ps: Thanks to gausspan, Wangyu Duanyun, local computer sense, and summer shade for voting for a monthly ticket!

Thanks to zjun971210 and Fanchen for rewarding 100 for listening to the voice of Yuyu!

When he walked out of the gate of the Taoist temple, Chang Zhen felt a chill on his back, and he was afraid that an old Taoist priest would suddenly appear behind him and arrest him.

Fortunately, the danger he was worried about did not come, and he walked out of the Taoist temple smoothly.At this time, he couldn't help looking back, and saw a big lion on the left and right of the door of the Taoist temple, and a big plaque hung in the middle, with three big characters "Huaqing Temple" written on it.

"The entrance of this Taoist temple is actually the same as that of Yuhuo Temple, even the sign is not changed." Chang Zhen sighed a little, and was about to run away.

Looking around, Chang Zhen found that this Taoist temple was on the top of a high mountain, and at this time, there were mountains of the same height in all directions!

"What kind of place is this? Why are there so many mountains?" Chang Zhen used the earth escape method without hesitation while thinking about it, and fled into the distance.The Taoist temple behind him gave him the feeling that it was very dangerous, and he couldn't wait to get rid of this danger.

With the ability of the monks in the foundation building period, the speed of using the evasion technique with all their strength is very fast.Chang Zhen quickly escaped from the mountain where Huaqing Temple was located, and went to another mountain ahead.

Seeing that the mountain where the Taoist temple is located was left behind, Chang Zhen breathed a sigh of relief.Although he didn't know where he was, he always felt that the farther he could escape, the better.But when he carefully looked at the mountain where he settled, he was surprised to find that there was a Taoist temple of the same kind on the top of the mountain!

Chang Zhen didn't dare to get too close to the Taoist temple on the top of the mountain, so he just continued to run forward.Prepare to flee far away first.Let's find out where this is again.Maybe this Taoist temple has something to do with the Taoist temple on the mountain behind.

After jumping over this mountain and going to the next one, Chang Zhen secretly felt that something was wrong.Because the shape of the third mountain seems to be the same as the first two he escaped from, and there is still a Taoist temple on the top of the mountain!

Chang Zhen strongly suppressed the idea of ​​taking a look around the Taoist temple on the top of the mountain, and continued to flee forward. When he reached the fourth mountain, he couldn't bear it anymore.Because when he was on his way this time, he carefully paid attention to the scenery on the mountain. Not only was the shape of the fourth mountain the same as the first three mountains, but even the scenery on the mountain was the same!

For example, there are two canyons on the mountainside, more than a dozen ancient trees in the sky, three waterfalls... all of them are exactly the same!

Chang Zhen took a deep breath and began to escape to the Taoist temple on the top of the mountain.Looking at the Taoist temple on the top of the fourth mountain, his heart jumped.Because he saw the familiar stone lion at the entrance of the Taoist temple, and the familiar plaque "Huaqing Temple"!

"I climbed four mountains, can't they all be the same?" Thinking of this possibility.Chang Zhen frowned.

He raised his eyes and looked far away, and found that there were still endless mountain peaks in all directions.And the size and shape of these mountain peaks seem to be exactly the same!

For a moment, Chang Zhen remembered a game he played when he was a child.Take two mirrors for comparison, and stand in the middle of the mirrors, so that countless selves will appear in the two mirrors for comparison.Are the countless mountains in front of me the same one?

Chang Zhen took two deep breaths, walked to a canyon on the mountainside, peeled off a piece of bark from a big tree at the mouth of the valley, and then wrote on it with magic: "Yunmengze Gaotu Zhao Guangyi is here for a visit! "

After writing this sentence, Chang Zhen looked around at the surrounding scenery, this time he did not continue to run to the mountain in front, but ran to the mountain to the right.

Not long after, Chang Zhen came to the mountain peak on the right, and he quickly found a similar canyon on this mountain peak.When he walked to Taniguchi, he saw his own writing on the big tree!

"Damn, I turned this mountain five times!" Chang Zhen suddenly felt bitter in his mouth.Is this cycle of mountain protection formations?Make people never get out of this mountain?There is such a mysterious formation in the world?

Sighing, Chang Zhen continued to walk forward.This time he was not in a hurry to hurry, but carefully observed whether there were formations or other arrangements at the foot of the mountain.But until he got to the next mountain, he still didn't find any knots in the formation, but the new mountain he climbed was undoubtedly the mountain he was on just now.

"What kind of place is this? You can't even escape?" Chang Zhen sighed in his heart, while looking for a secluded place, dug a small cave, and hid in it.Since I can't escape from this place for the time being, I can only warm up my body for Master first, and then slowly think of a way.

Taking out Shen Mingyue's body, Chang Zhen reconnected his soul with this body.In this small cave, Chang Zhen felt that his spirit power was still under great suppression.When he mastered the Soul Demon Art, he once tried to let Shen Mingyue control his body freely through a mountain, but now he can control Shen Mingyue's body only a few feet away, which is not as good as when the Nine Palaces True Soul Gu Art was first completed. hour.

"Yue'er, I haven't warmed and nourished your body for several days, and your body is still not abnormal at all, as if you just warmed and nourished not long ago." Chang Zhen said curiously.

