when reincarnation invades

Chapter 445: Those who can’t give up anything can’t save anything.

Chapter 445: Those who can’t give up anything can’t save anything.
Seven swords in one.

Cleanse these thousands of monsters with one blow!
In the bloody sky, there was only one figure hanging high in the sky, looking directly at the one-armed swordsman below...

Then, disappointment appeared on both of their faces unconsciously.

Lin Bin was disappointed that the one-armed man in front of him was not who he thought he was, and there was no doubt that Lin Bin was not who the one-armed man thought he was!
And the two of them should be thinking about the same person.

The one-armed man said sternly: "Thank you for your help, brother. I am Chen Jingchou, and I would like to ask you to come down and talk to me."

Chen Jingchou?
Although he's not the person I thought he was, he's pretty good...

Although I don’t understand why Yuwen Tuo, who was supposed to have his arm broken in the plot, became Chen Jingchou.

But at least you have met the plot character, or the person involved. If you have any questions, ask him, it will be clear!

Lin Bin fell down.

Asked: "Your arm..."

"There's nothing to regret about cutting off someone's life to save others."

Chen Jingchou didn't take it too seriously and invited Lin Bin into the valley...

Someone behind him shouted: "Your Majesty!"

"If this brother hadn't saved us just now, we might all be dead right now. How could he be malicious to us?"

Chen Jingchou waved his hand indifferently.

Lin Bin was surprised and said: "Your Majesty?"

Chen Jingchou said with a helpless smile: "It was just to gather some people who were lucky enough to survive, so I had to raise the royal flag of Chen State again. In fact, have you ever seen His Majesty who eats Wotou every day? Forget it. Let’s not talk about this anymore. Is the weapon in your hand the Xuanyuan Sword? I wonder what your relationship is with Yuwen Tuo?”

"You mean this?"

Lin Bin raised his hand, and the Xuanyuan Sword, which had been put into the sword box, returned to his hand.

He said: "This sword is also called Xuanyuan Sword, but it is not the one you think..."

Chen Jingchou nodded and said: "Indeed, the power of the two swords is very different."

talking room.

The two of them had already entered the interior of Calabash Valley.

The people who had been preparing to escape from Calabash Valley had now received the news that the monsters had been destroyed. They had put down their things again and were now packing up.

Therefore, even though I have lived here for a long time, Hulu Valley still looks like it is in a state of complete waste.

Lin Bin even saw some crops that had already formed ears planted in many corners. There were not many, but it was obvious that a lot of thought had been put into them.

If they had migrated before, these things would have been abandoned.

"The space in the valley is limited, and we won't go out to hunt unless necessary... In this environment, if you don't pay attention, those monsters will discover this place."

Chen Jingchou sighed: "My life is a little more miserable, but I am still alive at least. In fact, the invasion of monsters this time is because there is not enough food. We can only send a group of volunteers to go out hunting, and then we encounter an attack." Although we successfully defeated the monsters, they also left traces of us."


Lin Bin had a look of astonishment on his face.

This vocabulary does not seem to be from this era...

"Isn't it incredible? It's not like I haven't seen you reincarnators before."

Chen Jingchou sighed: "Although you reincarnations are both good and evil, I am no longer the teenager I used to be. I think I have some perspective on people. I can see that you are not a bad person. You are a good person." The reincarnator is right!"

"Well, I am."

Lin Bin answered very neatly.

To be able to hold on to such a large base under such circumstances, there must be at least a tribe of several thousand people.

His ability can fully enable him to live comfortably in this apocalypse, and he can't afford to waste his energy here for a group of people who have no strength.

There is no doubt that this person must be Chen Jingchou.

Chen Jingchou obviously knew the reincarnation very well. He asked: "What is your mission?"

Lin Bin replied: "Seal the Red Pass Demon Star."

Chen Jingchou, who was halfway there, suddenly stopped for a moment, with a look of shock on his face. He stared at Lin Bin in shock, with a touch of pity appearing in his eyes.

He shook his head and said: "This is simply an impossible mission. I hope you can bear the punishment for failure of your mission, otherwise, you may suffer!"

Lin Bin said disapprovingly: "As long as we find the five great artifacts and use the Lost Formation, it shouldn't be difficult to seal the Red Pass Demon Star!"

"Then how do you enter Chiguan? And even if you can get in, so what? The five artifacts of the Qint, Cauldron and Mirror Stone have been lost for many years."

