when reincarnation invades

Chapter 309 Ilya Ruping Einzbern

Chapter 309 Ilya Rupin Einzbern
It is indeed necessary to do some preparation in advance.

After all, this time, Lin Bin is not only facing a task...

He wants to use the Tianya Sword as a fulcrum to gain more benefits for himself, but how to do it, currently he only has a general framework in his mind, and he needs to fill in the details carefully.

That's why he put the time in seven days.

In the process, there are still some things that need to be taken care of.

Lin Bin first went to the World XX Bureau to find Lei Bureau.

"You want to enter the A-234 mystery?"

Lei Meng looked at Lin Bin with a bit of unique relief and worry in his eyes, and he was so relieved that his subordinate's growth was too amazing.

Worry is...

"Could you be suffering from real-world life obstacle stress disorder?"

He asked: "I found that during this period of time, you entered one secret realm after another in turn, and there was almost no time to stop and rest. Could it be that life in the real world can no longer make you feel peaceful, and you have to enter the secret realm to be able to feel peaceful?" There is such a sliver of consolation, if this is the case, I suggest that you better go to the Samsara Space Association to see a psychiatrist, and don’t shy away from medical treatment.”

"No, no, this is not a rush..."

Lin Bin paused, and said seriously: "The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility."

"It's true, you can be on your own now."

Raymond's tone was cold, with a hint of sarcasm.

But Lin Bin understands that his leadership is like this...

Praising people can boast the taste of loss.

Lin Bin sighed: "And to be honest, the more I improve my strength, the greater the sense of crisis in my heart. I want to improve my strength as quickly as possible, so that I can deal with the possibility of coming at any time." crisis."

Lei Meng knew the elegant meaning after hearing the string song, and asked, "Apostle?"


Lin Bin nodded.

He didn't mention the existence of Shi Zhixuan, but it is also a fact that the top reincarnation of the Huaguo Reincarnation Space Association suffered heavy casualties in a secret realm. Being able to sit in this position does not require much explanation, and Lei Meng can understand the impact behind this incident.

Raymond nodded and said: "Then you have to coordinate between the reality and the secret realm. As far as I know, there are also many reincarnated people who end up falling into chaos because they can't distinguish the difference between reality and the secret realm." , made some..."

"Lei Ju, this kind of thing won't happen to me, you can rest assured about that."

"Well, that's true. I really haven't seen you encounter any difficulties in the secret realm. That's fine. I'll leave this matter to me."

Raymond paused, looked through the information in his hand for a while, and said: "You have entered the killing-level secret realm quite a few times now, you can consider becoming a town-level reincarnation."

"Understood, please help me set the next secret realm at A-234. After this secret realm, I will go to the Reincarnation Space Association to apply for an upgrade."

Theoretically speaking, the secret realm of the reincarnation cannot be chosen at will.

Of course, everything is elastic.

If it matters...

Isn't it a matter of course for internal operations?

Old tradition.

"It's good if you agree. When you officially become a town-level reincarnation, you will be able to understand a lot of things, and you will also have a vote on some major decisions. Become a town-level reincarnation, which also means A reincarnation has really walked out of Xinshou Village."

Raymond sighed: "Normal people need at least ten or even twenty-three years of hard work to complete this process. Fortunately, you have completed this process in nearly one-tenth of their time. You join the world How long has it been since the game, and in the end, he has successfully changed from a chess piece to a chess player."

"Look at what you said, my secret realm hasn't started yet, let alone the next secret realm..."

"It's just the difference between S and A."

Raymond said: "Since you took the initiative to choose this secret realm, you probably have your reasons for coming. All I can do is support you. Don't worry, your next secret realm will be A-234 secret realm."

"Thank you Bureau Lei."

I have to mention that there are people behind the scenes who are easy to handle.

Not long after Lin Bin left the World XX Bureau, he received a reminder from the reincarnation table.

Remind him to enter Secret Realm A-234 within seven days, if there is any delay, he will bear the consequences.

"Seven days...is enough for me to make some preparations in advance."

Lin Bin returned home, opened the Samsara Watch APP again, and first exchanged a set of signal base stations.

【Micro-signal base station (Class B): It can act as a temporary signal receiving and transmitting transfer station. With this base station, electronic equipment can be used for long-distance communication.Redemption requires B-level merit × 1, reincarnation points × 2000 points! 】

A very expensive little thing.

It seems to have no effect, but with this kind of thing, reincarnated people can use mobile phones to communicate remotely in the secret realm before.

Although Lin Bin had a team before... But most of the time, he was fighting alone, so he didn't think about exchanging such convenient items.

Now, whether it is Concubine Dongjunyan or Xia Dou, although they are already saint-level reincarnations and have enough qualifications to enter the killing-level secret realm, their personal strength is actually much inferior to that of Lin Bin, especially when Lin Bin completed The task seems to be clean and neat, but it is completely relying on foresight, or the understanding of the characters in the secret realm. In fact, it is extremely rough and direct, and the degree of danger will naturally increase greatly. Therefore, even if It is for their safety, and this thing has to be exchanged.

