Chapter 186 Master Lan

Jiangxi Street.

Bang bang bang bang! ! !

The sound of continuous explosions sounded crazily one after another.

As if swept by a strong wind, the untied houses were as fragile as dead wood, shattered at the touch of a touch, and burst open one after another.

The violent destructive power continues from the street to the end of the street.

Accompanied by the splashing of flesh and blood, countless sleeping people were crushed to death.

boom! !

Following a momentary pause, the two figures appeared almost simultaneously.

On one side was a giant bird demon with blue feathers all over its body.

The wings covered with blue feathers are like sharp blades, slashing at the enemy in front of them.

However, the white-clothed boy in front of him pinned him firmly with two fingers, trembling slightly.

"Among the monsters, there are monsters."

Lin Yiqiu narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"Mr. Lin is also growing stronger and stronger."

Shu bird demon smiled slightly.

On the wings, a green light flashed.


The wings instantly broke through the restraint of Lin Yiqiu's two fingers, and cut into the palm of his hand.

Without even pausing for half a second, the green light flashed across, cutting Lin Yiqiu's white-clothed boy's body in two from the middle.

At this moment, time seemed to slow down.

Grumpy Grumpy!

With sour blood boiling, Lin Yiqiu's upper body was cut off in the air. Suddenly, an old hand stretched out from the cut off section, and pressed it on Shu Bird Demon's wings. While pressing lightly, the person fell go to the front.

It seemed to shake slowly twice, both feet landed on the ground, and at the same time took two steps forward.

The whole person has grown three or four arms, five or six thighs, and quickly twisted and deformed to fix the shape.

In the end, it turned into an image of a cunning old man with a mustache, like an old man who settles accounts.

With two hands, two feet, and one head, at first glance, it looks like an ordinary person doing accounts in a street shop.

"Oh, my old bones, I have to be tossed like this by you."

Turning around, rubbing shoulders.

Lin Yiqiu smiled and looked at Shu Niaoyao who cut himself in half and pulled a little distance away.

The relaxed expression on Shu Bird Demon's face disappeared.

He looked at the lower half of Lin Yiqiu's body as a boy in white on the ground next to him, and then looked at Lin Yiqiu who had turned into an old gentleman.

Shu bird demon calmly spat out two words.


"No, no, in terms of monsters, I can't compare to you monsters."

After the words fell, Lin Yiqiu suddenly disappeared in place.

Shu Bird Demon's expression changed instantly.

Bang bang bang bang bang! !

The sound of crazy explosions and fighting sounded one after another.

Destroyed all the way from Jiangxi Street to the next-door Twilight Street.


The green light suddenly rose sharply, and more than a dozen blue lines flickered.


In an instant, the remains of the old man who had been cut into seventeen equal parts fell down.

The moment the flesh and blood was about to fall to the ground, a big hand suddenly stretched out from a piece of corpse, and hit the ground with a bang.

boom! !

The ripples swayed, and the figure of the Shu bird demon rushing forward was slightly blocked.

The momentary time difference caused the remains of the corpse to be distorted and deformed into the image of a tall, bald and strong man.

Facing the attacking Shu bird demon again, while parrying the blue wings with fists...

Bang! ! !
Acid blood, burst open.

Like the water of a great river, gushing out from the body of a bald man.

In the blink of an eye, it turned into a wave of acid blood more than five meters high, enveloping the bald man and rushing towards Shu bird demon.


The acid blood touched the body of the bird demon, and the feathers on his body opened and squeezed out the human eyes one after another, crying out in pain.

"woo woo woo woo!!!"

Sharp sound, such as sonic shock 'lake of acid blood'.

The wave of acid blood that the bald man had just condensed and formed was blocked for a moment, bursting like a bubble, and scattered all over the ground, unable to form and out of control.


The bald man was stunned for a moment.

The green light flashed.

The arm flew out.

Shu bird demon took advantage of the situation and retreated, but the bald man didn't pursue, but couldn't help but raised his severed arm. As the flesh and blood squirmed, a slender arm that didn't fit his body grew out, covering his face.

"Hahahahaha! What is this? The Roar of the Absolute Bird?"

Through the slender white fingers, Lin Yiqiu looked at the big bird-shaped monster covered in blue feathers.

"Qijue Niao, which one are you? Three-blooded phoenix demon? Heart bird demon? Wudao demon? Shu bird demon?"

Shu bird demon laughed.

"It turns out that there are things that old monsters like you don't know."

Lin Yiqiu smiled and spread his hands.

"Living for a long time does not mean knowing everything. Not to mention, my lifespan is incomparable with your monsters."

Shu Nirvana's smile turned cold.

"Old never dies."

People can repair the wheel of life.

The wheel of life is Yangshou.

This is something that demons cannot do.

But cultivating the life wheel is going against the sky, and most of the end will be a bad death.

Unless... otherwise.

Shu bird demon looked at Lin Yiqiu with a sneer.

