt.

Rolling directly to the feet of everyone, this is considered to have stopped!

"What the hell is this place... um... who are you?"

Banner shook his head and manipulated the anti-Hulk armor to raise his head, looked at Carter in the uniform of Captain America, and Doctor Strange with an evil face, and said in shock: "Aren't you dead? And... you are the captain? When did you have the surgery?"

"Are you... Hulk?"

Others don't know each other, but although Doctor Strange is in charge of magic testing, he is obviously very familiar with this existence that often messes with science.

He was shocked: "Why did you appear here? Are you still alive? Wait... What is that?"

Under the shock, Doctor Strange didn't even care about maintaining the aperture. Captain Carter, who was about to enter it, had to slow down for a moment, otherwise he would have been caught in two.

No wonder Doctor Strange was shocked.

In fact, he was too familiar with the man above his head. He was the Thanos who once destroyed half of the universe.

But now he has been infected and turned into a zombie.

But there are still five infinite gems, which are at the same level as the current Ultron.

"Doctor, I praised you for your stability before."

Carter showed a somewhat speechless look on his face, and lamented: "As a result, you gave me such a show now... Do you think that Ultron is not exciting enough, so let's have a melee with Thanos?"

Thor also came over and asked curiously: "What should we do now? Why don't we let them eat dogs, and let's go and destroy the soul gem?"

"Does it make sense?"

Gamora let out a complicated sigh, and said, "You have recruited Thanos, that is to say, Ultron now has five gems in his hand, and Thanos has five gems in his hand. If the two of them If no one stops the fight, the winner will have 10 infinity gems. We took one soul gem from Ultron, but gave him another five. Who knows whether he will become stronger or weaker? "

T'Challa said with a speechless face: "Infinity gems are rotten."

"Wait...that's my brother!"

Gu Yuan's eyes suddenly lit up, and she looked into the distance.

I saw there, although a large number of zombies fell down, but one of them rushed out very lightly, using those zombies as a leverage point, and then caught a fair-skinned beauty in black. The man took advantage of the situation and sat on a black monster.

He quickly escaped from the place where the zombies fell, and galloped towards this side.

Isn't it Lin Bin?
When Thanos saw Lin Bin and found the person who had pestered and tortured him before, he roared angrily and rushed towards Lin Bin.

But it was only half way through.

Under the zombie mountain, light began to spread through the gaps, and it became stronger and stronger, as if the sun brewing with boundless power was slowly rising, and no one could stop its rising speed.



A loud bang.

Countless zombies were blasted out, and a large pile of zombies smashed on Thanos' body, burying him again.

"You... really pissed me off."

Ao Chuang clenched his fist and said angrily: "I can easily destroy the whole world, can't I kill you little reptiles?"

The voice has not fallen.

He was directly grabbed by the back of the collar, and then ruthlessly fell on the ground...

A loud bang.

That is to say, Ultron is a robot that doesn't need to breathe, otherwise just one blow can make him completely paralyzed.


Although he has become a zombie, Thanos' dignity as the overlord of the universe still exists, especially now that he has the identity of a zombie king.

Before he had time to trouble Lin Bin, he didn't expect someone to provoke him again.

How can Thanos be polite?Pressing Ultron, heavy fists rained down like rain...

Ren Ao Chuang struggled desperately, but couldn't break free from his shackles, and was beaten miserably for a while!
Being delayed.

Lin Bin was able to fly back into the crowd.

Seeing Gu Yuan, she sighed, "Brother Gu, you are really...let me find it easily."


"Brother, I found something just after I came out of the secret realm. It turns out that this secret realm is a trap specially arranged by the Kingdom of God to deal with you. They have already set up a net in this secret realm, waiting for you cast a net."

Lin Bin said with a worried face: "After I heard the news, I immediately entered this secret realm without hesitation, but I still couldn't find any news about you, Brother Gu. Sigh... now that you are safe, I am not sure what to do. It's reassuring."


Gu Yuan burst into tears with excitement.

Entering this secret realm, he saw zombies everywhere, and there were no clues related to Valkyrie at all. He immediately understood that he had fallen into the enemy's trap in his impatience.

But after entering the secret realm, you can only work hard to pass the level...

