Fragrance Gu Emperor

Chapter 4019 Good children should go to the library to read more

() Chang Zhen followed Long Jiaojiao into the scripture storage pavilion of Lingyu Hall.

Chang Zhen had been to the Sutra Pavilion in Yunmengze before, which was divided into three floors.The first layer is for the exercises and spells of the Qi training stage, the second layer is for the foundation building stage, and the third layer is for the alchemy stage.Only when you have reached the corresponding level of cultivation can you go to the second and third floors to check the exercises and spells there.

However, the Sutra Pavilion in Lingyu Hall was first divided into two parts: the outer cabinet and the cabinet.Inside the outer cabinet are exercises and spells that ordinary disciples can practice, while inside the cabinet there are exercises and spells specially for the Sun family to practice.That is to say, Yunmengze treats all disciples equally, while in Lingyutang, only the Sun family is worthy of learning excellent exercises and spells.

Long Jiaojiao held a talisman in her hand, which was the order of the head of Lingyu Hall.She placed the hall master's order on the stone gate of the cabinet, and a handprint appeared on the stone gate.Long Jiaojiao asked Chang Zhen to press his hand up, and the fingerprints disappeared.After Long Jiaojiao's explanation, Chang Zhen knew that he had been recorded by the Shimen as a member of the Sun family, and he could come in and out freely through this Shimen in the future.

After entering the exclusive cabinet of the Sun family, Chang Zhen saw three halls in front of him. The plaques on the halls were written with exercises, magic spells, and poison poisoning techniques.It seems that the biggest difference between this place and Yunmengze is that there is an additional type of poison poisoning technique.Chang Zhen wanted to take a look in the hall where Gu poison was written, because Long Qipan taught him too little at that time, and he hoped to find a way to help his master here.

But now Long Jiaojiao came in with him, he had to follow this ancestor nainai.Long Jiaojiao entered the exercise hall first, and Chang Zhen had no choice but to follow into the exercise hall.

There are eight bookshelves in the exercise hall, on which are written the eight characters of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder, and darkness.Each bookshelf corresponds to the skills of that attribute.Chang Zhen found that there are very few exercises on the bookshelf here, only a few books, far less than Yunmengze.

This is also a very normal thing. Yunmengze's exercises are divided into four categories: A, B, C, and D. The D-type exercises are the most complicated and occupy several bookshelves.The Lingyu Hall only stored advanced exercises for the Sun family to practice internally, and of course there were not many of them.

Long Jiaojiao pointed to the bookshelf where the exercises were placed and said: "Here are some relatively advanced and complicated exercises. If you practice Yin Yang Jue, of course you won't practice them, but some ideas and techniques in these exercises , it can also increase your knowledge, which is of great benefit to your comprehension of Yin Yang Jue. If you feel that you have encountered a bottleneck, you can come here to have a look, maybe you can get enlightenment from other exercises."

"Yes." Chang Zhen nodded.When he was in Yunmengze, his progress in practice was slow, so he often kept studying other advanced exercises in the Sutra Pavilion, and learned some tricks from those exercises, and applied them to the yin and yang formulas he practiced .If he didn't have a thorough understanding of the exercises, he wouldn't have been able to advance to the third level of cultivation after taking the elixir.

At this time, his cultivation base has reached the third level of the Qi training period, and his realm is much higher. It is just time to study other exercises carefully to see if they can help him.

After talking about the exercises, Long Jiaojiao turned around and led Chang Zhen to the spell hall.There are nine bookshelves in the magic hall. In addition to the eight series of spells, there is also a bookshelf for general spells, that is to say, spells that can be performed by borrowing spiritual power that have nothing to do with the attributes of spiritual power.

"When you practice Yin-Yang Jue, you can use spells of the five elements, so it doesn't matter if you learn more spells. Cultivation techniques are knives, and spells are blades. If the blade is bad, no matter how good the knives are, it's useless. But learning too much is a waste of time. Just a few useful researches."

"Yes." Chang Zhen replied again.

Then Long Jiaojiao pointed to the Poison Gu Art Hall next door and said: "As a member of the Sun family, you must know about the Poison Gu Art. The Poison Gu Art is just a poisonous technique, which is useless for your cultivation and wastes time. .Many people of Gu Hua sect are too lazy to practice those things. Your focus now should be on cultivation, so it is enough to just understand it. But you should not take it seriously, lest you will be killed if you are infected by Gu. I don't know how he died."

