when reincarnation invades

Chapter 285 Wash Your Neck and Wait For Me

Chapter 285 Wash Your Neck and Wait For Me
After all, it is the nature of mother and daughter.

Just gently embracing the delicate ~ small and immature body in her arms, Irisviel vaguely noticed the difference between the girl and her daughter.

That is the trace after being transformed.

Just like the artificial humans she had seen in the Einzbern Castle in addition to her.

Cut open, transformed, tortured...

Her eye sockets turned red all of a sudden.

When Illya saw her mother, she didn't suppress her intentions at all, and complained to Irisviel while sobbing and crying.

"Mom...Kiritsugu is too much, do you know that he adopted a son outside, and then abandoned me, I heard that people in China value sons over daughters, and think that daughters are losers, I didn't expect Kiritsugu to be this kind of person."

Ellie: "........."

"Also, after you died, he directly abandoned me for ten years, and after he died, he gave all his inheritance to his stepson, and he never told him that there is still me. The existence of my sister pissed me off."

"Ten years, I have been tortured and reformed in these ten years, but he turned a blind eye and hid secretly in Fuyuki City alone, without even thinking about saving me."

"It is said that only a mother is good in the world, and a child without a mother is like a grass. If you are gone, Illya will become a grass. The wind blows and the snow blows, so pitiful... In the end, she was attacked by a group of villains, if it weren't for... ...Illya has died more than once..."

Irisviel hugged her daughter, already weeping uncontrollably.

No need to explain.

The blood connection between mother and daughter made her sure that she was her Illya.

Ten years later?

"I'm sorry, Illya, it won't happen...it won't be like this again..."

The mother and daughter cried together.

Leaving SABER looking at the void in the distance with a full face of vigilance.

Judging by the other party's violent aura like mountains and seas, it should be Berserker.

Unexpectedly, it was clearly an aura of incomparable violence, but it also had a calm posture, showing no sign of attacking at all.

Be on guard for a while.
Saber slowly put down the weapon in his hand.

Should not be the enemy.

She turned her head to look at Irisviel, and said, "Ai Li, let me drive next, you two must have a lot to say."

"Well, thank you very much, SABER."

Irisviel half hugged and half supported Illya, and carried her into the back seat of the car.

To her, it was just separated for a few days, but as long as she thought that the daughter in her arms had been away from her mother for ten years, and during these ten years, her father didn't love her and her brother didn't love her.

She couldn't bear to let go of her even a little bit.

"By the way, change the route."

Alice Viel said suddenly.

Saber was stunned for a moment, and asked, "What? Are we not going to the castle?"

"Not going, go find Kiritsugu first."

Even though she loves her husband deeply, but when it comes to her daughter, Irisviel showed a bit of mother's toughness and said: "I have to get justice for Illya. Elijah apologizes."

"It's… okay."

Ever since, the car turned around directly.

Headed towards the downtown area of ​​Fuyuki City.

In the car.

Ilya leaned in Irisviel's arms, whispering to her what happened to her in the past ten years.

A reincarnated person cannot reveal his identity at will, unless the person who revealed his identity also becomes a reincarnated person.

But it didn't say that she couldn't reveal her identity as the master.

On the way, she told her all the experiences she had encountered over the years, including being attacked by reincarnators, the only younger brother who died protecting her...just changed the ending slightly in the end, and borrowed Lin Bin's previous fooling around. Said by Saka Tokiomi and Hero Wang Toki.

After they escaped from the pursuit of reincarnation.

I came here, that is, ten years ago.

Even Tohsaka Tokiomi could know about it, so her mother naturally wanted to know about it.

It's just that they have already experienced countless Holy Grail Wars, and she plans to wait until she meets Kiritsugu... At that time, she can use his reaction to see if this matter has anything to do with him.

at the same time.

Within Fuyuki City, Emiya Kiritsugu's secret base.

Within a dojo.

