Fragrance Gu Emperor

Chapter 4038 The First Intimate Contact

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Chang Zhen quickly saw the memory of Shen Mingyue when she first embraced the opposite sex.

After arriving at Yunmengze, Chang Zhen was very new to everything, and his life without worrying about food and clothing also filled his heart with gratitude to Master.Later he found out about Shen Mingyue's birthday, so he and his sister congratulated Master on his birthday.

In fact, Chang Zhen didn't know how to congratulate others on their birthdays. He just remembered that when his mother was alive, his siblings would pick flowers in the wild to celebrate every birthday.So this time, Chang Zhen and his sister picked a bouquet full of wild flowers and sent them to Master.

But in Shen Mingyue's memory, this was her first birthday.All along, she has never cared about her birthday, nor celebrated it, and even few people know about her birthday.Her life is only cultivation, cultivation, if anyone disturbs her with birthday, she will only be very unhappy.But this time, she was very happy to see her daughter who couldn't speak brought a bouquet of flowers.

To be honest, although Shen Mingyue brought Chang Yu back to Yunmengze, she never knew how to be a mother.She is still as lonely as before, not good at words, even if she wants to talk to her daughter more, she doesn't know what to say, and Chang Yu is even more mute, unable to speak, so Shen Mingyue is always worried that her mother can't let her satisfy.Seeing Chang Yu presenting her with a bouquet of flowers, her joy cannot be expressed in words.

Once excited, Shen Mingyue rarely showed emotion.She hugged Chang Yu, kissed it lightly, and turned her head to see Chang Zhen, who was inseparable from Chang Yu, also holding flowers and giggling.She remembered how pitiful Chang Zhen's parents were both dead and had no relatives or reason, so she also took Chang Zhen into her arms.

But as soon as she hugged Chang Zhen, Shen Mingyue regretted it a little.Because Chang Zhen is a boy, and she has never been so close to other men.Suddenly a feeling of shyness flooded into her heart, making her heart beat fast.She hated the sudden feeling of shyness in herself, because Chang Zhen was not a man, but a boy, and there was no need to be shy about it.But for some reason, she just felt shy, and always felt that boys were also men.

She quickly let go of Chang Zhen, but the shy feeling of meeting the opposite sex for the first time still lingered.She kept telling herself that Chang Zhen was her apprentice, and she just treated him as her son, but the more she thought about it, the more shy she felt in her heart.

Chang Zhen also remembered Master's hug, and often recalled it.Of course, when recalling, he had no other thoughts, but he felt more affection and reverence for Master in his heart.He never expected that this was the first time Master touched the body of a heterosexual, and he felt very shy while hugging him.

In Shen Mingyue's past memory, this is the only scene where she got close to a man, and the object was Chang Zhen when she was young.Since then, every time Shen Mingyue saw Chang Zhen, she would recall the shy thoughts that day, and then tried to suppress the thoughts, and kept telling herself that Chang Zhen was only her apprentice, and she only treated him as her son.

It was because of the shyness in her heart that she was at fault, she never hugged Chang Zhen again, and kept a cold look in front of Chang Zhen.She hopes that she can have a majestic image in Chang Zhen's heart.

"Master, you are so cute." Chang Zhen really didn't know what expression to use when he saw that Master was always serious in front of him. It turned out that it was because of shyness.

Go through the memories of the past few years one by one, and turn back to the memories of the recent days.If it is said that Shen Mingyue's memories of the past 30 years are all dull and boring cultivation experiences, and only her life with Chang Zhen and Chang Yu can be regarded as a brilliance, then in recent days her life has all turned pink.

Looking at the scenes of Master's intimate contact with him in his recent memory, Chang Zhen really planned to bump his head to death.Especially him kissing her, touching her, and teaching her things she wasn't supposed to learn, which totally crossed all boundaries.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Master!" Chang Zhen hated what he had done these days, and he felt that his crimes were countless.

He suddenly came up with an idea, that is to simply delete these things from Master's memory, so that she would never know that he had blasphemed her.

This impulse came so quickly that Chang Zhen couldn't help but want to make a move, but he stopped a moment before he did it.

"Chang Zhen, you can't make the same mistake again and again. You have already desecrated Master's body, are you going to desecrate her soul? Memory is the most important thing for a person, if it is someone else's memory, it's fine, but this is Master's memory, no matter what, you can't delete it. Leave a pure soul for Master, and face it bravely if you make a mistake. No matter how Master treats you, you deserve it."

After making up her mind, Chang Zhen checked again that the splicing of Master's memory was correct, and then withdrew from her sea of ​​consciousness with a sad heart.

Chang Zhen found that it was already dawn outside, and he and Shen Mingyue spent the night in the hot spring.Layers of sunlight refracted in the dazzling array of crystals on all sides, and reflected on Shen Mingyue's snowy skin, it was astonishingly beautiful.