Wait until dinner time.

Lin Bin told the news that he would enter the secret realm in seven days.

"So fast?"

Lin Xue looked at Lin Bin with worry in his eyes, and asked, "Could it be that you suffer from stress disorder in the real world?"

He actually asked the same question as Raymond.

Lin Bin thought to himself, my stupid sister, you have exposed your identity as an old reincarnation.

"No, I asked for it."

Naturally, you don't have to be as polite as Lei Ju with your family...

Lin Bin said with a smile: "Because there are things I need in this secret realm, and for now, this secret realm is still clean and has not been tossed too much by the reincarnation. I want to go in while the place is still clean." After a trip..., no matter how many reincarnations enter, no matter how messy they are, it has nothing to do with me."

Hearing this, the women's expressions were a little weird.

It doesn't feel like it's a secret.

Or is it that to Lin Bin, the secret realm is really like a girl lying there asking for anything?

If so...

This speech is also quite scumbag.


Gao Yue worriedly held Concubine Yan's hand, then turned to look at Lin Bin.

"Don't worry, Yue'er, this time the secret realm is very different from last time."

Lin Bin took out the S-level item Time Gem, and said with a smile: "Look... Come and see the attributes of this thing, do you really think that all my long-term training is just a few tricks?"

"Don't speak dirty."

Lin Xue slapped Lin Bin's hand lightly.

His eyes have been attracted by the time gem.

[Time Gem (S-level prop): By paying reincarnation points, the time flow rate between different worlds can be divided, and the amount of reincarnation points paid shall prevail! 】

[Note: Who said money can't buy time? 】

Adjust time ratio...

Gao Yue was still a little ignorant.

Lin Xue and the others have already understood the meaning of this prop. It looks simple, but it can adjust the time. This item alone, even among S-level props, can be called an extremely powerful prop.

"Because the people who have experienced this time are all our own people, so after entering the secret realm this time, we can directly use the S-level treasures to make adjustments. It shouldn't take too long at that time, and we probably will be able to come back smoothly."

Lin Bin laughed and said: "And this way, we have enough time in the secret realm to plan and plan, and we don't have to worry about delaying in the secret realm for too long and rush to make omissions."

"What a magical prop."

Illya looked at Lin Bin and asked, "Abin, when I enter the secret realm, can I borrow this S-level item of yours to use it? Of course, I can pay for it, and with BERSERKER, you don't have to Worried that I will die in the secret realm, and even the props will be lost in the secret realm..."

Obviously, at this moment, she thought of her mother.

As the difficulty of tasks within the secret realm increases, more and more time is required to enter the secret realm.

It is conceivable that it is very likely that as their strength reaches the township level, the task time limit will be greatly reduced, and it is not impossible for a task to take a year or so.

Although Ilya looks small, she has been in this world for several years, and her small body contains rich social experience. On the contrary, Irisviel, who looks mature, noble and She's beautiful, but she's actually younger and easier to deceive than a child, so of course she can't help but worry.


Lin Bin glanced at Ilya and said, "It's fine to pay the reward. If you really plan to use it, I don't mind giving it to you, but do you have enough reincarnation points to activate it?"

Ilya blinked, and silently covered her chest and ate her head.

No money... not even qualified to use good things.

This burning is not something that 1000 or [-] reincarnated people can afford.

Even if this thing was given to her by Lin Binbai, she would have to consider whether burning reincarnation points was worth it.

On the contrary, Lin Xue next to her looked thoughtful.

In the end, he concluded: "In short, it's better to be careful. Don't get carried away arrogantly just because you got an S-level item. You know, the more careless you are, the easier it is to suffer big losses."

"Well, my sister taught me a lesson."

"It's not a lesson, it's a reminder... Be careful, you only have one life, do you know?"

"Yes, yes, my sister reminded me."

After obtaining the consent of his family, Lin Bin did not go out in the next few days, but kept thinking about how to seek Taiji Xuanqing from Qingyunmen.

In fact...

Even if he doesn't have the Tianya Sword, he still has a character card, which allows him to easily substitute into a disciple of Qingyun Sect.

It's just the remark on this item card, but it makes him dare not use it rashly...

[Character card (a-level secret realm item): Using this character card, you can choose a different person to replace when entering the secret realm, replacing that person's identity and status. 】

[Note: Be careful not to expose yourself, or you will die at the hands of the closest person, and don’t let yourself not be exposed, or you will die at the hands of your most trusted teammates. 】

Although not shown in the plot.

But in fact, the time flow of Qing Yunmen is really based on the unit of a hundred years. For example, Qihao looks young and handsome, but in fact he even participated in the Qimai martial arts meeting twice every 60 years. He was able to achieve excellent results for the first time. It can be seen that when he participated for the first time, he must be at least sixty years old.

After so many years of getting along... needless to say how familiar the disciples are.

Coupled with the fighting between the righteous way and the devil way.

He suddenly replaced the inner lining of a certain disciple, which seemed to be a breeze.

