when reincarnation invades

Chapter 302 I should be under the car and not in the car

Chapter 302 I should be under the car and not in the car
Shi Zhixuan's voice was as gentle and magnetic as ever.

Just like a persuasive teacher, people unconsciously want to listen to his words.

He praised: "Good job, even I am still only hovering at the peak of the holy level and failed to enter the township level smoothly, but you have already emerged in the township level, thinking back to you and me When we first met, you still needed to confuse me with words, so as to avoid direct conflict with me. Thinking about it now, doesn’t this just prove that you are more suitable for living in a secret realm than me, Abin , in the secret realm, you are better than me."

"The evil king is too generous."

Lin Bin said modestly: "In fact, I'm only at the holy level. This time, I just increased my knowledge...Although I was lucky enough to complete the task, I didn't enter the national level."

"The rating of the Samsara Space Association is just an external standard. Don't you know whether it has specific strength?"

Shi Zhixuan's tone suddenly became a little more gloomy, and he said with emotion: "With your current strength, even if I want to assassinate you, I'm afraid it will not be as smooth as I imagined."

Lin Bin: "..."

He laughed dryly: "Did Xie Wang call this to praise my strength?"

"No...I just remind you to be careful."

"Be careful of the evil king's assassination methods? I shouldn't have bullied your daughter, have I?"

"Don't you really think that this secret realm is over?"

Lin Bin asked, "Otherwise?"

"Of course, the secret realm is over, but the impact caused by the secret realm is still ongoing. During this period of time, everyone in the Freedom Federation is in danger. With the death of a large number of high-end reincarnators, their control over the secret realm During this period of time, secret realms continued to appear, and many of them have even begun to spread to the mainland of the Federation... You should also know that the overall difficulty of secret realms is rising in a curve."

"The reincarnators on their side are no longer enough to cope with the successive high-difficulty secret realms, so they can only send those relatively blunt reincarnations to forcibly delay the time, but this is just drinking poison to quench their thirst. Doing so will only break their roots. They obviously I also know this, but there is no other way to choose at present... And misfortunes never come singly. Some cult members jumped out to advocate the theory of annihilation. Ordinary people on the side of the Freedom Federation have already started smashing, looting and setting fires in the street. The policemen There is no way to stop this group of lunatics, and even many reincarnated people have entered the security team to maintain law and order, do you understand what this means?"

Of course Lin Bin understood this.

The reincarnation is external, and the guard is internal.

In theory, reincarnators are not allowed to intervene in any decision-making in the real world.

Because the reincarnated people are too powerful, this is not only to allow the reincarnated people to concentrate on conquering the secret realm, but also to protect the order of the real world from being infiltrated by the reincarnated people who master the power of other worlds.

But now...

It was clearly messed up.

Shi Zhixuan said: "This means that the world is out of control. The contest between the real world and the secret realm has been stable before, but now it has gradually fallen into a disadvantage, and even... there are signs of collapse. The method of reincarnation absorbing power from the secret realm and then using this power to fight against the secret realm is no longer feasible."

Lin Bin: "..."

Shi Zhixuan said: "Actually, this is a matter of time. After all, no matter what kind of cultivation system it is, it is a rapid progress in the initial stage, and it will become more difficult in the future. This collapse will happen sooner or later, but the appearance of this evil in this world has nothing to do with it. There is no doubt that the time of this collapse has been pushed forward by ten years!"

"What about the situation in Huaguo?"

"The situation in Hua is much better. Because of your existence, there are not so many casualties among reincarnations, and bystanders are clear. Seeing the current chaos in the Freedom Federation, they will naturally pay attention not to let themselves follow in the footsteps, but it's still the same sentence... ...This is just the difference between ten years and five years, Huaguo has also suffered a lot of damage, but it is not as rough as the Freedom Federation, and it is directly on the ground."

Shi Zhixuan sighed: "Right now, the entire Yuanxing is just dying. To put it bluntly, if we don't find out the truth about Yuanxing's invasion and stop the invasion from the source, Yuanxing's demise will only be a matter of time."

