when reincarnation invades

Chapter 321 Give a good assist

Although furious, the fake Xiao Yicai also understands that he is now in the stronghold of a powerful enemy, if he does not expose himself, relying on Xiao Yicai's vest, no matter what happens, he will be at ease.

But once discovered, it is a life and death crisis.

Didn't even have to fight...

The fake Xiao Yicai rushed towards the outside of the hall, but before he could get out, his whole body was suddenly transformed, and he transformed into a goshawk in front of everyone, flapping his wings and flying towards the sky.

Even though Qingyunmen is the head of the righteous way, the sky is his home field.

And in the process of its transformation...

Sure enough, just as Daoxuan expected, a light and fluffy human skin mask just fell down slowly.

Where it came from is self-evident.

Daoxuan's heart became even more furious, and he shouted: "Dying to slay demons and demons, Yicai is considered a worthy death, but the body of a monster is trying to tarnish Yicai's reputation after death, you deserve death! Stay!"

Taiji Xuanqingdao followed the trend.

Gathered above the sky, it turned into a group of slowly rotating Taiji patterns, exuding awe-inspiring blue light, warm and freehand, covering the entire sky...

The giant eagle flapped its wings in the sky, but bumped into the huge Tai Chi diagram.

The Tai Chi Diagram seems illusory, but its light curtain is condensed and never scattered.

The giant eagle seems to have thrown itself into a net, and the Taiji diagrams circled around it, completely sealing off the space for it to soar.

"Damn... If you have the ability to let me go, fight me for three hundred rounds!"

The giant eagle had no choice but to be forcibly transformed into a human form.

It was a completely unfamiliar face, with blond hair and white skin, who looked like a foreigner.

Seeing no hope of escape...

He was actually aroused to be fierce in his heart.

The feet are firmly rooted on the ground, and with a roar...

The body swelled accordingly, and huge mane hairs like steel needles grew out.

His whole body has transformed into a giant bear with a full body.

The bear of the earth, as long as his feet stand on the ground, his power is endless!


Accompanied by a roar.

He stood up straight, strode towards Daoxuan with big strides...

Catch the thief first catch the king!
Daoxuan gave a low drink.

Raise your hand, and the fingering tricks change without direction.

The blue light sword energy presents the momentum of Taiji Liangyi, and surrounds the opponent with his own strength.

The bear of the earth is invulnerable, but facing Daoxuan's sword energy, it is as fragile as paper, and several hideous wounds have been torn out on its body.

The blood sprayed, dyeing the originally dark gray bear hair into blood red.

"If you don't reveal all the news you know to me today, you will never want to die in peace!"

His most beloved disciple was killed, Daoxuan was extremely furious at this moment, his attack was merciless, almost crushed.

One after another, the sword qi turned into substance, slashed down fiercely, forming an indestructible cage, especially the last two sword qi crossed, directly pressing his neck hard on the ground, As long as you dare to raise your head a little, you will have to bear the pain of the owl's head.

The faces of the chief sitters were all shocked...

Not only shocked by the strange ability of the enemy, but also shocked by Daoxuan's superb cultivation, which has reached such an astonishing level.

Especially Concubine Yan.

She is almost sure that the other party is 100% reincarnated... and the enhanced ability, transforming into an eagle and transforming into a bear, seems to be the ability of the druid series?
Is it a reincarnation from the Freedom Federation?

But how did they get into this secret place?
As she was thinking to herself, her pupils shrank suddenly, and she shouted, "Senior brother, be careful, the enemy has changed."

Daoxuan also let out a surprise, and saw that the eyes of the giant bear who had been completely suppressed in the sword prison suddenly had a blue light.

If the giant bear just now was ferocious and cruel, then at this moment, this giant bear is like a living corpse demon crawling up from hell, without any sense of human reason at all.

Let those streams of real sword energy cut open his thick fur...

But he turned a blind eye to it, let his flesh and blood unfold, and rushed towards Daoxuan again!


Daoxuan gasped in surprise, obviously he did not expect such a change.

About to make a move.

In the distance, suddenly there was a mighty sound of Buddha.


The huge swastika Buddha seal crashed down and hit the giant bear fiercely.

