when reincarnation invades

Chapter 450 The determination to sacrifice

At this moment, Li Xiaoyao was confused.

He traveled back ten years in order to save Zhao Ling'er from the crisis of his childhood.

In fact, if he hadn't arrived in time, Zhao Ling'er might have fallen into the hands of those black Miao people.

Thinking about it, his arrival at this moment is indeed crucial. No wonder the Witch Queen wants to teleport him to this ten years ago...

Then, suddenly a group of white Miao soldiers rushed in and killed all these hostile black Miao soldiers.

He knelt respectfully in front of Zhao Ling'er and called her princess loudly.

It actually made Li Xiaoyao fall into confusion...

The purpose of his coming here is because Nanzhao Kingdom can no longer accommodate their princess.

If he didn't take her away, Zhao Ling'er would probably die.

But now I saw how respectful these Bai Miao soldiers were to Zhao Ling'er, and expressed their intention to take her to reunite with her mother.

It feels like even if he doesn't come to take her away, she will be safe...

No, not only is everything safe, but you can also keep your dignity as a princess.

So if he rescued Zhao Ling'er, wouldn't it be self-defeating?
He couldn't help but ask: "Who are you?"

"We are the guardians of the temple of the White Miao people. The Witch King of the Black Miao people listened to the villain's words of worshiping the moon and summoned the Water Monster, plunging the entire Miao people into dire straits. It was the Witch Queen who killed the Water Monster and saved the entire Miao people. The people of Nanzhao have now entered the Miao royal palace, and only the Witch Queen can lead our black and white Miao people to prosperity."

The leader of the white Miao guard is a capable Miao girl in her early thirties.

She said sternly: "Thank you, this young hero, for buying us time. Otherwise, once Her Royal Highness the Princess falls into the hands of the Black Miao people, there will probably be some undue twists and troubles. After all, we must prevent them from doing so." A dog has to jump over the wall in a hurry!"

"Ah...this...this is what I should do."

Li Xiaoyao fell into confusion.

He didn't know if it was an illusion, but he always felt that he could hear a hint of a coup in these few sentences.

He asked: "Um...can I go with Ling'er to see the Witch Queen?"

"Of course, distinguished guest, please come with me!"

The guard did not refuse and signaled Li Xiaoyao to follow her.

Although it was obvious that these people's concern for Zhao Ling'er was not hypocritical, Li Xiaoyao was naturally extremely concerned about her safety. He would never leave easily unless he was sure that she was no longer in any danger.

and many more……

The reason why Ling'er appeared on Fairy Island was because she had to leave Nanzhao and abandon her identity as a princess in order to avoid the palace coup.

If the Witch Queen wins this coup.

So has history been changed?

Then what he was worried about would never happen again... Thinking of this, Li Xiaoyao felt lonely, but also relieved.

So you have to go and see it with your own eyes.

In fact... things were exactly as Li Xiaoyao expected.

The entire Miaojiang palace has been controlled.

Not a single black Miao soldier was seen.

As a saint of the White Miao tribe, the Witch Queen may not be much weaker in power than the Miao King of the Black Miao tribe, but she is too naive and always seeks peace through compromise, which is why she has gotten herself to this point.

But now, because of Yuwen Tuo's sudden thought, all the credit for killing the water monster and worshiping the moon was assigned to Lin Qing'er.

This also caused her previous suspicions to be completely shattered.

After all, that big head is still mounted on the city wall.

Then, Yu Wentuo, who was the master of the Grand Master and an expert in political fighting, gave Lin Qing an education on her current state and form, letting her know that she could either rebel and continue to move towards her goals, or she could flee and stay away from this place completely. The rights and wrongs of the world, or simply just take the lead and let one's existence become history.

Apart from these three roads, there is no fourth road you can take.

Lin Qing'er married the Witch King just for the sake of the Miao people, a woman who could even sacrifice her own love...

She can be kind when it comes to kindness, but if she is cruel, she can also be really cruel.

After all the innocence and illusions were shattered.

