when reincarnation invades

Chapter 421 Cherish Life and Stay Away from Kelly

Lin Bin has always upheld the intention of being kind to others.

Therefore, he had few enemies.

If there is really a strong enemy...

There was only one Apostle Kingdom that was completely destroyed by him.

This matter should have come to an end completely, but the first apostle never showed up. Even if the extremely precious treasure of the Kingdom of God was taken away, he remained completely silent.


Shi Zhixuan, Deng Yang and even Lin Xue's companion were also tracing the whereabouts of the first apostle during this period.

After all, they were the main reason for the destruction of the Kingdom of God.

The first apostle is immortal, and they all say that he is like a light on their backs.

But even if they were as smart as these people and extremely familiar with the way the kingdom of God operates, there was still no trace of the first apostle.

Even if the first apostle hadn't reported Lin Bin and others at the critical moment, Lin Bin might even have misunderstood whether the first apostle was dead.

But since he is alive, it seems as if he has disappeared from this world.

This time...

He must take action...

To be able to capture Jeanne d'Arc and Artoria in one fell swoop was a level of strength that could never be achieved by a state-level reincarnator.

Apart from anything else, Lin Bin once personally controlled the Holy Flag, so he naturally understood how terrifying its defensive power was. If he hadn't encountered Fantasy Killer before, even his Nanmingli Fire Sword might not be able to break the Holy Flag used by Joan of Arc. Flag of defense.

Lin Bin sighed: "It's good to take action. Once you take action, there will definitely be flaws. If he keeps shrinking, I will be worried."

Illya asked: "Then what should we do now?"

"It may take some time for Feiyan to get the information. Let's take the opportunity to save people first!"

Lin Bin asked: "Ilia, please go back to the plane immediately and try to get a photo of Joan of Arc. As long as she is still in this world, it will not be difficult for me to find her location through the positioning camera."


Illya slapped her forehead and shouted: "Oh, I forgot you still have the positioning camera. I'll be back soon."

"I'm going to the Reincarnation Association. Since we have to face enemies of this level, the most important thing is to be fully prepared."

Lin Bin always remembered Lin Xue once said that apostles have been replaced throughout the generations, but the first apostle is always the same person.

It took hundreds of years for the Kingdom of God to go from being established to turning into darkness and then to being destroyed...

A monster that has lived for hundreds of years before the immortal civilization came.

That is to say, the actual position of the other party has not yet been determined. Otherwise, he might have called the Beast God for help.

Several people split up and acted.

Lin Bin got in the car and called Xia Dou immediately.

After a moment of blindness, a heavily nasal voice sounded, "Hello?"

After saying that, there was another huge yawn.

Lin Bin couldn't even see her but could still imagine the messy hair of the girl opposite her, and the tears welling up in her eyes as she yawned.

"Xia Dou, get up quickly. I'll pick you up. I need your help with something."

"Ah? What does the boss want to see me for...Okay, I'll get up immediately...Ouch...hiss..."

"what happened?"

"My toes... hurt..."

There was a crackle on the other side, mixed with the sound of a cup being knocked over and the girl's scream.

"Do you always wake up like this on such a grand scale every day?"

"Last night... I stayed up late watching a show."

Xia Dou's voice sounded with a cry, and he sobbed: "Brother, please hurry up, I can clean up Wuwu in 10 minutes..."

"it is good!"

For the first time, I felt that Xia Dou's bad luck was so relatable.

Ten minutes later, Lin Bin picked up Xia Dou, who was limping and jumping on one leg, and then drove towards the direction of the Samsara Space Association.

along the way...

Inform him of his purpose.

"Oh? Do you want to take advantage of my luck?"

"Of course, didn't you say that if there is a bomb, you must choose which thread to cut?"

Lin Bin said: "Now, I plan to borrow your luck card to help me strengthen something."

There was no need to ask about the origin of the forging furnace or anything like that. Lin Bin knew exactly where it came from.

And its dangers are also evident.

The words "Cherish life and stay away from Kelly" are no joke... But if it is used by Xia Dou, who has the ability to concentrate all the good luck on a certain moment, Lin Bin believes that the probability of success will definitely be greatly improved.

"Oh? Boss, you finally used my luck card."

Xia Dou immediately geared up, and sighed with half excitement and half sadness: "I thought that all my bad luck during this period was in vain, and I couldn't help the team at all... But I didn't expect that I would be waiting here. Looking after me."

