when reincarnation invades

Chapter 331 Harvest

Chapter 331 Harvest
Not surprisingly.

Concubine Yan was invited to the Huanyue Cave Mansion.

Ever since he knew that the Jade Immortal Sword was a book from heaven, no matter sooner or later, Daoxuan would take the initiative to explore the secrets above the Jade Immortal Sword.

But even if he really got the secret of the Jade Sword, he would definitely occupy this knowledge alone, and would never share it with any of the other six peaks.

Qingyunmen has been passed down for more than a thousand years, and the strength of Nagato Tongtian Peak has always surpassed the other six peaks.

Never left behind...

Is it really because the disciples of Tongtian Peak are generally higher than other disciples?

To put it bluntly, the real reason is not that Tongtian Peak has any secrets. Regarding Taiji Xuanqing Dao, they have different cultivation skills.

It's just that Concubine Yan still selflessly chose to give the wordless jade wall to Daoxuan for free when she knew that the wordless jade wall was four volumes in the heavenly book, and its mystery was no less than that of Zhu Xianjian.

If she really wants...

Daoxuan might really be justified.

But the other party is so impartial and selfless, it would be unreasonable not to share the fifth volume of the Heavenly Book with him.

And this is clearly the plan of Concubine Yan, Lin Bin and others...

A gentleman can deceive him.

Although Daoxuan had a lot of thoughts, he always demanded himself as the head of the righteous way.

What matters is fairness.

What is given must be returned.

And a treasure that can be transcribed like the Book of Heaven can be copied in one copy, two copies, and three copies.

Even sharing with Daoxuan is not a big deal...

Anyway, it is absolutely impossible for Daoxuan to take the initiative to contribute the method on Zhuxian Sword and exchange the second volume of heavenly scriptures with Ghost King Zong.

In the same way, it is also impossible for the ghost king to break into the Qingyun sect and read the five volumes of the heavenly book on the Jade Immortal Sword himself.

In this way, Lin Bin and others who have obtained two volumes and five volumes at the same time only need to wait quietly for the opening of the Heavenly Emperor's Treasure House. At that time, they will be the most likely to collect the five volumes of the heavenly book.

The Book of Heaven is to Taiji Xuanqing Dao and Xuanming Dao, just like the general outline of "Nine Yin Manuals" is to Nine Yin Manuals.

While the exercises are miraculous, they can complement each other and make up for the defect that the exercises are too slow to enter the realm.

After successfully obtaining the five volumes of the Heavenly Book, Concubine Yan immediately distributed the fifth volume of exercises to Lin Bin.

I just feel that I have a lot more understanding of Taiji Xuanqing Dao, and the fifth level of Yuqing has begun to loosen slowly. It is conceivable that the breakthrough period is not far away.

His own already somewhat slow entry also began to improve rapidly again.

In just over a month, he has reached a level that others have not been able to achieve in four or five years. If it is said, it may shock everyone's teeth.

On Lin Bin's side, there is no mountain or dew.

But he has already obtained the volumes [-], [-], and [-] of the Heavenly Book!
Xuan Mingdao was also born out of the heavenly scriptures, and his harvest was not less than that of Concubine Yan, and might even be more.

Although the heavenly book is shared by everyone, there is no privacy.

But his body itself is the real essence.

The acceptance rate is naturally much higher than that of Concubine Yan.

Especially after becoming a reincarnator, every time he is in a hurry, experience, rest, experience, rest... there is almost no time to stop.

He sort of understood why the more martial arts enhancement reaches its peak, the less it can keep up with other enhancements.

This really requires hard work and hard work every day to improve. Although the interval between reincarnations is getting longer and longer, it is because for reincarnations, more and more preparations need to be made.

Unable to settle down.

The further you go, the slower the natural progress will be, and it will be easy to switch to other enhancements.

That is to say, the "Longevity Formula" is self-generated and endless, and the skill can be improved by lying down, walking, sleeping and eating.

Otherwise, even if Lin Bin is blessed, he is at the peak of the extraordinary at the moment. If he wants to become a saint...it will take a while to settle down.

Although the entry is still fast.