But in fact, he wants to hide from those old goblins who have lived for hundreds of years through amnesia...

On the contrary, it is an unrealistic thing.

I'm afraid it is more reasonable to think that he was killed by a monster of the evil way and disguised to take over his identity.

Especially after he pretends to be, he still has to find a way to find a way...

Therefore, entering with the Tianya sword as the fulcrum seems to be more difficult.

In fact, the operability should be above the character card.

"So...using the character card as a backup method and the Tianya sword as a stepping stone, we will still play it by ear at that time, and the best way is to complement each other and cooperate with each other. This way the cost is relatively large, but the income is definitely far beyond imagination. .”

this day.

Lin Bin specially gathered Xia Dou and Concubine Yan together, and held a secret meeting in his bedroom very seriously.

What he said was naturally his plan for this secret realm.

As for his thoughts, both Xia Dou and Concubine Dongjun Yan couldn't help being shocked for a while.

The look in Lin Bin's eyes was full of horror...

Obviously he didn't expect him to come up with such a crazy idea.

"In short, since that crazy husky can give this secret realm a killing level, it can be seen that its conventional combat power is indeed not very high, but Tianya can be an A+ level magic weapon, which shows that in this world, it is probably stronger than A+ It is not without weapons, so the high-end combat power in this world is definitely higher than the killing level. With our strength, there is no need to worry, but we must be cautious, just because the cycle of going is relatively long, so the preparation is still sufficient A little is better."

After talking about his plan, Lin Bin immediately talked about the precautions for this secret realm.

"Well, I will prepare enough artillery fire."

I learned that Lin Bin planned to use the S-level prop Time Gem.

Xia Dou immediately heard the string song and knew the elegant meaning, and expressed his understanding.

Nodding and laughing: "And I have a surprise here, your H9 has been refitted and is about to be completed, when we drive in the real world, we don't have to worry about tire blowouts, engine starters, brakes, etc. gone."

"That's good, get ready, we'll leave in two days."


Xia Dou raised her hand full of vitality to salute, then lowered her head and looked at her small breast expectantly...

Xindao, I am only young because of my young age. This time I enter the secret realm, maybe I will grow up a year or two directly, and when I come out, why not scare the boss?
Hmm... waiting in.

Be sure to massage every day to enhance the effect.

End of the meeting.

Xia Dou immediately went to pack up the props hesitantly.

I heard that it is a place where everyone can fly with a sword and everyone has a magic weapon for self-defense.

Therefore, weapons and ammunition such as anti-aircraft guns must be fully prepared.

In case the ammunition stock is insufficient...wouldn't it be embarrassing?
And when Xia Dou went back to prepare, Concubine Yan also went to accompany Yue'er to do her homework, and by the way, after finishing her homework, she took her to the playground to play and buy clothes, so as to comfort her daughter.

Elijah slipped in quietly.

The little girl was dressed casually at home. She was wearing a purple dress with a short white pleated skirt. She was pink and cute. She was kicking a pair of white bear slippers on her feet. She looked like she came out of an animation like a doll...

Although it is true.

She was a little embarrassed and asked: "Hey, Abin... are you going to practice again?"


Lin Bin smiled and said, "Why, are you here to draw my blood?"

"It's just blood, no need for essence... Hehe... But even I didn't expect you to have such a magical item. It seems that you don't need to smoke a lot, a little is enough."

Ilya also seemed a little embarrassed to have been causing trouble for Lin Bin since she came to this world.

She was a little embarrassed and compared her little finger, indicating that it was just a little bit.

"Come on... don't I need to do this kind of thing myself?"

"I'm ready."

Yi Liya took out a whole set of blood drawing tools and saw Lin Bin lying on the bed.

She said earnestly: "I don't have much experience, so try to pierce through the needle once. If you feel overwhelmed by too much pricking, you can prick it back at that time."

"bring it on."

Lin Bin raised his hand and cooperated extremely throughout the process.

Ilya carefully sterilized, and then pushed the needle into the blood vessel.

Watching the blood in the test tube being sucked out gradually, she bit her lip lightly and asked, "Does it hurt?"

"It's really a bit... what's wrong?"

"Would you like me to help you stop the pain?"

Lin Bin didn't take this little pain seriously at first, but when he heard what Ilya said, he nodded and said, "It can still relieve the pain? Then come on."

Ilya took a deep breath, and then took another breath. The body that was kneeling by the bed suddenly straightened up. The small face that was no bigger than a palm was getting closer and closer to Lin Bin's eyelids until it was completely Covered his entire line of sight.

There is a warm feeling on the lips.

Lin Bin's eyes widened suddenly, looking at the fair cheeks that were so close to her, especially her eyelashes fluttering, obviously she herself was already extremely nervous.

Seemingly embarrassed to look at Lin Bin, she slowly covered her eyelids shyly, hiding those shy eyes that were as clear as rubies.

Lin Bin just couldn't help but have weird thoughts in his mind.

Where are you from Ilya Rupin Einzbern?

(End of this chapter)

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