"It just so happens that this way, the chances of success will be greater."

The two came to the Samsara Space Association.

Long Qie had already arranged everything, and immediately someone took Lin Bin and Xia Dou to an exclusive office, and then received his reward.

Open the box and look at the familiar forge.

[Forging Furnace (A+ grade props): Props can be strengthened. The success rate depends on the current level of the props. When the level of the props is too high, the enhancement will fail and the props will be destroyed. 】

[PS: Your equipment is very average~]

It really is……

Lin Bin said in his heart as expected.

"You dare to touch this thing?"

Xia Dou was already shocked.

Although she has not seen Lin Bin's personal data, she obviously knows that the props Lin Bin currently has are basically extremely precious props. S-level ones are often out of print. If they are gone, they will be gone forever.

"That's why I need your luck."

"Yes, it's time for me to show off my power."

Xia Dou said confidently, but the look on his face was still full of uneasiness...

Lin Bin's props were all too high-end. If it really failed, she wouldn't be able to afford the loss even if she sold herself. At least she would have to sell in a few more places.

"Don't worry, I won't blame you if it fails. It can only be said that I was too greedy, and I didn't plan to strengthen the S-class items. I plan to strengthen this."

Lin Bin handed over the empty sword box.

"Oh? Such an exquisite little box...oh...A+ grade..."

Xia Dou breathed a sigh of relief. She was really afraid that it was S-level. S-level items were so precious. If the enhancement failed, she would really have to be his RBQ.

Lin Bin also thought carefully about this.

All of his hands were S-level props. Let’s not talk about whether he could suppress the Luck Card, which was also an S-level prop, when he was promoted to one level. With a success rate of less than 0.1%, he really didn’t dare to try.

But the A+ grade is different.

According to Lin Bin's speculation, why after all the sword blades were warmed up, the Ice-like Green Sword, which was the bottom of A-level magic weapons, was directly promoted to A+ level, while the Dragon-Slaying Sword, which was originally A+ level, was still A+ level. It is because the grade of the Void Sword Box limits the level improvement.

So if he strengthens the Empty Sword Box, then what he gets is not an A++-level Empty Sword Box, but a full seven A++-level magic weapons, whose power is definitely better than an S-level item!

Of course, if he fails, he will be completely knocked back to his original shape.

But did I still break many props back then?

And Lin Bin didn't think that a majestic S-level prop would be unable to suppress a mere A+-level prop.

"Then I'll start."

"let's start."

"Really." "Really."

Xia Dou: "I've really started. Once I start, I can't look back... Boss, think about it."

Lin Bin gritted his teeth and said, "Start now before I regret it!"


Xia Dou stuffed the empty sword box into the forging furnace without hesitation.

It's obviously something of the same size, but the result is so smooth and natural.

Then, he closed his eyes and chose to open it.

The forging furnace immediately broke away from the constraints of gravity, slowly floated high into the sky, and began to shake violently in the air.

Lin Bin even heard the familiar roar in his ears.

Fortunately, there is no crotch-stretching rumble.

But mixed with the passionate tone of dong dong dong dong...

[Empty Sword Box (A++ level prop): A sword container that can accommodate divine weapons and sharp weapons, nourish the spirituality of the divine weapons, and enhance the tacit understanding of the divine weapons warmed inside, and upgrade the level of the divine weapons to the Empty Sword Box Same level! 】

[Evaluation: We are all one family, and competing for favor is a no-no. 】

Sure enough, the evaluation changed.

And it can indeed warm up the magic weapon...

Lin Bin took back the empty sword box, then integrated the seven magic weapons into it again, and then his eyes couldn't help but light up.

Previously, the divine weapons had reached the peak of A+ level, but were limited by the upper limit of the empty sword box, so they were said to have been maintained for two years. However, in fact, after only one and a half years, the power inside had reached full level. .

That's about six hours of battery life.

But now, with the increase of its upper limit and its level.

The battery life has been increased to two hours...

But there is the possibility of continued warming and maintenance.

But as a result, the time required to warm and maintain weapons will undoubtedly increase significantly in the future.

"It seems that from now on, we need to enter the Time Room regularly to warm up this empty sword box."

Lin Bin smiled, this can be regarded as a happy trouble.