Emiya Kiritsugu, who was monitoring the battlefield, looked at the detection status of the many battlefields that he had arranged in advance, and looked at one of the monitors that he specially placed in the middle.

A sudden change inside caught his attention.

He froze for a moment, then dialed Irisviel's number.

After a few rings, the phone was connected.

It wasn't Irisviel who answered the phone, but Saber.

Emiya Kiritsugu had nothing to say about this heroic spirit, the compatibility between the two was really bad.

He said, "Let Ellie answer the phone."

Saber hesitated for a moment when he heard the words, looked at Irisviel who was hugging her daughter, and said, "I'm sorry...Ai Li said that she doesn't want to talk to you right now."

Emiya Kiritsugu: "..."

He said helplessly: "According to the plan, shouldn't you go to stay in the castle first, and then come out at night to attract the attention of those masters and heroic spirits?"

"Now plans have changed."

Saber said in a very strange tone: "Ai Li said, let you wash your neck and wait for her."

Emiya Kiritsugu: "Wash it... what... what?"

He was a little confused listening to the phone that was quickly hung up on the other side.

At the beginning, he said to wash it clean, but his heart skipped a beat.

The result was unexpected...

Glancing at Maiya, the right-hand man next to me, I wondered if someone told Ellie about my relationship with her?Is the enemy planning to use this method to cause a lot of trouble for himself as the Master?
This is not the same as the imagined Holy Grail War...

It feels like a high-level business war, but in the end it turned into a method of pulling out network cables and secretly replacing the God of Wealth.

And at the same time that Illya was complaining and approaching Emiya Kiritsugu.

Matou family.

As one of the three imperial families, it is also the only family in Fuyuki City that can compete with the Tohsaka family in terms of financial resources.

The place where he lived was supposed to be an area that the Tohsaka family was forbidden to set foot in.

Especially after Tohsaka Tokiomi gave his daughter to the Matou family a year ago.

But today...

Accompanied by the violent explosion of the crimson translucent gemstone, the door of Matou's house was blasted out as a whole.

Just like what Lin Bin said before, the so-called magic binding contract is nothing more than a binding on the self. As long as you don't even take the contract seriously, then the contract is really just a piece of waste paper.

At the very least, when Tohsaka Toki really broke through the protection of the Matou family.

He didn't suffer any backlash from the magic contract.

Ever since... the last trace of scruples was removed.

Obviously Lin Bin invited him over, but he rushed faster than Lin Bin.

In front of him, the protective measures of the Matou family were almost as if they were in vain...

And when he blasted open the door of Jiantong's house with gemstones, his anxious expression also brought a bit of joy.

It's like a three-good student who has always had a good image in the eyes of the public suddenly smokes, drinks, and burns his head... Is it fun?Not necessarily...but definitely exciting enough.

But the actions at this time, for Tohsaka Tokiomi, can be called deviant.

It is within the underground magic workshop.

After seeing the assailant through the surveillance, Matou Zouken, who looked like a walking corpse, slammed his crutches angrily, and said in a low voice, "How dare you violate our agreement so blatantly? It’s incomparable to what it was back then, even the Tohsaka family, which is known for following the rules, has fallen to this level?”

"Someone broke in... who is it?"

Beside Matou Zouken, Matou Kariya, who was wearing a gray sweater and had gray hair, supported his arm.

There, the three Command Seals were shining with scarlet light.

It's a pity that his power is too weak, so in order to preserve his combat power as much as possible, he needs to be summoned on the eve of the battle, so as to reduce consumption.

"It's Tohsaka Tokiomi."

Matou Zou turned his head and glanced at the corner.

When the girl with short purple hair heard the words, her expression didn't change in any way, and there wasn't even a gleam of hope in the depths of her eyes.

But the little hands behind the body were already quietly clenched together.

"Don't worry, he didn't come here to save you... I know Tosaka Tokiomi too well, ha, let's see what he is here for, the Holy Grail War is about to start, give me whatever you want." him, and let him go."