The giant bear let out a shrill scream and struggled even more fiercely.

But the swastika Buddha seal became more and more intense, and finally, there was a loud bang.

The giant bear screamed and was crushed to the ground without making any more sound.

Puzhina walked over slowly with still somewhat staggering steps, and sighed: "Senior brother Daoxuan, the old monk is more than a monk, I hope you will forgive me, but this corpse is full of aura, it is definitely not a living thing, if senior brother wants to find out from him If any information comes out, I am afraid it will be futile.”

"Corpse gas?!"

Daoxuan and the others were stunned for a moment, and a look of astonishment appeared on their faces.

Tian Buyi was surprised and said: "But just now, this person pretended to be Xiao's nephew, and his speech and behavior can be pretended to be lifelike. It can be seen that his thoughts are delicate. How could he be a dead thing?"

"He was still alive just now, but he is dead now."

Daoxuan said with a serious expression: "How dare this man try to plot against my Qingyun Sect, I thought this person was the leader, but now it seems that he is just a puppet tool, and behind him, there is another real master behind the scenes make!"

"He is aiming at Qingyunmen's Zhuxian Sword."

Concubine Yan thought that their mission should be related to Qingyunmen's Zhuxian Sword, and they wanted to get rid of me by the way... It can be seen that they must have learned through some channels that I have mixed into Qingyunmen, so they want to By the way, kill me too.

From this point of view, it is undoubtedly the enemy.

And then imagine that they even provoked the Ghost King Zong at the same time.

Although this information cannot be explained to everyone...

But Concubine Yan still said: "Moreover, it seems that while its purpose is the Sword of Zhuxian, it is definitely not limited to the Sword of Zhuxian. Otherwise, the puppet minion has already done so well, and if the mastermind behind the scenes took action personally, it would be a different matter .”

"In any case, it is an indisputable fact that my Qingyun Sect has been targeted by the enemy. I have to guard against it. Later, I will send my disciples to patrol everywhere from the bottom of the mountain. The incident in Daoxiang Village must not be allowed to happen again."


Pu Zhi said: "The poor monk can ask for support from Tianyin Temple. The Dafan Prajna of my Tianyin Temple seems to be the nemesis of this beast... The poor monk can make the decision and let the disciples of Tianyin Temple come to Qingyunmen to sit in the gate and do everything. Little power."

Daoxuan said: "Thank you so much, Junior Brother."

He was not polite.

This time the enemy's strength was really too weird. The reason why he was able to understate it just now was entirely because he relied on absolute strength to crush him.

But if the strength of the two sides is similar...

Xiao Yicai is one of the best figures among the younger generation in the sect, isn't he still in the opponent's hands?
And it is not known how many people of this level exist.

Maybe this time, it might really have to rely on the power of Tianyin Temple.

"Brother, you're welcome."

Pu Zhi said something politely, and immediately wrote it in hand, wrote it on letterhead and handed it to Daoxuan.

The words were quite polite. It didn't mean that Qingyun Sect encountered a strong enemy and needed support, but that the demon cult thieves had cunning tricks. Because the Dafan Prajna of Tianyin Temple restrained them a lot, I asked my seniors to send some elites Disciples came to help.

It made Daoxuan's impression of Puzhi a bit better...

It's fine if you don't take advantage of the Cangsong incident to blackmail, even when you help, you are very careful to take care of the other party's self-esteem.

Master Puzhi is a truly eminent monk and great virtue.

Daoxuan took the letter and said: "I will send my disciples to Tianyin Temple all night and night to seek support."

Puzhi nodded, and was about to volunteer, saying that he could take advantage of the future of Tianyin Temple to guard Qingyunmen on his behalf...

But suddenly, a disciple came to report.

"Teacher, there is a disciple from Tianyin Temple asking to see you outside."


This time, Puzhi and Daoxuan were stunned for a moment, Daoxuan glanced at Puzhi, and said: "Quickly ask him to come in."


After a moment.

A blood-stained disciple of Tianyin Temple staggered into the Qingyun Gate, before he saw Daoxuan, he saw Puzhi first.

