when reincarnation invades

Chapter 274 The Real Purpose of A-Class Items

Chapter 274 The Real Purpose of A-Class Items

Not long after the battle between Lin Bin and the Montenegro old demon ended.

This video was taken by someone with good deeds.

Then detonated the entire reincarnation forum.

The video is not too long.

Only two or three minutes.

But in these two 3 minutes.

The handsome and handsome man holds a golden long sword, which can pull several unparalleled sharp weapons with one sword, and can even divide these magic weapons into thousands of magic weapons.

Although there is only one person, it is like being surrounded by thousands of troops, and the enemy who is directly killed has no power to fight back.

The enemy tried to organize an effective counterattack several times, but in the end they were all easily resolved by this man with extremely light-weight tactics.

The strength gap between the two sides can be seen.

Very normal contest...

But if the black shadow who fell into the disadvantage was the legendary Montenegro old demon who had been wanted for several months, but was never successfully captured by the Samsara Space Association, and was killed by the other party instead.

This video is astounding.

During this period of time, almost all the reincarnators were paying attention to the confrontation between the Montenegro old demon and the Reincarnation Space Association.

Without him.

A-level props are so precious that even Zhen Guo-level reincarnators have to be tempted by them.

But even so.The Montenegrin old demon fled for several months, but he was never caught. He even faced a reincarnated person at the national level, and retreated calmly after confronting him.

This level of strength, even if it is not as good as Zhen Guo level, is definitely only a thin line away.

But now...

But he was hanged and beaten by such an unknown reincarnation.

And soon.

The true identity of the reincarnated person was also revealed.

[Lei Jun: My brother o(^▽^)o! 】


Over the years, everyone has been hearing about the reincarnated person whose name is not seen.

It is also the fastest-promoting reincarnation in the Reincarnation Space Association, not one of them.

But in the impression of everyone before, the sense of Abin has always been that his strategy ability is amazing...

Now the reincarnated people are found.

It turned out that his level was improved along with his strength.

Even in just two or three years, his progress has crushed the progress of many people in two or three decades.

[My grandma Changshan Zhao Zilong: Heh heh heh...Martial arts are strengthened!Martial arts strengthened!This is the ultimate evolution direction of martial arts. 】

[Handsome and compelling: I'm the only one who noticed the soy sauced weapons around him, all of them are B-level weapons?Damn, I'm drooling with envy... o(╥﹏╥)o... No, it's so strange, seeing such a big guy running around for A-level props, why did I suddenly feel balanced? 】

[Pig Mother Wolf Hornet: It’s terrible, it’s terrible, it’s terrible for you, I didn’t expect him to be Abin... It can be seen that if it wasn’t for the troubles of those people later, he might have taken down the old Black Mountain demon by himself , You are offending Abin miserably →_→. 】

[The head of the Widow Village: Actually, it is not the case. The strength of the Black Mountain old demon does not lie in his strength. Of course, his strength is also very strong, but what makes him stronger is his ability to escape. Even the National Reincarnation Alliance may not be able to stop him. I don't think Abin can stop him. 】

[Help me up and I can deliver: But this is just a false proposition, because Abin didn't let him go, those reincarnations let him go... Heh heh heh... By the way, is there anyone who was there at the time? ?Didn't Abin tear you apart? 】

[The world is invincible and the sky is the enemy: I am one of the parties involved, but Abin is still very generous. He didn't care about us, and left directly. Of course, it cannot be ruled out that he has already quietly written down the small notebook o( ╥﹏╥)o. 】


There was a lot of discussion in the forum.

Even the playback volume in the video is getting higher and higher.

There are even some accounts that have not appeared in the forum for a long time...

Those are reincarnations who have reached a certain height and are too lazy to participate in the gatherings of reincarnations below sanctification.

"When I first met him, I felt that this kid's strength was much stronger than the ordinary Saint level, but I didn't expect that I had overestimated him as much as possible, and finally underestimated him."

