Fragrance Gu Emperor

Chapter 2005 In fact, I am the real traitor!

() Chang Zhen took a deep breath and shouted: "Brother Donkey, Monkey is really a traitor. He betrayed Boss Wolf. You can't do anything to me!"

He hoped that the black donkey would hesitate like before, even if there was a chance to disturb the opponent at this time, it would be good.

The black donkey grinned, and was not disturbed by Chang Zhen's words, but launched a pincer attack with Brother Hou from left to right.

The black donkey slashed at Chang Zhen's Tianling Gai with an axe like a rainbow.Brother Hou's dagger was drawn out soundlessly at the same time, piercing Chang Zhen's diagonally behind.Chang Zhen was overwhelmed by the enemy on both sides.He squatted down and dodged the black ax coming from his head, but he didn't take care of his side.Brother Hou saw the opportunity and let the sharp dagger sink into Chang Zhen's lower back.

"Ah!" Chang Zhen screamed.The dagger pierced so deep that he felt almost pierced.A large amount of blood gushed out, and he was seriously injured.

But Chang Zhen refused to give up, he still swung the long knife in his hand with all his strength and slashed at Brother Monkey.

Brother Hou twisted his body, dodged Chang Zhen's knife like a fish, and then smiled triumphantly: "Just say you can't do it!"

Before he finished speaking, he stabbed Chang Zhen again.

Chang Zhen had just been injured by a dagger and was unable to move.Seeing Brother Monkey stabbing him again, he tried his best to hide.But at this time, the black donkey blocked him with a horizontal ax from the side, which made him lose the room to dodge.Chang Zhen knew that the other party was going to stab him in the heart, so he could only turn his body to the side and miss the heart's vital point, but it was inevitable that he would be hit.

In an instant, the dagger sank into Chang Zhen's left chest. Chang Zhen saw a large amount of blood gushing from the wound on his chest, and severe pain rushed into his mind.The blood poured into his lungs and made him choke uncomfortably, and he had to cough violently.But such a cough caused severe pain to the wound department.He was stabbed twice in a row, one in the chest and one in the back, the injuries were fatal enough.

For the act of being righteous and brave just now, Chang Zhen was so regretful that his intestines were green.Facts have proved that Wu Erzhuo's desire to save people is purely courting death, and he feels that he died unjustly.A feeling of despair welled up in his heart.Chang Zhen suddenly found that his head became very painful again, the pain was so painful that he couldn't help but yelled and fell to the ground.

Brother Hou laughed and said, "That's not enough? You're too useless!"

Chang Zhen sat on the ground wearily, as the winner, Brother Hou was about to laugh at him, but suddenly he heard wind in his ears.

Brother Hou hurriedly turned his head, only to find that the black donkey next to him raised his ax and slashed directly at his head!

He flicked to the left hastily, but unfortunately he was half a beat too late, the black donkey raised his ax and immediately chopped off his entire arm!

Seeing that his sneak attack did not kill Brother Hou, the black donkey let out a pity.Brother Hou didn't expect the black donkey to do anything to him, and his eyes turned red with anxiety: "Black donkey, what are you doing?"

"You betrayed the wolf boss, why do you ask me?" The black donkey sneered, "Do you think no one knows? Hehe, traitor, you are so naive, the wolf boss has asked me to keep an eye on you!"

"I didn't!" Brother Hou was just about to defend himself, but when he saw that his arm was cut off on the ground, his heart was filled with anger, "I rely on your whole family! How dare you call me a traitor! I'll fight you!"

Brother Hou is left-handed, so naturally he holds the dagger in his left hand.Although it hurts to cut off the right arm, the impact on martial arts is not fatal.He quickly swung his dagger and threw himself close to the black donkey, starting an endless attack.

"You've been hiding your strength?" The black donkey immediately felt something was wrong when Brother Hou pounced on him.After Brother Hou had one arm, his martial arts performance was actually a bit higher than usual.

