Fragrance Gu Emperor

Invitation card of Nangong family

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Although Chang Zhen successfully captured the spider's soul and got a blessing in disguise, his own soul power was greatly enhanced, but he was still in great trouble.For the latest free chapters of this book, please visit...He turned his attention away from his soul, and saw that the spider's poison had spread to his heart.

At this time, there was no time to think about it, so I could only turn into a zerg, resisting the poison with the physique from the primordial era.

Shen Mingyue at the side was also having a hard time. She was bitten several times by spiders, and her poisoning was worse than that of Chang Zhen.Chang Zhen told her that it was all right, and asked her to let go of the spider. At the same time, he also told her to stay in the anaconda and resist the poison.

The venom of this spider is very strong, ordinary people or animals will die if they are poisoned by this poison.Chang Zhen's poison quickly spread to his whole body, and he only felt pain all over his body, piercing his heart.The same goes for Shen Mingyue on one side.However, the zerg transformed by Chang Zhen and the anaconda transformed by Shen Mingyue are both ancient relics, and their vitality is far beyond that of ordinary animals. The poisonous spiders will not kill them in a short while.

Whether a creature will die after being poisoned depends first on how strong the vitality of the creature is, and second depends on how high the creature's resistance to poison is.The poison resistance of each creature is different, but one thing can be confirmed, that is, most of the creatures with poison have super high resistance to poison, while the poison resistance of creatures without poison will be very weak.

The zerg transformed by Chang Zhen is actually a poisonous creature.All his tentacles can secrete a kind of paralyzing poison. After the animal is poisoned, it will be paralyzed and unable to move.Zerg prey usually rely on their own numbness, and they are always invincible.

Although hemp poison belongs to the category of fragrant poisons and will not cause direct harm to people, it is also a poison, so the poisonous living insects also have very high resistance to poison.Organisms with high poison resistance can't resist poison after being poisoned. If they can survive, their poison resistance will become higher. This is a kind of evolution.

Fighting Gu is prevalent in Hua Gu Sect, and the Gu kings who survived are all poisonous.But they will not be poisoned to death by their own poison, because they have evolved during this process and have extraordinary resistance to poison.

Like Chang Zhen, Shen Mingyue's anaconda is also a poisonous creature, and Chang Zhen was even poisoned by her.So she also has a strong resistance to spider poison.Both of them have super high resistance to poison, coupled with the physique of alien beasts from ancient times, they successfully survived the attack of severe poison.Finally survived.

At dawn the next day, both of them were fine.After accepting the test of the deadly spider poison, the poison resistance of both of their bodies was greatly enhanced, and they would be even less likely to be poisoned to death when encountering similar poisons in the future.

The two turned back into human bodies, and Chang Zhen dressed the master.And touched her belly and said, "I hope our children are not affected."

Shen Mingyue leaned tenderly in Chang Zhen's arms, without saying a word.The child is important, and the child's father is even more important.As long as Chang Zhen is fine, she will be happy.

Chang Zhen quickly studied the spider he had tamed.This guy is like wearing steel armor, which is extremely hard and can be attacked by masters in the foundation building stage.Chang Zhen has personally experienced the poison in its mouth, and it is no problem for the poison to kill alchemy stage masters.If Chang Zhen and Shen Mingyue couldn't turn into ancient relics, they would have been poisoned to death long ago.

But what surprised Chang Zhen most about the spider was its silk.Although the spider silk ejected from its tail is not poisonous, it is sticky and tough, and once it sticks a little bit, it cannot break free.Chang Zhen thought of many ways to deal with this spider silk, but they couldn't deal with it.Fortunately, the spider's eight legs can secrete a liquid that can dissolve the stickiness of the spider's silk, otherwise Chang Zhen might not be able to get out of this hole for the rest of his life.

Chang Zhen grabbed a strand of spider silk that trapped him, and thoughtfully said: "Even if this spider silk is not sticky, it is still a very strong rope, and I am afraid it is stronger than a magic weapon."

The big spider rolled its gray eyes aside, as if it understood Chang Zhen's words, with a rather proud expression on its face.

Chang Zhen looked at the big colorful spider and said, "I'll give you a name, Xiaohua. You killed my unicorn, and you can protect me instead of it from now on."

The big spider thought the name "Little Flower" was ugly, but as a servant, it certainly couldn't refuse the master's order.From then on, it can only be a little flower.

Chang Zhen didn't throw away the little shield damaged by the spider, but picked it up again.The shield is so damaged that it is estimated that it is impossible to repair it, so it can only be sold as scrap materials.The same goes for the crushed hammer.Cai Yunjian and the blue ax were not broken, but were stuck by spider silk.Seeing that they were in good condition, Chang Zhen was overjoyed. These were the two best magic weapons in his possession.

After cleaning the battlefield, Chang Zhen used the unicorn fairy's Gu bag to collect Xiaohua, used another Gu bag to hold Shen Mingyue, left here and returned to the cliff cave, and then passed it to the goldfish cave through the teleportation array, and then secretly passed it to the goldfish cave. Goldfish came out of the hole.

"Go home and have a look!" Chang Zhen flew down from the mountain and sighed.

The home Chang Zhen wanted to return to was naturally his cave residence in the Tianshan Mountains.The cave entrance of this cave is restricted, and he and the wives can manipulate it.

After passing through the restriction and returning to the cave, he saw Dong Chen and Tang Shan'er sitting opposite each other in the hall at the entrance of the cave, both of which seemed to have ugly faces.

"Mom, Shan'er, what are you doing?" Chang Zhen greeted casually.

Dong Chen hurriedly put on a smile on his pretty face, and said to Chang Zhen: "That's right, Mr. Nangong wants to invite Shan'er to play in Jingji Hall. I said marrying a husband follows the husband, so when you go out to play, you have to go with her." You discuss it. And here we pay attention to husbands and wives, even if you go out, you should go with your husband."

