when reincarnation invades

Chapter 434 The New Crisis

Chapter 434 The New Crisis
The death of the first apostle was the biggest stone in Lin Bin's heart.

As an old monster who has lived for who knows how many years, the strength displayed by the first apostle is indeed extremely strong. In fact, if Lin Bin hadn't dragged Fu Tianhe into the situation and used his hands to use the power of the entire Samsara Space Association, .

Otherwise, even if Lin Bin summons all the fighting power he can, he may not be his opponent.

Hundreds of years of time, nothing else...

His fighting ability is indeed extremely strong.

It is really thanks to the fact that the highest level of the current reincarnation is the supreme level, so the limit of each of his enhanced systems is the peak of the highest level.

It is conceivable that once it reaches the highest level, a higher level of intensity will be derived.

The strength of the first apostle will inevitably increase. By then, I am afraid that no one in the world can control it...

From this point of view, killing him now is really the wisest decision.

On the way back.

Lin Bin called Joan of Arc.

I asked about the situation in Chaldea...

Then I learned that the doctors and others were still confused and unable to accept the reality.

Especially Fujimaru Tachika.

As a pure newcomer and the only survivor, although he is an outsider, his performance is often much better than that of most insiders.

This is truly proper protagonist treatment.

Especially with the emergence of unconventional singularities, she felt that she might be destined to be the protagonist.

As a result, after going around in a big circle, she discovered that the emotional clown turned out to be herself...

Even the world she was in had already become fragments of a world.

"Don't worry, they are all very good people. They just can't accept the reality for the time being. But after knowing the truth, they can no longer be our enemies. I have officially invited them to join me in plane walking. Everyone Let’s hug each other to keep warm.”

Joan of Arc's tone was very soft, like a warm spring breeze blowing by, making people feel extremely comfortable all over.

She said: "Anyway, regardless of whether they agree or not, I have negotiated with them to report this secret realm. Just like a normal secret realm, I will send reincarnators into it to confirm its harmfulness, and then complete the task to facilitate its integration. this world……"

"Just leave this aspect to me. I'm very familiar with Lei Bureau. Let him arrange for someone he can trust..."

Lin Bin nodded, and then informed Joan of Arc about the death of the first apostle.

"Is it so... simple and neat?"

When Joan of Arc heard the news of the death of the first apostle, her first reaction was not surprise, but shock.

She was shocked and said: "You didn't take any action?"

"I guess he was killed in a sneak attack. Is there any problem?"


Joan smiled sheepishly and said: "In the novels or anime I read, the final villain fought the protagonist for three days and three nights in the final battle, and might even have the upper hand. , in the end the protagonist was beaten to the point of desperation, and at the critical moment he thought of his relatives and loved ones..."

"Then the small universe explodes, shouting about infinite love, and kills the enemy whose strength is far superior to itself in one fell swoop?"

The person on the other side laughed twice.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Lin Bin always feels that since Jeanne was rescued by him, her attitude towards him has become much more friendly...

The most intuitive feeling is that she is acting like a child more and more, and many times, she will even take the initiative to tell him some of her concerns.

Lin Bin smiled and said: "It's okay to read novels, but don't substitute it into reality. Let's not mention whether I am the protagonist or not. The first apostle is not qualified to be called the final boss. I'm afraid we will encounter someone even worse than him in the future. Maybe there are much more powerful reincarnations... But to be honest, I actually have concerns about what you are worried about, but if we hadn’t invited the Reincarnation Space Association to take action, I’m afraid it would really happen if we were alone. The kind of thing you said.

It might even happen that our team died tragically and sacrificed a living person, and then I became extremely angry and hurt, and directly exploded into a small universe and killed the powerful enemy. Then it would be exactly the same as what you said..."

Joan laughed too.

There was a relaxed atmosphere between the two.

Joan of Arc laughed for a while and sighed: "If I really want to die, then the person who dies must be me..."

Lin Bin laughed and said: "What's wrong? You are the one who has to die if you make any mistake?"

