when reincarnation invades

Chapter 414 You Know Me

Chapter 414 You Know Me
Got Lin Bin's guarantee.

In other words, I got the skills provided by Lin Bin...

Xiaomeng felt completely at ease.

As Lin Bin said before, her purpose from the beginning was not to become a disciple. More, she wanted to become someone like Lin Bin.

Especially after she quietly tested the God-Emperor Proud Technique taught to her by Lin Bin, in just a short moment, a weak air current was actually born in her body.

It's not very powerful, but it's unrealistic to be able to hit the sky and earth all at once just after practicing.

Just know that the exercises are not just fabricated.

Ever since, Xiaomeng became extremely considerate on the way to Tianzong.

"Master, let me get you water to wash your feet."

"Leave it alone and don't move. If something happens, I'll do my best. I'll do it. Hehe... I'll do it..."

"Master, are you tired? Disciple, please help you rub your legs. Are your legs tired? What about your shoulders? Rub your shoulders... Your shoulders are not tired either? Then just tell me where the softness is and I will rub it for you."


Along the way, Irisviel couldn't help but feel pity for the little girl's earnest look in her heart. Her relatively full conscience couldn't help but want to tell her that although there was no problem with the technique, it was the biggest problem...

But I remembered what the Master said about the closed loop of time.

She didn't dare to do anything bad, so she simply returned to Lin Bin's body and became an ostrich.

It was not until seven days later that Lin Bin sent Xiaomeng to the vicinity of Tianzong.

At this point, we finally reached our destination.

Lin Bin looked at Xiaomeng, who was only as tall as his waist, and sighed: "When you get here, the road I walked with you has come to an end. You have to walk the rest of the way by yourself."

A companion for several days.

The little girl is well-behaved and sensible, which makes Lin Bin quite fond of her. He now has a lot of reincarnation tables in his hand, and he can take her back at any time if he wants.

But unfortunately, he couldn't afford the price of taking her back.

Who knows when this little Xiaomeng meets that big Xiaomeng, whether one of them will explode directly?

Looking at the little girl's reddish eyes, she looked reluctant to leave.

Xiaomeng was obviously very reluctant to give up.

"Are you really not going to send me in with you? What if...what if they don't want me? By then I will be gone, wouldn't I be alone and helpless in this world?"

The corners of her mouth were slightly flattened, and her eyes were only red at first, but as she spoke, they soon filled with tears.

To her, although this place is exactly the same as the world she lives in, it is not the same world after all...

Once Lin Bin was gone, she would be truly alone, without even one person to tell her biggest secret.

"Don't worry, you have excellent qualifications and have practiced the God Emperor's World Proud Art. In their eyes, you are nothing more than a piece of cake. They will definitely cry and want to accept you as their disciple. When the time comes, you will be the only one to choose the master. , how could I not say anything to you?"

Lin Bin didn't dare to look into the girl's clear eyes.

He touched the little girl's head, knowing that asking her to put her hope on a hemp rope was really unsettling for her.

Sighing softly: "And if they really don't want you, there is no way out. You can go to Qin State and find Yingzheng... If nothing happens, Yingzheng will unify the seven countries in the future and become the entire The master of the world, you just need to fool him with immortality, and he will naturally take care of you."

Xiaomeng begged: "Can't you take me away?"

Lin Bin sighed softly: "I'm sorry...but we will meet again eventually, and it won't be too long. When the time comes, you will appear in my world. I can guarantee you this."

"Well, I believe you."

Xiaomeng sniffed, wiped away the tears that were about to flow out of her eyes, and said.

"Go ahead and remember what I told you before."

"Then it's agreed, as long as I do what I promised you, you will take me to your world!"

Xiao Meng reluctantly waved her hand in the end and walked towards Tianzong.

Her figure quickly disappeared.

"Master, you deceived her like this... aren't you afraid that she will cause trouble for you in the future?"

Irisviel's figure suddenly appeared and she said faintly.

"Otherwise? You can't really take her back, right?"

Lin Bin sighed and said: "Let's go, we should get busy with our business... All this is just my conjecture. Whether we can go back is still under debate."

He took out the photos taken with the positioning camera.

After determining the direction, he flew forward...

The Phantom Sound Box first appeared in the Mo family's forbidden area, the machine city.

And if you count the time.

It should be there now...

Lin Bin had never been to Guancheng. When he entered the world of Qin Shi, the Mo family's base had already been destroyed and they could only wander around in a hurry.

But with his current strength, he can completely ignore the numerous mechanisms in the mechanism city and just find the Phantom Sound Treasure Box.

Sword-riding, flying rapidly.

Turned into a stream of light and disappeared.

At this time, Tianzong was stationed inside.

