Lin Bin also learned Hunxi Longyou from Concubine Yan. The use of this kind of skill is slightly insufficient when used against enemies.

But it would not be too convenient if it was just a simple survey of information to determine where there are people and so on.

The same goes for Irisviel.

Her direct combat power is slightly inferior, but in terms of the powerful magic power in her body, it is comparable to Illya.

Especially some of the basic magic Illya mastered was actually developed by Irisviel.

Gently pull out a few hair strands to transform them into tear mode.

Transformed into flying birds, surrounding the golden flying birds transformed by Hunxi Longyou, it feels a bit like stars holding the moon.

Each of them explored two directions respectively.

In just half an hour, the two of them had successfully found the nearest human settlement...

A relatively prosperous city during the Seven Kingdoms period.

Finding out that there are still people in this world was a big surprise to Lin Bin and Irisviel.

After all, it was not like Lin Bin had never been to a world that had been completely destroyed.

But what you encounter in these broken worlds are either zombies or monsters.

Without exception.

These worlds have been completely destroyed and are on the verge of destruction.

But this world is not like that.

The mountains and rivers are still beautiful and the air is fresh.

It is filled with the natural atmosphere of the wilderness, which is a rare beauty that can never be seen in modern industrialized cities.

Especially when the two of them walked along the way, they could see elk curiously poking their heads in the forest from time to time, their inquiring eyes never leaving Lin Binxing and Irisfield.

After all, Irisviel itself is a product of magic, which can be said to be one of the derivatives of the origin of the world. Lin Bin's "Secret of Immortality" absorbs the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and has become a natural body.

In a sense, they all have physiques that are very attractive to small animals.

Therefore, these little animals also instinctively wanted to get closer, but as soon as they got a little closer, the curious approach quickly turned into panic, and then they quickly fled away, as if they were frightened.

Everything is normal!
What was normal couldn't be any more normal.

But the so-called normality itself is actually the biggest abnormality.

Especially after the two of them walked for more than an hour.

"Master, why don't you have a mission yet?"

Irisviel had already noticed something was wrong.

After enduring it until now, I finally couldn't help but curiously asked Lin Bin.

"You found it too."

Lin Bin lowered his head and glanced at the reincarnation watch in his hand.

Normally, after entering the secret realm, it only takes about half an hour for them to activate the reincarnation table, allowing the reincarnation table to communicate with the world and obtain the reincarnation mission.

Even the Secret Realm of A Chinese Girl, which has been completely demonized, and the Secret Realm of Marvel, which is about to be destroyed, are no exception.

But here, it is very different.

It had been a long time since they entered here, and the two of them had already figured out the surrounding environment along the way. Hun Xi Longyou never left, and was always helping them explore the way ahead.

But even now, there is no notification sound for the mission.

Lin Bin said: "It seems that if nothing else happens, there will be no missions in the secret realm this time."


Irisviel was shocked: "How is this possible?"

"At the very least, we can focus on our goals without causing unnecessary complications."

Lin Bin sighed: "Of course it is not without disadvantages. There is no mission, which means that unless we complete our goal, it is basically impossible for us to leave this world. I suddenly understand why Xiaomeng said No one else who came into this world could have done the job.”

Extremely strong, no matter how difficult the task is, as long as you work hard, you can always complete it even if it doesn't take a lot of time.

But what if there are no tasks?

No matter how powerful you are, as long as you are not powerful enough to destroy the world with one strike.

If you are completely isolated from this world, there is no way to return.

Sooner or later, your life will be consumed!

"Severing the connection between now and ten years from now?"

Irisviel sighed softly: "This is also a very difficult thing in our world. I'm afraid no one can do it except the legendary first method, right? Master, do you have any clue?"

"No, but I seem to already know the name of the city in front of us."

As he got closer, Hun Xilongyou's perception became clearer.


In Lin Bin's memory of his previous life, this was just a little-known small city, but if it were here, it would be the center of the plot.

The capital city of South Korea!

Although it is the smallest and weakest country among the seven countries, it is still the capital city of a country. A skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Its prosperity is quite good in this era.

"Let's go to the city and have a look."

Lin Bin said and glanced at Irisviel. She had silver hair and red eyes, which seemed a bit strange in ancient China.

But if it is the Tianxing Nine Songs Secret Realm modified by magic.

The Bloody Marquis seems to have white hair, along with the women's various hair colors and all kinds of enchanting high-heeled shoes. Compared with those seductive models, Irisviel can be regarded as a model of virtue and virtue.

He didn't let her become a hero first.

Instead, the two of them walked side by side in the direction of Xinzheng...