Lin Bin asked back the biggest doubt in his heart.

"You should have tried to seal the Red Pass Demon Star back then, right? Why did you fail?"

"Why did we fail?"

When Chen Jingchou heard this, he had a look of despair on his face, his eyes were empty and dazed, as if he was back to that time.

He murmured: "Maybe it's because I was too young at that time. I always thought that there must be a way to get the best of both worlds in this world, but I forgot that people who can't give up anything can't save anything. If you let me do it again , I will definitely not let Xue'er save Yu'er. She is our relative, but compared to the whole world, who is she? At that time, how could I naively put her existence in the whole world? Above?"

He smiled bitterly: "So I tried my best to save all the humans I met. They were grateful to me, but that was not what I wanted at all. If possible, I hope they would spurn me and abuse me, because they would be reduced to this Today, it is all due to the naivety of the young me. I wanted to protect everything, but in the end, nothing was protected. Yu'er is still dead, Xiaoxue is no longer here, and the world is broken into this...

I have also thought about trying to collect the five major artifacts, but it is meaningless at all, because the Nuwa Stone is no longer in this world. I can make do if I can't find other artifacts, but if I can't find the Nuwa Stone as the formation eye, it is impossible. Seal the red demon star. "

Lin Bin was thoughtful.

It seems that it was the intervention of the reincarnations or the intervention of the apostles of the Kingdom of God that led to the failure of sealing Chi Guan.

But Yu Xiaoxue still exhausted all her spiritual power, turned into stone, and was taken away from this world by the apostles.

Come to think of it, this is probably the main reason why the world has fallen into this state...

As the most critical prop, the Nuwa Stone is gone. Even if Chen Jing, Qiu Yuwentuo and the others are a hundred times stronger and can defeat all the Western demons, they will never be able to seal the Red Pass Demon Star!

Lin Bin asked: "What if I can find the Nuwa Stone?"

Chen Jingchou's eyes suddenly shone with light as he stared at Lin Bin.

"Don't look at me like that... In fact, by chance, because I was seriously injured and dying, the Nuwa Stone merged into my body, which saved my life!"

Lin Bin explained: "Now that I have come to this world, it can be regarded as fate. If there is anyone else in this world who can save this world, it can only be me."

"So that's how it is..."

Chen Jingchou sighed lonely.

To him, Nuwa Shi was once the closest person to him, but now, she is obviously no longer around.

Lin Bin said: "So I want to ask you, do you know where Yuwen Tuo is?"

"I don't know." Chen Jingchou said with a bitter smile: "I almost thought you were him just now. Ever since the seal of the Red Pass Demon Star failed, he has disappeared and no one can find his traces."

"Missing? Did he also have a broken arm?"

"That's not true...what's wrong?"

"Oh... nothing."

Lin Binxin said that it seems that the plot has indeed changed partially.

But I didn’t expect that even Chen Jingchou couldn’t find Yuwen Tuo’s whereabouts...

Lin Bin asked: "Then do you have any way to find him? In fact, I have collected three of the five major artifacts, and only the Kunlun Mirror and the Shennong Cauldron are missing. Now one of my teammates is looking for the Shennong Cauldron. I want You are responsible for finding the Kunlun Mirror."

"Sorry, I don't know."

Chen Jingchou said seriously: "But if you have really gathered the three major artifacts, then I will help you find the whereabouts of the artifacts, and I also know some friends in other bases, and I can also ask them to do it for you. Look for……"

He smiled bitterly and said: "The population in this world is extremely sparse. If there are no practical clues, it may be difficult to find Yuwen Tuo. However, if you really have Nuwa Stone in your body, then you should also be regarded as a female." As the incarnation of Wa Shi, Xiaoxue was able to communicate with Yuwen Tuo, who was also the reincarnation of the artifact, through his own reincarnation as an artifact. You can give it a try in this regard!"

Lin Bin nodded and said suddenly: "It is indeed a way that can be tried."

At this moment, Chen Jingchou provided Lin Bin with a quiet room.

Lin Bin did not delay, but immediately sat cross-legged, spreading his own true energy outwards, trying to see if he could contact some consciousness that could communicate.

With his current level of cultivation, he is considered to be extremely advanced.

Even in this world of Tianzhihen, it is the best...

