when reincarnation invades

Chapter 416 She just thinks of me as her father

Xiaomeng is actually a very satisfied person.

I took her walking around the mall for a whole day, and treated her to a vegetarian meal in the evening...

It wasn't until after eating that Xiaomeng said he wasn't full.

Only then did Lin Bin realize that she was a vegetarian.

Then I went next door to eat a bowl of fried noodles.

The fiery red chili noodles were stirred up by the hot oil, and Xiaomeng's little mouth turned red when she ate it, giving the normally aloof fairies a bit of an air of human fireworks.

However, Lin Bin felt an inexplicable strangeness in his heart when he saw it...

She ate garlic.

It seems that I really thought too much.

Originally, Lin Bin had no idea about this, but as soon as Irisviel mentioned it, the man's bad nature came to mind again.

Could it be that something exciting will really happen today...

But if you think about it carefully, Xiaomeng's dependence on him should be similar to her dependence on her father.

How old was she then?
But she encountered the destruction of the world, and she was alone. There was nothing but an old devil in front of her who was trying to figure out her plans.

In this terrible environment...

But suddenly someone rescued her, not only saved her, but also arranged everything for her.

For her, the possibility of him being her father is higher...

Now this so-called compensation is nothing more than a little girl acting coquettishly towards her father.

And after eating...

Xiaomeng went into those clothing stores again.

No matter how high and mighty you are, it’s still a girl’s nature. Who doesn’t want to buy some beautiful clothes?

Although Xiaomeng has a distinguished status, she has always been aloof and unconcerned. She is not someone who cares about other people's eyes. It's just that women always like their appearance. Even if she puts on beautiful clothes and no one appreciates her, she can't be alone and enjoy herself, right?

She even wanted to understand this strange world.

She had never seen it before. It wasn't that she didn't want to see it, she just didn't want to see it alone.

Now Lin Bin finally recalled her past...

She couldn't help but want him to accompany her and have a better understanding of the world.

Needless to say……

All expenses were paid by Lin Bin.

Of course, he didn't actually lose.

Xiao Meng has a graceful and voluptuous figure. Although she is a Taoist master, she has more demonic aura.

No matter what she wears, she exudes an aura of charm, and every time she changes clothes, Lin Bin sees it in person, which is a feast for his eyes.

"This is all what you should do. You owe me so much. I can't retaliate against you too much... If you were willing to show some pity to me and teach me the Xuanqing Tao of Tai Chi in advance, in ten years, guess what? What kind of state am I in now? But you just taught me the Tianzong skills..."

Speaking of this, Xiao Meng became angry.

Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao is actually the second best. The real reason is actually that she is too shy to say it.

At the beginning, she really believed in this God-Emperor Proud World Art, and even felt that she was the son of destiny, the lucky one of the world, the chosen child, etc...

As a result, I was so lucky at the time, but so miserable later.

It's just that I was young at that time and had all kinds of secondary mentality. Let alone confiding it to the person in front of me, even if I just thought about it, I wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it.

When the two of them returned to the car carrying large and small bags...

Then Lin Bin sent Xiaomeng all the way back to the realm of Daqin.

It was midnight.

"Today, I'm going to cost you a lot of money."

Xiaomeng was sitting in the passenger seat. She had obviously arrived at the place, but she had no intention of going down.

She took a deep look at Lin Bin and said: "Although you played with me, you still saved my life after all. No matter how lonely I have been over the years, it is only part of the deal between you and me. Are you willing to treat me Additional compensation will be provided, and I have accepted your compensation. No matter who has paid more or less between us, it is no longer important. After today, it can be said that the relationship between us has been wiped out."

Lin Bin sighed: "You are so generous!"

"It's not that I'm generous, it's just..."

Xiao Meng paused.

A relaxed smile appeared on the corner of his lips, and he said seriously: "It's just that I really don't want to ruin the joy of our reunion because of the little resentment in my heart. You finally remembered me, Abin...it's been a long time."

As she spoke, she leaned over.

She hugged Lin Bin gently and buried her face in his neck. Her voice was a little dull because of this, but it was full of joy that could not be concealed.

Lin Bin was stunned for a moment, and then he realized what Xiao Meng meant.

He hugged her back gently and said seriously: "Long time no see."

Neither of them spoke, they just hugged each other gently for a while.

Xiaomeng then got out of the car, carrying her large and small bags, waved to Lin Bin, and walked towards the inside of Tianzong.

Lin Bin watched her figure gradually disappear.

Then he started the car and drove back.

When I got home, it was already two o'clock in the morning.

Everyone has gone to bed, and a small light is still on in the living room, probably for him.

Lin Bin's steps were a little lighter.

When he returned to his room, he took off Xiaoqing and Xiaobai first, but did not put them back in their exclusive villa. Instead, he placed them on the bedside and patted their heads gently.