"Really?" Shen Mingyue blinked.

"Well, the last time I warmed your body was the night before the Great Wilderness League meeting, and I have been here for three days, so your body should have not been warmed for three days. What's abnormal?" Chang Zhen said lightly.

"Well, Yue'er can't figure out the time, so our child should be 94 days old?" Shen Mingyue asked softly.

"Yeah." Chang Zhen nodded, used a pregnancy test, and then suddenly frowned, "Hey, the baby is still 91 days old."

Chang Zhen remembered that on the morning when he participated in the Great Wilderness League, he had measured the fetus in Shen Mingyue's womb, which was exactly 91 days old, but now three days had passed, and the child was still only 91 days old. grow?Or other reasons?

"Could it be that my memory of chanting sutras in the past three days is false? In fact, I just arrived here?" Chang Zhen was at a loss.

Thinking that I was participating in the Great Wilderness League, and suddenly became a Taoist priest in the blink of an eye.This thing is so strange.He remembered that the head of Broken Finger Prison attacked several great monks of Gu Sect.After that he came here as a Taoist priest...

There are oddities.It must be the people from the Finger Severing Prison who want to harm us, but what do they have to do with Taoist priests?

Suddenly, Chang Zhen had a guess, that everything now was an illusion, and he had fallen into someone else's illusion.The mountain that can never be walked out, the Taoist temples and Taoist priests on the mountain are all people and things in the illusion, and even Shen Mingyue in front of him is an illusion.

Chang Zhen thought if someone wanted to harm them.I am afraid that he will be killed immediately. What good is it to make him a Taoist priest?It doesn't make sense at all.So there is no better explanation than that everything is a false illusion.

"Yue'er, we may have fallen into an illusion. You and I are both in an illusion." Chang Zhen said softly.

Shen Mingyue looked around in Chang Zhen's arms, and said with some doubts: "Yue'er doesn't feel like it."

"This is a very clever illusion, so that we all feel that everything around us is real." Chang Zhen said softly.

While speaking, Chang Zhen also used several spells to identify whether he was in an illusion, but the result proved that this was not an illusion.

"In a really powerful illusion. Everything is fake, so the spell can't prove anything. People like me who can make the power of the soul to the extreme also fall under the illusion. What kind of terrible existence is there in the Severed Finger Prison? Chang Zhen felt chills all over when he thought about it.

"If this is an illusion, how can I get out?" Chang Zhen began to think hard.

There are two main ways to break the illusion. One way is to break the system of the illusion itself, so that it cannot become real and can only be broken.Another is to change the state of one's mind and soul, so that the illusion cannot be synchronized with it, thereby separating people from the illusion.

The former method undoubtedly requires a good understanding of the illusion to be successful, while the latter method is much simpler. For example, if someone commits suicide in the illusion, he can directly escape from the illusion.But Chang Zhen didn't dare to use the method of suicide, if he was not in the illusion, but actually went to a strange mountain, then his death would be in vain.

Without committing suicide, Chang Zhen of course has other methods available.He hugged Shen Mingyue and said, "Come on, Yue'er, let's have a good time with Master."

"Well, there's a baby." Shen Mingyue said while clutching her stomach.

"It's okay. We want to break this illusion, and the easiest way is to make out." Chang Zhen hugged Shen Mingyue tightly.

"But Yue'er doesn't feel like she's in an illusion!" Shen Mingyue pouted.

"It must be an illusion." Chang Zhen blocked Shen Mingyue's mouth, and then started working.This time, Chang Zhen let go of his body and mind to fight fiercely with Shen Mingyue, because only when the spirit and soul are excited to the limit can they escape from the illusion.

Papa papa... Another day later, Chang Zhen woke up from extreme joy, only to find that he was still in the small cave he dug by himself, with the pregnant Shen Mingyue leaning against his arms in a mess.

"I was so excited yesterday that I still can't get rid of the illusion? Or is it really not an illusion?" Chang Zhen was confused.

After thinking about it, Chang Zhen still felt that this place should be an illusion. If it weren't for an illusion, the people in the Broken Finger Prison would not be so kind and let him live in a Taoist temple as a Taoist priest.

Since the extreme joy has excited the soul to the limit and still can't get rid of this illusion, then there is only another way.Chang Zhen decided to go out and observe carefully whether there were any flaws in this illusion.

Putting Shen Mingyue back into the Gu bag, Chang Zhen walked out of the small cave where he lived.After wandering around the mountain for half a day, he didn't find anything that could prove that this place was an illusion, nor did he find any way to get out of this place.Looking up at the Taoist temple on the mountain, Chang Zhen secretly thought that if this is an illusion, the key to the problem would still be in the Taoist temple.

Chang Zhen straightened his Taoist robe and stood in front of the Taoist temple. Looking at the wide open Taoist gate, he felt a little nervous.If this mountain and this Taoist temple were not an illusion, he would be throwing himself into a trap when he came back this time.

"There will be no Taoist priests in Broken Finger Prison, and I will not be kind enough to let me be a Taoist priest here, so this must be an illusion!" Chang Zhen walked back to the Taoist temple with firm steps while thinking. (To be continued..)

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