Matou Zouken glanced at Matou Sakura playfully.

Leaning on crutches, he walked out.

But it's only halfway there...

A loud bang.

The door of the workshop was also smashed open.

Tohsaka Tokiomi has already broken into the eerie environment. At the first glance, his eyes were attracted by his daughter, and then he saw the surrounding environment and the densely packed worms in the next worm room.

"Insect Envoy!"

Everything coincided with what Lin Bin said.

Tohsaka Tokichen said angrily: "Zouken Matou, when did your Matou family's magic become such an obscene and filthy form? You deceived me!"

"The old man only said that he would make a deal with you and pass on the magic of my Matou family to Sakura, but he didn't say what kind of magic it is... Besides, didn't the old man do what we promised?"

Jiantong Zouken slammed his cane angrily, and shouted: "On the contrary, you, the head of the Tohsaka family, you disobeyed without authorization..."

It's only half way through.

Tohsaka Tokiomi already had no intention of speaking anymore.

Seeing Matou Sakura standing there in a daze, Tohsaka Tokiomi was furious when he left for the first time.

I don't know if it's for me or Matou Zouken, but at this moment, isn't there the best object to vent my anger on?

"Sakura, I'm here to save you."

Under Sakura's bewildered and flustered eyes, he strode towards Sakura.

And next to him, Matou Kariya, who had always been extremely resolute, turned pale in an instant...

Everything he did was to save Sakura from the sea of ​​suffering.

But now Tohsaka Tokiomi is here...

There is no doubt that the person Sakura wants to save her more than him is her father.

But if she was really rescued by Tohsaka Tokiomi, wouldn't his sacrifice be meaningless?

No, he should be happy that she can get out of the sea of ​​suffering.

Matou Kariya fell into chaos.

"Tohsaka Tokiomi, ignore the old man, when did you become so arrogant?"

Jiantong Zouyan's expression was extremely resolute, he snorted coldly, and thumped his cane heavily.

Countless bugs were densely packed, and they were already swarming towards Tohsaka Tokiomi in front of him.

The next moment.

A long sword filled with golden light shot directly from behind and stabbed obliquely on the ground.

In an instant, the light shines brightly.

Where the golden light shines, these bugs are all wailing and screaming, and bursts of blue smoke rise from the spot, and then disappear.

Lin Bin walked over slowly.

Looking at Zouken Matou with a wary face.

He slowly raised his hand, and the ring in his palm glowed with a white mist. This light was not more dazzling than Xuanyuan Sword, but it made Jiantong Zouyan suddenly cover his eyes in pain.

The body that came into contact with this light melted and collapsed in an instant.

"Sure enough, the S-level props are actually infinitely close to the treasures of regular weapons. A hundred demons cannot invade, and ten thousand evils cannot get close."

Lin Bin said slowly: "So if you are defined as a type of demon, then the Heshibi in my hand is your nemesis, alas, sad, Matou Zouyan...or Maric, it is said that the peak Back then, you possessed the strength to PK heroic spirits with your bare hands, but now you are reduced to the end of being defeated by this light, it is also sad."

"Go away...stay away from me..."

Matou Zouken backed away in pain, almost unable to maintain his human form.

But as Lin Bin approached step by step, he couldn't even maintain a decent resistance.

Especially when he held Xuanyuan Sword.

S-level and A-level props, and they all have extremely strong suppression power against demons and heretics.

Jiantong Zouyan couldn't even organize a decent resistance, and his arm was cut off by a sword.

"go to hell."

Lin Bin raised his hand and gave a low drink.

Under the blessing of the Taiyi Eradication of Sin and Demon Slaying Demon Protection Mantra, Xuanyuan Sword evolves into countless sword lights, and each sword light carries the supreme sharpness to subdue demons and subdue demons.

Absolute restraint of attributes.

Only a moment later, Matou Zouyan had been shaved to the state of fleshy paste.

"Heaven and Earth are boundless, Qiankun borrows the law!"