But Lin Bin has already felt the existence of the bottleneck... Strictly speaking, it is not a bottleneck. After Heshibi forged the bone and cut the marrow, Lin Bin's body has almost become the body of the five spirits, and it is difficult to encounter the bottleneck.

But the progress of cultivation has indeed slowed down.

It is basically impossible to imagine the sudden advancement of pigs like before.

Even he needs some time to settle down.

And right now, is the best opportunity.

Why don't you go find a book from heaven?
One volume of the Book of Heaven is the general outline.

Its value is the most precious and important.

But as long as the ghost king is not stupid, he will definitely not hide this thing privately. With such a useful tool person as Qinglong, it would be wrong to run around foolishly.

Just practice honestly.

"Longevity Jue" has almost reached its completion, but it has not yet reached its completion.

The entry of Xuanming Dao is also extremely fast, which is the time when the pig is advancing by leaps and bounds.

And it must be combined with the heavenly scriptures.

In addition, the target of the mission is currently staying in the ghost king's sect. Although he knows that the little idiot's mother and daughter are unlikely to suffer other injuries in Huqi Mountain, it is more at ease to guard them personally.

After a long period of time, he fell into hard cultivation.

Irisviel and Xia Dou were not idle either...

Illya, Irisviel's daughter, is not much different from Xiao Chi's daughter, or in other words, looks similar in appearance.

Therefore, during this period of time, she has been protecting Xiao Chi personally...

It's called protection, but it's actually just becoming a little sister in the boudoir, talking about parenting lessons every day, saying that it's her own child, and others can't get involved in this topic at all.

However, although Irisviel is not good at fighting, she is quite proficient in healing and assisting magic.

With her here, Lin Bin could feel more at ease.

With Xia Dou's words, he began to help Ghost King Zong build a new sect.

The Ghost King Sect is now in the midst of a waste of time.

Xia Dou took advantage of her strengthening talent to create an excavator, and drove the excavator to move mountains and rocks in Huqi Mountain every day. The efficiency is not too high...

In just a few days, she, the self-proclaimed confidant of the deputy suzerain of the Ghost King Sect, has become very worthy of the name.

Everyone is very convinced of her.

two months later.

[Mission in the Secret Realm: Be kind to Wang Zong, the ghost, and save Baguio's idiot mother and daughter! 】

[Completion reward: A-level meritorious service x 1, 2000 reincarnation points! 】

【Task time limit: 3 month】

[Failure penalty: 5000 reincarnation points]

[The task has been completed, and the task is being cleared...]

[Secret Realm Mission Evaluation: S (You have completed the mission perfectly, this time the Secret Realm experience, the mission reward is 200%.)】

[Task Reward: Obtain 4000 reincarnation points, A-level meritorious service × 2. 】


mission completed.

After learning that he had directly obtained two A-level meritorious service.

Xia Dou was so excited that she hung directly on Lin Bin's, no matter how Lin Bin squeezed her up and down, she couldn't get her off...

Technological powerhouses generally have one characteristic.

That is poverty, every cannonball fired, every weapon taken out, is spent in exchange for reincarnation points.

It's really the first time in history to get two A-level meritorious service in one breath like this.

Alice Viel was a little disappointed.

The once wealthy wife is now in a state of being dependent on others, and the only source of income for the family is her daughter.

She also knew that life was hard.

It doesn't feel good to open your mouth to ask for money...

Although Lin Bin sometimes offered to give her some pocket money, she always refused. She felt that if she really asked for it, she would really kneel in front of him in the future.

Four thousand reincarnation points, equivalent to at least a million starting points in cash.

As a result, it just passed by.

When you go back, you must set up your reincarnation watch as soon as possible.

Lin Bin, on the other hand, considered the difficulty of the task.

There is no doubt that the difficulty of the Night King is also included in the mission, otherwise, Lin Bin and the others are unlikely to get an S-level evaluation.

But how did the Night King and the others get into this secret realm?
This simply does not conform to the previous rules of entering the secret realm.

Could it be that the rules have been quietly changed somewhere I don't know?
Or is there something mutated in the reincarnation space...

Lin Bin planned to investigate this matter carefully after returning home.

the days after.

