Great Qin has arrived.

But it didn't quite come.

Just like the distance between Sanghai and Xianyang, it used to take Lin Bin several days to get there.

But now, it's only an hour or two by car.

Some areas are completely missing.

As Lin Bin speculated before...

The so-called destruction of the world does not refer to the entire world, but to kill all the characters with luck in this world.

The same reason.

Even if the entire world of the secret realm descends, it will not be the tens of millions of people from that realm descending at the same time.

In fact, the complete arrival of Xianyang now, plus the people of Xianyang and cavalry.

Thinking about it, those old pedants have been greatly puzzled.

What kind of city is this Xianyang?
Could it be that this city is also filled with luck?

In any case, the land of Yinghuo, which used to be far away from Xianyang, is now very close to Xianyang City because of the lack of an intermediate area...

It can even be said that it is so close that as long as Ying Zheng gives an order, the iron cavalry can directly drown the [-] children of the farm family.

In a sense, this can also be regarded as the best opportunity for Yingzheng to completely wipe out all dissatisfied voices around him.

Because it saves the suffering of long journeys.

But it's a pity that they came to this world, and Ying Zheng didn't want to destroy them.

The population of the common people in the state of Qin withered. Although the army was not damaged, the common people lost nine out of ten.

At this point, if Yingzheng can control the [-] children of the peasant family, as well as the elite combat power of hundreds of schools.

He is even more qualified to have a fair talk with Hua Guo.

"It seems that Hua Guo's officials probably don't want to completely tear each other up with Qin Guo."

In the H9 car.

A pair of delicate~little pink~tender feet rested on the co-pilot's platform.

At first, Wan Hou thought that Lin Bin was doing it to fulfill his dog-licking agreement with her.

But I didn't expect that there was actually something serious...

And it was something she had been looking forward to for a long time.

You know, Lin Bin and Tian Hu are naturally good brothers who treat each other with sincerity.

But if you want to persuade the Mo family, the difficulty is obviously not so high...

After all, the predecessors of the Mo family, the predecessors, and even several giants in the past seemed to have died in the confrontation with Qin.

It may not be difficult for them to let go of their grievances because of the change of land.

But it is obviously impossible for them to obey Yingzheng's orders.

And when the time comes, how to arrange them will become a big problem...

Fortunately, this difficult problem is a problem for other people, but it is not a problem for Wan Wan.

In a sense, Wan Wan is the real successor of the Mohist school, and also has the status of an orthodox Mohist disciple. It would be perfect for her to persuade her.

Lin Bin also understood what she meant.

Now that Huaguo intends to use the power of Qin to compete against other secret realms, it is natural that the stronger the strength of Qin, the better. Since Huaguo has started to renovate the hydropower around Xianyang, it can be seen that the cooperation between them has already reached a very good stage. the beginning.

But there are hundreds of schools of thought and many masters.

Qin cavalry don't need much training, they are extremely powerful warriors...

But the masters of various schools of thought also don't need much training, and they are already extraordinary-level reincarnations.

For the reincarnation space where there is a fault in the training of reincarnations, the addition of such a group of combat forces is obviously of great benefit.

In short, these fierce soldiers and masters must not be allowed to fall into self-depletion.

It's just that Yingzheng's self-government Xianyang, although nominally affiliated to the Hua State, maintains the autonomy of the Qin State.

The Reincarnation Space Association is also not good at being too meddlesome, so it can only turn around from the middle as much as possible.

Then, Lin Bin naturally came to mind.

"It should be that they learned some information from these strangers, about our friendship with them, that's why they let us go on this trip."

Lin Bin said: "It's good for us to work hard. The B-192 secret realm is different from the Datang secret realm. This world came in its entirety and still maintains the integrity of its army and combat power. Even in many secret realms Among them, this level of descending is also an extremely rare type, if this combat force can be pulled into our camp."

Houhou raised her small fist and said, "Don't worry, people understand, whether or not you can be lawless and domineering in the real world depends on what you did today."

" a sense, it's true."

The two drove forward.

Along the way, crossed Xianyang.

It is only a short one or two hours away, although it is still a primitive jungle.

But around, familiar scenes have already begun to appear...

"We've reached the farm lot."

"Actually, for His Majesty, the only ones he can look at are the [-] children of the farm family. He doesn't care about the half-disabled types like the Mo family who have been beaten."

Wan Wan asked, "Then... split up?"

"No need, as long as the Mo family is not stupid, they must be with the peasant family during the current turmoil."

The car continued on.

The familiar path is only very different from the past. Along the way, material vehicles are either driving empty vehicles or overtaking them with full loads of supplies.

If they entered here before, they felt like entering a well-defended organization base, but now, it feels like entering a movie shooting spot like Hengdian.

Staff in modern work clothes can be seen running back and forth with hammers in hand.

The H9 driving the vehicle deep into the farmhouse did not blink at all.

No one stopped him, he drove straight in all the way.

Until I came to the sixth hall of the deepest farmhouse...

Arriving here, there are very few people in modern attire, and there are farm disciples patrolling the surrounding area, but there is still a bit of the shadow of the former farm.