Lin Bin let out a low snort, and there was divine thunder in his palm, even the remains of the corpse would not be spared.

Under the roar of divine thunder that contained awe-inspiring righteousness, soon, the corpses under the worm room were directly reduced to ashes.

Even all the worms in the worm bin were burned to death.

Not one left...

Under the holy light of He's Bi, no dark creature can survive.

And Tosaka Tokiomi had already hugged his daughter into his arms, choked with distress and said: "Sakura, father brought you home, and I will never let you leave Tosaka's house in the future, even if someone really dares to fight Your idea, dad and sister will kill them all, mom and dad will protect you..."


Matou Sakura was confused for a while, and it seemed that she finally recalled what it felt like to be in her father's warm embrace.

She sobbed loudly in embarrassment.

"Go, Dad will take you out of here."

Tohsaka Tokiomi nodded gratefully to Lin Bin.

Lin Bin said: "You go first, I'll stay, and I still have some things to deal with. Next, it's not convenient for you to stay here."

"Thank you very much."

Tohsaka Tokiomi nodded.

Holding her daughter carefully in her arms, she ran out quickly.

She couldn't help whispering: "Sakura, don't be afraid, Rin has been waiting for you at home, she misses you very much, your mother misses you very much, we all miss you very much..."

He left quickly.

He didn't even look at Matou Kariya who was kneeling on the ground with a confused face.

Apparently, for him...

From the very beginning, Matou Kariya was not even considered an enemy.

As a result, Jiantong Kariya became even more confused, he no longer knew the meaning of the suffering he had suffered during this period of time.

Until only Lin Bin and Matou Kariya were left in the worm room.

Lin Bin looked at Jiantong Yanye, and asked, "Do you want to keep pretending?"

Jiantong Yanye said confusedly: "What did you say...?"

"You really don't look like you're pretending to be a licking dog. Your confused eyes are not sincere enough, Matou Zouken, do you think I can't find your trace? How could a person like you not be around to arrange a few more Anzi?"

Jian Tong Yanye's eyes suddenly lit up.

Raise your hand.

A gray shadow attacked Lin Bin.

But at the moment when he met He's Bi's light halfway, he screamed and turned into ashes...

Even with the power of the engraving worm, it can't even get close to the opponent.

Matou Kariya...

In other words, Matou Zouken, who occupied Matou Kariya's body, immediately wanted to escape.

This person was his natural nemesis, and he had no hope of winning except to run away.

But the next moment.

In the familiar pain, blood spattered.

He watched helplessly as his arms left his body and flew high.

Then, Xuanyuanjian stared at him firmly on the ground.

"I will accept the command spell."

Lin Bin's immortal essence burst out through the blade.

Amidst the shrill and painful screams, even Jiantong Kariya's body was transformed, and was also restrained severely by Xuanyuanjian.

Matou Zouken struggled so contortedly, and gradually there was no more sound.

There was a gloating smile on the corner of his mouth.

It should be the smile of Kariya Matou...

Before he died, he could see the old insect reduced to such a fate, and he could see Sakura successfully escaped from the sea of ​​suffering.

He suddenly figured it out.

What happened if he saved it?
Sakura and Rin were still not born to him, so didn't he still regard them as his own children?
As long as there is a heart...they are happy.

"Thanks a lot..."

Finally, leave a dying thank you.

Kariya Matou died completely.

Together with Matou Zouken...

And Lin Bin took the arm with the three curse marks, and glanced at the summoning circle that had been drawn on the ground.

And the holy relics that have already been prepared.

A corner of the dining table of the Knights of the Round Table.

"Fortunately, Tokiomi is gone, otherwise, if I were to shout those middle school lines in front of him, I would really be ashamed, and then kill someone to silence me."

Lin Bin raised his hand and transferred the curse seal to himself.

This is thanks to the popular science of King of Heroes.


It is to summon the heroic spirit that belongs to him!
(End of this chapter)

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