"I tmd have to kill you, the son of a bitch who sneaked up on me today!" Brother Hou didn't answer the black donkey, but just attacked furiously.Anyone who suddenly had an arm chopped off by a teammate would be as angry as he was.

The black donkey's martial arts skills are inferior to Brother Hou's. Seeing Brother Hou go crazy, he can only retreat and defend.But his timidity made Monkey even crazier.He flew up and down with the dagger, injuring the black donkey several times in an instant.

The black donkey knew that Brother Hou's arm was broken and his strength was greatly reduced, so even if he had high martial arts skills, he couldn't last long.He gritted his teeth, tried his best to resist, and fought against the opponent to the end.

Chang Zhen originally thought that he was going to die, but he didn't expect that something went wrong inside the other party.But now he was seriously injured, and his body was seriously bleeding, so he couldn't even run away if he wanted to take the opportunity.The only way to save his life is to demonize and become that Zerg, relying on the Zerg's powerful recovery ability to avoid death due to serious injuries.

But Chang Zhen knew in his heart that the Zerg was just a bit more resilient, not an immortal creature.Even if he turned into a Zerg, he was still a seriously injured Zerg.If the opponent chopped him into several pieces in Zerg form, he would also die.Therefore, he hoped that the other party could fight to the detriment of both sides, and it would be better to die together, so that he would have a chance to survive.

The black donkey and the monkey brother came and went, and the battle was very fierce.The black donkey kept stalling for time, fighting a protracted battle with Brother Hou.Although Brother Hou also injured the black donkey in many places, he didn't cause too many wounds.And his broken arm lost more and more blood, and his movements became slower and slower.

Seeing that Brother Hou slowed down quickly, the black donkey sneered, turned his defense into attacking, and finally slashed Brother Hou's waist with an axe. Brother Hou slandered him and fell down.

As the final winner, the black donkey is also uncomfortable.Brother Hou had hidden his strength before, but in the desperate battle between the two sides just now, he was completely crushed and beaten, with dagger wounds all over his body.

But the winner is the winner after all, the black donkey grinned, smashed Brother Hou's head with the ax in his hand, and suddenly felt a sense of pride welling up in his heart.He cursed at Brother Hou's corpse, then picked up the axe, walked towards Chang Zhen, and asked, "Brother, are you still doing it?"

Seeing the black donkey approaching, Chang Zhen hurriedly coughed twice, and said slowly in a low voice, "I can't do it, but I can't die like this. Boss Wolf has something important, I have to tell you..."

"What did Boss Wolf want you to tell me?" the black donkey asked with wide-eyed eyes.

"He said, he said..." Chang Zhen pretended to be dying, but secretly clenched the knife in his hand, "Get closer to me, and I'll tell you in detail. Cough cough."

Seeing the black donkey getting closer and closer, Chang Zhen became more and more nervous.At this moment, his physical strength is not much, and he can only hope to survive if he kills the enemy with one blow, otherwise the consequences will be unpredictable.

The black donkey walked up to Chang Zhen and suddenly smiled.Instead of leaning forward to listen to Chang Zhen's speech, he directly picked up the ax and smashed it into Chang Zhen's chest!

——The place where the black ax fell was the place where Chang's heart was shaken!

Snapped!The ax stabbed firmly into Chang Zhen's chest, but not much blood flowed out.Probably Chang Zhen's blood has been drained.

"You!" Chang Zhen didn't expect the black donkey to kill him suddenly, his eyes widened in surprise, and he couldn't speak anymore.

The black donkey said with a smile: "Haha, I guess the wolf boss will not know that I am the traitor. Thank you for helping me a lot. If it weren't for you, I really wouldn't be able to kill the monkey. You can go with the monkey at ease, and I will be a traitor." I don't care if you are sent by the wolf boss!"