There is no change from before.

Although the task is accomplished.

But because of the time gem, they still have a long time to stay in this world.

During this time, Lin Bin has been practicing.

Irisviel also seemed to realize that being so decadent is not a problem, and began to ask Lin Bin for advice on how to practice. Although she has quite powerful magic power, she has too many skills to overwhelm her. If she can learn a few attack skills, then she will Maybe it can give the enemy a big surprise.

As for Xia Dou.

As the construction of the Ghost King Sect was gradually completed, there was not much work for her to do.

I had no choice but to follow Lin Bin to practice, but it's a pity that she was too jumpy, and after sitting cross-legged next to Lin Bin for a while, she yelled that her legs were numb and needed to be rubbed.

In the end, it was Lin Bin who forcibly held her down, forcing her not to be distracted in her practice.


What Lin Bin taught her was "The Secret of Longevity".

Her individual combat power does not need to be very strong.

In particular, "The Secret of Longevity" can spontaneously absorb the surrounding aura into the body to cleanse herself, which is suitable for her lazy temperament and is quite suitable for laying the foundation.

Of course, it takes effort in the beginning.

Another month passed.

Only then did Qinglong and the others return to the Ghost King Sect, and the number of disciples was reduced a lot. Even Qinglong was wounded and exhausted.

But his handling ability is really reassuring, and he successfully brought back the first volume of Tianshu.

Sure enough, the Ghost King selflessly shared a volume of the Heavenly Book with Lin Bin...

As Lin Bin expected, everyone already had the best space for cooperation.

Anyone who has a little perspective on the big picture should understand that as their world borders on another world, the value of the Heavenly Book has dropped significantly. Compared with it, it is more important to be a partner who has been arranged in advance in another world.

So far, the ghost king has obtained two volumes of heavenly scriptures.

But he probably never imagined that Lin Bin already had four volumes in his hand, two volumes more than him.

"The wordless jade wall of Tianyin Temple was lost, and was later sent back to Tianyin Temple by Qingyunmen, but they must have known the contents of the heavenly scriptures inside, that is to say, although we obtained two volumes of heavenly scriptures, Qingyunmen also I also obtained two volumes of heavenly scriptures."

The Ghost King frowned and said, "Furthermore, the Ghost King Sect has gained a little more friendship with Tianyin Temple and Qingyun Sect fighting side by side. If the tacit understanding between the two parties is torn up for the purpose of fighting the Heavenly Book, I am afraid that the Ghost King Sect will surpass the other three and become Qingyun Sect and Tianyun Sect." The number one enemy of Yinsi Temple, but if we don't do hostile things, there is a tacit tacit understanding between the two sides, and they will certainly not affect the development of our Ghost King Sect, and what our Ghost King Sect lacks most is development!"

"Indeed, although we know the whereabouts of the other two volumes of heavenly scriptures, these two volumes of heavenly scriptures are not very easy to obtain. This subordinate believes that compared with the heavenly scriptures, the most important thing is to develop the Ghost King Sect."

Qinglong said: "The ghost king sect has the shortest time in the holy religion, and the background is the shallowest. Now that it is the first time to come to China, it is time to develop vigorously. The development of the heavenly book in the early stage of the ghost king sect is not beneficial, but it is not urgent, and there is a third volume. Heavenly Book..."

He looked at Lin Bin.

Lin Bin said: "There is the Treasure of the Heavenly Emperor in the Dead Marsh, and the Heavenly Book is stored in it. If there is no accident, it may take nearly 20 years to open it, but the Qinglong envoy can go to the Dead Marsh to take a look in advance. If you can find a way to open the Heavenly Emperor's Treasure in advance, um... By the way, don't you have a reincarnation watch in your hand, suzerain? If you find a way to open the Heavenly Emperor's Treasure in advance, you can let those who have believed in wear the reincarnation watch, Then go to this world and inform me."

He smiled faintly, "The name Abin still has a bit of prestige in the real world. When the time comes, you can just add me as a friend with the reincarnation table."

These words are more or less showing the taste of ability.

