when reincarnation invades

Chapter 423 Save Joan of Arc

Chapter 423 Save Joan of Arc
Just do it.

Even if becoming Lin Bin's heroic spirit is a big challenge for Artoria, in order to save people now, Artoria should also understand the slight discomfort of the change in the relationship between everyone in the future.

an hour later.

The living room at home has been painted with an extremely mysterious formation logo.

Of course, the person responsible for all of this is Illya.

And taking advantage of this period of time, Irisviel, somewhat unconfidently, asked Lin Bin for help to replenish some magic...

You know, her next move is to snatch Altria away from Jeanne's hands.

If it were anyone else, even the King of Heroes, Irisviel, as a Little Holy Grail cyborg, would not be afraid. However, Joan of Arc's magic power is too huge, and in the real world, because it is not convenient to mend magic, she The magic power here is somewhat lacking.

I could only very embarrassedly invite Lin Bin to come over quietly.

As for what to do...

Before, maybe people didn’t know much about it.

But after Lin Bin's explanation just now, everyone present probably knew it.

Because of this, Irisviel felt even more embarrassed, and made her wish she could burn him where he was.

And I originally wanted to hide it from Illya.

But right now, the only thing she could do was try not to look at Illya's angry little face.

She was asked to work, that is, her mother, and no one else would be so cooperative.

an hour later.

Irisviel reappeared in front of everyone with a rosy face.


She blushed and began to recite a spell.

Lin Bin is always ready with the command spell, and his magic power has been fully replenished for Irisviel, but whether he can match Joan of Arc is still a question, so once he finds that she is invincible, he will immediately use the command spell to strengthen Irisviel. If If she still can't defeat her, then he really can only replenish the magic on the spot, so that she can compete with Joan of Arc with a steady stream of magic power.

Just in this way, if Artoria is successfully summoned,

I'm afraid the prejudice against him will be even deeper by then.

So this move cannot be used easily.

Fortunately, Irisviel's magic power was unexpectedly powerful. With the announcement of the spell, the Avalon, which had been exhausted by its magic power and was almost useless, once again shone with spiritual light.

But halfway through reading, Irisviel suddenly stopped.

Then, slowly spit out a few words...

He is no longer as comfortable as before, as if he is wrestling with someone.

However, with Lin Bin's support, Irisviel's combat power is extremely high, which is naturally far beyond the level of Joan who is currently in a sluggish state.

No matter how powerful Joan's magic is, if she dies as a Heroic Spirit, Irisviel can still tolerate her...

Therefore, she is always in a strong position.

Although the spell was read very slowly, it was as steady as a mountain.

Just a few sentences, Irisviel actually read it for more than ten minutes...

And within the magic circle in front of him, the aura became more and more dazzling.

A petite figure slowly appeared among them.

Until the light gradually dissipated, revealing the true content inside.

A blond girl about fourteen or fifteen years old, with delicate and dignified features, skin as white as snow, a resolute expression, and slightly pursed lips, which seemed to indicate that she was under heavy pressure all the time.


And with the appearance of Artoria.

The already useless Avalon once again showed its brilliance. Although it was not gorgeous, the light was restrained and even more crystal clear!
Obviously, this ideal land isolated from everything has regained its functionality.

But no one spoke. Lin Bin had just popularized the science. This Artoria may not be the Artoria they want. If it is Fenya, then there will be just one more person at their disposal, but It would be troublesome to save people.

After a moment.

As she slowly opened her eyes, panic appeared in her green eyes at first, then turned to surprise, and she shouted: "Abin!"

At this moment, any prejudice was gone.

When she saw Abin, she seemed to have seen a savior.

Arturia said in surprise: "The master has been replaced. Don't be careful about what that bad Joan says. She is a liar."

Lin Bin comforted him with gentle words: "Don't worry, we summoned you because we didn't discover the true identity of Hei Zhen. It's just that we don't know where you and the real Jeanne are being held, so we can only Use this method to summon you."


Only then did Artoria react, her bright eyes suddenly widened, and she asked in surprise: "Does it mean that my current master is not Jeanne d'Arc?"

"Well, don't worry, it's not me, it's Irisviel."

"What's the difference between that and you?"

Arturia bit her lip gently and quickly understood what Lin Bin meant.

She sighed softly: "But this is the only way to save the Master... It seems that this is the only way..."

Lin Bin asked: "Do you know where Joan of Arc is being held?"

Artoria shook her head and said: "I only know that it is in a secret realm, but I don't know exactly where it is."

"You don't know either?"

"But I know how to get there... I was knocked unconscious by them at that time, and they didn't care. They loaded us into the car and took us away. But I actually woke up in the car. Although I couldn't see anything, But you can detect the distance and direction based on the bumps of your body."

Artoria smiled bitterly and said: "My idea at the time was to find a way to escape and then follow the way back, but I didn't expect that their supervision of us was more strict than imagined, and we couldn't find a way to escape at all. Opportunity, and then... I was summoned by you. Joan of Arc seemed to have realized something at that time, and helped me with a command spell, ordering me to respond to the summons from the Holy Grail. It seems that she also realized that it was Abin, you are calling us."

Illya said: "In that case, let's proceed without further delay."

Lin Bin said: "Ilia, please don't go."


"Don't forget that Hei Zhen's purpose is to destroy the entire plane. Now that there have been the first batch of casualties, she must have made the follow-up plan. You must stop them immediately and rewrite her previous plan. The plan we made, the secret realm cannot be delayed..."

Illya was speechless.

He complained: "Sometimes I wonder why I am not your heroic spirit. In this way, you can't get rid of me even if you want to."

Lin Bin smiled and said, "Xia Dou, go help her."

"Don't worry, I'm familiar with this... I often help our boss handle the affairs of the Science and Technology Association."