Lin Bin was puzzled, "Why is Xie Wang so sentimental all of a sudden?"

Shi Zhixuan said: "It's just emotion. I thought I found a place where we can enjoy family relationships, but I didn't think it was just jumping from one hell to another. Alas... off topic, but this time I'm looking for you, it's really related to this matter .”

"what's up?"

"After going through several ups and downs before, the Kingdom of God has suffered a lot. The first apostle has already ordered that the wind and rain will not be disturbed in the near future to prevent official attacks. Although the Kingdom of God is strong, it obviously does not have the strength to match the authority A counterweight."

Shi Zhixuan sighed: "But the plan can't keep up with the changes. Who would have thought that the government would suddenly suffer heavy losses, so during this period of time, the Kingdom of God is about to move again."

Lin Bin asked, "And then?"

"Their goal is a world-class item that was lost many years ago, and based on the time and place when this world-class item was lost, as well as your age and some past encounters, I think this matter should also be related to You are concerned."

Lin Bin frowned and sighed: "So many apostles have been knocked out, haven't they given up yet?"

"Don't you think that the strength of the Kingdom of God only stops here? Or, don't you think that you have won several victories, and this time you have shown your prowess among the reincarnators of the township level, so you don't take it Do you pay attention to the Kingdom of God?"

Shi Zhixuan: "You said before that you were only at the Saint level, and not at the Township level. Why did you suddenly float up?"

"No... not..."

"You don't say you don't have it, but you actually have it."

Shi Zhixuan said: "The ones you killed were only the lower-ranked apostles. From the sixth apostle onwards, all of them are above the township level. Unlike ordinary apostles, they have a circle of their own. Those who are not at the national level are not allowed to join it, that is the core of the real kingdom of God, and no matter how the apostles are rotated after that, it will only be ringworm of the hands and feet, and it will not hurt the root cause."

He sighed: "I even suspect that the first apostle may have surpassed the township level and reached a higher level. Unfortunately, I am not strong enough to enter that circle, so I can only rely on some clues to speculate, but It is not a bad thing to think of the enemy as strong as possible."

"What do you mean, this time the town and country will make a move?"

"I don't know what relationship you have with this world-class item, but remember to be careful, I will continue to investigate information here."

"Okay, thank you, Xie Wang, for reminding me."

"It doesn't matter, they are all from my own family. In the future, treat Feixuan and Qingxuan better. Try not to treat one more favorably than the other. A bowl of water should be flat, and the rain and dew should be evenly soaked."

"Ah this..."

The other party hung up the phone without hesitation.

Lin Bin's sense of exhaustion after practicing has completely disappeared with this phone call.

Yuan Xing is terminally ill...

The invasion of secret realms is the general trend and it is difficult to stop.

So in the end, what will it look like?
Shi Zhixuan said in a tone that coming here from Tang Dynasty is just entering another hell from one hell.

Datang is a purgatory on earth.

But judging from what he said, the primordial star might not be much better by then.

"It's a pity. I'm soft-spoken and low-strength. No matter how strong I am, how strong can I be? Can I really save the world by myself like the anime protagonist in Little Japan?"

Lin Bin thought that what I can do is to improve my strength as much as possible, so that when the chaos comes, I can protect the people around me.

If you don't accumulate steps, you can reach thousands of miles, so let's continue to practice hard.


Early the next morning.

"Sister, let Qingxuan and Feixuan come to my house for a light meal tonight."

Lin Xue was taken aback when she heard the words, and asked curiously, "Why?"

"Their father has helped me a lot. The only request is that I take good care of the two sisters. It's reasonable. I have to take good care of their daily life, right? Besides, the table at home is too big now. It’s getting bigger, and the room is also getting bigger, and it’s not that I can’t accommodate them... Forget it, I’d better invite them in person.”

Lin Bin thought it was time to turn Shi Feixuan, this little girl, into mine.

And I don't know if Zhu Yuyan and Shan Meixian are there.

