Chapter 425
For Mordred, what is the real reason for betraying his father and destroying Britain?
To put it bluntly, a little kid with extremely low self-esteem and arrogance cannot get the approval of his father, so he tries his best to make trouble for him. The most real purpose is just to gain the care and approval of his family.

As fierce as his hatred for Artoria is, he also desires for her love.

And because of this...

Looking at his father's completely defenseless back, he knew that with one strike of his sword, he could kill his father again.

But looking at her, she was so focused on protecting herself that she didn't hesitate to stand up to her Master.

Although I don’t know what ability that man has to hurt me, or has one of my heroic clones been hurt by him?
So much so that she was so wary...

But this feeling of being protected like a little girl was what Mordred himself longed for most during his lifetime.

He was stunned for a few seconds.

Mordred shouted awkwardly: "I don't need your protection at all. It's ridiculous. I can single-handedly destroy your foundation and even kill you. What can this mere human do to me?"

He can fold your waist and make you cry for daddy.

Recalling the scene she had thought of before, Artoria was too embarrassed to repeat it again.

But she was also keenly aware of the strangeness...

She turned back, looked at Mordred with shock in her eyes, and said in surprise: "Wait, don't you recognize the Master?"

"Speaking of it, it does look familiar. Could it be that we had crossed paths before when we were Heroic Spirits?"

Mordred murmured: "It feels very friendly..."

"That's your illusion."

Only then did Artoria remember that it was different from how she was able to retain the memory of every battle compared to when she actually participated in the battle.

Normal heroic spirits participating in battles are clones in the lower world, and no matter how unforgettable the experience in battle is, it will eventually turn into a vague experience like a dream, from a slight impression at the beginning to the end that can no longer be recalled.

Otherwise, any heroic spirit has not fought hundreds or thousands of battles. When so many memories overlap, I am afraid that their own real memories will be confused, and they will forget their own experiences.

Only then did she relax and let go of Mordred, and said, "It's okay if you don't remember. In short, that was about the last Holy Grail War. I'm sorry, Master."

Lin Bin said helplessly: "Artoria, you are guarding me like a thief, which is a huge blow to me."

"I can't help it. Master, you are fine with everything. It's just this horse-like sexual fetish that I really can't accept."

Lin Bin: "........."

Mordred watched as Artoria returned to her previous demure self.

Feeling disappointed, she snorted disdainfully and said, "I didn't expect to find you here. Speaking of which, did the Holy Grail War actually happen in this place?"

Lin Bin asked: "Weren't you summoned by the Holy Grail?"

Mordred said: "Of course not, I came here from the suppression force, and the purpose is to solve this special point. I have been spinning around here for dozens of times like a headless fly, and finally found the movement of people. I didn’t expect it was you.”

Artoria said: "I didn't come from the Holy Grail War... Anyway, it's a long story. Now I am the Master's permanent heroic spirit and will stay in his world forever."

Mordred's eyes widened in shock and he exclaimed: "What?!"

Lin Bin smiled and said: "If you want to, it's actually not impossible."


Artoria looked at Lin Bin angrily.

Lin Bin smiled and said: "After all, Mordred and I are very compatible. Although she no longer remembers me, I am still very happy to see her. Didn't Joan of Arc lose you as a heroic spirit? ? I feel guilty for stealing her heroic spirit. If I find a way to make Mordred her heroic spirit..."

"I can still hear your calculations, Master, even from this distance."

Arturia said seriously: "She no longer remembers you. She has forgotten her past experiences. It's over between you two. It's time for you to let her go."

"But now we have all let go. The only one who can't let go is you, right?"

Lin Bin said helplessly: "And isn't our purpose to save people? Why has it suddenly turned into a family ethics drama now?"

", it's Miss Jeanne."

Arturia finally came back to her senses.

A little embarrassed, he turned to Mordred with a blushing face and said, "Since our purpose is the same, my master knows how to completely solve this singularity. You can act together with us. In this way, you The task can be completed faster.”

Mordred glanced at Artoria awkwardly and muttered: "We have met before in the Holy Grail War. I have a vague feeling that something happened between us, but I can't think clearly. Your be honest, makes me very uncomfortable."

Artoria shouted sternly: "Knight Mordred, follow me now to destroy the singularity!"