Chang Zhen gently pulled Shen Mingyue's limbs. Due to the bones being impregnated with his Bone Bone Gu Technique, Shen Mingyue's limbs were very soft, and it was full of warmth when pinched in his hands.

"Master, it's dawn." Shen Mingyue was awakened by Chang Zhen's movements, and immediately greeted him.She shrank her limbs, wrapped Chang Zhen tightly like an octopus, and then giggled.

Chang Zhen knows that the current master is still obeying his bewitchment and does not recall the past.As long as she recalls the past, she can probably return to normal.Of course, he is not [-]% sure, everything is his inference.

Chang Zhen found that at this time he was actually afraid that Master would return to normal, because he was guilty, and he didn't know how to face a Master whom he had blasphemed against.Looking at Shen Mingyue's smile, he thought to himself that it's too late to regret it now, with just one thought, the gradually sensible Yue'er in front of him will belong to him forever.

But he finally shook his head and smiled: "Without Master, there would be no me now. Everything I have is bestowed by Master, so how can I turn her into my personal toy? Master, I just hope that you will not be so angry after recovery." You can punish me however you want."

Taking a long breath of relief, Chang Zhen released the Soft Bone Gu Technique from Shen Mingyue's body, then patted her and said, "Yue'er, let go of Master, we're going up."

"We're soaking for a while, the master asked me to hug me for a while." Shen Mingyue pouted, not wanting to leave.

"I've soaked all night, listen to the master." Chang Zhen ordered.

Shen Mingyue let go of Chang Zhen resentfully, and the two went up to the bank of the pool together.

After drying Shen Mingyue's body, Shen Mingyue asked softly, "Master, don't I want to turn into a snake?"

"Let's not change today, we have important things to do."

"Oh." Shen Mingyue nodded, but she couldn't figure out what was important today.Following Chang Zhen back to the bedroom, she found that Chang Zhen actually took out a set of clothes for her to wear.

"Yue'er doesn't wear clothes."

"Be obedient, just wear it once."

Shen Mingyue was reluctantly put on by Chang Zhen, and then sat down on the bed.

Chang Zhen hadn't seen Master dressed neatly for a long time.At this time, she was wearing a pure white top and trousers, against which her snow-like skin was reflected, she was extraordinarily energetic in the crystal room.Chang Zhen suddenly felt that she was the master who was worthy of his awe in the past, and he was infatuated with her for a while.

"Master, can you take it off?" Seeing that Chang Zhen had been silent for a long time, Shen Mingyue pulled the clothes on her body, trying to take off the clothes on her body and return to Chang Zhen's embrace.

"No, I can't take it off yet." Chang Zhen motioned her to do it, then knelt down beside the bed.

Seeing Chang Zhen kneeling upright in front of her, Shen Mingyue was a little puzzled: "Master, what are you doing? Why are you kneeling before me?"

"Yue'er, don't talk, don't move around, listen to me. Maybe you don't understand what I'm talking about now, but I should understand in a while. I will only kneel willingly to three people, they are my parents And my master. I have made a big mistake now, so I have to kneel here, I only hope that the master can forgive me for my crime of blasphemy. If the master refuses to forgive, I am willing to obey all the punishments from the master."

Shen Mingyue blinked her eyes and said: "Master, there are only two of us here, and you are speaking in the soul, no one can hear you except Yue'er. Which master do you want to ask for forgiveness?"

Chang Zhen said: "Yue'er, don't interrupt, listen to me."

"Oh." Shen Mingyue pretended to listen carefully.

Chang Zhen told Shen Mingyue a series of things about coming back that morning and meeting the naked body of his senior sister, being thrown off the cliff, and meeting a dragon with a strange pan.He also told the truth about the true soul Gu technique. If there is anyone in this world that he can truly trust, it is only his sister and master.So at this time, he didn't hold back at all.

After listening to Chang Zhen's speech, Shen Mingyue pursed her lips and said, "Master, you mean Yue'er is the master's master?"

Chang Zhen kowtowed and said, "Yes, my disciple recently took advantage of Master's insanity to insult Master, please Master to punish."

Shen Mingyue thought for a while and said: "But I think you are my master, I should listen to you, and I am not insane. Master, you are hard again."

Chang Zhen said: "Yue'er, look at me, I have sorted out your memory, and now you can recall it.

Well, close your eyes and remember, think back to everything before, who are you, where are you from, what have you done.The current you is just a fake you, only the former you is the real you.Let go of everything now and be the old you again, I believe you can do it. "

Under Chang Zhen's bewitching technique, Shen Mingyue's eyes were blurred, and then she fell down on the bed with a look of pain on her face.

Chang Zhen suddenly felt very nervous, so nervous that he didn't even dare to take a breath.He put Shen Mingyue away, then continued to kneel beside the bed, waiting for her to wake up.

"After a while, can Master recover her memory and return to normal? If she recovers, how will she treat me? If she can't, what will she look like?" Chang Zhen's heart was pounding, and he found that the current Each second is 1 years long.

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