Chapter 269

A killing-level secret realm with nightmare-level difficulty.

It was solved by two saint-level reincarnations, and the solution was super once and for all, the kind that would directly prevent future troubles.

It sounds absurd...

But after learning that one of the two reincarnations is Abin.

Everything seemed to make sense again.

That teacher Yuan Wei hadn't heard of A Bin's name, it was normal, after all above Zhen Guo, basically never participated in gatherings or topics of reincarnated people below the Saint level.

These are not worthy of their attention.

But these saint-level reincarnations know it all too well.

As we all know, Abin never fights the battle of low evaluation...

Although there are also A-level or B-level evaluations, it must be due to the cooperation of teammates... no, when teammates are dragged down.

But how could it be possible for a person who was able to obtain the A-level evaluation of the killing-level secret realm at the rookie stage to make no progress for several years?
Look, people are no longer satisfied with ordinary S-level evaluations.

After finding out that this is a red secret realm, he simply solved it once and for all, and saved the reincarnated people in the rear from having to sacrifice again.

In a sense, this can be regarded as a kind of growth.

Unexpectedly, I have now witnessed history.

Especially when Gu Yuan was telling Yuan Wei about their experience in the secret realm, when they learned that they were recruited again in the secret realm and went to another world to deal with the terrifying and powerful enemy who was about to destroy that secret realm.

Everyone immediately surrounded the past.

this experience...

It's really just nesting dolls.


Even if you can become a saint-level reincarnation, you basically have to go through a lot of experience in the secret realm, but such an exciting secret realm is really the first time in history.

When everyone listened, they were all in awe.

Lin Bin originally joined the reincarnated people to talk with him. After all, there is no mediocrity who can come here. There is no need to provoke evil eyes for no reason. He regarded him as an enemy... no offense.

But after listening for a while, Lin Bin couldn't take it anymore.

In fact, in Gu Yuan's description, he suddenly became a loyal and courageous hero. In order to rescue his best friend, he did not hesitate to fall into a desperate situation and escaped death.

Lin Bin was still too thin-skinned.

This kind of thing can still be done in person, but he is a little embarrassed to publicize it in front of others.

At the moment, he simply resigned from Gu Yuan on the grounds that he still had some tasks to hand over to Bureau Lei.

The helicopter that sent him before had already left.

With a wave of his hand, Luo Bing directly borrowed a military car for Lin Bin to use, and asked him to park directly at the parking lot of the World Bureau. Their military department often cooperates with the World Bureau, and it will be a good idea to drive it back by the way. .

Luo Bing had a good impression of Lin Bin, and originally wanted to equip him with a driver, but was rejected by Lin Bin.

Then he drove the special car of the military department towards his home.

along the way...

Called Shi Zhixuan's phone number.

The other party didn't answer and hung up directly.

After a moment.

A strange phone call came.

With some female hoarse whisper, "Hello!"

A man's voice can be so nice, only the evil king Shi Zhixuan.

He asked: "It's over so soon? It seems that your trip to the secret realm went well this time."

"Well, thanks to the information you gave me, Xie Wang, otherwise, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to complete it so smoothly."

This sentence is really sincere.

You know, if it weren't for Shi Zhixuan, Lin Bin would not have known about the existence of Ah Tie in the secret realm. Gu Yuan, alone, obviously couldn't make Lin Bin go to such a dangerous situation for him.

At that time, he will also pass by the S-class world props.

Not to mention the existence of Serena and Ah Tie.

Especially the existence of Serena and Ah Tie can now be regarded as a hidden idea laid by him.

There is the existence of the U disk he gave.

With Serena's 600 years of wisdom, it is not difficult to gain a firm foothold in the Marvel plane...

This force may come in handy at any time.

It's like the power of King Qin in Qin Shi Mingyue, and his big brother Tian Hu.

It seems that it hasn't come in handy until now, but once Qin Shi's secret realm is fully integrated into the real world, it will be equivalent to Lin Bin's extra powerful help.

And all of this, I really want to thank Shi Zhixuan.

Shi Zhixuan asked: "So, your child was also brought back by you?"

"Ah Tie is just a creature that has parasitized me. If it sucks my flesh and blood and counts as my child, then I'm afraid I have already killed countless offspring. After all, I don't know how many mosquitoes have been killed just by me." .”

Lin Bin didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

I always feel that Shi Zhixuan is particularly obsessed with children.

It's like a father-in-law who loves his daughter discovers that his son-in-law has been unfaithful to his daughter, and even gave birth to an illegitimate child.

But because of the deep love of the daughter for the son-in-law, there is no way to do anything to the son-in-law...

And Shi Zhixuan's feeling may be more complicated than this, after all he has two daughters.

Lin Bin instinctively didn't want to get too entangled in ethical issues. He cut to the point and said, "The main reason I contacted you is to tell you that the secret realm has been completely destroyed by me."

"Total destruction?"

Shi Zhixuan keenly sensed what Lin Bin meant, and said, "S-class item?"

"Well, this world has long been on the verge of collapse. I went in and gave it a little push, and it destroyed this world."