"I'm even more uncomfortable with this approach. I'm already a traitor, and you still treat me like a knight. You were like this before I betrayed you, and you're still like this after I betrayed you. So I didn't betray you in vain?"

Mordred muttered something to himself, but still honestly joined the team and asked: "Where to go?"

"Look for the Angelboda device and destroy the fog in London. However, there is also an enemy BOSS guarding London. If you can join us, we will add a powerful fighting force."

Lin Bin looked at Artoria and said: "It is not difficult to destroy this singularity. What is difficult is how to break into Chaldea. From this point of view, we need Mordred's combat power."

Obviously Artoria is different from Irisviel.

Irisviel wanted to be with her daughter, even if she was ruined by Lin Bin together, she would be happy with it.

But in order to protect her daughter's safety, Arturia was willing to let her return to the Throne of Heroes.

But considering the overall situation, especially the safety of Miss Joan of Arc.

She sighed: "Okay, I was my concern that caused chaos. Her affairs should be decided by herself. I have never raised her, so naturally I am not qualified to decide her future."

"Which one needs your concern and is it still a mess?"

Mordred snorted again, but still leaned close to Lin Bin and asked in a low voice: "She...really stays in this world forever?"

Lin Bin explained in a low voice: "I also have the Holy Grail in my hand, plus magic power, holy relics, and all the tools needed to summon heroic spirits. Summoning is naturally very simple."

"But how could she be willing to give up the Holy Grail? And what's the benefit of staying forever?"

"You no longer have to work like a tool to put out fires like before?"

Lin Bin spread his hands and said: "Working for others is also part-time work, and being a heroic spirit for you is also part-time work, isn't it? And judging from my father's appearance, it seems that I feel wronged by being a heroic spirit for you. Are you bullying her?"

"To be precise, I bullied you and made her unhappy."

Lin Bin explained: "To put it simply, you became my heroic spirit before, and then the two of us had a very good compatibility, and our relationship was naturally very good. We became one person. She saw you and me. It’s so good, she’s a little jealous.”

"I'm actually jealous...hum...really...wait a minute..."

Mordred was keenly aware of the priority in Lin Bin's words, and she asked in surprise: "Who is she jealous of?"

"I'm jealous, otherwise what do you think?"

"Ugh...that's disgusting."

Mordred took his verbal and physical integrity to the extreme.

But the expression on his face clearly showed that he was extremely interested in what happened in that Holy Grail War.

And with Mordred's help, especially during this period of time, she had searched almost half of London. As soon as she heard Lin Bin's destination and thought about the place she just walked through, she found several places. Every possible place.

Several people explored all the way.

Although he didn't find the place he was looking for, he greatly narrowed the scope of the search.

After that, I didn't waste much effort and soon found a passage leading to the underground.

This passage is even deeper than the sewer, and it obviously existed here before London was built.

And just got here.

Several people were immediately attacked, and those who took action were some mechanical soldiers...

His strength is not weak, but he is almost vulnerable to Lin Bin and others.

However, Lin Bin and others were not surprised but overjoyed when they encountered the attack, which showed that the place they found was indeed the right one.

Now everyone drove straight in...along the way.

The enemies encountered were getting stronger and stronger, and even heroic spirits began to appear to block them.

However, the strength of these heroic spirits can only be regarded as average among the heroic spirits. Facing the super-powerful combat powers of Mordred and Artoria, they did not even have a chance to introduce themselves, so they were directly beaten by Modred. Germany's holy sword was directly sent back to the Throne of Heroes.

She also doesn't have the temperament to listen to introductions.

Soon, everyone reached the deepest part of the underground.

I saw the Holy Grail located there, as well as a huge steam device that continuously filled the air with toxic fog.

There was also a barely familiar figure.

He has middle-length blue hair like kelp, and a gloomy expression, which seems to be a little melancholy and depressed, but his eyes are extremely firm.

He said one word at a time: "You are not allowed to destroy the devices here."

"It's him!"

Irisviel's face changed slightly, and she recognized the familiar face in front of her through the transplanted memory, and exclaimed: "Maqiri Zolgen!"

"It's better to call him Old Chongzi."