Xia Dou timidly opened one eye and tilted it over. When he saw the intact and even more crystal-colored empty sword box in Lin Bin's hand, he suddenly smiled proudly and laughed. He said: "Let me just say, you are right to contact me for such critical matters. Although I am usually unlucky, I can turn into a koi at any time."

"Thank you, Xia Dou."

Lin Bin nodded in satisfaction.

I don't know if it was because he had doubts about the Samsara Space Association, but Lin Bin always felt that the reward Long Qie applied for for him would be this forging furnace, and Samsara Space probably didn't have any good intentions.

For example, you want him to break an extremely powerful item?

In fact, thinking about it, this possibility is unlikely...it is too obvious.

It can only be said that Lin Bin's side is also full of soldiers.

After Xia Dou completed the task, he asked Lin Bin curiously: "Then what should we do next?"

Lin Bin replied: "Go back to sleep."

Xia Dou was stunned when he heard this, and said in astonishment: "Huh? My mission has been completed, do I still want to sleep with you? Could it be that sleeping is not a punishment, but a reward?"

Lin Bin raised his hand and knocked Xia Dou on the head.

He smiled and said: "What are you thinking about? It's just that I still have some things to deal with here, but it's not convenient to take you with me, so don't follow me and go back to sleep."

"I just woke up."

Xia Dou flattened his mouth and said: "Did you wake me up and go back to sleep? No, I don't care, I'm not really RBQ, just throw it away after use... No matter what you do, take it with you I, I am very powerful now, you know? Let me tell you quietly, I have new enhancements, and the flaws of technology enhancements no longer exist in me."

"Okay, take you."

Lin Bin sighed.

He didn't take her because he didn't want her to get involved. Now the first apostle used a dirty trick on him...

But it was just a dirty trick, probably because he didn't want to expose his existence.

But he probably never imagined that Heizhen's existence would be seen through by him at a glance.

So at this moment, he has actually turned from passive to active.

But in any case, the battle of wits and courage between the two sides has begun.

Once Xia Dou is involved, it will inevitably be affected...

But if you think about it carefully, she had taken action when she attacked the Kingdom of God.

If he really loses.

I'm afraid she won't be able to escape the liquidation by then, so she might as well take her with her.

"Come with me. The preparations are almost completed. Illya's side should be fine as well. I don't know what the situation is like on Feiyan's side."

Lin Bin made a phone call if he wanted to.

But he was worried that it would disturb Concubine Yan. It didn't matter if he disturbed her, but if Hei Zhen got a chance to breathe, it would be a big disaster.

"Is it still a collective action? It seems like there is another big move."

Xia Dou suddenly looked forward to it.

The two left the Reincarnation Space Association and drove in the direction of plane walking.

As soon as they reached the middle, they directly collided with Illya.

"I found the photo of Sister Jeanne."

Illya got into the car. She had not been idle in the past few hours. She was even a little out of breath from being so busy, and there was sweat on her forehead.

But his face was full of pride.

He smiled and said, "Everyone didn't know that Sister Jeanne had disappeared, so I didn't tell them the news to prevent confusion. I sneaked into Sister Jeanne's room and found a photo of her and SABER. , Hee hee, I didn’t expect that Sister Joan of Arc is also very stinky and beautiful.”

She handed over a photo.

In the photo, there are two girls who look like twin sisters.

One was wearing an ordinary linen dress and a simple braid. She looked simple and approachable, just like a childhood sweetheart who grew up next door.

Next to her, she was wearing a slim-fitting dark blue skirt with a light white shirt. Her beautiful and delicate face looked a little uncomfortable, but she was forced to raise her scissor hands, so she smiled a little. Shy and coy.

Their faces were extremely clear.

"Awesome, I actually found it for you!"

Lin Binbin praised.

"No, I also found your photo in her photo album. It should have been taken by the surveillance camera when you entered the base."

Illya winked at Lin Bin.

Lin Bin: "..."

He said sternly: "Okay, as long as we find them next...both Feiyan and our side will be able to gain something. It will not be difficult to find out the details of the other party by comparing the intelligence from both sides. "

In this way, it is even possible to find where the first apostle is hiding.

Even, maybe his true identity can be found out.

Lin Bin had an idea in his mind...

But without evidence, even he himself was not sure about this idea.

But now, it will soon be known.

Lin Bin took out his positioning camera and took a photo.

The camera slowly spit out a new photo, but inside the photo, it was completely blank, not even a trace of people could be seen.

"Can't take a picture?"

Lin Bin was stunned.

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