Thank you Fanchen for listening to the voice of Yu and rewarding 100!


The square where the Temple of Heaven is located was originally crowded with people, and everyone gathered to watch the new emperor sacrifice to heaven.But ever since Chang Zhen led a ray of blood to kill Nangong Pingping who was pretending to be a citizen, the scene began to be chaotic. Many people knew that something would happen today.

When the eight monks appeared, as well as a few great monks in the foundation period in the capital, the people scattered like birds and beasts, and no one dared to continue watching.The people in Yujing City are not ignorant people in the countryside. The immortals fight, and in the blink of an eye, there is a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. They know better than anyone else.

Not only the people fled, but also the Imperial Forest Army guarding the emperor and the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty all fled in unison. When they fled, some people did not forget to say goodbye.The emperor would not pursue responsibility at such a critical moment. After all, the gap between mortals and cultivators was too great. If all the ministers of the Manchu Dynasty died because of the struggle in the realm of cultivation, it would be even more difficult for the emperor.

When Jiezhen defeated the Liu family sisters and Chang Zhen called out the one-horned fairy to turn Jiezhen into a mummified corpse, there were not many people left on the scene.The few people who were there were all scrambling and running forward, and no one dared to take another look at the altar.

At this time, only Chang Zhen and the seven monks from Jichan Temple were standing steadily at the scene.Chang Zhen knew that among the seven monks in front of him, it would be easy for any one of them to take his life, because the gap between the foundation building period and the qi training period was too great.The life and death of the Liu family sisters is uncertain, the blood spirit grand array flag has failed, and the single-horned fairy's once-a-month lightning strike has also been used up. It seems that there is only one dead end in front of him.

Chang Zhen laughed suddenly, and he tried his best to make himself laugh smugly and arrogantly, at the same time he said loudly: "Come on, all seven of you bald thieves come over and be hit by my one-horned fairy, this Gu worm of mine can Send ten blows, just used up one blow, kill seven of you and there are still two blows left, come here if you have the guts!"

"I want to avenge Brother Jiezhen!" A young monk was furious when he heard this, and rushed over with his sleeves.

A drop of cold sweat ran across Chang Zhen's forehead, the Unicorn Immortal can't attack now, he's playing an empty plan, if this kid rushes over, he'll be doomed.But of course he couldn't be subdued by the empty city strategy, he still kept the smirk on his face, and continued to challenge: "Come on, come here if you have the guts!"

"Jieyu, don't do it!" Another older monk stopped the monk who was about to charge, "I fell into this kid's tricks in the past, haven't you seen Brother Jiezhen's cultivation level is so high, are you dead? ? From my point of view, this Gu worm must be unable to move, so he used words to provoke us to go over."

Finally, there was something sensible, and Chang Zhen couldn't help but want to say thank you to this monk.However, the expression on his face at this time became very panicked, and he said in a slightly trembling tone: " are the one who can't move, if you have the feeling, you just stop, and you will be struck by lightning from my unicorn fairy!"

"Hmph, a fool will be struck by your Gu insect's lightning." Another monk glared at Chang Zhen, and told his companion, "We must not get close to him."

At this time, Jieyu said very excitedly: "Didn't that person say that the Sun family has only three guys who have cultivated in the foundation stage, and they are not high-level. There are only seven other masters in the foundation stage in Yujing City, and they are also just entering the foundation stage. , and will not contribute. As long as we come with eight people, it is enough to be safe, but what is going on with this bug? Brother Jiezhen, did he die like this!"

"Jiyu, don't talk too much!" Another older monk shouted, "Let's not get close to him and that monster, and kill him with long-range spells!"

"Remote spell?" Chang Zhen frowned.The attack range of a monk in the foundation building stage is far from comparable to that in his Qi training stage.He flipped his hand, took out a escape talisman, and laughed loudly: "Hey, if you have the guts, let's see which one of us can kill the other first!"

After speaking, he urged the escape talisman, held the one-horned fairy in his arms, and fled to the place where a monk was standing!

The monk was shocked, Jiezhen died tragically just now, but he could see clearly that this one-horned Gu worm was very weird, he didn't want to get close to it.Who knew that Chang Zhen would come here with this one-horned fairy!

Swish!That monk immediately urged his luck and fled in the direction of another monk, avoiding Chang Zhen far away.