"Old man, you've lived too long. It's time to make way for the newcomers."

"Hey, I don't agree with that."

The slender arm squirmed and bulged, thick, and became exactly the same as the other arm of the bald man.

He pointed his finger to the ground.

"The road is just under your feet. Young people can't make it, but it has nothing to do with old people like me."

As he spoke, Lin Yiqiu stretched out three more fingers.

"Three layers. You cut through my three [shells] and guess... how many [shells] do I have left?"

"I choose...not to guess!!!"

hum! !

The green light flashed.

It almost turned into a blue lightning and rushed towards Lin Yiqiu.

But Lin Yiqiu didn't move.He even narrowed his eyes slightly lazily.

Chance! !
The speed suddenly soared again, Qingmang cut towards Lin Yiqiu in an instant, and at the moment when Lin Yiqiu was about to be beheaded...

Shu Bird Demon's big head was suddenly pressed to the ground by someone from above.

boom! ! !
The ground crumbles and cracks open.

Shu Niaoyao Niao's face was on the ground, like a dog eating mud, his body trembled slightly, and was pinned down on the ground, unable to move! "It's so late...Lin Ye."

At this moment, Lin Yiqiu spoke lazily.

"Master was shocked."

The one pressing on top of Shu Bird Demon was the head butler of the Lin family, Lin Ye, the hottest and most talked about person in the Lin family right now!

"It's nothing to be surprised. But this guy did give me a little surprise."

After a pause, Lin Yiqiu yawned.

"You caught it alive and brought it back to the Lin Mansion. It's been a long time since you played with a bird, just to relieve my boredom."


For Lin Ye, Lin Yiqiu was very relieved.

Whether based on memory or loyalty to the Lin family, Lin Ye is someone who can be trusted.

Tonight, I also found fun, and my muscles and bones are also active.

Coupled with Lin Ye's ending, there was nothing wrong with him.

Turn around and wave your hands.

"I'm going back home to rest first. I met an interesting kid tonight. I'll go out to play with him another day."

With their backs facing a man and a demon, they stepped forward...

呲! ! !
A bloody hand suddenly came out of his heart.

In Lin Yiqiu's stunned expression, he could still see the beating heart that was held by bloody hands.

"Lin... Ye?"

Lin Yiqiu's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Master, let's go."

Bang! ! !
With a bloody claw, the heart burst!

"Are you a monster?!!"

Compared with the broken heart, Lin Yiqiu was more shocked by this incident.

Lin Ye, that was cultivated by him, a representative of absolute loyalty, and even passed the torture of the family utensils!

How could it be a monster!How could it be! !

The moment he grabbed the bloody hand stretched out from his chest with one hand...

呲! ! !
A ray of green light cut his body in two from bottom to top!
And at the moment the body splits.

Buzz Buzz!

Seventeen equal cuts appeared again.

The two halves of the body were cut into seventeen equal parts by Qingmang at the same time.

At the same time as the minced meat exploded, one of the flesh quickly twisted and deformed, turning into a round meat ball.

At the same time, Lin Yiqiu heard Lin Ye's cold voice.

"My lord, guess... do I know how many [shells] you have?"

The deformation of the meat ball paused for a moment, and then suddenly swelled enormously, turning into a three-meter-tall Roshan image!


Lin Yiqiu's icy eyes looked at Lin Ye who was lowering his head and playing with the broken heart in his hand.

"I've been treating you like a child in vain, I didn't expect you to be transformed by a demon! Tell me! How did you deceive me, the Lin family utensils!"

The last sound is already shouting loudly!

For the first time since the battle, Lin Yiqiu had such a drastic emotional change.

The rapid change of [shell] made the memory images collide in my mind.

But... no memory can be separated from the figure of the Lin family's chief butler.

Because since Fu Lin Ye came to power, almost all his affairs were handed over to Lin Ye, and in the end even the entire Lin family's business was handed over to Lin Ye!

However, he didn't expect it.

The Lin family, everyone up and down, all looked away!
The butler who usually called the wind and rain in the Lin family was turned into a demon!
"Lin Ye...Lin Ye!! Do you think you can kill me knowing how many [shells] I have? Do you guys...are you underestimating me!!!"

Bang! ! !
From the inside of Roshan's body, a huge amount of acid like a tsunami suddenly erupted, entangled around his body as if controlled by humans!

The rich and massive acid blood can both attack and defend, no matter facing any enemy, it can have an absolute upper hand!

This is the root of the Lin family, cultivated to the extreme...[Acid Blood Art]!

The current amount is not the limit, he can release more, more!
What if you endanger yourself, explode all the acid blood, and destroy the entire West Street?

I'm not those old guys who still care about the life and death of the people below.

Lin Yiqiu looked at Lin Ye and Shu Bird Demon with a sneer.

At this time, Lin Ye had slowly raised his head and looked at the former master.

"Master, of course I know your ability."

"With Shu Bird Demon and I, naturally we can't keep you."