His eyes suddenly lit up, and wept bitterly: "Uncle Puzhi, why are you here?"

Pu Zhi also said in surprise: "Fazhen, you... what's wrong with you?"

"Uncle Puzhi, there are demons besieging and suppressing Tianyin Temple, Tianyin Temple is already in danger."

Fazhen choked up and said, "The death of Tianyin Temple is not a pity, but these crooked sects are too terrifying, we must not let them spread, so the abbot asked us to come to Qingyunmen to ask for help, Tianyin Temple may have been destroyed. But I still hope that Headmaster Daoxuan, for the sake of the common people in the world, please use the Immortal Execution Sword to wipe out these evil spirits thoroughly, and return the world to a bright and clear sky!"


Daoxuan and Puzhi were shocked immediately.

Especially Daoxuan, tightly grasped the request letter in his hand.

Listening to Fazhen's tone, it seems that the current situation of Tianyin Temple is much more serious than that of Qingyunmen, and Fazhen even said that Tianyin Temple is in danger of destroying the sect.

Pu Zhi said urgently: "Fazhen, don't be half-baked, what happened?"

Fazhen cried and said: "Tianyin Temple is surrounded by monsters. Although we try our best to stop them, the number of monsters is increasing. When the disciples escaped desperately, Tianyin Temple was already in danger. Now two or three days have passed. It will take at least three days to rush back from Qingyunmen. I am afraid that Tianyin Temple will not be able to support the arrival of reinforcements, but those monsters must not let them spread, so the abbot asked me to wait for help. In such a situation, only Qingyunmen's Immortal Execution Sword can cleanse these crooked ways and restore the world to a bright future."

Daoxuan was surprised: "Is it because of this purpose that they seek Zhuxian Sword? To prevent us from rescuing Tianyin Temple?"

What shocked him even more was that back and forth, a few five or six days...

But listening to Fazhen's tone, Tianyin Temple could hardly sustain even those five or six days.

How strong is the enemy?
Puzhi looked at Daoxuan expectantly...

Daoxuan suddenly looked troubled.

Just now, the other party said with a selfless face that Tianyin Temple could send someone to guard Qingyunmen, but in the blink of an eye, Tianyin Temple suffered heavy losses. If he didn't help, it would be impossible to justify it.

But if you make a move...

The enemy is not only after Tianyin Temple, but also Qingyunmen.

He suddenly understood that this was clearly the enemy's conspiracy.

If Qingyun Sect sends too few reinforcements, it will not be of much use at all, and if they send too many, they must consider the safety of their own sect...

Daoxuan smiled wryly and said: "Tianyin Temple and Qingyun Sect share the same aura, if Tianyin Temple really encounters a catastrophe, Qingyun Sect will naturally not sit idly by, it's just Zhu Xianjian... really can't leave Qingyun Sect, but I can act on your behalf shot."

Daoxuan quickly made up his mind and said: "I will lead the elite disciples of Qingyun Sect to Tianyin Temple to help. Puzhi Junior Brother just said that Dafan Prajna has the power to suppress these monsters, so please ask Puzhi Junior Brother Guard Qingyunmen on your behalf, so I can leave with peace of mind."

What he meant was obvious.

All the monks in Tianyin Temple practice Dafan Prajna, if even they can't resist the invasion of thieves, then even if Puzhi goes back, it won't be of much use.

On the contrary, Daoxuan's cultivation base is advanced, so there may be some other way.

Everyone will be finalized soon!

Daoxuan and Zeng Shuchang led the elite disciples from Tongtian Peak and Fenghui Peak of Qingyunmen to Tianyin Temple to help.

As for the affairs within the Qingyun Sect, Dazhufeng Tianbuy and Xiaozhufeng Shuiyue, who is now Concubine Yan, will take care of them.

Daoxuan really regretted Cangsong's death at this moment.

He could also vaguely guess why Cang Song betrayed him, since he decided to reuse him, he shouldn't let him have any suspicions... After all, he mishandled this matter.

Fortunately, Junior Sister Shuiyue has a quick mind, coupled with Tian Buyi's strength, she should be able to protect Qingyunmen from being plotted by the enemy.

As soon as the news came out, Concubine Yan was stunned...