During this period of time, because Concubine Dongjun Yan was by his side, and because he was busy with training, he hadn't gone to Shan Meixian's boudoir for a while to have a drink.

Well, go and tell her first, let her prepare some side dishes, and quietly go over for a few drinks at night.

At that time, she and Yuyan must be accompanied by her in person to relax. Meixian is still inexperienced alone, and needs Zhu Yuyan's guidance.

He drove to the small town of Datang.

Today's Datang Town has changed a lot from before.

The territory has expanded a lot.

During this period of time, a large number of excellent reincarnations have sprouted in a small town in the Tang Dynasty.

Not only Zhu Yuyan, Wan Wan, Shi Feixuan and others, but also many reincarnations who have just entered the extraordinary.

After all, they all have a lot of experience in martial arts, but they lack guidance on exercises.

And in the reincarnation space, the most indispensable thing is the cultivation method...

When the two are combined, progress is made by leaps and bounds.

After proving his own strength, he naturally received more attention from the Hua Kingdom, especially during this period of time when the difficulty of the secret realm increased sharply, and the reincarnated people in Datang Town were even more important.


The official waved his hand.

A large piece of land was directly approved for them, which made Datang Town successfully expand.

The car was driving in the quaint town.

On both sides are the quaint two-story wooden shop.

The commercial flags hanging outside danced in the wind, which made Lin Bin feel as if he had traveled to ancient times by car.

First, I went to Shan Meixian's residence.

At this time, Shan Meixian was instructing Shan Wanjing to practice sword in the courtyard.

Both mother and daughter are dressed in white silk skirts, holding three-foot green blades, and their postures are graceful like fairies relegated to mortals.

Instead, Lin Bin looked sideways.

Soon, the attention of the mother and daughter was attracted by the car outside.

Seeing that it was Lin Bin coming, Shan Wanjing's pretty face darkened, she turned her head angrily and left...

She is not stupid, or it can be said that she has lived in a complicated environment since she was a child, and she may be better than Shan Meixian in observing words and emotions.

As long as she is not blind, she knows the relationship between this man who is about her age and her mother.

He must have been warned by Shan Meixian, so he didn't dare to attack...

After all, she also knows how to measure, knowing that the current Lin Bin is something she can't afford to provoke.

The little girl can only express her dissatisfaction in this way.

Shan Meixian took a handkerchief and gently wiped the sweat from her forehead, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, the child is not sensible..."

Lin Bin smiled and said, "It's okay, a little girl who has never been seen before, can I still argue with her?"

After all, I noticed that Shan Meixian had a strange expression on her face.

It was only then that he realized that he seemed to have used the wrong words, and hurriedly explained: "Sorry, my Chinese is not very good, I want to say that a little girl who has never experienced anything has no experience, and she doesn't understand the friendship between adults. Can you still argue with her?"

"Oh... this... that's it."

Shan Meixian lowered her head uncomfortably to look at her feet, but she was blocked and couldn't see anything...

She vaguely said: "Is the young master here to look for Meixian? If so, Rong Meixian should go take a shower and change clothes."

"It's okay, don't be in a hurry, I'll prepare some side dishes for the evening, I'll have a drink, and chat with you two by the way."

Shan Meixian: "Huh?"

Lin Bin asked, "Did your mother go to practice?"

"Oh... oh oh..."

Shan Meixian shook her head and said, "Mother has gone to practice, but she hasn't come back yet."

"Well, you can do it yourself, remember to prepare more wine from your side, it's quite delicious to drink."

Of course, the main reason is that the alcohol content is low, and there is no need to use real energy to force alcohol. He likes this feeling of being slightly drunk and awake.

"Meixian understands."

Shan Meixian breathed a sigh of relief.

Lin Bin chatted with her a few more words, and it was not until Shan Wanjing impatiently made a lot of messes in the room that Lin Bin smiled and said, "I'll come back at night..."

After that, he drove to the end of the town.

When they came to the residence of Shi Qingxuan and the sisters, they picked them up and walked home together.