Later, he was invited by this space-time observer to assist him in destroying this Ultron and safeguarding the safety of the multiverse. At that time, the secret world was full of murderous intentions. In order to avoid disaster, he naturally agreed directly.

Unexpectedly, his good brother would go in to find him for his safety.


Gu Yuan patted Lin Bin's shoulder fiercely, full of emotion.

She was willing to go deep into danger for him.

This favor...

His life is not over yet.

talking room.

Intense roar exploded in the distance.

Ultron finally broke free from the shackles of Thanos, and fought fiercely with him.

He is also the holder of the five Infinity Stones, and the missing ones are all Soul Stones.

In terms of strength and combat ability, there is no doubt that Thanos is far above Ultron.

But Ao Chuang's body is made of vibrating gold, and its defense is far superior to that of Thanos. In addition, when he uses infinite gems, he is completely immune to any backlash.

A fierce battle between the two sides.

You used the power gem to crush my body, I used the time gem to recover from the injury, and then also used the space gem to split you in half...

The dependence between the two parties is exactly the same.

One has the most sophisticated brain calculations, and the other has the most instinctive combat IQ that completely abandons intelligence.

The battle is also evenly matched.

The fight between you and me is extremely tragic.

After a short meeting to recognize relatives.

Banner also came over. As a top scientist, he naturally knew about parallel universes, but this was just a scientific deduction, and it was unexpected that they actually existed.

It's just that this world is even worse than his world...

Moreover, the people here are all very strange to him. Although it is not without familiar people, such as a certain Hammer Thor, this frivolous and frivolous guy seems to be completely different from the reckless tiger and Thor in his memory. look.

But they are still alive.

It feels so intimate.

"What should I do next?"

Captain America Carter asked a question that gave her a headache.

"Should we let them dog-eat-dog to decide the outcome and then take advantage of the situation, or should we help one of them? Thanos and Ultron, I feel that it is inappropriate to help either."

"This is..."

Everyone also fell into silence.

Indeed, originally I just wanted to get some help, but I didn't expect to get a big evil star over.

Thanks to the fact that Thanos and Ultron couldn't get along, the fight is now in full swing... Otherwise, once these two join forces, they can directly consider what posture to take to die more heroically.

Lin Bin quickly figured out the situation.

In the plot of the Avengers, the Avengers failed to prevent Ultron from obtaining the Zhenjin body.

In this way, the vision no longer exists.

And Ao Chuang also became extremely powerful. He wiped out all the Avengers, and killed Thanos with a sneak attack, and obtained all the gems on him.

The six infinity gems gathered together made him surpass the limit of the world, and even the parallel universe was clearly shown by him.

He no longer wants to wipe out the entire Earth, but instead wants to wipe out all humans in the multiverse.

Only in this way can real peace be achieved!
In a word, this man, like Thanos, is a villain with ideals and determination.

It's just that his ideal is at the expense of everyone.

What's even more frightening is that he has noticed the existence of the Far Universe Observer.

Therefore, the observers who noticed the threat pulled a large number of superheroes from various universes, and wanted to use their power to stop Ultron.

Listen to the explanation.

Look at these messy superheroes present.

Lin Bin suddenly understood why Gu Yuan was summoned.

It seems that the observer is resolutely unwilling to disturb the peace of the main universe, so all the superheroes brought in are different superheroes born in different branches of choice in some parallel universes. These people are all outside the main line...

While Gu Yuan possesses great power, she has absolutely nothing to do with the main universe.

Naturally, he is also on the list of conscripts...

And Gu Yuan also confirmed Lin Bin's guess, saying that the observers followed Ultron to the dilapidated universe, found him, and invited him to help him fight.

to be honest.

Even if these people fail, for the plot... no, they are called timelines.

Foresight in this world is not Lin Bin's patent.

It would be better to say that there are too many people who know the plot, and there is even a group of dedicated personnel responsible for maintaining the plot to prevent confusion in the plot.

Even if these people fail, it will not have any impact on the timeline.

"Anyway, as long as I can get out of this world, I don't care. It's better to say that I have a group of reliable teammates. My safety level is much higher than before. Before, Ultron still wanted to use me to feed zombies. !"

Speaking of this matter, Gu Yuan had lingering fear on her face.

His strength is not weak, but in the face of the vision of the soul gem incarnation, it is obviously still not enough.

(End of this chapter)

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