"It's good to escape." Chang Zhen said in his heart.Even with the escape talisman, the distance he can escape is still very limited.If he used it to escape, he would only be chased and killed by these foundation-building monks, so he could only pretend to be a tiger, relying on this unusable unicorn to scare the enemy.

Jie Zhen's death just now was too miserable, and this man's prestige among the monks was too high, so every monk felt a shadow in his heart.Seeing Chang Zhen fleeing with the one-horned fairy, is there any reason for them not to retreat?

At this time, another monk said: "Since his Gu worm can only send out ten blows, we will attract him to send out ten blows first, and then kill him in one fell swoop."

The other six monks looked at him with idiot-like expressions at the same time: "Are you going to lure? Are you sure you can avoid it? And you also believe the enemy's words, do you think there are really only ten blows?"

The monk immediately withered, another old monk said: "We still use long-range spells to bombard him!"

The monk pointed at him casually, and a stone the size of a small mountain was thrown at Chang Zhen.Chang Zhen had no choice but to take out another escape talisman and managed to dodge it.

"Boom!" The hill didn't hit Chang Zhen but knocked half of the Temple of Heaven down.

Chang Zhen had just escaped to a new place, and another fire rain fell, so he had no choice but to escape again.

Although long-range spells are relatively easy to dodge, the opponent is a monk in the foundation building stage, and Chang Zhen is only in the Qi training stage, so the gap in strength between the two sides is still irreparable.

Chang Zhen used the escape talisman several times, and finally he was unable to dodge once and was hit by the enemy's attack.This time, several copper pillars fell head-on, and a copper pillar as thick as a bucket pierced through his chest, turning his entire chest into a big hole.

"Dead!" Looking at Chang Zhen, who had a hollow chest, a monk made a judgment.

"Brother Jiezhen!" Seeing that the enemy was dead, the man named Jieyu looked at Jiezhen's mummy and cried.

"Let's go quickly, Uncle Master won't hold on for long, and the blood spirit formation will recover in a while." Another monk shouted.

So several monks carried Jiezhen's body and flew away.These monks originally wanted to take advantage of the weak strength of the Sun family, take advantage of the situation, kill the emperor of the Lingyu Kingdom, and destroy the prestige of the Hua Gu Sect.However, during the assassination process, Jie Zhen, who had a deep cultivation, died, which meant that even if they killed the other emperor, they would still lose money.At this time, carrying Jie Zhen's body and fleeing, everyone's heart is extremely heavy.

Outside Yujing City, Master Xuanman, the Great Elder of the Jichan Temple during the alchemy period, is holding the magic weapon of his life against the blood spirit formation.His forehead was constantly sweating, and it was obviously very difficult to fight against the big formation.It is precisely because he is holding the formation outside that the blood spirit formation will temporarily fail.But he was too busy dealing with the formation, so he had no time to take care of the affairs in the city.

Just when Master Xuanman was sweating profusely and felt that his strength was gradually exhausted, the disciple who assassinated the emperor of Lingyu Kingdom returned.However, only seven disciples came back alive, and his most proud disciple, Jie Zhen, died, and now only a corpse was brought back!

Master Xuanman hugged the mummy and roared angrily: "It's unreasonable, that Nangong dared to lie to us, saying that it is absolutely safe, I must ask him to give us an explanation when I go back!"

Of course, Jichan Temple can't believe in the plan of the evil sect, so the Nangong family secretly asked them to help, but it cost a lot of money.Now that Jiezhen died during the operation, the Nangong family has to pay even more.

Near the Temple of Heaven, it has been completely changed by the long-range spells of several monks, and the grass fell and fell to the ground.Chang Zhen lay on the ground, and stood up again when the blood color of the banner of the Blood Spirit Formation in his hand was restored.Seeing that he had saved his life, he let out a long breath.

After using the empty city strategy to force the enemy not to approach, Chang Zhen can boldly make some small moves.Being pierced by a copper pillar to death was exactly the way he chose to die for himself. At that time, all parts of his body had long since turned into soft tentacles, and the copper pillar pierced through his chest did not even hurt a single tentacle. .

Those monks who were afraid of Chang Zhen's unicorn fairy, of course, would not go close to check on Chang Zhen's situation. Seeing that Chang Zhen's chest was empty, they naturally thought he was dead. Who would have thought that he could transform?