The Ghost King nodded and said, "No one knows more about the Heavenly Book than the deputy suzerain. If you really want to take the three volumes of the heavenly book, you must go with the deputy suzerain."

"Thank you Sect Master!"

Lin Bin paused, and said: "I do know a person named Zhou Xian. It is said that this person is knowledgeable about the past and the present. If he wants to open the Heavenly Emperor's Treasury in advance, maybe this person will know something."


The ghost king suddenly laughed.

He seemed to think of something absurd, but then slowly fell silent, nodded and said: "If it is him, he might really know something, I will immediately send the disciples of the Ghost King Sect to find him... it's just that this person Traveling around the world is not something that can be found overnight.”

"Just do it. There is no rush. Didn't Qinglong say that the development of the Ghost King Sect is the most important thing. The Heavenly Book is certainly important, but suzerain, would you still pass on the Heavenly Book to all the disciples of the Ghost King Sect? This is just a way to improve the cutting-edge combat power of my Ghost King Sect, it is very important, but not the most important."

"The deputy suzerain sees it brilliantly!"

The Ghost King sighed in admiration.

After discussing with everyone.

Lin Bin immediately went back and continued to practice.

In just four months, he directly obtained all four volumes of the heavenly scriptures.

And the cultivation base is also extraordinary.

Although all he burns now are his reincarnation points, but the time really belongs to him.

After quite a long time.

Lin Bin's strength is improving with an extremely rapid but steady cultivation base.

And because of his status as the deputy suzerain, he also saw the vigorous development of the ghost king sect.

Recruit new disciples and consolidate Huqi Mountain.

And annexing those already weak demon sects, such as the Blood Refining Hall, after being attacked by Qinglong once, it is the most natural thing to integrate them into the Ghost King Sect.

The Ghost King Sect is growing stronger, and Lin Bin is also becoming stronger.

one year later.

Lin Bin successfully stabilized his own strength at the national level.

It is no longer controlling the eight swords with the strength of the holy level before, and then using the Tiangang Beidou Formation to obtain the strength above the Zhenguo level.

But his strength is really real, and he has stepped into the first level of the town.

What is lacking is just an assessment.

Even at the same time, his progress is the fastest.

Followed closely by Concubine Yan.

a year.

Successfully set foot on the supernatant realm.

Of course, there is the assistance of the four volumes of the Heavenly Book, but what she said is enough to shock people's eyes... Her current real strength is not inferior to the previous Shuiyue, and may even surpass it.

Now even if she says that she is not Shuiyue, no one will believe her.

But so far, her previous accumulation has been completely used up, and her progress should be relatively slow after that.

But there is a book from heaven.

This so-called slowdown is only relative.

There are still two years in the future.

Whether she can step into Zhen Guo depends on Concubine Yan's true strength.

Xia Dou's words.

After getting started with the "Secret of Longevity", she didn't need to practice anymore, but there was a small bug-like thing running around in her body, which aroused her interest in cultivation.

And use her words.

After practicing, she will be refreshed, and she will be full of inspiration when designing weapons. She has not been idle during this time, and has drawn several drawings that are perfect in her opinion. The real world materializes.

She is the only one who has practiced the "Secret of Longevity" as an auxiliary secret skill.

As for jumping three feet high and breaking rocks with bare hands, those are all incidental functions.

Irisviel's words didn't have any concept of cultivation, so she tried to integrate Taoism into her magic.

Although the entry was slow, at least there were a few more attacking skills.

It's just that compared to the other three who have gained a lot, Mrs. Allie can only go to the corner and squat in silence to feel wronged...

And half a year later.

An unexpected guest visits the King of Ghosts.

Today's Ghost King Sect is heavily guarded, but the opponent has easily invaded the most tightly guarded area.

beast god.

I haven't seen you for over a year.

He hasn't changed in any way from before.

It just seems that the temperament is a bit more popular than the previous lifeless.

See Lin Bin.

He said: "The Night King gave in. According to the agreement, the Xuanhuo Jian will be handed over to me, and you will get his phylactery. If there is no problem, come with me to Fenxiang Valley!"

Lin Bin's eyes lit up immediately.

He stood up without hesitation, nodded and said, "No problem."

(End of this chapter)

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