Yuan Wei, a country-level reincarnator who once had a relationship with Lin Bin before, looped the video over and over again, watching Lin Bin in the video alone controlling several weapons, defeating the black mist that the Black Mountain old demon slashed , almost powerless to fight back.

He pondered and said: "He can control so many magic weapons so freely. If... no... it shouldn't be that simple. After all, it is extremely difficult to do two things at once. Multitasking... is impossible, but his His strength has also completely surpassed the Saint level, it seems that the difference between this kid and the Zhen Guo level is only a chance to advance!"

In fact.

Anyone who can become a national-level reincarnation has a fairly high level of vision.

They could all clearly see the powerful extensibility of Abin's weapon.

"If these weapons can be equipped with a dragoon system... once this kid specializes in the technology enhancement system, he will be able to step into the town immediately."

"It seems that I have to tell my juniors that when I meet this kid, I will be treated as a junior's gift, otherwise I will have no reason to be cut off."

"Abin...so terrifying..."

I'm afraid even Abin didn't expect that this battle made his existence directly exist in the legends before, and now he has really stepped into the eyelids of everyone.

At this time, he was at a loss for all this, and he was busy chasing and killing the old Montenegro demon.

All the reincarnations, even those at the township level, thought that this time the hunt failed due to the interference of the reincarnations.

but in fact……

From the very beginning, Lin Bin didn't expect to win the Montenegro old demon this time.

How could the Lord of the dead city be so easy to deal with?
Not to mention that there are dozens of reincarnated people watching around. There are too many descriptions of this kind of scene in the novel. Two powerful enemies fight each other, but in the end they are taken advantage of by a little-known little guy.

Therefore, Lin Bin's designated battlefield has never been one place, and he has only one purpose. During his fight with the Montenegrin old demon, Concubine Yan must take a photo of his real body.

Positioning the camera is a good thing.

With this thing, no matter how much the Black Mountain old demon can escape, as long as he is still in this world, he will never be his opponent!

So ever.

The real hunt has only just begun.

The Montenegrin old demon managed to escape to a hidden place, and hadn't had time to rest.

Lin Bin knocked on the door again.

And this time, without the interference of other reincarnations, they don't have to hold back at all.

Concubine Yan also began to assist Lin Bin in assisting with the technique of Soul Xi Longyou.

Although Concubine Yan has just entered the Holy Spirit, her absolute strength is far inferior to that of the Black Mountain Old Demon.

But there are many ways to do it.

It was hard to guard against, Lin Bin, who had fought hundreds of moves before, was considered to have the upper hand this time, with only a few dozen moves, the black mountain old demon was completely defenseless.

Xia Dou's cannon was even more hungry and thirsty. The violent roar was mixed with thick gunpowder smoke. She almost evolved the entire war by herself.

He had already lost his courage in the previous battle, and now the old Black Mountain demon only has the energy left to flee in a hurry.

But no matter where he fled, he still couldn't escape Lin Bin's pursuit...

"Damn! Damn! Damn!"

What is the most painful thing for a licking dog?
That is when his goddess is hurt, but he is completely powerless...

One such moment.

This is the mood of the Montenegrin old demon.

That person must be the murderer who killed Xiaoqian, he hurt her...

The last person who hurt her was killed by him in an extremely cruel way.

But this one, he can only escape.

The Montenegrin old demon also knows that only by keeping his own body can he do something.

If you want to avenge your wife, you have to survive first...

But when did he, the overlord who had dominated the city of vain death for many years, be so embarrassed?

Unyielding and unwilling, he felt even more resentful than those thousands of dead souls absorbed by him.

but useless.

He didn't even know what method the other party used to lock him.

Incarnate, possess, and occupy the body of others.

Even suspended animation...

All kinds of means were used.

But it's useless.

This lock seemed to completely bind his existence.

Can't escape... can't escape at all.

That being the case, let's fight to the death!

Finally, when he was sure that he could not escape the pursuit of the young man in front of him...

The Montenegrin old demon breathed a sigh of relief.

It may be difficult to persevere, but it must be easy to give up.