Knowing that she was going to Lin Bin's house for a casual meal, Shi Qingxuan's first thought was to go to the surrounding shops to buy some milk and other gifts.

Lin Bin stopped him.

He directly forcibly pulled the two sisters into the car, and said with a smile: "I'm not an outsider, so you don't have to be so polite. If you really feel embarrassed, just help me blow the flute if you have nothing to do. I like it after you played it last time. Listen, as long as you don't misunderstand that you are singing for me, I really appreciate it..."

"Brother Bin, as long as you don't dislike him."

On the way back, Lin Bin and Shi Qingxuan talked and laughed at Yan Yan, with an easy-going and friendly demeanor.

Since Lin Bin taught Shi Qingxuan how to get along with Concubine Shi, the two have established a deep friendship... After all, Shi Qingxuan has no experience in getting along with sisters, and it is all thanks to Lin Bin to teach.

Instead, it was Shi Feixuan.

Since getting in the car, he has been silent.

He was obviously sitting in the co-pilot, but he kept looking outside...

"What's wrong, Feixuan? Why hasn't she spoken?"

Shi Qingxuan was still careful, looked at Shi Feixuan in surprise, and said, "Aren't you always with Brother Bin and Brother Bin, why did you stop talking when you saw me?"

"This...no...actually not..."

Concubine Shixuan bit her lip lightly, feeling in her heart...it really is not good enough for outsiders.

Not so long ago, she was with the man in front of her.

The two of them shared the same bed and were extremely intimate.

But later, with the return of the rightful lord, she had to retreat to the second line...

This made her unable to bear a kind of... the illusion that she was actually just a substitute.

Although he knows that he is the deity, he has a good relationship with brother Bin.

But looking at the other party's polite appearance, she still felt an inexplicable loss in her heart, obviously not long ago she was so abrupt.

"Maybe some don't know how to face me."

Lin Bin held the steering wheel with one hand, and the other hand directly patted Shi Feixuan's leg.

Shi Feixuan's eyes widened suddenly.

The weather was getting hotter. She didn't wear trousers today, but a knee-length white dress. Her hair was casually tied into a low ponytail and tied behind her head. She looked extraordinarily slim and graceful.

It's just that although the skirt is not transparent, it is light and thin after all. As the big hand pressed down, it was almost in close contact with her skin in an instant.

She said in surprise, "Brother Bin... the car... the car..."

"Well, I'm driving."

"Feixuan said... you need to drive with two hands..."

"Yeah, I'm driving with both hands."

Lin Bin rubbed slowly, and the skirt that was originally below the knee was rubbed up little by little, and more than half of the palm of his hand had directly touched the delicate and fair skin.

Behind him, Shi Qingxuan was stunned for a moment, with a strange expression on his face, and said: "Brother Bin, you are taking advantage of my sister in front of me like this...it's not good..."

"Shouldn't this be called taking advantage? I thought Feixuan was already used to it."

Lin Bin didn't show any sign of avoiding it, but went in a little more presumptuously.

He smiled and said, "Didn't Feixuan disappear for a few days last time? Qingxuan, you even sent me a message to complain. In fact, I should apologize to you, because Feixuan didn't go to other places, and didn't make friends with those people." She was with me at the time, um, my sister had to leave for a while because of some things, so I entrusted her to take care of me."

He smiled narrowly at Shi Feixuan, and said, "At that time, Feixuan took care of her deeply and caringly."

Concubine Shixuan's bewildered body suddenly froze there. Seeing Lin Bin's eyes widen unconsciously, she said in surprise, "Brother Bin...you...you already knew..."

Lin Bin nodded and said, "En."

"Then you treated me...you...touched me at that time..."

Lin Bin nodded and said, "It's purely to take advantage of you."

Concubine Shixuan: "..."

At this moment, Shi Feixuan only hated that she was in the car, not under the car, otherwise, she would have to dig out a room with three bedrooms and two halls with her feet in embarrassment.

(End of this chapter)

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