She was worried that she would not be able to get Qingyunmen's Supreme Sword Art, and now she has the qualifications to manage Qingyunmen?

From this point of view, these people seem to have given her an excellent assist...

As for Tian Buyi who was next to him with a disgruntled face, she didn't take him seriously at all.

She understood Daoxuan's meaning very well, let her take care of him temporarily because he believed in her wisdom, but he was not at ease in her strength, so he arranged another Tian Buyi... From this, it can be seen that this fat man is positioned as a martial artist.

But she remembered Lin Bin's entrustment to her before.

Concubine Yan understood that there was hidden behind the mountain of Qingyunmen a master who was said to be as powerful as Daoxuan.

Presumably, if Qingyun Sect really suffered a catastrophe, he would definitely take action.

It seems that you can't do it too blatantly.

Concubine Yan quietly made up her mind...

Daoxuan arranged it very quickly.

It's just less than two hours.

Already gathered the elite men and horses from the two peaks, controlled the magic weapon, turned into a Changhong, and galloped towards the direction of Tianyin Temple.

And at the same time.

Lin Bin, Ghost King and Qinglong had already galloped in the direction of Tianyin Temple.

The distance between Huqi Mountain and Tianyin Temple is not too far, it's just more than a day's journey.

And in the process, the ghost king did not forget to send a message to Qisha and others who were still on the way, and let them take advantage of the opportunity to divert to Tianyin Temple...

Tianyin Temple has been famous for many years, and in terms of reputation, it is much better than his ghost king Zongliang at this time.

If his wife and daughter were really imprisoned in Tianyin Temple, it would be extremely difficult to save them with his own strength.

At that time, the assistance of Qisha and others will be very important.

It's just that even though Ghost King and the others have already made the decision to fight head-on with Tianyin Temple!

When they rushed to Tianyin Temple.

But I was surprised to find...

It seems that it is no longer their turn to make a move.

Outside Tianyin Temple, those people who lived and worked in peace and contentment had all disappeared.

Instead, it was bustling with countless people moving around.

Countless blue-eyed monsters who looked like ghouls rushed towards Tianyin Temple, a sacred place of Buddhism, without fear of death.

And then halfway...

It was directly smashed to pieces by many eminent monks of Tianyin Temple with the Dafan Prajna Dharma.

But there were too many monsters, even if the monks of Tianyin Temple tried their best to stop them, they still couldn't resist the invasion of these monsters all the way.

Naturally, Tianyin Temple was able to support it until now, not just relying on Buddhism.

On the outermost high wall of Tianyin Temple, dozens of Gatling machine guns were mounted on the wall. Dozens of bald monks with half of their arms exposed, with fierce eyes, were holding Gatling guns. Not fired, just when these ghouls approach.

They will brazenly pull the trigger.

The fierce gunshots were like firecrackers, and the ghouls in front would be thrown down like a paddy field.

But they also seem to have some scruples, probably because they are worried about running out of ammunition...

Therefore, only shoot when it matters.

And inside Tianyin Temple, there was a huge roar from time to time. Missiles, mixed with fiery tail flames, fell on these living corpses, blasting out one after another pitch-black potholes that were more than ten meters wide. , was covered with rotten flesh paste, and countless living corpses could be buried in it by the way.

Tianyin Temple has been able to support it until now, and these weapons are undoubtedly indispensable.

It's just that even such a terrifying weapon can't hinder the footsteps of these living corpses, it can only delay their offensive.

"What exactly is going on?"

The Ghost King was stunned.

He had an impression of the weapon. He had roughly seen it in the memory of the female reincarnation. It seemed to be a gun or something.

But Tianyin Temple is in such a crisis...and...

He turned his head to look at Lin Bin, and asked, "These weapons were given to Tianyin Temple by your people?"

If these people use these weapons to deal with his Ghost King Zong, then the chances of him saving people will be extremely low.

But right now it seems...

Tianyin Temple seems to be unable to protect itself.

Lin Bin was even more shocked.

Look at the monsters below that are not afraid of death.

There was a dignified look on his face, and he said in surprise: "White ghost?!" (End of this chapter)

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