"However... when did you have the illusion that there were only the three of us?"


Lin Yiqiu looked around hesitantly.

Only then did he notice that although the surrounding streets were still the same as before, they were slightly different.

It's as if... the entire space has been stripped out individually, and there is a subtle sense of distortion at the edges.

Boo! !

At this moment, his third son, Lin Xiaoyun, broke through the slightly twisted boundary without any hindrance, and rushed into the space.

Can't get in?

Or something else to say.

"I am coming!!"

As soon as Lin Xiaoyun entered, he roared and exploded the blood mist, making Lin Yiqiu laugh.

The previous gratification for his son's growth, and the memory of Cuju when he was a child.

It's all a joke now.


Lin Yiqiu glanced at the image of a stone demon transformed by Lin Xiaoyun who had just arrived, and sneered.

"Only relying on him? Shouldn't it be said that this is the back-hand you are counting on?"

He has already recognized what kind of monster Lin Xiaoyun is, he is not a big monster at all, it is not worth mentioning.

As long as he is given a moment, he can destroy Lin Xiaoyun, the stone monster, to the point where there is not even a scum left.

"It's certainly not him that I'm talking about."

Lin Ye paused, then looked to the left.

"Please come out, Master Lan."

On the left, the ripples are slightly rippling.

A guy covered in a black robe walked out of the rippling ripples.

In Lin Yiqiu's suspicious eyes.

Master Lan took off his hood and looked at Lin Yiqiu with a smile.

"Long time no see, Lin family boy."

In an instant, the expression on Lin Yiqiu's face was extremely wonderful.

That kind of astonishment, shock, disbelief, and even suspicion of the dislocation between reality and illusion.

"Lan...Master Blue Feather Crane?!!"

Lin Yiqiu's voice was trembling, and he couldn't even understand why that man appeared here.

Master Lan, it's that blue-feathered crane!Master Lan! !

"You, why are you here?"

Master Lan smiled.

"Time has passed, and some things have changed fundamentally. Lin family boy, today, I will borrow your head."

Only then did Lin Yiqiu recover from his past memories.

Lord Lan, is he here to deal with me? ?

When Lin Yiqiu was taken aback, Master Lan patted his palms lightly.

Another ripple swayed away from the boundary and walked into a figure.

"Jie Jie Jie! The blood that can be tasted tonight is very delicious."

Then, there was the next ripple. The person did not appear, but the cold voice sounded first.

"It's a matter of great importance, and it needs to be resolved quickly."

But this is not the end.

"I hate a group of people against one, or, old man, let's form an alliance? Heck, heck, heck!"

It was a slightly flirtatious female voice.

Even so, everyone's body is extremely tall, turning into a monster's real body.

A huge shadow covered Lin Yiqiu's thin figure, as if forcing him to a dead end.

But this is not over yet, the new ripples seem to be slowly swaying.

Lin Yiqiu understood that after living for so many years, he finally faced the battle of life and death again after so many years!

And at this moment, Master Lan spoke.

"Everyone, let's do it. Our plan will take a big step forward tonight!"

As soon as the voice fell, the gigantic shadow of monsters, Qi Qi attacked Lin Yiqiu.

The body is torn, frozen, burned, destroyed, evacuated...

The number of [shells] dropped like crazy!

In the distance, the Lin family came with a group of people, but they didn't seem to see the situation.

They went straight to the heart of the battle and came out unscathed.

It seems that they are in a different space fighting the monsters inside.

When the waves of ripples swayed, these people had already gone looking for them in the distance and disappeared out of sight.

boom! ! !
As if it represented the final blow, the battle in the space returned to calm.

As the ripples swayed, one by one monster giant shadows left the space.

Inside, Lin Ye was hugging an old withered body with almost no flesh and blood.

The old body looked at the tears streaming from the corners of Lin Ye's eyes in astonishment and shock.

" are...human!!!!"

That was Lin Yiqiu's last words.

A generation of heroes, the overlord of the Lin family, fell silently here.

"Yes, sir, I am human."

Lin Ye gently wiped away his tears, and said calmly: "My whole life, I have only served the Lin family. The future of the Lin family is not in human beings! Nor is it in Tianyuan Town!"

"The times... are running amok!"

"I will dedicate everything to the Lin family, and lead the Lin family to become the strongest!"

"You, go at ease."

Utensils, ask the heart.

And he has a clear conscience!
Lin Yiqiu is dead.

Completely closed his eyes.

That last breath didn't slow down after all.


Master Lan patted Lin Ye's shoulder with his hand.

Lin Ye understood and silently took two steps back.

Lord Lan walked up to Lin Yiqiu's body, held Lin Yiqiu's head in both hands, and gently pulled it out.


Head, simply pulled out.

"The body of the fallen spirit demon."

"The head of the Lin family boy."

"The living undead, [Thousand Transformation Technique], are all in hand..."

"Help me inform the Red Moon Demon that I need...a test subject."

