Fragrance Gu Emperor

Chapter 4028 Finally became the emperor, looks like a tyrant?

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The next day was the auspicious day of the zodiac, and it was also the day chosen by the Ministry of Rites of Lingyu Kingdom for Chang Zhen's enthronement.

Although the enthronement ceremony is very important in the ordinary world, the cultivation world generally doesn't take it seriously.In most cultivation families, the throne has already been passed on to their descendants without spiritual roots. Only the Sun family has no one to pass on, so the throne that has been passed down for several generations has to be passed back to Sun Tiande.

But even if the cultivation world doesn't take being emperor seriously, it's still a major issue in the country, and Chang Zhen has no choice but to play the part of the show, so as to show that the Sun family has successors.

Chang Zhen got up at dawn, and then teleported to the palace of Lingyu Kingdom through the teleportation array of Hanyu Valley.Putting on a dragon robe, Chang Zhen felt that he was a bit like a comic opera singer, not a real emperor.But when I walked to the court hall, saw the Jinluan Hall, and saw all the civil and military officials of the court kneel down in front of me, I felt a little ecstatic.

"All my lovers, get up!" Chang Zhen said to the kneeling ministers in front of him.

All the officials rose up as ordered, while Chang Zhen sat on the high dragon chair generously, looking at everyone from top to bottom.At this time, an eunuch took out an imperial decree and said, "Holy decree!"

"Wow--" Baiguan who had just stood up knelt down again.

"Following heaven's fortune, the emperor's edict said: My great-grandson, Bohu, is both virtuous and virtuous, capable of writing to the heavens and the earth, and able to protect the country and the country with martial arts..."

This is a lengthy imperial edict, to the effect that Emperor Sun Tiande passed on the throne to his great-grandson Sun Bohu.Chang Zhen's words and phrases praised Chang Zhen to the sky, and Chang Zhen felt that it was unjustifiable that he should not be the emperor.Of course, the edict was not written by Sun Tiande, it was just a necessary step for the emperor to pass the throne.

After reading the imperial edict, Long Jiaojiao appeared.She took the emperor's jade seal and handed it to Chang Zhen, and then all the officials fell to their knees again, shouting long live.

Chang Zhen said to Baiguan: "I..."

Long Jiaojiao immediately reminded from the side: "Zhen!"

It seems that it is not appropriate to call "I" on this occasion, but it is normal to be famous, so there is nothing wrong with calling yourself "Zhen (zhen)".So Chang Zhen said: "I will definitely live up to the great expectations of my ancestors..."

It took a long time for the complicated ceremony to end, and Chang Zhen finally became the emperor of Lingyu Kingdom.In fact, there are two ways to be the emperor of Lingyu Kingdom. When a cultivator is the emperor, most of the time he ignores the government and rarely goes to the palace. The country's affairs are managed by eight auxiliary ministers. is hosted.Only those who don't want to cultivate themselves will really manage things when they become emperors.

The former emperor Sun Tiande couldn't move anymore, so naturally he didn't care about anything.When Chang Zhen became emperor, he ordered everything to continue as usual, because the matter of cultivation was already enough to bother him, and the state affairs were put aside.He warned the eight auxiliary ministers to serve the country with all their heart, and they were too lazy to ask about other things.

After the affairs of the imperial court are completed, the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven will be held next.When the new emperor ascends the throne, he must first offer sacrifices to the Temple of Heaven, then the Altar of Earth, and then make it known to the world and celebrate together.

Long Jiaojiao was going to cancel the ceremony, but all civil and military officials knelt down and begged, saying that the new emperor should be allowed to meet the people to comfort them.Long Jiaojiao also knew that the Sun family was weak, if the new emperor ascended the throne and didn't even go to sacrifice to heaven, it would really make people laugh, so she finally agreed.

The Temple of Heaven is located in the outer city, and if Chang Zhen wanted to offer sacrifices to the Heaven, he had to leave the palace.Although Yujing City, the capital of Lingyu Kingdom, is not as well-defended as the Hanyu Valley where Lingyutang is located, it is also protected by three layers of large formations.

The innermost layer of formation is to protect the imperial palace, and it is called the Benlei formation.The second floor protects the entire inner city. The inner city is the residence of the Sun family. Now that the Sun family is dead, no one lives in the inner city anymore. However, the Great Formation is still there, called the True Darkness Formation.The last layer of formation is to protect the entire capital, called the Blood Spirit Formation.

Seeing that Chang Zhen was about to go out to worship the heavens, Long Jiaojiao took out a formation flag and said, "Once you leave the inner city, only the Great Blood Spirit Formation can be relied upon. This is the Great Blood Spirit Formation Flag that protects the entire capital. Good. The blood spirit array is made by the souls of all kinds of dead ferocious Gu insects from the ancestors of Huagu Sect and Lingyutang. You can use this array flag to emit 49 81 aura shields and [-] [-] blood light kills. The monks in the alchemy stage can also deal with it. During the sacrifice to the sky, if someone wants to surprise you, you should immediately set up the aura shield, and then kill him with the blood light kill."