Lin Bin gently patted his Bible of the Dead and sighed: "I just used you in the last secret realm, and now you come to make up for my backup. Unfortunately, your strength is a little weaker..."

"This is my dream, no one is allowed to destroy it!"

Machili Zolgen's eyes were full of fighting spirit, and with a roar, the originally human body expanded and turned into a monster that only existed in legends.

Along with this, the strength is also rising steadily, doubling, doubling again...

He laughed loudly and said: "I feel the power, the powerful power. You can't stop my dream. I will tear you all into pieces... Uh..."

His wild laughter stopped abruptly.

I was shocked to see the scene that was suddenly spinning rapidly, especially when I saw something very familiar...

A charred, inhuman corpse fell to the ground with a thud, and then made no sound.

It has no head...

There was a huge hole where the head should have been, and blood was pouring out.

That's my... body...

my head……

Only then did Makiri Zolgen realize that although his strength had increased several times, he still seemed to be unable to take action compared to the intruders in front of him.

"That's it?!"

Lin Bin sighed helplessly and said: "Is this the final boss? Or is the black hand hiding behind the scenes planning to come out now?"

You must know that even the first-line heroic spirit Artoria is only capable of possessing the strength of a country.

The King of Heroes is far from reaching the highest level...

Although Lin Bin is not at the highest level now, he already has this level of combat power.

The instant kill gave him face.

He was not even qualified to let Lin Bin use the empty sword box.

Mordred was immediately shocked and said in horror: "As a master, you are still so powerful? How did I have the nerve to be your heroic spirit in the first place?"

Lin Bin replied casually: "Because you can tolerate my strengths, and I also understand your depth. The cooperation between the two of us is truly wonderful."

He didn't move.

Because according to the plot, behind Makiri Zolgen, there is a mastermind behind the scenes.


I just don’t know if he will come out now if it’s not Chaldea but them.

"Artoria, you destroy the Holy Grail of this world, Mordred, you destroy Angelboda, and then this singularity will be completely over."

Lin Bin was on full alert and gave an order.

The two of them answered each other.

Arturia held the holy sword, a bit of sadness appeared on her face...

Relying on the previous infinite loop, she had split the Holy Grail countless times.

Now when I split it again, it feels naturally different.

Mordred didn't have so many thoughts. He went up with the holy sword and smashed it with bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang hit.

Her relationship with Artoria seems to have eased?

Although they didn't talk much on the way, just the instinct to pull Ichigo over was enough to make her reminisce about her life...

But as a heroic spirit, she will soon forget this encounter.

It was as if she had forgotten what happened with this Master.

Thinking about it, she secretly made up her mind and opened her mouth to say: "Um... my father's master, didn't you say before that I was also your heroic spirit? I wonder if you still have room for me?"

Artoria exclaimed: ""

Mordred raised his head proudly and said: "Do you need to ask about my affairs? Besides, I just don't want to work for others. I don't even pay wages... I'm even more deducted than you..."

Arturia: "..."

Lin Bin laughed.

He smiled and said, "Yes, yes. Although I don't have it myself, a friend of mine does. You will definitely like that friend of mine very much."

And just when Lin Bin was delighted that he had finally succeeded in getting his lost partner back.

Another plane.

Extremely modern layout, a room made entirely of alloy.

"I'll leave this singularity to you. Remember, you must be careful. There are seven orthodox singularities. After we deal with these, more than half of our mission will be completed."

A young man who looked very handsome and gentle seriously warned the two girls in front of him.

Although she is just a girl...

But these two are now the hope of the entire Chaldea.

Even the life and death of the entire human world lies in the hands of the two of them.

"We're leaving now."

One of the two girls, the one with short pink hair, was surprisingly Mashu, who had a one-shot friendship with Artoria before.

She worried: "But after we left, that person..."

"Don't worry, he is asking for something from us, and the previous information provided by the other party has indeed proved to be true. In addition to the seven singularities, there are actually several twisted and unorthodox singularities. It’s a shame you all solved it.”

The man's eyes fell on the watches on the wrists of the two girls and said: "Let's put this thing on first. It's quite useful anyway. This is what we rely on to solve those unorthodox singularities."


"Then I will start the teleportation for you right now!"

The man nodded and started to turn around.

(End of this chapter)

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