Lin Ye bowed his head.


Ripples rippled, Master Lan left, and the space disintegrated.

Lin Ye disposed of Lin Yiqiu's body, walked outside, and disappeared into the night.

No one knows.

After tonight, one of the five great families has died!

The power of the Lin family will be taken over by demons!

Sweet Flower Lane.


Fang Yu gently pushed open the door.

Get into it and close it with your backhand immediately.

He ran back all the way, afraid of meeting someone.

After all, those who dare to act tonight are not simple characters.

In his current state, if he can avoid trouble, then don't cause trouble.

And it was Lin Yiqiu who gave Fang Yu even more headaches.

The old wall lamp kept peering at his body while speaking.

Be sure to give some strength to the demons.

It's best to kill this old wall lamp in one go.

But don't let him run away or anything.

Then he can really be fatal.

Fang Yu has nothing to do with that kind of monster, he can only rely on the demon to be able to do it.

"came back?"

Ding Hui came over holding a candle, and was a little surprised to see Fang Yu's sweaty head, tattered clothes, and various injuries.

"What task did Li Baizhen arrange for you, won't you be sent to die?"

"It's okay, it's just a small injury."

Fang Yu took the candle and was about to take a bath and wash it, and check the recovery of the injury by the way.

With double regeneration, Fang Yu only needs to wait for time to recover from his injuries, which is not a big problem.

After boiling hot water and soaking in the bathtub, Ding Hui came over.

"What are you doing?!"

Fang Yu was taken aback, but fortunately he controlled the volume, otherwise it would be troublesome to wake up the second sister.

"Fuck you, I've touched so many corpses in my hands, and you still need one?"

Having said that, Ding Hui still turned his head and threw a bottle over.

"Pouring it into the water is good for the recovery of the injury."

Fang Yu looked at it, it was a small green bottle.

After thinking about it, he fell down without hesitation.

Although Ding Hui sometimes gives people a feeling of madness, most of the time, he is still reliable.

Sure enough, the powder in the bottle melted into the water, immediately giving the skin a subtle stimulation, and the injury seemed to recover a little faster.

It was incomparable with his natural recovery speed.

It belongs to the kind of icing on the cake, or the kind that is not obvious.

There should be no expectations. My body's natural recovery speed is the strongest recovery medicine.

Fang Yu had a clear understanding.

After bathing, Fang Yu put on his clothes, walked outside the room, looked at Ding Hui who was sitting at the dining table, and asked strangely.

"How is the second sister?"

"Except for not stimulating the spirit powder, everything else is fine, and the medicine that I gave her before is also very effective."

Fang Yu was surprised.

Isn't that good? How can you look listless?

Fang Yu was thinking about it when Ding Hui suddenly stood up.

"I thought of it, I want your second sister to fall in love with me!"


Fang Yu was dumbfounded.

"are you crazy?"

"You do not understand!"

Ding Hui glared at Fang Yu.

Since you can't stimulate Diao Ruru's emotion from this kid, then stimulate it from me.

It just so happens that the relationship is gradually getting closer, which is an opportunity.

"Don't mess around! My second sister is very simple!"

simple?Simple ghost!
I didn't know what she thought of you before!I think you are innocent!
Ding Hui began to gnaw his nails, thinking about how to attack Diao Ruru most efficiently.

Otherwise, the research of the spiritual powder is slow, and she is equivalent to going from a high-speed carriage to walking at a slow speed. The gap is too big, and she cannot accept this kind of progress.

Glancing at the worried Fang Yu, Ding Hui said.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything to your second sister. But you said before that you wanted to teach your second sister martial arts? How about I teach her?"

Fang Yu was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Ding Hui suspiciously.

Why is she suddenly so kind?

has a problem!

That's teaching for nothing.

You know, Fang Yu has never taught others any martial arts.

His martial arts are all learned from what he doesn't know.

It's nothing to improve yourself, let him teach others?How much and to what extent it can be taught is completely uncertain.

If Ding Hui came, it would be another matter.

After all, they are native NPCs, from orthodox martial arts background, and they are all women, so they are right.


"I remember... the Yudi Mansion can't spread it to the outside world, can it?"

"Who told you that I want to teach her the kung fu of Yudifu. I have too many things in my collection, and I can't get out a few martial arts cheats outside? Don't worry, I will teach the basics, and you can handle it yourself .”

It seems... that's okay.

It's good to be able to lay the groundwork.

Fang Yu doesn't need the second sister to be so strong, even a [two-heart lock], and then strengthen his body, he has a basic self-protection ability.

"That can."

After thinking about it, Fang Yu nodded in agreement.

"Very well, go back and prepare now, and come back tomorrow night."

With that said, Ding Hui was about to go out.

Fang Yu didn't feel anything at first, but suddenly, as if thinking of something, he hurried over and grabbed Ding Hui's hand that was about to open the door.


Ding Hui looked back strangely.

"Don't go!"


