when reincarnation invades

Chapter 439 You deserve death

After leaving the matter to Xia Dou.

Maybe it’s because the rewards are given in advance enough.

Xia Dou's feedback was very fast. In less than half a day, he had already found the information he wanted.

"Xue Qin, a state-level reincarnation master with a fighting spirit strengthening system, encountered an accident when entering a secret realm in 1756, which triggered the first nightmare-level secret realm!"

"Yuan Xian, the state-level reincarnation person, has a strengthened magic system. His strongest advantage is that he has the heart of a fairy and has obtained inexhaustible magic power! In 1812 of the Chinese calendar, he died on the bed. Before he died, he donated the body to the Magic Association and made his last contribution!"

"The most advanced reincarnation master, Meng Ziyi, has a superpower-strengthening system. He was killed in the secret realm in 1866, and his body has not been recovered!"


Xia Dou asked puzzledly: "It's the year 2000 now. The two or three hundred years ago are old history. Why do you still need all this?"

"These are of course useful."

Lin Bin opened his mouth to say something, but hesitated and still didn't explain anything.

This little girl couldn't hide her thoughts, he just gave an unintentional hint, and in the end, she gave away most of herself for nothing...

If he let her know his guess, if he accidentally let it slip and exposed the flaw, it would lead to countless crises for nothing.

Now, Fu Tianhe has become the first apostle, but he thinks that Lin Bin already thinks that the first apostle is dead, so he will never take the initiative to reveal his identity.

As long as he maintains his identity as President Fu, he can't easily attack people. After all, once he takes action, there will inevitably be flaws. Now the entire Samsara Space Association is still cleaning up the residue left by Zheng Feng. Once someone finds out the clues. , by then, wouldn’t all his previous efforts have been wasted?
"Xia Dou, you have helped me a lot this time. When this matter is over, I must thank you properly."

Lin Bin leaned over and kissed Xia Dou on the cheek.

Xia Dou's face turned red, and he said vaguely: "Anyway... if you don't bully me anymore, it's just repayment. I don't want anything else."

Lin Bin chuckled twice, his face returned to seriousness, and he said: "Anyway, remember this matter when you go back. Don't tell anyone, including your boss, you know?"

"Oh...I know."

"By the way, please unbutton your collar a little..."


"Expose a little of the hickey on your chest. The two of us suddenly sat in the car for several hours. We have to do something, right? We can't let people doubt...wait...it's too revealing. It's too little. Okay, we can’t let others see it…”

Lin Bin helped Xia Dou adjust it.

In order to be realistic, he played with her hard for a while, making her blush, and then let her get out of the car, reminding her to remember to spit when she went to the trash can to show that she was real.

With his "Secret of Immortality" perception, he couldn't tell if anyone around him was spying on him, but since Fu Tianhe was already hiding in the dark, he was either not being monitored. If there was surveillance, it would have been extremely secretive and could not be discovered. is normal.

Can't take risks.

As for Lin Bin, after returning home, he usually eats, chats, and then sleeps.

Only on this day, Lin Bin slept with the window open.

It was not until night that Lin Bin quietly raised his hand and grabbed the sleeping white snake on the bedside and put it into the bed. After a while, it squirmed.

There was still one person lying on the bed, and on Lin Bin's side, the optical camouflage cloak was turned on.

The whole person flew out through the window lightly.

Integrate yourself with nature, not even leaking your body temperature...

His confidence would not show any flaws, and he could finally let himself go.

First, he went to a deserted place, changed his appearance in countless ways, and put on clothes he had never worn before.

Walked around his residence a few times.

Sure enough, I noticed two extremely secretive auras, or in other words, the other party didn't even leak the aura. It was as if there were two extra stickers posted on a real 3D picture. The scenery was exactly the same, if not for the close distance. , Lin Bin may not be aware of this strange feeling.

Integrate yourself into nature...

Is it an elf?

This first apostle indeed has a deep background in the real world.

Lin Bin did not dare to get closer, but naturally turned around and left, flying towards the direction of Datang Town.