The car was stopped directly.

A disciple dressed in farmhouse clothes stepped forward. Although he was holding a weapon, he was very polite. He knocked on the car window and said politely: "Sorry, the front is the internal boundary of the farmhouse. Please stop. If you want to take a look around In terms of the scenery of the farmhouse, ten miles away from here, there is a farmhouse run by the farmhouse to play and eat, and you can taste the specialties of my farmhouse."

Lin Bin said seriously, "I'm here to find my elder brother."

The disciple froze for a moment, and asked back, "Your... elder brother?"

Lin Bin: "My eldest brother is Tian Hu! Hurry up and report, and say that Abin came to him to express his brotherly love."

"You are Abin?!"

The disciple stared at Lin Bin in shock, then reacted and said respectfully: "Please wait a moment, I will report right now!"

After all, he hurried back in a hurry.

After a moment.

"Hahahaha, I knew that Brother Xian would come to find me immediately after he escaped from the secret realm."

Hearty and deafening laughter sounded.

Tian Hu carried Tiger Soul on his back, striding towards this side.

Looking at Lin Bin who just got out of the car, he warmly gave Lin Bin a bear hug, and said with a big laugh, "Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, our brothers will meet again under such circumstances. Today is not allowed. Go back, Zhu's, leave me the biggest private room in the farmhouse, I want to stay with my brother without getting drunk."

"Sister Snow!"

Hou Hou rushed out happily and ran behind Tian Hu.

Sure enough, as Lin Bin expected, the whole world has undergone earth-shaking changes. As long as they are not stupid, they will no longer act separately, but hold together for warmth immediately.

Beside Tian Hu, all the Mohists, including Zongheng Gai Nie Weizhuang, were all here.

"Wuhou, you have deceived us so badly."

Xuenv took Houhou's hand, although her tone was reproachful, her eyes were extremely affectionate.

"I'm not lying to you. My real identity is actually the same as yours. Before my world came, I was a saint of two sects and six ways of the Demon Sect. She will be the one who will be in charge of the Demon Sect in the future. Strategies come from the essence of all schools of thought, of course, the Mohist school occupies the most important part."

As Hou Wan said, a look of sadness flashed in his eyes.

Bitterly said: "But I don't have such good luck as Sister Xue Nu, her whole world has been destroyed by people, only some remnants of the Yingui Sect have escaped, and now the remaining population of the entire world is only a mere few Only a thousand people."

Speaking of this, her eyes were already moist.

Xue Nu hurriedly hugged Wan Hou in her arms, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, Wan Wan, I didn't mean to blame you, I just wanted to make a joke with you, and it caused your sadness. I'm really sorry... ..."

"Sister Xue Nu, you don't need to apologize. She is not angry. In fact, she is very happy for you. You can come in such a complete way, and you can still have relatives and friends by your side, especially Senior Brother Xiao Gao is still by your side."

Hou Hou quietly gave Lin Binfei a smug look.

Then she nestled tightly in Xuenv's arms and did not want to come out.

Because of Houhou's cry, the estrangement caused by the previous deception and separation for more than a year instantly dissipated.

After coming for such a long time, Xue Nu and the others naturally investigated the information.

Knowing that what Houhou said is not false, their world was indeed completely destroyed by those evil reincarnators...

We can only urgently rescue some remaining civilians.

In comparison, their luck is really much better.

"Are you here to persuade us to surrender?"

Suddenly, a cold voice interrupted the harmonious atmosphere.

Wei Zhuang bluntly brought the topic back to the main topic, and asked: "I was curious when Yingzheng suddenly attacked Luowang before, but now it seems that you should have reached an agreement with him, and now you are here Come here at this time, it should be his lobbyist."

"That's right."

Lin Bin laughed and put his arms around Tian Hu's shoulders, and said: "But my elder brother also said that we will not go home until we are drunk. Let's talk about what we have to say at the wine table. I didn't have a good drink with my elder brother before, but now I finally have a drink." Now that you have the chance, let’s drink enough before talking.”

"That's right, what's wrong with my brother cooperating with Qin State? The opponent is a trap, can we kill them if we don't cooperate with Qin State? My brother is also forced to do nothing."

Tian Hu laughed and said: "The wine in your world is really delicious. Brother, let's not get drunk today. If there is any problem, just say it at the wine table, Zhu family, arrange it quickly."

The Zhu family nodded.

He quickly took out his mobile phone and dialed the number of the farmhouse.

I have to say that the big boss opened his mouth in person, so the efficiency is fast.

Lin Bin and others arrived at the reception area of ​​the farmhouse half an hour later, and the most luxurious and spacious private room had already been arranged.

Although we have come to the real world, in order to give the guests the most authentic experience, we still sit on the floor with one person and one person.

Exquisite fruit plates, cold dishes, and delicacies were served in an orderly manner.

On the contrary, Lin Bin couldn't help but secretly praised Zhu's family for being able to do business, which was too much money...

In order to pursue the atmosphere, it is clear that there is one table for one person, and everyone is slaughtered so politely.

"Anyway, we meet again after a long absence. After all, we fought side by side. Let me offer you a toast first!"