Ding Hui was taken aback for a moment, then stared at Fang Yu suspiciously: "You are not really attracted to me, are you? I said that I am difficult to handle, do you really want to try?"

She stared at Fang Yu's shapely body.

"Actually, I still have a little feeling for you..."

Fang Yu: ...


My all right!

"Stop, stop, stop!"

Fang Yu quickly let go.

"I mean, don't go out, it's very chaotic outside now."


After staying for a moment, Ding Hui understood Fang Yu's meaning.

Feelings, feelings I misunderstood?
Unusual, Ding Hui's ears felt slightly hot.

This is really a bit embarrassing, even if she can't bear it.

"This, this way, hahahaha! It's so chaotic outside, then I... go to your second sister's room to stay longer?"

"Enn, wait until dawn before leaving."


Walking over, the door closed, and the surroundings became quiet.

Fang Yu listened to the commotion outside, as if someone was scanning past here.

Fang Yu didn't have much to do. He went back to his room, thought for a while, and prepared to practice [Two Hearts Lock].

Materials, methods, everything.

Poor, just proficiency.

But after practicing for a while, Fang Yu discovered the problem.

In the process of his cultivation, he felt a little twisted and had a weird feeling.

After thinking about it, he went to the second sister's room to find Ding Hui.

"Go to your room and talk."

Ding Hui had recovered his emotions at this time, and said in a low voice calmly.

Back in the room, Ding Hui was immediately shocked when Fang Yu asked the question.

"How did you cultivate yourself? Don't you know this kind of question?"

Fang Yu: ...

Can you not be so blunt.

Fang Yu bit his bullet and continued to ask.

Fortunately, Ding Hui said that the answer should still be answered.

With Ding Hui's assistance, Fang Yu officially entered the cultivation stage soon.

The night passed.

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player for practicing [Two-Heart Lock], proficiency +1. 】

[Flower-level elementary skill: Two-heart lock [not yet started]. 】

Fang Yu opened his eyes, and with the materials of demons, he finally managed to master it.

There are still a lot of demon materials left, which are used to connect the heart of the second sister.

If everything goes well, the second sister can be covered with a layer of insurance.

Although it is not very useful, it is a layer of insurance after all, so you can feel more at ease.

Looking at Ding Hui who had fallen asleep next to him, Fang Yu put her on the bed and covered her with a quilt.

This guy lost interest in helping to explain [Two-Heart Lock] as early as halfway.

It should be said no, Ding Hui is really that genius.

What Fang Yu didn't understand, Ding Hui explained in a few words.

It is also because of this that Ding Hui didn't say much, and there is nothing more for you to say.

Because the cultivation of this thing is so simple in her eyes, the rest is Fang Yu's comprehension.

Comprehension is Fang Yu's strong point.

Dark blue, add some!
[Attribute points: 2→1. 】

[Two-heart lock [unintroduced] → Two-heart lock [beginner of flower level / first glimpse]. 】

very good!

Get it!

The rest is on the side of the second sister.

When the second sister is better, she will interlock directly!
To be honest, after Ding Hui's explanation last night, Fang Yu already understood the real purpose of [Two-Heart Lock].

This thing was created, and its intention is not to interlock the [strong] and [weak].

Instead, [the strong] locks on the [strong].

In this way, when he suffers a fatal heart injury, he can continue to live by sharing the heart of another strong man.

Even at the extreme point, you can use this as a killing move, secretly sell your flaws to the enemy, wait for your heart to break, and then suddenly strike back when others think you are dead.

No matter from which point of view, the biggest benefit is for two strong people to [lock two hearts] with each other.

But Fang Yu has no need for gadgets, he doesn't have [Two Heart Locks], he can live with a broken heart.

Can you lock one for Qing Yao?
But Qing Yao is so strong, it seems that there is no need to lock him.

Except for tonight's big crisis, Qing Yao seldom encounters a crisis.

Not to mention being able to [molt] smoothly now, and with this experience, Qing Yao will only be more careful.

With Ding Hui still sleeping, Fang Yu planned to go out by himself and visit the Yudi Mansion.

He wants to kill demons, become stronger, and break through the grass level as soon as possible.

Last night, he was terribly stimulated.

Damn, what kind of gang big brother is stronger than Baihu. Fortunately, he has always been confident and feels that he is stronger than Li Baizhen. How many opponents can there be in Tianyuan Town?

Kill demons, kill prisoners, become stronger.

Fang Yu set a goal for himself.

Push open the door and go out.

I saw the second sister just opened the door and came out.

Slightly stunned, Fang Yu smiled.

"Second sister, good morning."

"Uh...uh, where's Dr. Ding?"

"Still sleeping in there."

sleep, sleep...

"I, I'm going to make breakfast!"

"I'm not going to eat at home today, Yudi Mansion is busy, just buy something on the street."


The second sister wanted to say something, but Fang Yu had already opened the door and left.

"Little brother... is getting more and more busy."