Along the way, the figure slowly disappeared.

The sword flying took less than a few minutes.

Lin Bin had already arrived in front of the room of sisters Shi Feixuan and Shi Qingxuan. He did not knock on the door, but quietly flew to the roof of the small single-family building, holding on to the locked iron door of the attic. With a gentle push of his hand, the door was opened a small crack, and he sneaked in quietly.


Lin Bin just came downstairs.

Before Shi Feixuan and Shi Qingxuan noticed it, Shi Zhixuan had already appeared in front of Lin Bin.

He asked with a gloomy face: "So, you usually sneak in quietly like this, and then rely on Feixuan or Qingxuan to dare not say a word to alert your sisters and bully them?"

No, in fact, I put them both on the same bed at the same time and bullied them together.

Of course Lin Bin would not tell the truth, but said in a deep voice: "I found out the identity of the first apostle."

Shi Zhixuan was shocked.

10 minute later.

Shi Qingxuan and Shi Feixuan also got up, and Shi Feixuan specially made tea.Shi Qingxuan was sitting on the edge, looking at Lin Bin and then at Shi Zhixuan, with some inexplicable relief on his expression.

She had fantasized about Shi Zhixuan's countless expressions when he learned the truth. He might be furious, he might want to settle accounts with Lin Bin, and she was even a little worried about whether he would do something stupid...

Of course, at first, he was mainly worried about Lin Bin's safety, but later, he became worried about Shi Zhixuan's safety.

But now...

The appearance of the first apostle was a good thing. At least, the two of them could sit down and communicate in peace.

In addition, Shi Zhixuan had to hold his nose and admit that his two daughters were completely eaten out...

For many things, the first wave of anger is the most unbearable, and can easily lead to various unpredictable and serious consequences.

But as long as the first wave doesn't break out, the follow-up will only get weaker and weaker.

as now...

Seeing Shi Feixuan finish pouring the tea, she naturally sat next to Lin Bin.

Shi Zhixuan snorted lightly.

Looking through the information Lin Bin brought over, he asked, "Did you see anything?"

"If nothing else, these people are the first apostles!"

Lin Bin handed over the information in his hand and said seriously: "The death time of these people is more than 50 years apart, so we can make a judgment... The first apostle is not immortal, he changes his body, Invading other people’s consciousness to achieve one’s own goal of immortality.”

He explained: "After all, even if you change your body, but your consciousness is still dominant, then you are still you... If you can take away all the abilities of the previous person, then this ability will be even more powerful It’s incredible. At the very least, I understand why the first apostle has such a powerful power, because this power is not something he cultivated at all, all he did was integrate it.”

"That's good news."

Shi Zhixuan flipped through the information in his hand and said: "Through this information, you can not only get the strength distribution of the first apostle, but also some very important information. For example, these people basically only change their bodies every 50 years or so. , I am afraid that for the First Apostle, changing his body also requires a huge price, otherwise, he only needs to change his body once a year, and after a few hundred years, he may be invincible."

Lin Bin lamented: "But how he changed his body, or how he transferred his consciousness to others, we still have no clue."

"No, there is!"

Shi Zhixuan said seriously: "Didn't you say that before? Fu Tianhe and Zheng Feng have an extremely close relationship. You have not checked the information of these people in detail, but if you do, I am sure that you will definitely find that there is a relationship between these people. There is some kind of close connection, or the kindness of guidance, or the friendship between relatives and friends..."

Lin Bin said thoughtfully: "You mean, possession requires some operations at a very close distance?"

"I don't think Zheng Feng and Fu Tianhe have known each other for decades just to help him ascend to a high position. They must have made plans in advance. That's why Zheng Feng died so neatly, because after his death, he was still The identity of the president of the Samsara Space Association has changed from bright to dark. If no one knows his whereabouts anymore, he can continue to carry out his plans unscrupulously."

Lin Bin said in surprise: "In other words, Fu Tianhe is probably the only possessed person?"

"It's hard to say... No, that's unlikely."

