Fragrance Gu Emperor

Chapter 4022 Send congratulations, something went wrong in the process

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Three days passed in a blink of an eye.

There was nothing to do in the past three days, and Chang Zhen didn't go out. He had been hiding in the cave, eating pills and practicing kung fu, nurturing his body for his master, and sorting out his memories.After taking the pill for the seventh time, his cultivation finally reached the fifth level of the Qi training period, and he transformed into a ring.

Turning the array into a ring is to string together the essence that has been divided into several small pieces in the sea of ​​qi to form a non-stop circulating qi ring.Because the energy ring is fluid, after reaching the transformation into the environment world, the speed at which the energy can generate spiritual power will be greatly increased, and the spiritual power can also be slowly recovered when not meditating.

After reaching the fifth level and turning into a ring, Chang Zhen ate the panacea again, before eating all forty panacea.At this moment, he was very tired, so he had a beautiful sleep with Shen Mingyue in his arms, and after waking up, he went to take a bath in the hot spring.

The sisters of the Liu family were taking care of the affairs of their two subordinates at this time, so they couldn't wait on him.But Chang Zhen just took this opportunity to make Shen Mingyue into a human form and take a bath with him.

"Yue'er, you are so good." Chang Zhen hugged Shen Mingyue and gently bathed her.He found that he likes to touch her very much now, which has nothing to do with nurturing, but just likes to touch her very much.Although when the Liu sisters were with Chang Zhen, Chang Zhen did not touch her less, but the feeling of touching Shen Mingyue was different from touching the two of them.

"Toot, toot." Shen Mingyue somehow remembered something, and leaned over to offer her fragrant lips.Chang Zhen unceremoniously sucked her lips and kissed her softly, forgetting the time for a moment.

Chang Zhen found that his feelings for Master had changed now.At the beginning, when I was nurturing her body, I was just in awe, not daring to have the slightest thought of blaspheming her. Later, I don't know when, I always started to think wildly, and I couldn't control it.

In the last few days he started kissing her, and the more he kissed, the more crazy he became.Every time after kissing, it feels like stealing other people's money when I was a child. My heart is always nervous, exciting and excited, and the thoughts of restlessness and self-blame are getting less and less.

"Yue'er, I really hope you will always be the master's." Chang Zhen sighed softly.

"Yue'er belongs to the master." Shen Mingyue didn't understand Chang Zhen's words.

"Yue'er, I'm afraid I'm in love with you." Chang Zhen said in a low voice, "I know this is unbelievable. You are my master, and I should only have respect for you. And now you are insane, I am not a normal person at all, but I just fell in love with you."

Shen Mingyue couldn't understand Chang Zhen's words even more, she frowned, and it took her a long time to conclude: "Master, your IQ is flawed."

Chang Zhen laughed, Shen Mingyue seemed to like this sentence very much these days, she was led badly by the people of Hua Gu Sect.Chang Zhen corrected it several times, but she didn't remember it.As the master, Chang Zhen had no choice but to correct him again: "The master is not injured."

"Oh, master, you're too smart."

"Yue'er, as I told you, you are not allowed to comment on the master's wisdom."

Shen Mingyue thought for a while, then nodded and said, "Oh, I understand, master, you are hard."

"Hehe." Chang Zhen smiled, hugged Shen Mingyue tightly, and said, "Okay, whatever you say, maybe I'm really stupid, otherwise how could I fall in love with someone like you who shouldn't be loved."

"I don't understand." Shen Mingyue blinked.

Chang Zhen sighed and said: "Yue'er, it doesn't matter if you don't understand. I have been sorting out your memory these days. If you can return to normal after sorting out your memory, you will understand."

Shen Mingyue said a little unhappy: "Yue'er is normal, why does the master say that Yue'er is abnormal?"

Chang Zhen knew that Shen Mingyue's thinking mode was instilled one by one according to the way of cultivating servant Gu.If you delete all her previous memories and continue to instill principles in her, her thinking will gradually improve, and she will become a person who fully meets Chang Zhen's requirements, so she will truly be his moon.

But, does Chang Zhen really have the heart to do this?Thinking of Master's kindness to him in the past, he shook his head vigorously. He knew that he must restore Master to the way it was before.As for how Master would treat what happened these days and how he would treat him if he returned to normal, he didn't want to think about it, and he didn't dare to think about it.

Chang Zhen decided to say something light-hearted to relieve the discomfort in his heart, so he said: "Yue'er, speaking of sorting out your memory these days, you found a lot of interesting things. For example, you peed your pants when you were young..."

Shen Mingyue blinked, and then said: "I won't do it now, because I don't have any pants to wear."

Chang Zhen kissed her lightly again, and asked, "Want to wear it?"

"No." Shen Mingyue's answer was crisp.

"Okay, if you don't want to wear it, then turn into a snake and come over here, the master is going out for a while." Chang Zhen gave the order.

Shen Mingyue skillfully curled herself on Chang Zhen's body. After Chang Zhen used the shrinking Gu, he walked to the bank of the pool, dried himself, put on his clothes and went out.

The fifth floor of the Qi training period was over, and the panacea was exhausted, so Chang Zhen was going to learn some spells for self-defense.He went to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion to study spells for a long time, and this day passed, he went back to sleep, and the next day was the day when Baipai came to congratulate him.

Hundreds of people came to congratulate, quite lively.Since early in the morning, people have been standing outside Hanyu Valley, all of them are representatives of the big and small cultivation sects in and around Lingyu Kingdom.Ling Hongduo is in charge of the external affairs of Lingyu Hall, and they arrange the reception of guests, and the place where guests gather is in Hanyuan Hall.