Joan of Arc said softly: "Because if someone else died, Mr. Abin, you would definitely be very sad... So in order to make you less sad, if the person who died was me, I would be relatively... um... But our relationship is not that close, so maybe I won’t be able to stimulate your emotions even if I die, wouldn’t that mean my death was in vain?”

"What nonsense are you talking about? Back then, I gave Artoria such a powerful heroic spirit away whenever I asked. How distant do you think the relationship between us can be?"

Lin Bin said: "I actually hate the Holy Mother, but after meeting you, I realized that the Holy Mother can be so lovable... With a personality like my own, I can't help but care about her. Take care of you..."

"That's what you said..."

Jeanne smiled softly and said: "After all, I was kidnapped at the beginning, and even Ilia and the others didn't notice any clues. Only you noticed something was wrong at the first sight, and then rescued me. You don't like me very much." If so, it can’t be done, right?”

Lin Bin paused for a moment, feeling inexplicably that the atmosphere between the two seemed to be developing in a direction it shouldn't have.

And Joan of Arc seemed to be aware of the change in the atmosphere.

She changed the subject with a smile and said: "Look at my memory, there is one more thing... Now that the first apostle is dead, what will Hei Zhen do?"

"I wonder if she is the heroic spirit of the First Apostle. If so, she should disappear soon... This is the best result. If she does not disappear..."

"If she doesn't disappear, send her to me."

Joan of Arc sighed softly: "I have an energy binding device in my hand. Wearing it around my neck can prevent her from exerting any combat power. Just raise her as an idler. I always feel...she seems to be me too. She looks like that, I can’t bear to let her die directly.”

"You said so, I definitely agree!"

"This shouldn't be a problem for you, right? After all, Hei Zhen can be considered an accomplice of the first apostle. Since the first apostle is the president, many people will definitely be involved."

"It doesn't matter. You may not know it yet. President Fu has already promised me. He said that since Zheng Feng died, the position of president will be vacant. He plans to recommend me... According to him, this matter The possibility of this happening is still very high, so if nothing happens, I will become one of the three presidents of the Samsara Space Association in the near future. It is not a matter of course to arrange the remaining forces left by Zheng Feng. What?"

Joan of Arc said in surprise: "So, do we have a supporter for our plane travel?"

"That's not true... From now on, I will be your direct boss."

"Then I don't want to please you?"

"That's right, Jie Jie Jie, Miss Joan of Arc, you don't want your organization members to be targeted in the future, right?"

"Yeah, so...it's too easy for you to bully me..."

Both of them laughed.

Since the first apostle was dead, the two of them were naturally in a great mood, and their joking was a bit too much.


And just when the atmosphere on Lin Bin's side was extremely relaxed.Another place.

Fu Tianhe scratched his hair angrily...

In other words, he should be called the new first apostle.

"Why? Why do you want to grant him the new position of president? If this happens, won't you have to deal with him more often in the future?"

The first apostle has now completely occupied Fu Tianhe's body.

But after getting all Fu Tianhe's memories, he was shocked to find that Fu Tianhe had promised the rank of President Lin Bin in order to calm the public anger.

Moreover, the words have been completely said to death.

Fu Tianhe really wanted to make Lin Bin the president, but the first apostle obviously didn't want Lin Bin to climb to such a high position. He just promised in the first place and immediately broke his promise later, which really didn't fit Fu Tianhe's personality.

At times like this, it’s easy to expose yourself.

Moreover, the First Apostle really had a psychological shadow on Lin Bin.

"I just hit him once, and he actually found out my well-hidden true identity. This kid seems to have some evil ways in him. At such a critical moment, he rashly did something to him. Enemy, I’m afraid it’s not a good thing.”

The first apostle was sitting in Fu Tianhe's office, processing the many documents he left behind.

But he quickly made up his mind.

"Well... For the time being, we have to focus on business. As for Lin Bin, it is no longer realistic to take action against him in reality. He has too many friends. In this case, we can only drag him into the secret realm and completely We must eliminate his backup!"