"Come on, today is the time for me to avenge Xiaoqian's blood!"

The Montenegro old demon finally let go of all his worries and rushed towards Lin Bin.

"It's good to come."

Lin Bin let out a long roar, and the Nine Swords of Yue Wang behind him turned into a sharp and sharp sword wheel. Under the blessing of Taiyi's spell of abolishing crimes and killing demons, although he was no ordinary soldier, he also had strong restraint against demons and ghosts.

The Xuanyuan Sword's golden sword energy was extremely majestic, and it turned into countless sword shadows and slashed towards the old Heishan demon below.

Even if the task is about to be completed, but the enemy is strong, he will not be careless in the slightest...

In other words, the Cihang Sword Code is really a good thing. It not only gave him a gentle and jade-like temperament, but also made his mind clear. No matter how weak the enemy is, he will not let him have the slightest intention to underestimate the enemy.

"I don't have any morals to talk to him about, so let's smack him on the shoulders!"

"Crimson Smoke understands!"

"Yes boss!"

The three teamed up and used three completely different attack methods, but under the oppression of such a powerful enemy as the Black Mountain Old Demon, they quickly accumulated a lot of experience in three-person combined attacks.

But the trapped beast is still fighting.

This time, the Montenegrin old demon didn't have the slightest way to escape, and even displayed his unprecedented strongest strength, and even used the darkness in his body that had never been used.

"I want all of you to be buried with Xiaoqian!"

The Montenegrin old demon roared wildly.

Just letting go will attract boundless black resentment, the earth began to crack and tremble, and the whole mountain turned into a stone giant under his boundless mighty power to accommodate his original real body.

Attacked and killed the three of them.

But the golden sword energy shuttles like a dragon, mighty and magnificent, like a galaxy flowing backwards, and where it passes, mountains and rocks disintegrate and shatter.

In particular, Concubine Yan, with her powerful yin and yang skills, forcibly withstood Lin Bin's most powerful blow from the Black Mountain Old Demon, and Lin Bin found an excellent opportunity.

Under the blessing of Xuanyuan Sword, a level A divine weapon, the sword energy descended with a bang.

Passed over the stack of extremely thick stone armor and thick helmet, and directly attacked the old black mountain demon...

It was finally difficult for the Black Mountain old demon to resist the awe-inspiring righteousness from Xuanyuan Sword.

A sword strikes the chest.

Thick stones and stone powder rustled down.

The Black Mountain old demon gasped, and asked, "Xiaoqian's departure...was it painful?"

Lin Bin explained: "She wanted to die by herself. Strictly speaking, I can't say that I killed him, and Yan Chixia's inheritance was told to me specifically to thank me for helping her escape."

"Really? Take the initiative...begging to die...hahahaha...as expected...as expected..."

The Montenegrin old demon let out a miserable laugh.

He fell powerlessly to the ground without making any sound.

Even the previous corpses also turned into black smoke and gradually disappeared without a trace.

at the same time.

Lin Bin and the other three heard the reminder from the reincarnation watch at the same time.

Reminding them that the task has been completed.

[Realistic mission: kill the Montenegro old demon]

[Mission reward: A-level item x 1!Reincarnation points × 12000 points! 】

[Note: Because the objective of this mission is unique, so the reward of this mission is also unique. 】

[Team S has successfully completed the task, please go to the nearest Samsara Space Association to collect the task prize! 】

At the same time when Lin Bin and others received the information reminder.

Along with all other reincarnations who accepted the task, they all received reminders from the reincarnation table.

Their mission to encircle and suppress the old demon in Montenegro failed.

"Someone finished it? The old Black Mountain demon is dead? Who did it?"

"Damn it... I knew I wouldn't bother Abin. At least he defeated the Montenegrin old demon with his real skills and knowledge, instead of being picked up by some unknown little Karami like now."

"Reliable news, Abin took two girls to hand in the task, and the Montenegrin old demon died in his hands."



And this time.

Lin Bin took Concubine Yan and Xia Dou to the nearest branch of the Samsara Space Association.