As it gets closer.

People began to see people in the surrounding area.

It was just early in the morning, and groups of farmers and hunters, carrying loaders or oxen, were heading towards Xinzheng with the prey they had shot or the grain they had grown.

He should be planning to sell the goods in his hands in that bustling city in exchange for daily necessities.

This is also their main source of income in daily life.

And along the way...

Noticing Lin Bin and Irisviel passing by, they unconsciously distanced themselves, looking at him with both wonder and fear in their eyes.

Is there anything about me that scares them?
Lin Bin wanted to step forward and ask, but as soon as he approached a certain person, that person seemed to have been stung by a bee. He hurriedly avoided it and trotted away, looking extremely embarrassed.

It actually made Lin Bin wonder.

This kind of fear is definitely not awe of the superior...

If that were the case, he should have moved his fingers, and these people would have rushed over in a hurry instead of running away.

Especially when the two of them enter the city.

Even the city officials guarding the city didn't ask any questions. They just looked at him with eyes full of disgust and hatred, and waved his hand to tell him to go in quickly and not to be an eyesore in front of them.

"It's such a strange feeling. I feel like we are being rejected by the whole world."

Irisviel muttered.

From the moment I came to this world to now, everything I see is normal.

But this normality is based on their absence...

But now, I have even set foot in Xinzheng City.

You can already see the endless flow of luxurious horse-drawn carriages all around, and vendors can be seen everywhere on both sides of the thick and simple bluestone streets, selling all kinds of goods.

There are also the sounds of children laughing and playing happily.

They are still young, unlike adults who need to worry about their livelihood. The biggest worry for them may be that so-and-so stopped playing with me today, and that so-and-so will have to move again tomorrow, and they will lose another little friend. Category.

But it happened that this extremely normal daily life always isolated the two of them.

We are obviously on the same street...

But both Lin Bin and Irisviel felt a sense of being out of place.

It's like people outside the TV are watching the bustle and bustle on the TV. No matter how noisy it is, it has nothing to do with them.

"Ai Li, you should transform into a heroic spirit first."

Lin Bin thought for a while and said: "I will check the information. It is not suitable to take you to the next place."


Irisviel's figure slowly disappeared.

But one person disappeared from the street out of thin air, and no one in the endless flow of people was surprised.

None of this is surprising.

Could it be that they are all dead?
It's not like...

They all have life in them.Or is it an alien space similar to the City Without Tears?

If other reincarnations came here without reminders of missions and felt that this space was rejecting them in all kinds of weird ways, they would probably be at a loss and not know where to start investigating.

But Lin Bin is different.

At the very least, he knows where the core of Xinzheng's plot lies.

"Hello, do you know where Zilanxuan is?"

Lin Bin randomly pulled over a passerby and asked curiously.

"Zi Lanxuan..."

The man was grabbed by Lin Bin, and he hurried away with disgust on his face...

But when I heard the name Zilanxuan, I wonder if I remembered that those who are qualified to enter Zilanxuan are either rich or noble, and have extremely high status. At least they are not guilty of it themselves.

At that moment, he honestly pointed the direction for Lin Bin.

Then he fled in a hurry.

"Do I eat people?"

Lin Bin muttered something and walked in the direction pointed by the commoner.

Fortunately, the man did not lie to Lin Bin.

Not long after...

Lin Bin stopped in front of an extremely luxurious and fascinating gate.

The three big characters "Zilanxuan" are delicate and elegant, and it is obvious that they were written by everyone.

And came here.

The clothes of the people coming in and out of the surrounding area are more than one level higher?
All of them were wearing high hats and elegant clothes, with calm expressions. They walked into Zilanxuan with a smile, and took advantage of the opportunity to hug a girl and laugh and joke.

And the girl is not worried...

Instead, he wore a smile. If he could receive a reward, his smile would be even sweeter.

This is a place that sells appearance.

How many people can be as safe as jade?

What can be shown on TV is the most beautiful part after all, but this is a brothel that sells lust after all.

Just when Lin Bin entered.

When the girls guarding the door saw him, their faces showed unconscious expressions of disgust...

Those dignitaries were all fat-bellied and greasy, but Lin Bin was extraordinarily handsome and handsome. These girls should have liked him more than him, but they seemed to prefer to cuddle up against those fat, soft bellies. superior.

He looked at the pretty girl who had her turn and had a reluctant expression on her face. She wanted to hug her in compliance with professional ethics, but she also looked at her as if she was disgusted by something.

A pair of feet was lifted and put down, put down and lifted again.

In the end, Lin Bin couldn't stand it anymore, "Forget it, you better not come over. Can I go in directly?"

