Fragrance Gu Emperor

Chapter 4040 I don't know how to face the situation

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Since she couldn't speak, Shen Mingyue began to struggle hard, trying to get out of Chang Zhen's control.Chang Zhen is warming her body right now, the transparent tentacles are rubbing against her delicate skin back and forth, and penetrate bursts of spiritual power, making her feel comfortable, but also filled with endless sense of shame in her heart.

Although Shen Mingyue knew that in her current situation, nurturing her Gu body was essential, but she who had never had any contact with a man, how could she bear this kind of shameful nurturing, so she instinctively resisted and struggled.

Seeing Shen Mingyue struggling suddenly, Chang Zhen thought she was going to play, and immediately ordered: "My dear Yueer, don't move around, let the master take good care of you."

"Yes, Master." Shen Mingyue heard her insincere response again, and found that she began to stretch and relax her body, allowing Chang Zhen to fondle wantonly...

"What's the situation? The body is not obedient..."

Behaving abnormally, Shen Mingyue didn't dare to speak any more, and couldn't move around anymore, so she could only let Chang Zhen continue the nurturing that made her feel extremely ashamed.She swore she had never encountered a more embarrassing situation than this in her life.

"You dare to touch anywhere!" Shen Mingyue thought in her heart, but she didn't say it out loud.She began to think hard about why she became like this.

The answer is very simple, and Shen Mingyue figured it out as soon as she thought about it, that is, the rules that Chang Zhen had been building in her spirit these days had not been eliminated.Although highly intelligent Gu can eliminate unreasonable rules in the heart, but this process is not so easy.Just like you change a bad habit of yours, it is far from being able to change it just by saying it.

Over the past few days, Chang Zhen has been instilling in Shen Mingyue the rules of listening to the master and being with the master, and has already formed a perfect system.Although Shen Mingyue regained her sanity, breaking this set of rules that had become a habit would not succeed immediately.

Just like a cowardly person will become paralyzed when encountering danger, and will not listen to the command of the brain at all, Shen Mingyue was also controlled by these rules that Chang Zhen instilled in her consciousness just now, and she couldn't help herself.

Thinking of this, Shen Mingyue also knew that this apprentice who was hugging her had no bad intentions.Taming Gu is to make Gu the slave of the Gu master, so the Gu masters pay more attention to formulating rules of thinking rather than rules of action, because thinking determines action.But the rules that Chang Zhen made in her consciousness were almost all rules of behavior, and rarely involved thinking, so that she could keep her sanity intact after recovering her memory.

But although Chang Zhen didn't set other thinking rules in her spirit, there was one that had to be set, that is, Chang Zhen was her master, and she had to listen to her master.The master's recognition and listening to the master's words are the most basic principles for domesticating servants, and every gu master will set such principles in the servant's heart.In order to make Shen Mingyue obedient, Chang Zhen also set up this principle.

With this principle, all of Shen Mingyue's actions are governed by this principle, so when she addressed Chang Zhen, she would instinctively call out the master, and when she regained her sanity, this principle seriously interfered with her normal thinking. Until now, Shen Mingyue knew that it was unreasonable, but still felt that Chang Zhen was her master, everything about her belonged to Chang Zhen, and she wanted to listen to him.

The other behavioral principles that Chang Zhen set up for her, such as not to hurt the master, not to get angry with the master, etc., also affected her. Just now when she wanted to lose her temper with Chang Zhen, she was blocked by the principles in her consciousness Go back, but Chang Zhen told her not to move, and she immediately obeyed the master's words.

Shen Mingyue knew that now she should explain to Chang Zhen that her sanity had recovered, and then ask Chang Zhen to cancel the rules he set in her consciousness.Because these rules are like the shackles on the prisoner's body. If you break them by yourself, you need to spend a lot of effort, and you may not be successful.But it is very easy for the Gu master to remove it.

Thinking of this, Shen Mingyue pondered how to speak.Although there are many principles that have been forcibly instilled in her consciousness, she has no problem expressing one thing.But she couldn't say "Zhen'er, I'm fine as a teacher", but could only say "Master, Yue'er is fine" according to the master-servant rules in her consciousness.

At the thought of calling Chang Zhen "Master" again, Shen Mingyue felt extremely shy.She decided to punish Chang Zhen severely after returning to normal, and let him know what the dignity of a teacher is.

But she just opened her mouth and called "Master", but found that the timing was not right.Because at this time Chang Zhen was nurturing her body, and he was focusing on the most embarrassing part of her body.

Previous memories told her that it was not the first time that Chang Zhen had warmed up there for her, but she still felt that such a thing was too embarrassing.She didn't dare to touch it when she was taking a shower, but Chang Zhen's tentacles were so unscrupulous.

She also thought that Chang Zhen was her apprentice, and she always had a majestic image in front of Chang Zhen.But now that she is in this state, all her breasts have been touched, it can be said that she has lost any dignity, and she suddenly feels very sad.

"What's the matter, Yue'er?" Chang Zhen hurriedly asked when Shen Mingyue called him.

"It's nothing." Shen Mingyue said softly.In any case, she didn't want to tell Chang Zhen that she was back to normal at this most embarrassing time.

At this moment, a sense of frustration that she had never felt before flooded into Shen Mingyue's heart.If her emotions when she just recovered her memory were shame and anger, and she wanted to punish this apprentice who had blasphemed herself, then at this moment, her anger has been completely replaced by sadness.

Shen Mingyue thought, even if Chang Zhen was willing to let her punish her, what would happen afterwards?She is still his true soul Gu, so the nurturing will continue in the future?How would she face him then, and how would he face her?

I thought that the recovery of sanity could end the embarrassment, but now I realize that this can only be regarded as the beginning of embarrassment.