The second sister could feel that since Diao Deyi joined Yudi Mansion, he spent less and less time at home.

However, it's all for work, for making money, she can understand.

Moreover, there is a new family member, and even the news of the eldest brother has come down, and life is going in a good direction.

"Should I get a job too?"

"If elder brother becomes a slave, the ransom must be very expensive..."

"I haven't heard from Sister Si for several days, and I don't know if Luoshen Bufang wants me."

The second sister was a little depressed.

Luoshen Bufang had finally recruited her to work as a part-time worker, but suddenly they didn't want her anymore.

Although he also got part of the money, it couldn't compare with the income of normal part-time workers.

She thought about her abilities, but couldn't think of what to do for a while.

So I concentrated on making breakfast first.

Dr. Ding is still in the room, prepare a copy for her too.

In the future...if there is a baby in the future, the Diao family can also have a baby...

The second sister blushed, thinking about something far away.


Walking on the street, Fang Yu found that there was no one there, discussing what happened last night?

Not scientific!

What about the fairy fight last night?
Are you all unresponsive?
Sitting in front of the stall, eating the steamed buns he bought with soy milk, Fang Yu pricked up his ears, listening to the latest gossip discussed by those around him.

"Have you heard, [Luolifang] has a new girl, her name is Shuang Weiwei, she's so pretty, she's amazing!"

"You went too? I was there at the time. A lot of scholars fought for [Shuang Weiwei], but they were taken away by a fat pig businessman in the end. How angry!"

Fang Yu: ...

No, why are you discussing this?
Shouldn't it be, is there anything more important, more explosive, and more topical than your crap about listening to music?
Change the target and listen to what the other table is talking about.


Keyword trigger!
Fang Yu regained his spirits instantly.

Then I heard the people at that table continue talking.

"...The ninth son of the Lin family died miserably! I heard that the Lin family is now searching the whole town for the whereabouts of that monster. The reward is so huge, if we can find that green monster, we won't have to worry about it for the rest of our lives."

"That's not true! That's the reward list of the Lin family. Can you not be generous? But let's not think about the green monsters. If we meet such big monsters, we can't even run in time. We still want to report to the Lin family? Dreaming Woolen cloth."

Fang Yu: ...

Why, it feels weird.

Fang Yu thought about it carefully.

Immediately understand, where is the blame.

Their news is very backward.

In other words, there is a huge lag.

Fang Yu suddenly came to his senses.

Although there are monsters and martial arts in the game.

But the transmission of news is almost the same as in ancient times.

It takes time for news to spread widely.

The most effective way is to post notices.

And the [Green Demon] that the Lin family just killed last night, and the big monsters like Li Shiquan fought with the head of the Lin family, I don't know the final result.

The Lin family didn't post notices, so the only ones who could know what happened last night were those gang forces present last night, as well as some powerful warriors.

Such people, if not hyped, have limited messaging capabilities.

So, the problem lies with the Lin family.

The Lin family hasn't released the news until now. Could there be any new changes in the situation last night?
Fang Yu frowned slightly.

He watched the Li family carry away Qing Yao's 'corpse' with his own eyes, and Qing Yao should be fine.

It's just why the Lin family suppressed the news?
Fang Yu was puzzled.

No matter what, go to Yudi Mansion first and ask Li Baizhen.

He is the Li family, maybe he can know something.

Thinking of that old guy from the Lin family, Fang Yu was still a little terrified.

Putting the last bun into his mouth, and was about to get up, Fang Yu was taken aback suddenly.

Because, a figure stood in front of him, blocking the sunlight.

"Lin... Wu?"

[Lin Wu: 35/35. 】

It was Lin Wu who stood in his way.

It's just that Lin Wu at this moment seems to be very haggard, as if he hasn't slept for several days and nights.

This made Fang Yu hesitate just now, mainly because he almost didn't recognize him.

what's the situation?
Being squeezed dry by your junior sister Shan?
Why do you look like you are going to die?

"Junior Brother Diao..."


Lin Wu knelt down suddenly, grabbed Fang Yu's hand, his eyes were red and bloodshot, and asked like a madman.

"Junior Brother Diao, why...why!"

"Why are you so lucky? How can you be so easy?"


he almost screamed.

This not only shocked Fang Yu, but also attracted the attention of the people around him.

Fang Yu was dumbfounded.

Ouch, what are you doing?

I didn't do anything, why did you touch me?

"Brother Lin Wu, what are you doing? What's wrong with you?"

Fang Yu helped him up, but Lin Wu grabbed Fang Yu's hand firmly.

"Junior brother Diao, tell me, what is your strength now?"

"Give me an answer so that I can...can!!"

Lin Wu's hands were shaking.

Although Fang Yu didn't know what happened, it was very inexplicable.

But after thinking about it, he still said in a low voice.

"Flower Border Intermediate."

This strength was reported to Yuan Hongxin.

Based on the evaluation of Yuan Hongxin by the old monster of the Lin family, Fang Yu decided that it would be better to be more vigilant towards the members of the sect.