Shi Zhixuan gently rubbed his brow and said: "If I were the first apostle and I had this ability, as long as conditions allowed, I would never put eggs in the same basket. You know how dangerous the secret realm is. situation, especially Fu Tianhe often visits the entrance to the secret realm. Once the secret realm is invaded, he will face death... What if he dies? It takes 50 years to arrange a way out. What if Fu Tianhe is only one or two years away? If it’s gone, then wouldn’t the first apostle die because he didn’t have time to prepare a new body for himself? How stupid would a person have to be to die in such a way?”

Lin Bin asked: "Then what would you do if you were the first apostle?"

"Nurture Gu!"

Shi Zhixuan said: "I will train as many substitutes as possible, and then let them compete unconsciously. After they all reach high positions, I will choose the best one among them and replace him. Even if the best person dies, I will You can also choose the next best person, so that you always have a substitute. In this way, there is no difference between me and the immortal body.

And as long as I don't use my methods, those Gu insects will live like normal people, marry wives, have children, and then die of old age. No one will notice the difference, and maybe even they themselves won't realize that they are actually Gu insects. . "

He said: "It's just my conjecture at the moment, but if there are no surprises in my conjecture, it is very likely that even if you kill Fu Tianhe, Zhang Tianhe, Li Tianhe, Wang Tianhe and others will still jump out and become the new first apostle. , after all, in hundreds of years, any accident may occur, and if you don’t prepare more cards for yourself, you may really die due to some unplanned accidents.”

"But the First Apostle and the Evil King are both heroes, and they should have similar ideas. Our only puzzlement is that we don't know how many replacement bodies he has prepared for himself, and where they are arranged. !”

Lin Bin looked solemn and said: "I wonder if we can find out..."

Shi Zhixuan said solemnly: "You can't check. Just check these dead people. No one will care about hundreds of years of information, but these substitute bodies must be the treasures of the first apostle. You rashly touch them." , he will immediately be on alert. If you want to kill him, your only hope is to kill him without him knowing that you already know his identity!"

"Even if you kill, you will come back to life..."

"Then make him unable to resurrect!"

Shi Zhixuan slapped the table and said seriously: "We have been in a fight to the death with him for a long time. The reason why he is stable now is because he is setting up a sinister plot against you. Once his secret plot fails, he will never If you give up, there will inevitably be other conspiracies..."

"Then what should we do?"

Shi Zhixuan glanced at Lin Bin thoughtfully and said, "Why do I feel like you already have an idea?"

"My idea is too crazy and I'm really not sure about it...so I want to get some more advice from you, the Evil King."

Lin Bin sighed: "After all, I am your son-in-law. You don't want your daughters to lose their husbands, right?"

Shi Qingxuan and Shi Feixuan both looked away with some trepidation.

Shi Zhixuan said coldly: "Based on your words alone, if it weren't for the concern for the fetus in Feixuan's belly, I would rather let Feixuan and Qingxuan become widows, and I would never let you, a bastard, continue to bully the two sisters. .”

Lin Bin's eyes suddenly lit up and he said in surprise: "Feixuan, you..."

Shi Feixuan's eyes were warm and she said softly: "I'm not sure, it's just that I haven't had a good appetite recently."

"I am also proficient in medical skills. I can naturally tell whether she is pregnant by just touching her pulse!"

Shi Zhixuan said coldly: "It's okay to bully my daughter, but you don't even do anything for your own happiness. Lin Bin, you deserve death!"

Lin Bin explained: "The main reason is because we are all people who let nature take its course. If she really gives birth to a child, I will definitely give her and the child a home, so there is no need to take any deliberate measures." .”

"So you can't die anymore, but because you can't die, you must put yourself to death and survive!"

Shi Zhixuan said seriously: "Your opponent is an old monster who has lived for hundreds of years. Didn't you say that before? I always feel that the first apostle died too easily, which makes you feel abnormal... That's right. For a monster of this level, if you don’t put life and death at risk, you won’t have half a chance of winning. Crazy idea? The crazier it is, the more likely it is to succeed!”

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