Tang Shan'er said unhappily: "Mom, don't tell him what's the matter with you? They invited me, not him. Where do I go to play, it's none of his business?"

Dong Chen said: "It's none of his business to marry a husband and follow her husband? Bohu, tell me, should Shan'er go?"

Chang Zhen understood why the mother and daughter were sitting here in a daze.Tang Shan'er wanted to meet her lover secretly, but Dong Chen refused, so the two had a dispute, and because of this, they looked ugly.

Chang Zhen of course supported his mother-in-law at this time.He immediately said: "Mom is right. Shan'er, you are a woman, don't run around, so as not to be ridiculed by others. Now the Quanhua Gu Sect is saying that our Sun family has a rich wife who steals a man, I don't know Who is it? But since there are such rumors, no matter who they are, they should pay attention to it so as not to make the rumors worse. You say yes, Mom?"

Dong Chen felt harsh when she heard this, but she still said: "Yes, yes, that's the reason. Shan'er, listen to your husband and don't go."

Tang Shan'er was furious when she heard the words, there were so few women in the Sun family, and she was the only one who stole the daughter-in-law of Yindang.She stared at a pair of beautiful eyes and said to Chang Zhen: "Husband, I have already agreed, how can I not go? I don't believe that I married into the Sun family, and I can't even leave the house. If you are worried, you can accompany me I will go together."

Chang Zhen said, "Let me accompany you?"

Tang Shan'er raised her eyebrows: "Yes, if you don't worry, I will accompany you. Do you dare to go? Mr. Nangong is so handsome. Wouldn't your husband feel ashamed when he saw it?"

Chang Zhen secretly thought that if I entered the Jingji Hall openly, the Nangong family would definitely not dare to harm me publicly, why would I not dare to go?If you don't go, you will really be a green-headed turtle.I'd like to see what you couple can do to me. I believe you won't disgust me, you will only make me disgust you to death.

Chang Zhen smiled and said: "I really didn't see that Mr. Nangong is handsome. Shan'er, since you are going to the meeting, you have to spend time with your husband if you don't have time. Only in this way can we show the love between our husband and wife. Mom, do you think so?"

Dong Chen hurriedly said: "Bohu, if you accompany me and Shan'er, that would be the best, so as to avoid rumors from outsiders."

"Hmph!" Tang Shan'er dropped an envelope in front of Chang Zhen, and said, "If my husband wants to go, please reply to Mr. Nangong!"

Chang Zhen opened the envelope casually, and saw an invitation card inside, which said that the wild wattle flowers in Jingji Hall had bloomed recently, and those who know flowers are sincerely invited to enjoy the same.

Chang Zhen chuckled.Take a pen and inscribe on it: Thank you Mr. Nangong for your kindness. If it is convenient, I will come with my wife on the next day.

After finishing writing, he threw the letter back to Tang Shan'er, and then looked at her face quietly, Tang Shan'er's face turned pale.Chang Zhen secretly guessed that Nangong Sheng must be the one replying to this invitation, and he must have a wonderful expression on his face.

"Shan'er, there is no time written on the invitation. When are we going to enjoy the flowers?" Chang Zhen asked carelessly.

Tang Shan'er bit her lip and said, "Young Master Nangong will notify you when you return the invitation. What are you in a hurry for?"

Chang Zhen said: "I'm not in a hurry, I'm going to see Shuang'er and Yan'er, are they there?"

Dong Chen said, "They are all in their own rooms."

Chang Zhen nodded.First walked to Long Aoshuang's room, knocked on the door and asked, "Shuang'er, are you there?"

Long Aoshuang's voice came from inside coldly: "Husband, have you left the customs? Do you have anything to do with me?"

Chang Zhen said: "You don't even congratulate me when my husband is out of customs. It's a pity that I came to see you as soon as I got out of the customs. I want to go in and see you, is that okay?"

With a sound of "shua", the door opened, and Long Aoshuang sat on the futon in the room, cross-legged in meditation.Regarding Chang Zhen's arrival, she didn't even bother to open her eyes, she just said indifferently: "Congratulations, husband, for leaving the customs."

"Same joy, same joy." Chang Zhen responded, then walked into the room, stood quietly in front of Long Aoshuang, looked at her without blinking, as if admiring a beautiful work of art .

Neither of the two spoke again, one closed his eyes and meditated, the other stood and stared, as if time stood still.

After a long time, Long Aoshuang finally couldn't help but opened his eyes and looked at Chang Zhen and asked, "What are you doing?"

Chang Zhen smiled and said, "I'm looking at you."

Long Aoshuang frowned.It's not a problem to see, but standing in front of her like Chang Zhen and looking at her motionlessly, the situation is a bit too weird.

Seeing Long Aoshuang's displeasure, Chang Zhen said, "I was just thinking about a girl who looks the same as you, but now I can't see her, I can only see you, please don't mind. I can see you for a while?"

Long Aoshuang scolded in his heart that he was sick, but he also vaguely guessed who the girl Chang Zhen was talking about was her sister in Yunmengze.But Chang Zhen just wanted to see her, and didn't have any excessive demands. He was still her husband in name, so Long Aoshuang couldn't refuse Chang Zhen, so he could only let him see.

After a long time, Chang Zhen sighed, then turned around to leave Long Aoshuang's room.Long Aoshuang couldn't help but sneered: "Have you seen enough?"

Chang Zhen said sadly: "The more I look at you, the more I miss her, so it's better not to watch too much."

For some reason, Long Aoshuang felt a surge of anger in her heart, she snorted coldly, and closed the door heavily after Chang Zhen left.

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