In addition, his real strength is only at the high level of Flower Realm, not much worse.

And as long as he hides his real reliance, Yuan Tigong, super high blood volume, even if his realm is accidentally exposed, it's nothing.

"Flower Realm... Intermediate!!"

Lin Wu held Fang Yu's hand tighter and tighter, as if he was unwilling to do so, and seemed to have some kind of urgent expectation.

"Prove... prove it to me!"


In Fang Yu's wrong expression, Lin Wu suddenly stood up and slowly stepped aside.

"Prove it to me! Is your current strength really that strong! leaps and bounds!"

As Lin Wu stepped aside, a figure in front of him was reflected in Fang Yu's eyes.

It was a young man, wearing the clothes of the Yuanti Martial Art Museum, holding a long sword in his hands, and a...short sword at his waist!
He seemed to have been there for a while, waiting for Lin Wu to finish speaking before walking towards Fang Yu.

As this person approached, Fang Yu felt that this person... wanted to kill him.

But, I have no grievances or enmities with this person?
And looking at the clothes, it seems that they are from the same school?

What is the situation?

Look at the man's blood bar.

[Song Dongmen: 300/300. 】

Fang Yu was wondering, when Song Dongmen suddenly approached him, and drew out his sword.

How dare you!
Fang Yu pushed Song Dongmen's sword-drawn hand back with his backhand, and at the same time raised his foot and kicked him directly on the chest.

boom! !

[Song Dongmen: 255/300. 】

Song Dongmen slid back five or six meters, obviously confused by Fang Yu's move.

" not the master's trick!"

He opened his mouth.

The voice is nice, but a little silly.

Fang Yu rolled his eyes.

Nonsense, the teacher's tricks don't teach you to fight on the street.

In actual combat, it is natural to use which tricks, how to use them and how to adapt them.

Is it a counter move with you?
"It's up!"

"That looks like a person from Yudifu? Who is so brave to challenge the people from Yudifu?"

"Don't die! I can only say don't die. When we meet a lunatic from the Yudi Mansion, it's too late for us to hide. He is destined to go up."

The people eating breakfast at the next table saw the fun and immediately changed the gossip.

They were discussing it when someone suddenly said.

"Guess, does the guy from the Yudi Mansion have any achievements?"

As soon as these words came out, the people around immediately fell silent.

What is the scariest thing about Yudi Mansion?

As long as the merits and the reasons are justified, the Yudifu will really kill people!The kind that kills on the street!

Someone wondered why the man would ask such a question.

But soon, they also discovered that the sign hanging on Fang Yu's waist was not an ordinary Yudifu team member, but... Ten households!
Who dares to try if a ten households have any achievements?
Do you want to try it with your life?
Song Dongmen was surprised by the strange reactions of those theatergoers and the sudden silence.

But he didn't think too much, just licked his lips, and drew out the long sword and short sword with both hands.

"Diao Deyi, master ordered me to take you to see him."


Yuan Hongxin? ?

Fang Yu's heart skipped a beat.

Nima, forget it when I don’t know.

Now I know what you are thinking, you still want me to go back?dream!
Fang Yu narrowed his eyes slightly.

"I still have work to do. When I'm done, I'll go to the master to say hello."

"It's up to you! The master ordered you to die, and he must take you back. Even if you are beaten until you can't move, he will drag you back!"

What a big breath!

Fang Yu doubted himself a little.

Is it me... no deterrence?

Fang Yu looked at Lin Wu who was trembling beside him with a haggard look.

By the way, you are also from the Lin family, so why don't you tell me more about the Lin family, why are you bringing people from the martial arts gym to trouble me?

Fang Yu was a little depressed.

He just wanted to hear some news, why did it feel so difficult.

Look at the breakfast table next door.

Sure enough, as soon as his name appeared, it caused an uproar.

"Fuck! He is Diao Deyi?!"

"I know, I know! He is a survivor of Peony Dyeing Workshop! There are rumors that he is actually a demon! Otherwise, the green demon would kill everyone, so why did he survive?"

"Probably not? If he is a monster, can the Yudi Mansion keep him alive?"

"Well, I don't know about this, maybe he has some other means to deceive people from Yudi Mansion?"

The man said embarrassingly.

But most of them are a little unbelievable.

After all, the Yudi Mansion is there to search for demons, and there are demons infiltrating the Yudi Mansion, who would believe that.

Song Dongmen frowned slightly.

He felt a little strange.

The younger brother, who started later, seems to be quite famous?

And some strange moves outside the sect.

However, he will not be my opponent!

Because, I am the big brother of Yuan Ti Martial Arts!

In Yuan Ti martial arts hall, I am the strongest!

At this time, the master told me that it will never be wrong!
"Essential body white shadow legs!"

Purple, blue, red, and three-color powder gathered together and entwined between Song Dongmen like clouds.

Fang Yu was taken aback.