At this time, Chang Zhen looked around and found that there was no living person around, and he didn't know whether to cry or laugh.He first went to the place where the sisters of the Liu family fell to see their condition.

The two sisters were lucky, there was no magic spell falling in the place where they were, so they fell down properly.Chang Zhen put his hands into the chests of the two, tested their heartbeats, and found that they were not dead.But their complexions are not different from those of the dead, and they are all unconscious, so they must be seriously injured.

Both sisters are alive, Chang Zhen is very happy.Although they are all evil people, they have been on good terms with Chang Zhen for so long, and Chang Zhen has a somewhat friendly feeling towards them.

Except for the sisters of the Liu family, there were many ordinary people who were killed by the spell before they could run away from the scene.Chang Zhen didn't know these people, so of course he didn't bother to take care of them, and just left everything to the ministers in the country.

Chang Zhen took out a spare Gu bag and put the two sisters in it.To put it bluntly, this Gu bag is a compressed space, it is fine to pretend to be a person without installing Gu, but it cannot trap people.If a sober person is in the Gu bag, he can run out by himself at any time.

After taking the two sisters away, Chang Zhen walked in another direction.Chang Zhen couldn't find the relics of the dead monk, because the seven monks took his bones away.However, Nangong Pingping died very unjustly, and no one collected their bodies for them.

Walking to the place where Nangong Pingping died, Chang was shocked to find four bags of talismans and one bag of magic objects on the ground.The dharma bag is one level higher than the talisman bag, and it is a magic weapon.It does not have a limited number of uses like the Talisman Bag, and the space inside is much larger.

"Well, Nangong Ping, you actually used a bag of objects." Chang Zhen admired it, and then put the bag away casually.The dharma bag is a dharma weapon, and Chang Zhen's Qi training period is still useless, so I can only ask the Liu family sisters to help open it when I have time.As for the other four talisman bags, Chang Zhen took a brief look at the contents inside, but didn't examine them carefully, because he didn't have the time now.

As for the Gu bags of the five people, of course Chang Zhen won't move, and other people's Gu bags should not be moved lightly.But he was a little curious about what Gu worms these evil people raised, so he used his spiritual sense to visit.The Nangong family is famous for raising scorpion Gu, so most of the Gu bags are filled with scorpions, and of course some are snakes or centipedes.

When visiting a Gu bag, Chang Zhen was suddenly stunned, because the bag was not filled with Gu insects, but people.A naked woman was tied up in this Gu bag in an extremely shameful posture. Chang Zhen found that strange things had been inserted into her mouth and lower body, and she herself seemed to have completely lost consciousness.

"What's the situation?" Chang Zhen was a little confused.Out of humanitarian considerations, Chang Zhen still decided to take the voodoo bag containing a woman with him. If the woman is a good person, he would not mind saving her.

After collecting the spoils, Chang Zhen was ready to go back to the palace, because he felt that it was extremely unsafe in the city as him, and only going back to Han Yugu would be safer.When I came here, I came by car, but there was no car when I went back, and all the civil and military officials also ran away.Although Chang Zhen had the banner of the Blood Spirit Formation in his hand, he still didn't dare to flaunt it. He made an invisibility formula, and then flew forward along the way he came from.

The invisibility tactic is a tactic that can only be used at the fifth level during the Qi training period. It can make people invisible. Chang Zhen only mastered this spell not long ago.If you are fighting monks in the Qi training period, this spell is very useful, but it is useless against monks in the foundation building period, because the opponent will have several spells to see through your invisibility.

As he walked, Chang Zhen found that the surrounding scenery was familiar. This was near the place where he bought the house for Liu Qi's mother and daughter.Chang Zhen had been separated from them for more than half a month, and he really missed them a little.He was going to visit the mother and daughter secretly to find out how they were doing.

Walking to the house bought for Liu Qi's mother and daughter, Chang's overwhelming sense of smell told him that there was no one in the house.

"Aren't you at home?" Chang Zhen was a little puzzled, but he still walked to the gate.Then his eyes widened, for instead of a padlock the door had a big seal on it!

"The house was sealed up by the government? What's going on?" Chang Zhen's heart suddenly jumped, and he became worried about the two mothers and daughters.

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