She finally understood... Maybe the main reason why there is always a gap between the black and white Miao people is because of the man sitting on the throne.

In that case, let him come down.

Worshiping the moon is dead.

The Witch Queen Lin Qing'er came out with her power.

He easily suppressed the Black Miao tribe and placed King Miao under house arrest... Because Baiyue and the Water Monster appeared at the same time, it was already a nail-biting fact that he colluded with the Water Monster.

So isn't King Heimiao, who favors the moon worshiper, the accomplice?
Even the Black Miao people themselves believed that their king deserved this end.

Qing'er's coup was even smoother than she imagined, and she felt a little like she was well-received.

Of course, it may be more due to the big head embedded in the city wall.

When Li Xiaoyao followed and saw Lin Qing'er hugging her daughter worriedly, and then thanked him with wet eyes...

He suddenly discovered that although he had returned to ten years ago, but he had done nothing, the plot had been completely changed.

"In this way, it can be regarded as repaying the kindness of the Witch Queen without hesitation in giving the Holy Spirit Bead to her."

Lin Bin and Yuwen Tuo still stayed in the dungeon.

But Lin Bin already held a Holy Spirit Bead in his hand.

Different from the previous four sacred stones, the feeling given to Lin Bin by the Holy Spirit Bead alone in his hand seemed to be no less than that of the Nuwa Stone in his body.

"I originally thought that the Nuwa Stone in this world would be at most the same level as the previous Divine Stone, but I didn't expect such a big surprise."

Yuwen Tuo said happily: "So, we can go back?"

"Not yet. I have to make sure that after setting up the Formation of Loss, I am still in perfect condition."

Lin Bin said: "I also know that there are Nuwa stones stored in some places, and the Nuwa stones in these places are easy to obtain..."

"Like what?"

"Just follow the scent of Nuwa Stone. If we are lucky, maybe we can just take the things and leave. If we still have reservations afterward, we can just return these things."


Yuwen Tuo began to set up the formation again.

After a while, the two figures disappeared again.

Shushan faction.

No one noticed that two figures had appeared directly in the deepest part of their forbidden area.

"Luckily, we were teleported directly to this time period."

Lin Bin said easily: "The Nuwa Blood Jade is being stored in this forbidden area at the moment. If we really arrive during the plot, it will take a lot of trouble to get this jade, but now, no one knows This thing is here, let's take it away quietly, and then put it back quietly after use, without affecting anything." "Plot? What do you mean?"

"It means that when these items of luck need to be used, just like the Kunlun Mirror in your previous life, the reincarnation of you is probably to solve the crisis of the Sky Trace!"

"Does that mean he was born through calamity?"

"That's pretty much what it means..."

Both of them have extremely high cultivation levels. Of course, this may be more because there are no very powerful masters in the Shushan Sect at the moment.

They didn't alert anyone...

After a while, Nuwa's blood jade was obtained.

"The treasures left directly by the Nuwa Empress are indeed full of aura. In this way, I can completely use the Holy Spirit Pearl to replace the Nuwa Stone to arrange the Lost Formation, replace my own consumption, and then use the Nuwa Blood Jade to enhance my By then, our strength will greatly improve our chances of winning!"

"In the follow-up...will there be Nuwa Stone?"


"Okay, then I'll set up the formation!"

Yuwen Tuo continued to set up the formation.

After a while, golden light lit up in the Shushan forbidden area.

The two disappeared again.

A secret place that no one has ever entered.

Within the Grand View Garden.

A handsome young man was lying in the room sleeping soundly, but he didn't notice that a hand quietly reached out from the void and directly took away the psychic gem from his neck.

In another secret realm.

Among Dongsheng Shenzhou.

On a sea cliff, a huge stone is being baptized by the essence of heaven and earth.

"What a powerful energy."

A few drops of cold sweat dropped on Yuwen Tuo's forehead and he said, "This stone seems to be different."

"We can't take this stone away... It is said that this guy's birth contains powerful calculations. The two of us are not qualified to challenge yet, but I will practice and absorb some breath next to it, and fill it with the power of the Nuwa Stone itself. No problem, you set up the formation first, and when we get this breath, we will return immediately."