After learning that someone was apprenticed to Xiaomeng, I wanted to persuade her to leave with gentle words, but I was surprised to find that there were traces of practicing Taoist skills on her body. Although her skills were not profound, her true energy was exceptionally pure.

Everyone was overjoyed at the moment.

Everyone welcomed Xiaomeng's arrival with both hands and feet raised high, but there was a strong disagreement over who should accept her as a disciple!

In the end, Bei Mingzi, who had not accepted a disciple in the Taoist Tianzong for 50 years, made an exception and accepted her as a disciple. He said that this girl was a blessing to the Tianzong, and he could not bear it. Anyone else would not be able to handle it.

Even Bei Mingzi took action personally. No matter how unwilling they were, the others could only put aside their envy and congratulated Bei Mingzi on getting a good disciple.

Seeing all this was not beyond Lin Bin's expectations.

Xiaomeng's expectations and awe for Tianzong have been reduced a lot, especially when she looked up and saw the light in the sky, she naturally understood that this was the figure of Lin Bin leaving with his sword.

"Don't worry, I will do what I promised you, and I will never let anyone know about the things you gave me."

Xiao Meng silently made up her mind.


As for Lin Bin, it was a smooth journey.

Just two days later.

Lin Bin then came to the Mo family's organ city.

He had no intention of meeting Xiao Gao and others, but directly penetrated the mountain with his magic weapon and entered easily.

Completely ignoring any beating around the bush, he went straight to the Yellow Dragon.

In a straight line, he came to the Phantom Sound Box.

Then, he took out the Phantom Sound Treasure Box in his hand.

This is not the phantom sound treasure box under time cause and effect, but the overlapping of the phantom sound treasure box under space cause and effect...

Lin Bin didn't know if this would work.

But it's the only way he can think of at the moment.

He put the two phantom sound treasure boxes in contact with each other, and indeed he noticed the existence of a repulsive force. The two phantom sound treasure boxes seemed to have given birth to their own intelligence, desperately resisting the other one.

But Lin Bin completely ignored these two repulsive forces, and then forced them together.

next moment.

He clearly felt a very familiar feeling of weightlessness, just like the overlap of the two phantom sound treasure boxes before.

Only this time it wasn't absolute silence.

Instead, the surrounding space began to boil violently like boiling water.

The Phantom Sound Treasure Box in my hand was a rare defeat...it was obviously inferior to the local Phantom Sound Treasure Box. It seemed that it was because this world was a complete world. The Phantom Sound Treasure Box in this world still had enough world. The blessing of power.

Lin Bin held the Phantom Sound Box tightly and said in surprise: "My guess is correct, we are going back, Aili, come back soon."

Where to go?

If the previous collision was based on Xiaomeng as the anchor point, then where is the anchor point of the Phantom Sound Box in Lin Bin's hand?
The entire secret realm of the Qin Dynasty has been destroyed, and the survivors have appeared in the real world. If there is an anchor point, it must be the real world.

Irisviel's figure gradually dissipated and reintegrated into Lin Bin's body.

Then, Lin Bin's figure slowly disappeared.

It was as if it had completely disappeared in this world. Only the Phantom Sound Treasure Box, which seemed to be full of power before, seemed to have completely lost the power of luck contained in it under this blow, and became an extremely old thing. appearance.

If Lin Bin was still here and had close contact with this phantom sound treasure box, he should be able to discover...

In its information, it has completely changed from the previous S-class?class!

But he can no longer see it.

This time it is not the rejection of time, but the transmission of space.

This feeling was all too familiar to Lin Bin.

It's just that he used to take the initiative to enter and exit the time and space tunnel, but this time, he no longer needs to take the initiative, but the other party takes the initiative.

He could feel the familiar weightlessness of time traveling.

If nothing unexpected happens next, it should land directly at the anchor point...

Not long after, the dark passage gradually came to an end.

Lin Bin clearly noticed a violent twitching in the passage, as if he was trying to forcefully push out the foreign object in his body.

next moment……

The surrounding environment suddenly opened up.

The sky and the earth are clear.

There was a splash of water.

When Lin Bin came back to his senses, he was already very familiar with the suspended ceiling and lights.

Especially the warm and soft rippling hot water under her body instantly soaked her whole body.

And this time.

I heard a familiar voice.

"Yue'er, take a dip yourself first, and Mom will help you wash your hair later."

The voice fell.

Then he saw a beautiful figure of Pingting walking in, turned around and locked the bathroom door.

She was naked, and her hair was like a waterfall, covering her entire back. From this angle, it was almost impossible to see anything that would kill her, but it was looming, which made her even more attractive.

And as she turned around.

He was stunned for a moment, and Lin Bin looked at each other.