"Sir...please come in..."

The girl suddenly felt like she was being pardoned.

Lin Bin asked curiously: "May I ask, why do you dislike me so much?"

"Young Master is joking, how can I... dislike..."

The girl stayed far away with a forced smile on her face.

Lin Bin was speechless.

Without asking any more questions, he stepped directly into Zilanxuan.

Inside the Purple Orchid Pavilion, the decoration is extremely luxurious, with gold and jade carvings, and people are intoxicated.

The young and pretty girls are holding trays in their hands, wandering around the huge hall like butterflies in flowers. If they meet a guest who likes them, they will forcefully take them into their arms, and then they will take the tray from the tray with a smile on their face. Pour out a glass of wine and feed the guests to drink.

If they like it, some will take the initiative to drink it and then pass it to the guests mouth to mouth.

Wait until feeding is finished...

You will receive a large reward.

Then the girls' smiles became even brighter.

There were not many people in the huge hall, but it was packed with seats. It was obviously engaged in the most humble superficial business, but there was no trace of lewdness at all. On the contrary, it was more like a place where scribes lingered while singing in the wind and admiring the moon. Place.

Lin Bin looked around.

His eyes were attracted by a young man in purple robe with a smile on his face.

This man was about the same age as Lin Bin. He had good looks and a very noble demeanor, but his smile was somewhat bohemian as he drank wine one mouthful at a time.

The other arty people were pretending to be elegant here as if they were reciting poems and composing poems. On the contrary, he seemed to be full of knowledge, and actually became the most frivolous person.

Han Fei!

If you want to find out the many weird things in this secret realm, he is probably the best choice.

Lin Bin walked over directly and sat next to him.

He said apologetically: "Sorry, there are no free seats. How about I share the table with my brother?"

" problem..."

When Han Fei saw Lin Bin, he was stunned for a moment, with a look of astonishment on his face.

Surprised: "Strange, I haven't seen Xiongtai before?"

"It's not surprising. I just arrived in Xinzheng today. It's normal for my brother to have never seen me before."

"Oh, I see. I came to Zilanxuan on my first day in Xinzheng. Brother, you are very discerning."

Han Fei laughed.

But his eyes never left Lin Bin's side, staring at him with great curiosity.

"what happened?"

Lin Bin asked: "Do you also think I'm bored?"

"Brother, why do you say that?"

"It's nothing, it's just that I feel like I might be a bit unsociable. Everyone doesn't like me approaching them, just like I am now."

Lin Bin's heart suddenly moved. He rubbed in Han Fei's direction and reached out to hold Han Fei's arm.

"'s just...a joke..."

Han Fei's tone was indeed forced.

Especially as the two come into contact.

He gritted his teeth and said: "Just after I sat down, I felt an inexplicable dryness in my mouth and a splitting headache. It was as if the person sitting next to me was not a human at all, but a monster that might choose to eat people at any time. Same, it scares me a little.”

As he said that, Han Fei covered his head in pain.


There was a crackling sound, and the five white finger bones of the arm covering his head broke free from the shackles of flesh and blood and came out of the body.

This was accompanied by bursts of brittle bones all over his body.

In front of Lin Bin, his head was divided into four pieces like a torn banana peel, splitting toward the periphery, exposing the brain matter inside.

The originally normal limbs were twisted, and the originally handsome face quickly transformed into a ferocious monster.

And Han Fei had such a shocking change. ,
Everyone around him seemed to have no consciousness at all, or in other words, no one was surprised by his strange behavior.

Still drinking and having fun on his own.

What was just a place of debauchery and luxury has instantly transformed into a horrifying purgatory on earth.

Lin Bin's pupils tightened.

I thought to myself that this is not a splitting headache, but a real splitting headache.

Han Fei raised his head.

Blood dripped down his cheeks, and he smiled apologetically, but his teeth were so sharp that it looked like a ferocious smile.

He apologized: "I'm sorry, I'm rude."

"No, maybe I'm sitting too close?"

Lin Bin hurriedly sat down from the edge to the opposite side.

As he distanced himself, Han Fei's condition slowly returned to normal and he returned to his previous human form.

But the blood spurted out but could no longer disappear. The blood on his body and face was smeared all over his body, making him look like an evil ghost who had just returned from the battlefield.

He smiled apologetically at Lin Bin and said, "Sorry, brother, I'm rude, I almost got you dirty."

Lin Bin: "........."

He stared blankly at Han Fei, who looked natural in front of him.

Suddenly, it felt like the strangeness I had noticed before seemed nothing. (End of chapter)

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