The first apostle murmured: "It's just that this kid's ability to conquer secret realms is amazing. So, he has to find a secret realm where he can't let go..."

He put away his thoughts.

He started to handle official duties seriously, and then he was shocked to find that Fu Tianhe was more dedicated than he thought.

The copywriting on the table will probably not be completed until early in the morning if it is not dealt with.

This is completely inconsistent with his lazy character...

But in order not to reveal any flaws, he had to work so hard.

"I'm so tired... Was it wrong to choose Xiao Fu as the carrier of my memory and power for the next generation? How could he be so serious?"

The first apostle who had just been reincarnated wanted to celebrate his new life, but instead he fell directly into countless documents and affairs.


Lin Bin couldn't relax for long either.

The First Apostle is dead, and his greatest nemesis is dead.

But the world's crisis has not yet been resolved.

The sudden increase in the difficulty of secret realms, especially the increase in red secret realms and red secret realms, has made all the country-level reincarnators exhausted.

Although Lin Bin is already one of the three unofficial presidents, in fact, the tasks he performs are still the same as before.

Work with Concubine Yan and others to deal with these secret realms.

Not only them, but even the Beast God has a hard time maintaining his previous state of transcendence. He likes this world very much, and he has also experienced several secret realms during this period. Although he has not yet found a prop that can resurrect the dead, But those magical worlds, unique abilities and treasures made him confident about the future.

So even if it was to protect the world, he had to take action.

But even so...

The situation across China is still deteriorating.

As the difficulty of reincarnation increases.

Ordinary secret realms are gradually disappearing, starting with extraordinary secret realms...

This leaves many reincarnators at a loss as to what to do. Even though many secret realms have guides, more than [-]% of new reincarnators are still lost in the secret realms.

Even if the Reincarnation Space Association immediately started to remedy the situation, it changed the taboos between new reincarnations and extraordinary realm reincarnations into reality, so that reincarnations must have a combat power rank of extraordinary level or above before they can qualify. Enter the secret realm.

Even so.

There is still a huge gap between reincarnations.

Especially as the previous ordinary-level secret realms were promoted to the extraordinary level, the reincarnators became increasingly insufficient.

The high-level reincarnators wish they could break each of them into two and use them...

But even so.

High-level reincarnations are still increasingly stretched.

Even Bai Yuekui, Feng Qingtian and others, who had been sitting firmly on Diaoyutai and rarely entered the secret realm before, had to enter the secret realm to exert their own fighting power.

"In fact, we are really grateful to you, Abin, for protecting this world."

Bai Yuekui once said this while having tea with A Bin.

"Why do you say that?"

Bai Yuekui sighed: "If you hadn't taken action when Dongying was destroyed, more than [-]% of the country-level reincarnations in our country would have been wiped out. By then, I'm afraid we wouldn't be able to cope with the invasion of these secret realms... If it really happened If this happens and there is not enough combat power, I am afraid that China will be destroyed now. It is quite ironic to think that a great and majestic country has been dragged into hell by a small country with no ethics and integrity. .”

At this point, she shook her head and said with disdain: "Dongying Country has no ability, but it directly caused a crisis that could destroy the entire world... How can I put it, the ability of these incompetent wastes to cause destruction is still worthy of praise."

These words are just emotions.

But in fact, Bai Yuekui's sentiments are indeed very reasonable.

Because just three months later.

In the battle of Dongying Country, the Koehler Free Federation, which had lost all its high-end reincarnators, was completely invaded by the Red Secret Realm.

The entire Yuanxing, except for China.

Almost all the realms have been surrounded by red secret realms.

When they heard the news, almost all the reincarnators were at a loss.

Unlike those people who live and work in peace and contentment, if the sky falls, there will be support from above.

They have been in constant contact with the secret realm, so they can better understand the meaning of the invasion of the secret realm...

Under this situation, Yuan Xing's fall seems to be just a matter of time.

(End of this chapter)

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