Then he went to wash up.

When he came out, he saw Xiaobai wearing a loose white dress with a look of shame on his face.

Noticing Lin Bin's gaze, she felt a little embarrassed and lifted up the slightly lowered skirt.

Next to her, Xiao Qing's face was more heroic than Xiao Bai's. She was sitting on the edge of the bed with her slender legs curled up. When she saw Lin Bin, she snorted softly.

But he still took the initiative to give up his position and gave him the middle.

That night, I had no sleep all night.

The next day, Lin Bin was woken up by Gao Yue.

It is rare that the little girl has always been very polite. Although she is very close to Lin Bin, when Concubine Yan is around, she always abides by her girlish reserve and never appears when she shouldn't. I don't know if it is to give her something. Mother saves face.

But today...

It can only be said that thanks to the overworking of sisters Xiaoqing and Xiaobai last night, coupled with their poor cultivation, they could hardly maintain their original shape in the end...

At this moment, he was curled up on the bedside in the form of a snake, sleeping soundly, and didn't even notice anyone coming in.

"Brother, mother has gone to do a mission."


Lin Bin was startled when he heard this and asked: "What mission?"

"From what she said, it seemed that there was some crisis in a secret realm, and some state-level reincarnators were needed to guard it to prevent any accidents, so my mother and Miss Xia Dou left in a hurry. Today, Yue My son has to go to school alone."

Gao Yue tilted her head, her small face smiling particularly brightly.

With the sunlight coming in through the window, her skin was as white and tender as if it were transparent...

At this moment, Lin Bin felt a sense of astonishment.

In the eyes of children, school uniforms are the ugliest clothes ever.

But in fact, in the eyes of those adults.

The school uniform not only increases attack speed, but also has psychic attacks.

Especially on girls with natural beauty.

At this time, the girl noticed Lin Bin's suddenly bright eyes, and couldn't help but feel a little sweet in her heart.
Tiantian smiled and said: "So considering that no one at home can prepare breakfast for you, brother, let's go out to eat together."

"Well, okay... I'll take you to school just in time..."

"Actually, there is no need to send it off, but Yue'er still wants to have dinner with her brother. Get up quickly, otherwise Yue'er will be late."

With that said, Gao Yue was about to lift off Lin Bin's quilt.

"Wait a moment."

Lin Bin's expression suddenly changed.Quickly put down the quilt...

Looked at Gao Yue helplessly.

Gao Yue also had a somewhat embarrassed smile on her face. Not to mention seeing it, even if she couldn't see it, just the familiar smell in the bed... How many times has my mother sneaked out and come back secretly with a smell all over her body? ?

Gao Yue has long been very familiar with it.

She joked: "Brother, if you are talking to Yue'er like this, does it count as naked chatting between the two of us?"

"Nonsense, aren't you still dressed well?"

"But Yue'er didn't wear anything yesterday. Comparing the two scenes, aren't we just the same?"

Lin Bin: "..."

But Gao Yue was still flirting with her and asked with a smile: "Brother, does Yue'er look good?"

Lin Bin couldn't even figure out what she was asking about.

I can only pretend not to hear it.

Signaling Gao Yue to go out, he wanted to clean up and have breakfast with her...

"Brother, tell me, does it look good?"

Lin Bin could only reply: "As for the face, it is naturally good-looking."

"What about other places?"

"I don't see clearly..."

Gao Yue bit her lip gently and asked with a chuckle: "Brother... do you want to take a look again?"

Lin Bin grimaced, "Yue'er, is your butt itchy?"

"Brother, do you want to scratch Yue'er?"

Before Lin Bin could answer, Gao Yue couldn't help laughing.

He chuckled and said, "It's just a joke, hehe... But Yue'er means something serious. You must have seen it. So from now on, if Yue'er marries someone else, wouldn't it be unfaithful to others?"

"This... I really didn't mean it."

Gao Yue blinked her eyes and said: "Yue'er just wants to be together forever, but she doesn't want to be that unfaithful slut. Brother, you have to be responsible for Yue'er, so...if you want to see or touch, just tell Yue'er That’s it.”

Lin Bin: "..."

"Of course, Yue'er is still young, so brother, you don't have to rush to confess to mother. Yue'er can afford to wait, but Yue'er will be my brother's person sooner or later. Since it will be like this sooner or later, does that mean that brother just wants to You are intimate with Yue'er who is seventeen or eighteen years old, but don't you want to taste Yue'er who is 14 years old? In another year, Yue'er of this age will be gone...ahhaha, don't fight, don't fight, brother, please get dressed quickly. , Yue'er is waiting for you nearby, don't worry, Yue'er can just run around when she goes to school."

Say it, Gao Yue hurriedly covered her head and ran away.