"Yes." Chang Zhen took over the banner.

Long Jiaojiao was still a little worried, so she told the sisters of the Liu family: "You two take good care of your master's safety. If there is anything wrong, come back right away, and forget about the ceremony."

After the two sisters agreed, Chang Zhen boarded the royal chariot.Long Jiaojiao did not follow and waited for their return in the palace.Generally speaking, with the Blood Spirit Formation around, there wouldn't be any problems. If there was a problem that the Blood Spirit Formation and the sisters of the Liu family could not solve, Long Jiaojiao's presence would be useless.

With the beating of gongs and drums, the Imperial Forest Army opened the way, and the luxurious imperial chariots slowly drove out of the palace and out of the inner city.After leaving the inner city where the Sun family lived, we arrived at the outer city, where the common people lived.Countless city residents watched the new emperor from a distance, and it was very lively.But Chang Zhen's guards naturally wouldn't let others approach, and only allowed them to watch from a distance.

Chang Zhen was sitting in the car, with Liu Xixi on the left and Liu Yiyi on the right, they were not alone.At this time, he quietly turned a finger into a Zerg tentacles, gently sniffing the smell in the air.Ever since he discovered that he has an extraordinary sense of smell, Chang Zhen has often done this, which also made him remember the smells of many people.

At this time, there were so many people on the street that it could be called a sea of ​​people.Chang Zhen found that even with so many people, he could still distinguish the smell of each person very clearly, which has to be said to be very interesting.When he became interested, he began to look for the smell of Liu Qi's mother and daughter among the many smells, because Liu Qi and Su Xiuxiu's house and land are in Yujing City, if they have time to watch the emperor sacrifice to heaven, then Chang Zhen can smell it. Here they are.

After careful identification for a long time, Chang Zhen did not find the smell of Liu Qi's mother and daughter, but found two other familiar smells, that is the smell of Nangong Ping and Tu Hanyong!

Seeing these two people outside the Hugu formation that day, Chang Zhen would of course seize the opportunity to write down the flavors of these two people, because these two people have a strong hostility towards the Sun family, and they are likely to become his archenemy in the future.

"Nangong Ping and Tu Hanyong are actually here. What are they trying to do?" Chang Zhen instinctively felt that something was wrong. He lifted the curtain of the car and looked out, only the people were densely packed in the distance, and no one could tell which was which. .

At this moment, the minister outside said: "Your Majesty, the Temple of Heaven has arrived."

Chang Zhen nodded and got out of the car.Although he knew that Nangong Ping and Tu Hanyong were nearby, he didn't do anything special, because there was no need to confuse the corners.What's more, with the Blood Spirit Formation flag in hand, he is not afraid of them.

Chang Zhen walked up the steps with the support of everyone, and finally stood on the top of the altar.He raised his eyes and looked around, only to see crowds of people all around, full of onlookers, it was really not easy to distinguish Nangong Ping from Tu Hanyong.

But Chang Zhen couldn't see the other party, but the other party could see Chang Zhen, because Chang Zhen's position was too conspicuous.At this moment, Nangong Ping, Tu Hanyong, Tu Hanyong's son Sun Qingda, and the other two masters of the foundation-building period of the Nangong family all gathered together, pointing and squinting at Chang Zhen.

Nangong Ping smiled and said: "Hehe, wearing a dragon robe is barely considered human. The Sun family really dared to come out to worship the sky. They probably thought that the blood spirit formation was safe."

Tu Hanyong said: "I just hate that bitch Long Jiaojiao didn't come out with her, otherwise the Sun family can directly change their masters."

Nangong Ping said: "Don't worry, Sun Tiande will die sooner or later, and Long Jiaojiao will die with him. The Sun family will belong to us sooner or later. It's just a matter of time. Even if you wait for 80 years, the Sun family will die sooner or later." It will be Qingda's."

Sun Qingda smiled happily when he heard this, but Tu Hanyong forced a smile.Tu Hanyong is the son-in-law of Nangong's family, and his wife Nangong Wan is Nangongping's younger sister.But Tu Hanyong had never touched his wife before, because Nangong Ping ordered his wife's chastity gu.

That's right, the relationship between Nangong Ping and Nangong Wan is extraordinary, they are far away from ordinary siblings.Because of this, Tu Hanyong's nominal son, Sun Qingda, is actually a pure Nangong family.The Nangong family would not be kind enough to fight for the Sun family's property for Tu Hanyong. To put it bluntly, everything was for themselves. Although Tu Hanyong, a slave of the Nangong family, was very unwilling, he could only endure all this in silence.

"Father, uncle, let's go over and see if those people in Jichan Temple are unreliable, we can make up for it." Sun Qingda said.

Although his biological father is Nangong Ping, on the surface he still wants to call Tu Hanyong his father. After all, family ugliness cannot be publicized. What's more, he still bears the banner of a descendant of the Sun family.

"Okay, let's get closer to him so we can see how he died." Nangong Ping nodded.