At this time, Concubine Yan was probably planning to take a bath with her daughter.

As she turned around, her naked appearance was clearly exposed in front of Lin Bin, like a ripe fruit, making him forget his thirst and at the same time couldn't help but feel greedy.

But she seemed to have forgotten to cover up.

He just stared blankly at Lin Bin, who was sitting opposite Gao Yue.

Gao Yue in the bathhouse shrank to the side in embarrassment. She blushed in embarrassment, but she didn't instinctively wrap her hands around her chest like an ordinary girl. She just had a sweet smile on her face and said with a smile: "Brother, when did you come back?"

"I just came back."

A strange idea suddenly appeared in Lin Bin's mind.

It seems that I need to discuss it with Feiyan later. Yue'er has already had her period, and the results are still so clean. Is it abnormal?
If it's natural, then of course it's okay...

But what if it wasn't?
It is still necessary to check.

He coughed twice and said: "Feiyan, you understand me. If I meant it, I should be naked now..."

"Brother Bin, you are finally back."

Concubine Yan's reaction was completely unexpected.

There was no trace of anger about her daughter being ignored. Instead, she rushed over and knelt outside the bathtub in surprise, reaching out and holding Lin Bin's hand, as if she wanted to make sure that he in front of her was not an illusion.

She asked excitedly: "How did you come back? Did you encounter any danger?"

Lin Bin coughed quietly and said vaguely: "Isn't it wrong for us to talk about this in this state?"

Gao Yue said sheepishly: "Yes, mother, neither of us are wearing clothes, but my brother is wearing clothes... Either we two put them on, or my brother takes them off, will it look more normal, right?"

Lin Bin: "..."

After half an hour.

Lin Bin quietly returned to his room and changed into clean clothes before appearing in front of everyone.

Everyone was extremely happy to learn that Lin Bin had returned.

The reaction was even beyond his expectation.

After a short inquiry, I understood.

"So, soon after I entered, the secret realm completely disappeared?"

Lin Bin smiled and said: "And I couldn't come out from inside. Do you suspect that I died inside?"

No wonder she didn’t react at all when her daughter was exposed...

In that situation, as long as it was certain that Lin Bin would return safely, Lin Bin would probably hit Gao Yue on the spot, and Concubine Yan might not be angry, or the huge surprise would be enough to drown out the small loss.

Cough cough cough.

Lin Bin hurriedly reflected on himself. He didn't know what was going on. As Yue'er gradually grew up and the buds began to bloom, it became difficult for him to maintain pure love for her.

All I can say is that the bodies of young girls are simply too beautiful.

Lin Bin talked about his experiences in this secret realm, especially the key point where he successfully returned to the world through the conflict between the two phantom sound boxes, so as to show that he did not intentionally break in. A wonderful time for mother and daughter to take a bath together.

He stroked Gao Yue's hair lovingly and said with a smile: "It seems that Yue'er should be the anchor point of the Phantom Sound Box, so I teleported directly to Yue'er through the Phantom Sound Box. Thank you Yue'er, otherwise, I really don't know how to come back."

Gao Yue crowded next to Lin Bin.

Because I came out in a hurry, I didn't even dry my hair, and the ends of my hair were still dripping with water.

She asked: "Brother, how are you going to thank Yue'er?"

Lin Bin: "Huh?"

Concubine Yan frowned and scolded: "Yue'er..."

"It's just a joke with my brother. Yue'er is also very happy that I can help him."

"Anyway, it's good to be able to come back safely. This time the secret realm doesn't seem to be very dangerous, but it's really a fluke... Don't take the initiative to rush forward in the future. If you don't take the initiative to get involved, this secret realm won't be able to turn around. Until you enter."

Lin Xue sighed: "I escaped by chance this time. Who knows if there will be a next time? Even if safety can be guaranteed, if you are trapped in that world, how will you come back? I'm afraid even you will be confused." Don’t you have a clue?”

"I certainly won't take the initiative in other secret realms, but in this secret realm, I'm afraid I really have to do it!"

Lin Bin helplessly spread his hands and said: "Fortunately, it was me who entered. Only Feiyan and Yue'er were not contaminated. It can be seen that the Phantom Sound Box is indeed the most critical item to solve this secret realm. Coupled with the existence of Xiaomeng, Who knows what would have happened if I hadn't gone? It was just a near miss...no big losses happened..."

"Why is there no big loss?"

Gao Yue flattened her mouth and said aggrievedly: "Brother, because of you, Yue'er may never be able to marry again."

Concubine Yan: "..."

Lin Bin blinked in confusion, was it an illusion?

It feels like the little girl's attack power has suddenly become much stronger!

(End of this chapter)

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