Then he suddenly came back and said, "By the way, there is one more thing. Don't tell mother yet. Let's do it secretly and give her a surprise then."

Lin Bin sighed helplessly.

Irisviel had previously told him to keep the secret from Illya.

The mother over there is hiding something from her daughter, and the daughter here is hiding something from her mother.

It would be enough of a headache if mother and daughter were together.

I still have two copies...

Really happy trouble.

He stood up, rinsed briefly, and quickly changed into clothes.

Went out to have breakfast with Gao Yue.

Sent her all the way to school...

At her age, she no longer needs her parents to pick her up and drop her off.

But a girl of thirteen or fourteen is at the age when her baby is about to bloom, and she is both young and beautiful at the same time.

Compared to before, parents need to be picked up and dropped off more.

And when Gao Yue held the arm of a tall young man tightly, she naturally attracted the attention of everyone around her.

Now that the two are together, they will no longer be misunderstood as father and daughter. They don't even look like brother and sister. Instead, they look more like a good female student in school who found a casual member of the outside world to be her boyfriend.

And Gao Yue seemed to have deliberately given this impression to her classmates.

Along the way, I also took the initiative to say hello to the classmates I met...

It wasn't until before entering the school that she whispered: "This way, I won't be afraid of those naive boys in school pestering Yue'er. Thank you, brother... When we go back, if mother hasn't come back yet, Yue'er will be fine Thank you, if mother comes back, let her thank you on behalf of Yue'er."

After that, he flew into the campus like a butterfly.

This girl is so aggressive.

Lin Bin couldn't help but be secretly stunned.

But he wasn't too surprised.

He is not a fool, nor is he one of those dull-witted men in Japanese comics. No matter how precocious Gao Yue's mind is, she is still just a little girl. He already knows what she wants to do before she even sticks her butt out.

Her thoughts, let alone him, are probably already understood by everyone in the family.

Just because of Concubine Yan's existence, everyone pretended not to know.

But now, Illya should have given her the confidence and courage... Regardless of how big she is on the inside, externally speaking, she currently looks much bigger than Illya.

Lin Bin slowly walked home.

Everyone has something to be busy with...

Only he, because he had just come out of the secret realm and caught up with the fierce battle with Youquan before, his cultivation level had been greatly improved, and he was now on the verge of a breakthrough.

So after talking to Long Qie.

Not surprisingly, he will get a long period of peace.

But some things may still require help.

back home.

At this time, only Lin Xue was at home.

She was wearing an apron and mopping the living room floor.

And Irisviel was wiping the entrance cabinet.

Nowadays, the area of ​​​​the home is much larger, and it takes a lot of time to clean it up. Although Lin Bin said several times that he would hire part-time workers, Lin Xue is actually almost a germophobe and does not like those unrelated people entering the family. .

In her words...

We are all our own people at home, and no matter what we say or do, we are all at ease.

You don’t want to bring complete strangers into this environment.

Fortunately, Concubine Yan and Irisviel are both very hard-working people, and they also enjoy the situation of cleaning up the housework and chatting together. In addition, sisters Shi Feixuan and Shi Qingxuan often come to visit as guests. Lin Xue never considered herself as a guest, nor did Lin Xue treat them as guests. It was normal to help with some housework.

There are only two good-for-nothings in the family, Ilia and Lin Bin.

Even Gao Yue can make delicious instant noodles.

Lin Bin asked: "Sister, does anyone use the Time Stone during this period?"

Lin Xue, who was mopping the floor, looked up in confusion and asked, "You need it, right?"

"No... I just want to ask who else is planning to enter the spiritual time room to practice. If it is someone who absolutely believes in it, I want him to help me bring some things in so that I can Do an experiment.”

Lin Xue heard this and bent down to mop the floor again.

While dragging him, he muttered: "A few days ago, that Miss Huanwen entered the Time House again. By the way, she also forced me to give me two new mobile phones. I don't want them... Sigh... This one is too long." She is indeed beautiful, quirky and cute, but compared to Fei Xuan, she is still a little inferior. By the way, Fei Xuan also entered it again before to familiarize herself with her newly exchanged Chunyang Sword Technique, Fei Miss Yan has also entered once...and now, it is Changfeng's turn."

"Nie Feng?"

Lin Bin couldn't help but frown. It would be okay if it was Zhu Yuyan or something. After all, although he was a member of the devil's path, he had been completely conquered by him, so he could believe it.

But what Nie Feng said...

Wait, if it was Nie Feng, there would be no problem.

This is a super virgin who can tolerate even the enemies who killed her father and mother.

"That's good. When will he come over? Sister, please don't let him in yet. I may need his help with something here."

"Okay, then don't go out, he will come over in the afternoon."

Lin Bin nodded.

Whether it works or not...you will know once you try it.

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