The true energy overflows and spreads boundlessly.

But he couldn't feel the existence of Nuwa Stone in his body at all. The Nuwa Stone in his body seemed to be dead, and he couldn't even feel any breath.

Instead, as his consciousness fell silent...

Xuanyuan Sword suddenly buzzed slightly.

Lin Bin exclaimed in surprise and reached out to hold Xuanyuan Sword.

[Xuanyuan Sword (A-level weapon): An ancient sword that has been passed down for thousands of years!Although it is not the original Xuanyuan Xia Yu Sword, it still contains infinite power and is a magical weapon for slaying demons and demons. 】

[Note: I can call you by this name. Do you believe it when I say it doesn’t matter? 】

Lin Bin said in surprise: "Could it be said that there is a connection between Xuanyuan Sword and Xuanyuan Sword?"

The spreading true energy was collected and entered the Xuanyuan Sword.

Sure enough, I noticed the unique rhythm inside the sword blade.

It seemed to be guiding Lin Bin somewhere.

And the direction it points to...

Lin Bin had a look of surprise in his eyes, soared into the sky, and flew away into the distance!

Chen Jingchou stayed where he was, looking at the back of Lin Bin who left quickly, and said with the same surprise: "He really found it?!"

To him, Yuwen Tuo is almost invincible. If he can really find him...

Maybe, they can really save the world!
And Lin Bin here.

Holding the Xuanyuan Sword tightly, following the pulse within the blade, the speed is lightning fast.

Not long after he rushed out of Calabash Valley, he was attacked by dozens of monsters.

The leader was a white-haired monster, with black wings stretched out behind it, and it seemed to be equally powerful.

Seeing Lin Bin, he laughed and said: "Hahahaha, I never expected that there is such a strong person in the human world now. I, the Seven Deadly Sins of Arrogance, have come to give you a method of death that suits your status!"

"Go away, I have no time to talk to you!"

Lin Bin's move was the ultimate move.

The blade of Nanming's Lihuo Sword was bright and vast, and as the true essence activated the power of heaven and earth, boundless thunder suddenly fell. Under the guidance of Nanming's Lihuo Sword, it hit the monster rushing towards Lin Bin.

The speed of lightning is too fast.

As a result, there was no way to avoid the sin of arrogance, and it was directly blasted into charcoal. Even the corpse flew far away under the blessing of inertia, and then fell down!
At this time, Lin Bin had already flown far away.

Three full days!

Lin Bin worked nonstop, using his true energy to continuously activate Xuanyuan Sword's sensing ability, and rushed on the road with all his strength, while also clearing out the powerful demons blocking the way!
It was also during this time that he realized how seriously demonized this world was!
Although it was not as miserable as the human beings who were kept in captivity in A Chinese Girl's Secret Realm, as far as Lin Bin could see, almost more than [-]% of the land had been reduced to the territory of monsters.

I have also seen several remaining human settlements.

But the number is not too large, and they are all just hanging on. I am afraid that in a year and a half at most, the human race in this world will be completely extinct.

By then, these monsters may invade the real world...

But no matter what, now, humans are still fighting!
Lin Bin flew straight all the way until there was no trace of the land beneath him. What he saw in front of him was an endless blue sea!


"Why is Yuwentuo hiding overseas?"

Lin Bin was stunned. How could a person who was willing to bring infamy to save the world hide alone overseas at such a critical time?

But it is indeed close.

Another day of galloping...

At this time, the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand was almost trembling and buzzing.

Ahead, the Fairy Mountain is in sight!
Lin Bin pressed the sword light and fell towards the beach...

It hasn't fallen yet.

A golden light came quickly towards him.

Lin Bin reacted very quickly, easily blocking with the Xuanyuan Sword, and then using his strength to lift the magic weapon away.

Before the sword could fly, someone had already grasped it!
Accompanied by sharp shouts, "Damn reincarnators, you finally found this place!"

This person has already appeared in front of Lin Bin!

Cut off the head with a sword...

Under the power of the sword, the sky and the earth were dimmed, and all things were familiar with it.

Lin Bin shouted: "Yuwentuo, I brought the Nuwa Stone!"

The voice fell.

The sword energy suddenly stopped, and in an instant, the wind was light and the clouds were light! -
 The new book "This Immortal Can't Be Cultivation" has been released. I beg you to collect it and read it.

(End of this chapter)

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