This time he came here, he didn't intend to do anything, he just watched the excitement, after all, he is also a member of Gu Sect, so he can't let others catch Nangong.To kill in public, you need to borrow a knife. This time they borrowed a good knife, which is enough to kill Chang Zhen.However, something happened unexpectedly, and he didn't mind letting his subordinates make up for it, as long as he didn't get caught.

So Nangong Ping led a group of five people to push through the crowd and lean towards the Temple of Heaven.

Chang Zhen smelled the smell of Nangong Ping and Tu Hanyong from a distance, and knew the direction of the smell, but at this time there were too many people and it was too difficult to find.While worrying, Taichang took out the sacrificial oration and asked Chang Zhen to read it out.

Chang Zhen had no choice but to take it and said: "I was born with the spiritual fortune of the heaven and the earth, and inherited the love of the yellow heaven and the thick earth. I am a person with great merit and great luck. My throne comes from the sky, and you grass-roots people must always become my son." proud of your subjects..."

The sacrificial oration of the evil emperor is really shameless, and the sacrifice to heaven is so arrogant.As Chang Zhen read the sacrificial text, he blushed at what he read.However, the emperor instilled in the people that I was granted the throne by heaven, and you need to be loyal to me. It is also a very effective ruling method, and it is best used to fool the people.

"...Heaven will punish those who have two minds about mine, and those who plot wrongdoings will be punished by heaven!" Chang Zhen was thinking, and suddenly inserted these two sentences, so that the queen who was standing beside him would be punished. Chang looked taken aback.It's not a big problem for these two sentences to be included in the sacrificial text, but Tai Chang clearly remembers that he never wrote these two sentences.

"How did the emperor think about it freely?" The minister was surprised when he suddenly found that everyone was looking at the sky.

At some point in the sky, a red cloud of blood appeared, the color was thick and scary.Immediately afterwards, a bloody light suddenly gushed out of the cloud and fell down quickly.

"Boom!" The bloody light directly smashed into the crowd, blasting the crowd within a radius of tens of meters into pieces. Within this range, not even a complete person exists!

"Ah—" At least hundreds of people died in this accident, and the sudden tragedy caused all the people on the scene to cry out in shock, and fled in all directions, creating a commotion.

What people don't know is that the point where this bloody light falls is exactly where Nangong Ping, Tu Hanyong, Sun Qingda, and the other two masters of the Nangong family who came with them are located.Nangong Ping and the others had just discovered the blood cloud, but they didn't want to encounter a catastrophe immediately afterwards.Before everyone had time to hide, they had already turned into corpses, and they didn't even realize that they were going to die before they died.

In all fairness, Nangong Ping and the others died unjustly, and their main purpose of getting close to Chang Zhen was just to watch the excitement.Whoever wants to mix in the crowd will be smashed to death by the blood falling from the sky!

"Everyone, don't panic, this is heaven's punishment of the wicked, and has nothing to do with the good people!" Chang Zhen said loudly, but seeing the pieces of broken flesh and blood, he also felt chills.

It turned out that Chang Zhen had been looking for Nangong Ping and Tu Hanyong in the crowd. He didn't believe that these two people were here to watch the fun.While reciting the sacrificial oration, he finally saw these two people in the crowd, and he also found that they were approaching him.

"The visitor is not kind!" Chang Zhen would never believe that something good would happen if the other party approached.Although Long Jiaojiao had said that the Blood Light Kill of the Blood Spirit Formation could deal with alchemy monks, but he had never used this kill before and was uncertain.After seeing Nangong Ping, he decided to strike first without hesitation, so he used this kill.

The power of the blood light killing is indeed very powerful. Although Nangong Ping is the future hope of the Nangong family, a young master in the foundation stage, he has no power to fight back under this blow. Even their mother might not recognize them.

"Brother Nangong, what you said is not bad. The young master of the Sun family who can use the blood spirit formation can't afford a poor word, so there is no need to wait 30 years to destroy you. I hate that you died too early. I will destroy you all over the family in the future." I can't see it anymore." Chang Zhen sighed slightly when he thought of the conversation with Nangong Ping that day.

Although Chang Zhen had a clear conscience for killing Nangongping, he still couldn't bear to look at the place where the blood had been killed: "The power of this blood spirit formation is a bit too great, and hundreds of innocent people were involved in vain."

But even if he knew the power of this blow in advance, Chang Zhen would still deliver it. After all, Nangong Ping might threaten his life at any time.If he weighed his own life with the lives of innocent people, he still felt that he was more important.So if he was accidentally injured, he had nothing to do.

Chang Zhen suddenly remembered the multiple-choice question he had done in Yunmengze before: If an evil monk threatens thousands of people to make you commit suicide, will you die or not.Chang Zhen said at the time that the person who chose to die must have a brain problem, but it attracted ridicule from countless colleagues.

"I still don't have the self-consciousness of being a righteous person!" Chang Zhen smiled wryly, at this moment he suddenly found that the blood on the banner in his hand had faded.

Chang Zhen was quite surprised when the flag faded. He knew that the blood color on the flag was the blood energy of the blood spirit formation. Now that the blood color has faded, it means that the formation is failing!

"Oops, let's run!" Chang Zhen hurriedly said to the sisters of the Liu family.

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