Xia Dou patted her chest, making a bang bang sound, and she hurriedly made smaller movements.

"Feiyan is too exhausted. Stay here to rest. Ellie, Artoria, I will go rescue people."

Lin Bin thought for a while and handed Avalon directly to Artoria.

"You...you are..."

"This is your thing. If you had Avalon before, I'm afraid the enemy may not be able to defeat you easily. Now that you have to deal with those who have defeated you, it is natural to restore you to a perfect state. .”

Lin Bin now has Haotian Mirror.

Haotian Mirror can be attacked or defended. If one really encounters someone who can break Haotian Mirror's defense, Avalon may not be of much use.

The reason why I didn't give it to Artoria before was because she was a member of Joan of Arc, and strictly speaking, she couldn't be considered completely one of my own... After all, the alliance was just an alliance.

But now he is one of his own.Enhancing her strength is also increasing one's own strength.

Without Avalon, Artoria would only be at the level of a country. But if it gets Avalon, its defense power will definitely be at the highest level. With its attack power, it will at least be invincible in the country.


Arturia looked at Lin Bin in shock, obviously not expecting Lin Bin to be so generous.

He even instinctively called him Master.

"Eh...your master is not me, but Irisviel."

Lin Bin sighed: "I have tried my best to consider your personal feelings, but if I don't summon you, I can't save Joan. If I summon you, I can only wrong you..."

"This is not an grievance. Let's act quickly. Although they didn't harm our lives, they suddenly discovered that I was gone. I was worried that they would worry that Yu... Joan of Arc would disappear like me, so I'm sorry She struck immediately."

"Okay, let's split up immediately."

"and many more……"

Xia Dou asked: "If someone wants to destroy the entire real world, then should you tell the boss... Aren't they also responsible? And there are multiple friends and multiple assistants..."

"Let's save the person first."

Lin Bin paused and said: "But if I want to enter the secret realm, I may need to apply. After all, I still have the identity of a reincarnation person."

He looked down at his phone, sighed softly, and said, "I hope my judgment will not be wrong."

After a short preparation.

The crowd split up.

Xia Dou directly summoned his new magical equipment, the Cruiser. It was not used to deal with any powerful enemies, but the Cruiser had a super-fast flying speed, which was not even slower than Lin Bin's sword flying. …

She hugged Illya, and the two of them flew away together.

Lin Bin originally wanted to ask the Beast God for help, but after hesitating for a moment, he gave up the idea.

All three of them are heroic spirits.

There are also Avalon and Haotian Mirror, especially since both of them can turn into magic power and integrate into his body, he can actually advance and retreat relatively freely.

Although the Beast God is powerful, once it encounters any extreme situation, it may lack the means to protect itself.

If he was killed...Lin Binke would feel extremely guilty.

Not to mention that the safety of the home also needs someone to protect it. With the presence of the Beast God and the Eight Evil Mysterious Fire Array, and the geographical advantage, even the First Apostle may have to think carefully about it.

With him here, there is no need to worry about the rear.

At that moment, Arturia sat in the back row and closed her eyes.

Lin Bin and Irisviel were sitting in the front row.

He kicked the accelerator and flew into the distance...

The three of them first drove to the vicinity of the plane walk.

Then, start experimenting with directions.

After a moment, Artoria shook her head and said, "Change the direction."


Lin Bin nodded, knowing that she was looking for the familiar bumpy feeling before. With Artoria's perceptual ability, she could clearly remember the details of every bump. In a sense, it was also a way to find the way. .

It's just that this method is obviously stupid.

After four or five hours of testing, Arturia nodded and said: "This is the right direction, keep going...yes..."

Found the starting point.

It was much smoother after that.

The situation persisted, and after two hours, Artoria said: "Turn right!"

After half an hour.


after an hour.

"Turn left, don't turn too much. It's a small turn. Is there a road? If there is, that's right..."

Under Artoria's command, Lin Bin's H9 gradually left Baishui City, then crossed the nearby Tongyun City, heading in an increasingly remote direction.

It is not the border with Shengguo.

On the contrary, it went in a completely opposite direction, and even gradually, there began to be less people...

But not all land is suitable for habitation.

Especially those red secret realms that have been almost destroyed.

but here...

They were transported to a quite far place. Lin Bin drove for more than six hours. In total, they traveled seven to eight hundred miles...

Arturia finally opened her eyes, and there was a hint of exhaustion in those clear green eyes.

She squeezed the Avalon in her hand.

With a bit more determination in his eyes, he said, "It's around here...I don't know the exact location."

"I'll fly up to find it!"

Lin Bin flew high into the sky with his sword, and fell down after a moment.

Said: "Thirty miles to the east, there is a space crack..."

Having said this, he paused and then continued: "No one is guarding it. It should be a secret place that no one knows about."

No one knows or even senses it.

But it didn't invade the real world.

That's weird...

But if it is used as a cage to imprison Arturia and Jeanne, it seems to be a normal thing.

"No one knows, so this is probably the last lair of the apostles?"

"Maybe it's the First Apostle's home. I'll send the coordinates here to Lao Deng and the others. Then I won't have to run around to find the First Apostle."

Lin Bin took the mobile phone and operated it.

Then he looked at Artoria.

Arturia nodded and said: "That's right here, Joan of Arc must be imprisoned there."

Lin Bin asked: "What is the scene in the world?"

"I don't know. We are locked in a room, surrounded by steel walls. We can't detect any useful information... but it should be a modern plane..."

"It's enough. With our current lineup, we can break into any secret realm."

Lin Bin didn't hesitate much.

Since we know that Joan of Arc is imprisoned in this secret place, we just need to break in and save people.

Lin Bin did not hesitate and stepped into it.

Arturia and Irisviel followed closely behind.

(End of this chapter)

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