"Are you coming back?"


Although there are other Nuwa powers that can be obtained, such as the Ancient Sword Secret Realm... or the Ancient Sword Secret Realm...

But traveled through so many places.

The five world-class props that are the carriers of the Void Formation have already been seriously damaged, and even the golden light on the Xuanyuan Sword is much duller than before.

Obviously, the further you travel to a higher-level secret realm, the greater the damage caused to the artifact. If you continue... the artifact may be completely destroyed.

Yuwen Tuo said: "Okay, I'll set up the formation now!"

He was also relieved.

The ten major artifacts each perform their own duties in his world, and they are all extremely important treasures. It will not work without any one of them.

He is really worried that Xuanyuan Sword will be destroyed during these frequent time travels... Although a lot of its origins have been damaged now, it will eventually recover as time goes by.

"Let's go."

Even Lin Bin relaxed a lot this time. Although he had an idea before, he was not sure whether it would come true.

But now...

It can only be said that it is indeed the essence of Nuwa's replenishing the remaining rare stones in the sky.

Lin Bin sat cross-legged on the edge of the stone for only half an hour.

The power in his body has reached an extremely full level, and he can even clearly detect the powerful vitality of the Nuwa Stone in his body.

He didn't dare to stay too long, as the golden light flashed by.

The two figures completely disappeared.

When he reappeared, he was already back on the familiar island.

It is the place where Yuwen Tuo has lived in seclusion for more than ten years.

Yuwen Tuo looked around for a while, seeming to judge something.

Then he shook his head and exclaimed: "We have been away for at least a few days, but only a few breaths have passed in this world... The formation of the void is indeed magical!"

"That means there are still more than 20 days left before the appointment, which is just right."

Lin Bin said: "I just need some time to master these new treasures."

He took the five world-class props handed over by Yuwen Tuo.


Its brilliance is indeed much dimmer than before.

It is conceivable that if a pure S-level item is used like this, the level will have to drop to A++.

Fortunately, Lin Bin chose to retreat instead of moving forward.

Yuwen Tuo hesitated for a moment, but finally made up his mind and said, "Brother Bin, I will grant whatever you ask for. Now that you have prepared everything, I also want to ask you something. Is it okay?"

Lin Bin asked: "What happened?"

"Since we have the top ten artifacts in our hands, it is not difficult for us to travel through time and space, especially the Lost Formation. If it uses the Kunlun Mirror as the core, it can completely travel through time..."

Lin Bin already understood what Yuwen Tuo meant after hearing half of it.

He wanted to go back more than ten years ago, when the Western demons had not invaded.

He shook his head and said: "I have obtained a sufficient amount of Nuwa's power. There is no problem even if I use the Lost Formation twice or even three times, but your Kunlun Mirror cannot replenish energy... Why don't you ask Gu Yue for help?"

Yuwen Tuo shook his head and said: "Senior Gu Yue is naturally looking for me, but in the past ten years, I have recovered to a perfect state, and I am confident that I can support the two lost formations. However, in this way, I may have to trouble Brother Bin to find you in this world. Stay a few more years...or find enough guardians to travel back immediately after using the formation!"

Lin Bin took a deep look at Yuwen Tuo and asked, "Are you sure?"

Yuwen Tuo said seriously: "This world is in ruins. Even if all the remaining humans in the entire world are added together, there are probably only a few thousand people. In such a world, it is meaningless even to repair Chikan. Since we have Opportunity for change…”

"That's at the expense of yourself!"

"I'm willing to sacrifice myself."

Yuwen Tuo smiled bitterly and said: "For more than ten years, I have been hiding in this remote overseas island, regardless of the safety of the people in China. There is no difference between living and dead... In this case, it is better to sacrifice my useless body and serve the world. Do what you can!”

At this point, he paused and said: "And when I refined the All-Spirit Blood Bead, I ended up murdering countless living beings. No matter what the reason was, as long as I did something wrong, I would have to pay the price. Yes, maybe, this is why I can still live till now!"

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