As Chang Zhen is the host and the target of congratulations from everyone, it is unreasonable not to come out to entertain him.So he stood on the main seat in Han Yuan Hall and greeted everyone.The sects who came to congratulate each other carried gifts one by one, and walked forward one by one, showing great courtesy to Chang Zhen.

"Hearing that Duo Master Sun has returned and became the Duo Master, the villain is really overjoyed. Duo Master Sun is young and full of vigor. When the villain sees Duo Master Sun, it is as if he saw the Hall Master of the past. I believe that after a hundred years , the rudder master will definitely form the alchemy. The villain will present a different species of centipede, please accept it with a smile."

It was Dou Dezhong, the head of the Xishan School who spoke.Ximen Sect is one of the top three sects near Yujing City, with many disciples.Dou Dezhong himself is also a great monk who has reached the Foundation Establishment Stage, and is well-known in the entire Lingyu Country's cultivation world.

But when he was in front of Chang Zhen, he had to act humble, because no matter how great he was in Dou Dezhong, he still had to hang around in Lingyutang's territory.No matter how weak Lingyutang is now, it is not that he dares to offend. After all, this hall is only a branch of Huagu Sect, and no matter how big the Xishan School is compared to Huagu Sect, it can only be regarded as a small ant.

As for sending alien centipedes as gifts, it is the characteristic of Hua Gu Sect and its affiliated sects.Ordinary sects can't do this kind of thing.Chang Zhen had no choice but to order: "Thank you, Master Dou, for your generous gift, and let Ling Huang Ruo take away the centipede."

Among the eight rudders, the Linghuang rudder is the most special, they are a department dedicated to finding and raising Gu worms.So Chang Zhen asked the people from Linghong rudder to transfer the centipede to Linghuang rudder.

Then came to congratulate Lu Puxiu, the head of Danzeng Academy, another major sect in Lingyu, who was also a monk in the Foundation Establishment period. When he saw Chang Zhen, he said: "I have dreamed of saints descending to earth and nobles appearing in the past few days. There is something strange, I didn't expect this dream to be reflected in Sun Duozhu..."

Chang Zhen had the cheek to accept the disgusting flattery of those people, and quickly got to know the representatives of 21 first-level sects and 83 second-level sects in Lingyu Kingdom. As for the third-level and fourth-level sects, there are so many He couldn't remember clearly, and he didn't bother to recognize it anymore.

Sect grading is a management method of each sect of the Hua Gu Sect for the cultivation sects of the following countries. It can be rated as the first or second class, which shows that the Hua Gu Sect recognizes the strength of the sect, and the third and fourth ranks show that the strength is very high. Average.If any sect has not been graded by Hua Gu Sect, it means that this sect is not in their friendly list and may be eliminated at any time.

When it was almost noon, the Hanyuan Hall was already crowded with people, the guests were happy, and the banquet was set up.For the sects who came to congratulate later, Chang Zhen was not interested in receiving them personally, so he sent a disciple of Linghong Duo to receive the gifts, and hid in the back of the hall to rest.

Just then, an accident happened.A guest's gift box burst open suddenly, and countless gray moths flew out of the box, rushing towards the congratulatory crowd.These moths are actually poisonous powder that is full of poison, and the poisonous powder can pass through the body protection spells of ordinary monks.In just an instant, countless guests and Lingyutang disciples who were receiving them fell to the ground.

Even though they were far away, Liu Yiyi immediately used protective spells to cover her and Chang Zhen.The protective spells of the monks in the foundation building period are not comparable to those of the disciples in the Qi training period, so Chang Zhen is still relatively safe.Seeing Chang Zhen being protected, Liu Xixi immediately moved forward steadily, and together with other advanced monks, culled and killed the group of poisonous moths.

After a long period of confusion, the scene returned to normal, and the poisonous moths were all dead.However, nearly half of the guests who came to congratulate were poisoned to death by these moths, which was really appalling.

Looking at such a scene, Chang Zhen felt very uncomfortable.Although he has never regarded himself as a member of Lingyutang, but in such a scene, no one knows that the place has been smashed, and it has been smashed badly.

Chang Zhen really wanted to find out where the chaos started and what was going on.But now he is playing the role of an incompetent young man of the Sun family. Of course, it is not easy to appear shrewd in front of so many people.So he let go of his throat and shouted: "Disciples of Lingyutang, come and escort me!"

Qiqi, the surviving disciple of Zhongling Yutang, gave the young master a blank stare, but still had to lean over to protect him, and for a moment the manpower to maintain order tightened up.

After seeing Chang Zhen's performance, the guests all thought in their hearts, this Young Master Sun really messed up when he was in danger, all the poisonous moths are dead, he is already fine, he still doesn't want to stabilize the situation, he only cares about his own safety, he has no leadership ability at all ...

Long Jiaojiao didn't come out at first, she just rested in Qiying's blessed land.He came out to preside over the situation when he heard the chaos outside.Faced with the death and injury of many guests, she let out a long sigh, this time Lingyutang lost all face.

"Who did this?" Long Jiaojiao asked with a sullen face.

Tu Xingxue, the co-pilot of Linghong Rudder, approached and said: "I don't know, we are investigating, the box containing the moths belongs to Sangmen, but all their people are dead."

Long Jiaojiao said: "Is there anyone suspicious outside the guarding formation?"

Tu Xingxue said: "Yes, Tu Hanyong and the people from Nangong's family were outside to say congratulations, but we didn't talk to them at all."

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