"Yes." Chang Zhen agreed again.

Long Jiaojiao said: "I'm leaving first, you can take a look here. Now that the Sun family members are all dead, no one can enter here except Phalaenopsis and Dieju. I asked Xixi and Yiyi to wait outside Watching you, stay with the two of them when you leave, so as not to have any accidents. Practice hard and don't let me down."

"Yes, Zu nainai."

Long Jiaojiao turned and left, only Chang Zhen was left in the huge scripture-depository cabinet.Chang Zhen was not in a hurry to read those exercises and spells, because he had seen enough of them when he was in Yunmengze.He immediately walked to the poison hall.

After entering the Gu Poison Hall, Chang Zhen saw that the hall was divided into two large bookshelves, one with Gu written on it, and the other with poison written on it.Chang Zhen remembered that Long Qipan told him that Gu and poison are not the same. Gu is a secret technique for controlling creatures, while poison is a secret technique for using poison to harm people. It was only when the two secret arts and poison were truly combined that it became the poison that made all the people in the Western Wilderness smell their colors.

There is no doubt that there are various methods of practicing poison, making poison and detoxification on the bookshelf with the word "poison".Chang Zhen was not in a hurry to look at those things, he went straight to the bookshelf with the word "Gu" written on it.Soon, he found a book on this bookshelf - Soul Demon Heart Art.

It is said that Soul Demon Heart Art is a magical ancient witchcraft, and only a fragment of it has been handed down.But this remnant is the foundation of the Hua Gu sect, the source of all Gu techniques.Given the Sun family's status in the Huagu Sect, there is indeed a copy of this fragment in the Scripture Library.The technique of bewitching that Long Qipan taught Chang Zhen in the past originated from this tactic, but at that time Long Qipan didn't have much time and the things he taught were limited, now Chang Zhen just happened to be here to study carefully.

Opening the Soul Demon Heart Art, Chang Zhen began to study it carefully.The first thing is the general outline. Soul Demon Heart Art believes that among the three mansions of man, heaven, earth and man, only the soul of heaven and earth is the foundation of man.Therefore, if a person wants to become stronger, Tianfu must become stronger.Only when the soul of Tianfu is strong, is it truly powerful.

This statement can be said to be completely contrary to the theory in today's world.Warriors exercise their physique, which is the most common way for mortals to become stronger. A powerful warrior can defeat dozens of ordinary people.Cultivators absorb the vitality of heaven and earth in the sea of ​​qi in the underworld, and can cast unpredictable spells, and are called immortals by the people.

But those powerful experts seem to have been completely ignored by the author of the Soul Demon Heart Art. This book insists that only those with a strong Tianfu soul are considered strong.But as far as Chang Zhen knew, there seemed to be no one in this world who relied on the strength of his soul to become a strong person.Today's strongest powerhouse is nothing more than a cultivator in the alchemy stage, with a lifespan of nearly [-] years, and magic can also open mountains and crack the earth, but their practice has nothing to do with the soul, they just condense the essence of the sea of ​​​​Qi in the underworld into golden pills.

Chang Zhen then turned back. The first part after the Soul Demon Heart Art is the soul training method. It originally recorded several methods to enhance the power of the soul, but most of these contents are missing, and none of the methods is complete.

Next to these incomplete methods, there are also annotations by the ancestors of the Sun family. Chang Zhen discovered that one of the methods is the prototype of the Jiugong True Soul Gu Art, and it was theoretically completed by a genius senior of the Gu Sect.However, the cultivation method of that senior's supplementary method is very demanding, and it was not really practiced until Chang Zhen's hands.

Then turn backwards, which is the fighting spirit method.The xinjue began to talk about how to use the power of the soul to disintegrate the will of others, that is, various fighting skills between the souls.These methods are also incomplete, and only a few are complete.

Chang Zhen saw the notes of the ancestors in the book and wrote: "According to the remaining soul fighting methods that can be learned, if you use the power of the soul to subdue the consciousness of others, it is like besieging a city. You must be a thousand times stronger than the enemy to succeed. Strengthen the power of the soul All the methods are missing, and it is difficult for ordinary people to achieve the methods contained in the heart formula, and I am afraid that only the opponents are insects, fish and small animals with extremely weak spiritual power, and they can succeed."