"It turns out that this black donkey is a traitor, no wonder he has been hesitating there! Such a small gang with a few people has such a complicated relationship!" Chang Zhen suddenly felt a little dizzy.His heart was cut, so he had to lie on his back, pretending to be dead.

The black donkey thought that Chang Zhen was dead, so he grinned again and said, "Hehe, Boss Wolf must not have expected the current situation. This batch of goods is all mine!"

Just when the black donkey was proud, Chang Zhen, who was supposed to die, moved.

Chang Zhen suddenly swung his right arm with the long knife, and a bright light of the knife came out, and the target was the black donkey's neck!

The black donkey didn't expect the "dead corpse" to wield a knife, and was caught off guard by Chang Zhen's knife!

With a click, the head of the black donkey was cut off by Chang Zhen, just like the leech not long ago, and rolled to the ground.

When the head fell to the ground, the black donkey's eyes were full of disbelief, he didn't understand why Chang Zhen's heart was broken, why he was not dead yet.He looked at Chang Zhen's chest with his gradually lax eyes, and saw that the clothes there were already torn, but there was no flesh and blood inside, only transparent tentacles.

"Without a heart... is this person a monster?" The black donkey's last divine thought flashed away, and he didn't have time to think about the answer.

Chang Zhen turned sideways, and smiled at the head of the black donkey that fell to the ground.It turned out that Chang Zhen, who was seriously injured, of course would not wait to die. He took advantage of the fight between Brother Hou and the black donkey to demonize his body to prevent the injury from worsening.

Except for the head, the Zerg is all tentacles, so Chang Zhen's body is also demonized into tentacles.This kind of demonized tentacle has no heart in its body, and there is no vital point.The black donkey's ax was nothing more than seriously injuring a few of his tentacles.

Chang Zhen didn't demonize his whole body, but left his hands and head outside.Because it would be too noticeable if it was completely transformed into a zerg.Seeing the victory of the black donkey, Chang Zhen wanted to sneak attack the black donkey, but unexpectedly the black donkey was more sinister than him, and killed him.

When the black donkey thought he was proud of breaking Chang Zhen's heart, Chang Zhen, who saved his life by demonizing, also had a chance to come back.He successfully seized this opportunity and beheaded the black donkey with one blow.

"It's so dangerous!" Chang Zhen let out a deep breath, "It's a good thing he chopped my heart, and I don't have a heart for him. If he cuts my neck, I will die."

After the battle was over, Chang Zhen glanced at the lure anaconda coiled on his arm with concern.Shen Mingyue was still sleeping, showing no sign of waking up.He looked around again, and saw that the mother and daughter captured by Brother Monkey were all lying on the ground, and they seemed to have passed out for a long time.

Chang Zhen wanted to see the situation of the mother and daughter, but unfortunately he was powerless.His situation is very bad, his body has already been seriously injured, and his life was saved only because he turned into a zerg.If he turns back into a human, the wound on his chest will kill him again, so he can only stay in the Zerg state, relying on the Zerg's self-healing ability to slowly heal the injury.

However, in the zerg state, he has no bones and has limited mobility.As aquatic organisms, Zerg can of course float freely in the water, but now on land, it is just a soft puddle of mud, not as nimble as a bug.What's more, Chang Zhen lost a lot of blood and many tentacles were seriously injured. Even if he wanted to crawl clumsily with his tentacles, he didn't have the strength to crawl.

Chang Zhen looked at the tents of several people again, and remembered that the black donkey said before he died that he would take their goods to himself, but he didn't know what it was.It must be a very precious thing for the black donkey to be willing to hack his companions to death.It's a pity that his body is not easy to move, and he can't see what they have, so he has to give up temporarily.

Chang Zhen sighed, lay down softly, and suddenly thought that the three of them still had a wolf boss who hadn't come back yet, and only hoped that the boss wouldn't come back at this time.If he came back, Chang Zhen would have to suffer.

The martial skill of the wolf boss should be higher than these three?

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