For him, reaching the destination smoothly may be more difficult than defeating the old black mountain demon...

After all, the Montenegrin old demon can see and touch.

But luck is such a thing, I really don't know when it will explode, and naturally I don't know when the accident will come.

"Don't mind this too much."

Lin Bin looked at Xia Dou, who had clearly completed the task, but still had a flattened mouth and a look of unhappy expression.

Consolation: "We have the right to invest. The more unlucky we are now, the better our luck will be when we make those key choices after entering the secret realm in the future. It is harmless in the real world. A choice in the secret realm is likely to be related to our mission. success or failure."

"That's what he said."

Xia Dou gritted her teeth unwillingly, and said, "Boss, after this incident is over, take your car to the Science and Technology Association."

Lin Bin asked, "Why?"

"Modification! I want to redesign all the tires, components, and even the system. I don't believe that I changed the car to be bulletproof. Can it be blown by an ordinary pebble?"

Xia Dou pursed her mouth and said, "Don't worry, I'll pay the bill. Although I, Xia Dou, am not a great person, I also know that I can wipe my ass by myself, and I will never let you do it!"

"Well... that's fine, the reward this time should be enough for you to modify, provided that the A-level item doesn't match you."

Naturally, Lin Bin would not refuse the kind proposal of being taken advantage of.

talking room.

The three of them have already entered the Samsara Association.

Then it was introduced into the senior office by professional staff.

Saint-level reincarnations are actually considered higher-level reincarnations in the reincarnation association, and the treatment they receive is naturally not comparable to that in the Transcendent Realm.

Not to mention the tasks completed by the three of them.


Naturally, it is also the concern of all the association staff.

Serve tea, and then ask them to wait a while. The A-level props need to be transferred from the headquarters to this side, but they have teleportation props in their hands, and the results will be available in half an hour at the slowest.

Ever since, in the process of waiting for the reward.

Xia Dou has already started to bite the pen, write and draw on the paper, and began to think about how to modify their car so that her unlucky card will not have such a big impact on daily transportation.

Half an hour passed quickly.

When Xia Dou started to write the No.13 drawing.

A tall and slender staff member walked over holding a brocade box in both hands...

Respectfully: "Mr. Abin, Miss Dongjun, Miss Xia, this is your mission reward this time, a piece of A-level protective clothing."

protective suit?
Lin Bin's eyes lit up, and he took it.

When I opened it, I saw a rather simple protective suit neatly stacked inside.

[Yunxia Clothes (a-level props): Wearing it on the body can form a body armor, which has a strong protective effect. The style of this Xiayi can be instilled with energy, and can be changed into any desired style! 】

[Note: Don't look at me as just one piece of clothing, but actually I am many pieces of clothing. 】

Lin Bin unfolded his clothes.

He stretched out his finger and poked it lightly.

Immediately, the fingertips plunged into it and pounded quite deeply, but the touch was soft, even if it was infused with true energy, it would not be broken.

He couldn't help but his eyes lit up, and he exclaimed, "Good stuff!"

He turned his head to look at Concubine Dongjun Yan and Xia Dou.

Xia Dou curled her lips immediately, dissatisfied: "I am a technology enhancer, how can I have energy in my body? This thing is not suitable for me at all... and I have bumped into my shirt."

She pushed back her clothes.

Inside is a neat tactical vest.

[Gift of the Earth (A-level equipment): It can increase the skill attack power, and with the improvement of its own strength, the skill attack power will increase to varying degrees! 】

[Note: The stronger you are, the stronger I am! 】

Xia Dou said regretfully: "I'm also A-level. My boss gave me self-defense... It's a pity that this time it's also an armor. Otherwise, if it suits me, I will definitely get it."

"Then you, Fei Yan... Indeed, this thing is more suitable for you."

Lin Bin's eyes brightened even more.

Concubine Yan looked at Lin Bin's suddenly excited expression, and vaguely felt that Brother Bin's so-called fit, and what she thought fit, should be two completely different concepts.

(End of this chapter)

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