Chang Zhen studied these spirit fighting methods carefully and found that this is indeed the case.If it weren't for the strength to completely crush the opponent, the soul fighting would not be successful.That is to say, two spirits with similar strength, no one can do anything to win the other.If Chang Zhen hadn't practiced the Nine Palaces True Soul Gu Art, it would have been impossible to crush the spirits of Shen Mingyue and the ancient insects.

Turning back, it is the method of insanity.It explains how to manipulate and change the enemy's spirit after winning the soul fight, so that it can be used by me.The technique of bewitching Shen Mingyue that Chang Zhen used was just one of them.

The ancestors of the Hua Gu sect had the soul fighting method and the soul-absorbing method at hand, so they could feed other creatures as the controlled Gu.However, they don't know the soul forging method, and the power of the soul is limited. Through the soul fighting method, they usually only win the control of some snake-like creatures, and powerful creatures can't fight.

Of course, although one's own soul power cannot be strengthened, it can weaken the enemy.For example, Long Qipan took great efforts to catch the lure anaconda in the past, and he succeeded in subduing it into a Gu by continuously torturing it and weakening its soul power.

Soul Demon Heart Art believes that the essence of the soul is divided into three parts, the first is the nature.The nature cannot be changed, and the nature of each spirit is different.

The second is principle.Every creature has its own survival principle, which is the most basic criterion for their actions.

The third is memory. If principles are not involved, past memory will be the basis for creatures to judge external reactions.

Gu art is just a secret art based on the soul-absorbing method, changing the principle of Gu's survival and making it used by the Gu master.Just like the principle that Chang Zhen instilled in Shen Mingyue - I am your master, you must listen to me in everything - this is a principle that overrides all the principles in Shen Mingyue's heart, so she must first check whether her master has done anything now. ordered.

However, the principles that Chang Zhen instilled in Shen Mingyue are the most difficult to add. To make Gu accept this unreasonable principle from his heart requires a series of other principles to complement it, otherwise it will easily lead to confusion of thinking and eventually loss of control.This kind of Gu always needs the Gu master to spend a lot of time to appease him, so that he can always recognize the master.

According to the degree of control, the Gu raised by Hua Gu sect can be divided into two types, one is called servant Gu, and the other is called servant Gu.

Servant Gu is like Shen Mingyue, who regards listening to the master as the highest principle, accepts the Gu master as his master, and can theoretically obey all orders from the master.But this kind of Gu is the most difficult to raise, and it is usually carried by the Gu owner, and the number is definitely not large, and it is impossible to take care of it if there are too many.

Serving Gu is much simpler than servant Gu.Serving Gu does not need to always recognize the Gu master as the master, it only needs the Gu master to instill a simple principle of behavior for them.Their purpose is only to fulfill one purpose of the master, and they don't need to serve the master all the time.

For example, the blood aphid Gu in Chang Zhen's institute is slave Gu, and they were instilled by Long Jiaojiao with a simple principle of "sleep and wake up in three months."However, Gu Master will definitely add his own insurance principles when adding principles, such as "you will sleep for another three months after I say one, two, three, otherwise you will wake up immediately when you change this principle."

It is precisely because the principles instilled by each Gu master are different, so each Gu master also only recognizes the original Gu master's change of principles, and others can't move at all if they want to.

Chang Zhen looked at the soul demon heart formula bit by bit, until he turned the entire heart formula to the end, and found what he was looking for, that is the dream weaving method.

The dream weaving method is not used to change principles, but to change memories.The bottom level of this kind of secret method can only seal the memory of the victim, and if it is more powerful, it can delete other people's memory. If the soul power is extremely strong, it can arbitrarily delete, modify, weave other people's memories, or even completely erase his past, and give him a complete life. It is a false past, so it is called weaving dreams.

To use this method, the power of the soul needs to be extremely strong.Ordinary people who practice Gu art in the Hua Gu sect can only use the lowest level of closed memory to seal up the unpleasant past with Gu insects.No one can use it for more advanced tampering and memory deletion.

However, Chang Zhen has practiced the Nine Palaces True Soul Gu Art, and the power of the soul is far stronger than others, so it shouldn't be a problem to use this dream weaving method.Shen Mingyue's original nature has not been lost, the root of her insanity lies in the confusion of principles and confusion of memory.Chang Zhen has re-established the principles for her these days, as long as she can use the dream weaving method to help her straighten out her memory, then she is likely to return to normal.

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