"I don't even seem to know how to punish him, and am I worthy of punishing him like this? I can't let him die? Something like this happened between me and him. As long as we are alive, we will be embarrassed forever. Cheng Even if he has lost his true soul Gu, will he still regard me as a master in his heart? Does a master who needs to be hugged and raised by his disciples every day still have a trace of prestige as a master?..."

As soon as she thought of this, Shen Mingyue was completely ashamed.In her heart, the two most important people are Chang Yu and Chang Zhen.These two people have been brought up by her since they were nine years old. She hopes that she will be a good mother to Chang Yu and a good teacher to Chang Zhen.But she felt that she would not be a good master in the present state.

Shen Mingyue began to think about her current situation again: "My soul is shattered now. My true soul lives in Zhen'er's soul. I am no longer an independent person. I am afraid that I will be with him for the rest of my life. I told him I My sanity has recovered, how will we get along in the days after that? I cannot do without him and need his constant care. But as his master, I should play the role of protecting him, how can I be cared for by him? This makes me Where do you put your face?"

Shen Mingyue found that she couldn't tell Chang Zhen that she was back to normal, because she didn't know how to face the situation afterward.

"Master..." Shen Mingyue yelled softly again, she didn't know why she yelled, maybe she just wanted to grab someone to rely on when she was in trouble.

Chang Zhen and Ben didn't know that Shen Mingyue was struggling in her heart, but she just saw that her rosy little face was very cute.A feeling of pity suddenly surged up, and he said softly: "Yue'er, I love you so much."

"Do you know what you're talking about!" Shen Mingyue felt ashamed and indignant, "What do you know about love? Children talk nonsense, but I'm your master!"

But now that Chang Zhen has said all these things, and he has said them to her several times in his memory, this is not a trivial matter.Shen Mingyue felt that if she explained to Chang Zhen that she was back to normal, this question alone would form a wall between the two of them that they didn't know how to overcome.

At this moment, Shen Mingyue had a plan to give up.As long as she doesn't reveal that she has regained her sanity, Chang Zhen shouldn't find out.In this way, she will not face all kinds of difficult problems, and Chang Zhen will continue to get along with her as before.

"Or, just keep pretending to be his Yue'er? Oh my god, what am I thinking, I won't be his Yue'er! I'm his master!" Shen Mingyue felt ashamed of her thoughts.

When her thoughts were chaotic, she felt something was wrong.Although Chang Zhen had warmed and nourished her body in the past, it had never been as long as it is today.Chang Zhen's actions today seem to be more than just warming up.

A strange heat spread in Shen Mingyue's body, and she almost couldn't help shouting to stop.But she didn't dare to shout, she didn't even dare to make any sound, she just made her breathing a little short.

At this time, she heard Chang Zhen approach her ear and say, "My Yue'er is indeed a little virgin."

"Oh my God, you've been warming up there for so long, isn't it to prove this kind of thing?" Shen Mingyue felt a loud bang in her ears, and almost all her self-esteem was shattered. "He knows about this kind of thing, how can I face him?..."

After Chang Zhen finished speaking, it seemed that it was not enough, so he asked softly: "Yue'er, tell the master, which men have touched your body?"

When Shen Mingyue heard such a question, she almost turned her back in anger. She really didn't want to answer at all, she just wanted to slap Chang Zhen.But at this time, the rules that Chang Zhen had established in her heart took effect. She not only had to answer the master's words, but also answered truthfully.

So she said: "Only the master has touched it."

Chang Zhen breathed a sigh of relief.Although he already knew this when he checked Shen Mingyue's memory, he still wanted to confirm it himself.He knew that this was another blasphemy against the master, but the debt was too heavy. If the master suddenly recovered, then he would have no such opportunity again.

"If Master recovers, I will respect her as before, but now she is still my Yue'er." Chang Zhen comforted himself like this, although at the same time he felt that he was deceiving himself.

He scolded himself in his heart, but couldn't help but asked again: "Yue'er, tell the master, who is your favorite?"

Shen Mingyue had no choice but to answer: "It's Yu'er and... and Master."

"Master really likes me the most." Hearing such an answer, Chang Zhen felt as if he had eaten honey.At this time, he suddenly thought of a little trick, so he asked with a smile: "Yue'er, who is your favorite man?"

"My favorite man? I don't have a favorite man." Shen Mingyue thought like this, but she gave another answer: "My favorite man is the master."

Hearing what she said, Shen Mingyue really wanted to find a crack in the ground and sneak in.She knew the truth was not like this, she liked Chang Zhen, it was just between master and apprentice, not like a man or a woman.But even that kind of liking is still a kind of liking. With Chang Zhen's way of asking, her favorite man became Chang Zhen.

"Yue'er, the master also likes you the most." Chang Zhen took a sip of Shen Mingyue lightly.

With endless annoyance in Shen Mingyue's heart, she secretly said: "In his heart, I'm afraid I have lost all my dignity, and there is no more embarrassing master than me. At this time, I can't tell him that I have recovered, otherwise I will bring shame on myself." .Anyway, our relationship is like this, why don't I just continue to be his Yue'er."

Just as he was thinking, Chang Zhen suddenly said, "Yue'er, stick out your tongue."

Shen Mingyue couldn't help sticking out her sweet tongue, and stuck it into Chang Zhen's mouth, and Chang Zhen also responded fiercely, and the two kissed deeply again.

"What a shame..." Shen Mingyue's heart twitched violently.This was not her first kiss, her first kiss was taken away by Chang Zhen when she was unconscious, but this was her first kiss after she became conscious. There was a feeling of electric shock from the tip of her tongue to her heart.

This kiss interrupted Shen Mingyue's last thought of telling Chang Zhen that she was recovering. She decided to play Yue'er for a while, otherwise she would really die of embarrassment in front of her apprentice.

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