"I understand what you mean."

Shi Zhixuan really knows the elegant meaning after hearing the stringed songs.

"It's good that the evil king understands."

This is why Lin Bin contacted Shi Zhixuan instead of Deng Yang.

It's not that Deng Yang couldn't believe it.

There are some things that Shi Zhixuan is better at, and the value of information can be used more thoroughly...

Deng Yang is not stupid anymore, he can get the position of apostle in the Kingdom of God. After experiencing the initial setbacks, he is the only one among the reincarnations whose growth rate can barely keep up with Lin Bin.

Lin Bin is because of his golden finger of foresight.

As for Deng Yang's words, it probably cut off the root of troubles, so he can improve himself without distraction... maybe.

But it's a pity that compared to Shi Zhixuan who can stir up the whole world with his own power, he is still much inferior.

Shi Zhixuan said: "Thank you for telling me the news."

"It can be regarded as thanks to the evil king for providing the information before."

"That's true, yes, there is one more thing."

"whats the matter?"

"Remember to call Feixuan and Qingxuan to report their safety later."

Shi Zhixuan said: "As soon as you entered the secret realm, I told them that you entered the secret realm where you would die to save your friends... By the way, I didn't reveal that you have children Let them know, it's mainly to show your benevolence and generosity, after all, both Feixuan and Qingxuan like this character very much."

Lin Bin: "..."

Until I hang up the phone.

Lin Bin was still a little confused, what exactly was Shi Zhixuan thinking?
Help him conquer his daughter...

Or two at a time.

Wait... Could it be that the evil king had a mental illness again, the evil state thought that he and Qingxuan were a good match, and the kind state thought that he and Shifei Xuan were a natural match.

So the two sides directly reached a consensus, anyway, they are both girls, and a bowl of water should be balanced?So I will help you snatch people back first, and then we will talk about who gets more and who gets less, it depends on your own ability and endurance?
Lin Bin shook his head and smiled, and sent another message to Deng Yang, saying that he had returned safely.

Drive back quickly.

The details of this matter still need to be reported to Bureau Lei. After all, it is related to the Kingdom of God, so it is necessary.

And at the same time.

Inside the country.

Shi Zhixuan put down the phone slowly, a playful smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he murmured: "In a way, this Abin is really the nemesis of the apostles, he killed so many apostles, but he is still alive until now. He did not reveal his existence, this time even the first apostle failed to take action himself, and the plan was still defeated by him, He Shibi... Could it be that this kid is really lucky?"

But no matter what.

This event is not an opportunity.

Chance to hit the First Apostle.

Shi Zhixuan raised his middle fingers together, and tapped on his forehead.

The method of communication that only the apostles can master has been activated at this time, and the information that belongs to the seventh apostle spreads rapidly, like a formula that affects the power of a certain S-level item.

next moment.

His consciousness has appeared on the edge of a round table, a place that belongs exclusively to him.

After a moment.

People who couldn't see their real faces appeared one after another.

"What's going on, Seventh Apostle, you better have something serious to tell us. I still have important things to do on my side, but you suddenly dragged me here."

The eleven apostles should attack first.

Dissatisfied: "You are not in line with the process at all."

The first apostle scolded: "Seventh apostle, you did not act according to our usual practice this time. You should release the message first, and then we will agree on a time together, instead of being so rude and directly forcibly pulling us into the props." within."

"The plan failed."

The seventh apostle Shi Zhixuan said in a deep voice: "Received reliable news, Gu Yuan has returned from that secret realm smoothly, and has gained a lot."

As soon as these words came out, many apostles were stunned.

"how is this possible?"

"Our plan was perfect."

"No matter how strong Gu Yuan is, he is only a saint-level reincarnation. If it weren't for the tight protection around him, we could kill him easily by anyone. It is flattering to take so much trouble to deal with him. How could he fail?"

Shi Zhixuan sighed, and said: "Not only did the plan fail, but if nothing else happens, he has another S-level item in his hand!"


"Could it be that the secret place..."

Shi Zhixuan explained: "That's right, that secret realm has already been on the verge of collapse, as long as someone pushes us a little bit more, our Kingdom of God will naturally get another S-level item, but now, this is almost the same We handed over the world of treasures to Gu Yuan just like that!"

The ninth apostle Sui Fengqi couldn't help but screamed, "Seventh apostle, is your news reliable?"

He couldn't help being shocked.

You know, he, the ninth apostle, is completely an agent.

The reason why he couldn't become a regular is because his S-level props were taken away by Gu Yuan. It was his father who sacrificed his life in exchange for him.

Of course, if he can inherit the S-level props of the former apostles like the Eleven Apostles, it is completely reasonable.

However, the S-level props of the former ninth apostle also fell into the hands of Gu Yuan.

Now, even this item that should have belonged to their divine kingdom has fallen into Gu Yuan's hands.

Up to now, Gu Yuan has three S-level props in his hands, all of which should belong to him... No wonder he is so excited.

"Absolutely reliable!"