Lin Bin picked up the wine.

Just drink it up.

"Okay, my brother is bold!"

Tian Hu laughed loudly, and then directly drank the wine in the ear cup in his hand.

Everyone raised their glasses together.

Gai Nie and Wei Zhuang were also limited by the atmosphere, and took a sip of wine.

"Okay, it's time to get down to business."

Lin Bin said: "I really came here to persuade you to surrender... No, it's not about persuading you to surrender. Now that the entire B-195 secret realm has completely descended, you have not experienced any risks. You may have appeared here as soon as you woke up, but if you don't Known places, at least tens of millions of people have been silently wiped out during the descent."

Tian Hu sighed beside him: "'s too scary, I don't dare to think about where these people went, brother, my heart is chilling when you say it."

"In the face of Huaguo, you are a whole. If you can't achieve unity internally, then Yingzheng will be able to obtain much less benefits in the negotiation with Huaguo. This also represents the balance of your interests. Missing."

Lin Bin sighed: "I am actually not entrusted by Yingzheng, but on behalf of the Huaguo Reincarnation Space Association, because this world is actually not safe. I think you should have learned some knowledge about the secret realm. You are the white secret realm. It is a neutral and good camp, so it can be integrated into Huaguo, but if it is a red secret realm..."

He took out his mobile phone and called up the previous picture of the ghosts charging Tianyin Temple.

Pass it to the nearest Xiao Gao.

Xiao Gao just glanced at it, and saw that there were bursts of Buddha light inside, and every disciple seemed to have the strength to surpass him, but even so, they still couldn't stop the invasion of these ice and snow monsters.

He couldn't help shrinking his pupils, and said in surprise, "What kind of monster is this?"

"White ghosts! This is the end of being invaded by the red secret realm."

Lin Bin passed it on one by one.

Especially Wei Zhuang, let him watch it for a while.

He called up the video of the alien parasite emerging from the body.

A video of the whole world turning into zombies, devouring humans frantically.

These things are obviously beyond the scope of Wei Zhuang's understanding.

In just a few minutes, his face had become extremely solemn.

Lin Bin said: "Hua Guo doesn't want you to consume internally, just to prevent these red secret realms from invading the world. Simply relying on Hua Guo's power is not enough to resist the continuous invasion of red secret realms. With the help of the help, the blades are directed outwards, rather than exhausting one's combat strength in the consumption of the civil war, and then everyone finishes the game together."

He said: "After all, it is extremely rare for you to descend in such a complete way, even in the White Secret Realm, so for the Hua Kingdom, your combat power is very important, and they don't want you to fight internally."

"So because the two countries have reached an agreement, if we choose to accept the help of Hua, we must accept the rule of Qin. Are the two bound?"

Wei Zhuang caught the point again.

"That's not so."

Lin Bin smiled and said: "That's why I brought Wanhou here. After all, this is the land of the Qin State. If you don't want to accept the rule of the Qin State, of course it's okay. After leaving this place, the outside world has a lot to do. You can choose to become a reincarnation." Or, continue to improve yourself... To put it bluntly, with my current strength, if I were to fight against everyone here, I am afraid that you will be unable to stop me with a sword."

Wan Wan nodded and said, "He is already very powerful now."

Gai Nie nodded and said: "Your Excellency is surrounded by sword energy, which is shocking. Speaking of a sword, I am afraid it is still modest."

Lin Bin laughed and said, "But it's not because I'm better than you, but because the world restricts your growth, but as a samsara, you can strengthen yourself and improve yourself in many worlds. The levels of samsara are divided into ordinary, extraordinary, Becoming a saint, subduing the haven't even reached the sanctuary yet!"

Xiao Gao asked: "That is to say, you can either accept to stay here, or leave, and become an orthodox Chinese, right?"

"Of course you don't accept it and stay here. This is everyone's freedom. I just put forward the best two proposals."

Hou Hou smiled and said, "You can also go there. Didn't they say that? The Demon Sect is actually inherited from all schools of thought. From this point of view, you are still our ancestors. We will welcome you very much. "

"But brother, you'd better accept to stay here!"

Lin Bin grabbed the hand of Tian Hu next to him, and said seriously: "Brother, you are a family member, you have to work for the welfare of your [-] family members, otherwise how can you support them by yourself?"

Tian Hu wondered: "This... But Qin Guo killed my elder brother after all..."

"Nonsense, isn't it the trap that killed brother Tian Meng? And Ying Zheng destroyed the trap. From this point of view, you owe them a huge favor, brother."

"It makes sense."

Tian Hu suddenly realized: "Why didn't I consider this?"

The Zhu family: "..."

"Actually... becoming a reincarnation is the best option."

Lin Bin sighed: "Otherwise, how can we support ourselves in this world? In fact, it is very difficult to survive in this world. If you know martial arts, you can't do many things. You don't want to plow the fields, right? You don't feel ashamed to rob, and even more If you don’t want to show your face and perform as a performer, how do you live? You have to eat even if you are strong in martial arts.”

Everyone: "..." (End of this chapter)

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