Shi Zhixuan said: "In order to avenge Lord Nitz, I quietly placed an eyeliner beside Gu Yuan as soon as I became an apostle. This is what my eyeliner told me personally. Gu Yuan successfully destroyed that In a secret place."

"But Gu Yuan is just a mere saint-level reincarnation. Even if we apostles have rich experience in destroying the world, facing a killing-level secret realm, at least three saint-level people are required to attack at the same time, and sometimes even the township level. Only with could he be alone..."

"Hmph, you all underestimate Gu Yuan. Although others have entered the secret realm, they have already left behind. He deliberately left a trustworthy younger brother at the periphery of the secret realm. After he confirmed the secret realm, After the internal crisis and situation, let his younger brother enter that secret realm with the corresponding props, and then break through that secret realm with ease. I believe that soon, Gu Yuan and his younger brother will jointly destroy a red killing-level secret realm The news will spread throughout the Samsara Association!"

Shi Zhixuan turned his head and stared at the first apostle, even though he couldn't see his true face clearly, the anger in his eyes was clearly visible, and he said word by word: "The mission failed, it doesn't matter, if we don't succeed this time, there will be another time." , But up to now, up to now, Gu Yuan has obtained more than one S-level props, and all of them are wool from our Divine Kingdom. Not only did we not kill him, but we made him become more and more powerful. The stronger it is!"

Unwilling to clenched his fists, he said angrily: "My lord, don't you say that you didn't detect the state of this secret realm in advance before choosing the secret realm? If it is not Gu Yuan who enters this secret realm this time but our people , does it mean that the person who gets this S-level item won’t be Gu Yuan, but us? I don’t care who among our apostles gets this S-level item, but what I care about is that this person can’t be Gu Yuan! Now Gu Yuan Kite's strength is getting stronger and stronger, I feel that I may not be able to avenge Lord Nitz in this life."

"Seventh apostle, watch your words!"

The eleventh apostle Deng Yang sternly shouted: "I know you are eager to avenge the former seventh apostle, so now I feel dissatisfied when I see the mistakes of the first apostle, but if people make mistakes and horses make mistakes, the first person is nothing more than a mistake." The mistake of underestimating the enemy is just a mistake, people are not sages, who can do nothing?!"

Sui Fengqi also sighed: "My lord, did you really neglect the state of this secret realm, so much so that you personally sent an S-level item to Gu Yuan?"

He also knew it was bullshit.

But as long as he thought about it, this was the third time he had passed by an S-level item that should have belonged to him.

It's hard to vent the anger in my heart.

The first apostle remained silent throughout.

After a long time.

He just opened his mouth and said: "Just received reliable news that Gu Yuan was caught in a trap in a secret realm, and it was difficult to get out. Thanks to the reincarnation, Abin, he saved his life and saved his life. With her own wisdom, this secret realm was completely destroyed, and Gu Yuan was very grateful to his brother in her speech."

Shi Zhixuan immediately sneered, "Look, I just said that my information is very reliable, how about it, that world has been destroyed, Gu Yuan was holding two S-level props at the time, and he had fought against our Kingdom of God so many times, he didn't know Maybe he didn't know anything about how to get S-level items, but he's smarter than I thought."

"Indeed, this man named Abin is loyal to his elder brother."

Deng Yang also sighed: "It's a pity, but he has become Gu Yuan's tool for throwing the pot away. I'm afraid Gu Yuan wants to make us all mistakenly think that this S-level item fell into the hands of this A Bin, so that he can get rid of it." All the attention is focused on him... According to my guess, I'm afraid Gu Yuan is only one step away from the township level. Wait... Could it be that he threw Abin to win for himself? Time, so that I can break through the township level in time, right?"

As soon as the words came out.

Many apostles showed approval in their eyes.

It can only be said that it is preconceived.

Although the information obtained by the seventh apostle and the first apostle are different, they are roughly the same, which shows that they are not actually lying.

Then it is obvious that the words of the seventh apostle are more credible.

After all, the official news must have been processed internally, and the possibility that Gu Yuan pulled the minion out to challenge him and quietly hid aside to take advantage of it and laugh secretly could not be ruled out.

Even that possibility is quite high.

"Three S-level props, we have really cultivated a quite terrifying enemy!"

The eighth apostle said quietly: "Before, I wanted to take over this task and take action against this guy. Now it seems that you must not send me, boss. I can't hold it, I really can't hold it."

The sixth apostle also lamented: "The enemy's general situation has been established, and this plan has failed. Unless Gu Yuan is so stupid that his head is flooded, the same plan will not work in the same way. But if we attack forcefully, we will enter China in a large scale. China, it will lead to a counterattack from the Samsara Association, this time it will be difficult."

"What should we do? Gu Yuan is full of hostility towards our Kingdom of God, and there is no possibility of reconciliation between the two sides, but now that we have fattened him up, it will be difficult to kill him now."

Many apostles began to discuss.

The three S-level props were all contributed by the Kingdom of God.

Especially the third one, which was almost handed over to the other party.

This time...

The eyes of many apostles looking at the first apostle unconsciously carried a bit of complaint.

(End of this chapter)

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