What is this?
This the Yuan Body White Shadow Leg?
Fang Yu was dumbfounded.

Isn't it impossible to fix it into a bone armor? ?
Song Dongmen obviously misunderstood the meaning of Fang Yu's dull expression.

he said coldly.

"Did you see it? This is my original body white shadow leg!"

"This is the cloud powder leg technique that I can only practice as a senior brother!"

"Under the blessing of this legwork, my speed will exceed your ability to catch sight!"

With a kick, Song Dongmen rushed over.

"So fast!"

The people watching the theater next door exclaimed.

"This is the true strength of the big brother!"

Lin Wu next to him held his breath.

Then, they saw Fang Yu raise his hand.

Snapped! ! !
With a slap, Fang Yu slapped the rushing Song Dongmen on the ground, rolled several times, his face was red and swollen, Song Dongmen lay on the ground, stunned in place, his head dizzy, as if he didn't understand what happened What.

Red crit.

[Song Dongmen: 155/300. 】

Fang Yu didn't use all his strength.

Otherwise, if the bone armor goes up, two slaps can kill a person.

What's going on with Song Dongmen?
High scores and low energy?

Obviously the panel looks like that.

When he really fought, his hips were pulled in a mess, and he didn't know how he practiced.

It's like... just focus on cultivating, don't do other things, just practice hard.

Fang Yu even suspected that if his strength dropped a notch or two, he could easily kill this guy.

Waste, pure waste.

Under Fang Yu's slap, the exclamation from the next table stopped abruptly, his eyes widened, and he didn't react for a while.

"What's going on? What just happened?"

"Why was that person beaten to the ground? Didn't he rush over quickly just now?"

"Gap! Gap! This is the strength of the ten households in the Yudi Mansion, and ordinary warriors can't touch porcelain at all!"

When they came back to their senses, everyone whispered and exclaimed, whispering to each other.

But the voice inevitably reached [Song Dongmen's] ears.

He blushed instantly.

Brushing his red and swollen face, he stood up abruptly.

He raised his sword and pointed at Fang Yu.

"You, you are cheating! If you have the ability, fight me with the Kung Fu of the Yuan Ti Martial Arts Hall! I will never lose to you!"

As soon as the words came out.

Not to mention Fang Yu, those who watched the show were a little bit overwhelmed.

"Brother, do you have a problem with your brain? I don't think anyone else has used any tricks to beat you into a pig's head. Are you sure you need others to use your martial arts skills to beat you?"

"Hehehehe! Overestimate your own strength, don't you understand? The ten households of the Yudi Mansion have left your hand. With the strength he showed just now, if you want to make a real move, you will eat every move. No more!"

"You have self-knowledge. If I were you, I would have run away long ago. How could I have the audacity to clamor for a duel here?"

Hearing these words, [Song Dongmen] flushed with embarrassment, his face flushed like a pig's liver, and his chest heaved violently.

"You, you! You!! Deceiving people too much!!"

He glared at Fang Yu angrily.

"Today, you won today, but tomorrow, I want you to come to Yuanti Martial Arts Hall, and we will compete again!"

"At that time, I want you to understand that heretical ways are useless! Only the kung fu of our Yuanti Martial Arts Hall is the strongest!"

Stamping his feet angrily, [Song Dongmen] put away his sword and left.

win, win?

Brother Diao, won? ? ?

Lin Wu's eyes widened in disbelief.

He never imagined that this would be the result.

Is this... an epiphany?

Is this... an epiphany? ! !

He clenched his fists violently.

Swipe to get up, turn around and leave.

"Eh? Lin Wu? Brother Lin? How is Junior Sister Shan? Why didn't I see you come with me? And your family..."

Fang Yu was still asking, but Lin Wu had already walked away.

Fang Yu immediately regretted it.

If I knew that I would go straight to the point, I would ask him directly about the Lin family, so why talk about family matters first.

After all, he didn't know Junior Sister Shan very well, it was just an awkward chat, bluntly trying to bring out the topic of the Lin family.

Forget it, Lin Wu is gone, I should go to Li Baizhen to get information.

Seeing the back of Lin Wu leaving in a daze, Fang Yu shook his head slightly and looked in the direction of Yudi Mansion.


The woodshed of a residential house.

A woman, bound hands and feet, with a rag gagged in her mouth, was held here.

Her clothes were dirty and tattered, as if she had been locked up for a while.

The face is also hungry, indicating that the food is not good, and may even have been hungry.

Her name is Shan Feizhen, a disciple of Yuanti Martial Arts.

But her origin is not noble.

Just from an ordinary family.

Because of a little luck and aptitude, he stepped into the door of the martial arts hall.

I thought that the carp leaped over the dragon's gate, but her so-called genius aptitude was only mediocre in the martial arts gym.

After recognizing the reality, Shan Feizhen began to accept his mediocrity, and just tried his best to practice.

It was at this time that she heard a message.

That is, among colleagues, there is a senior sister who married into a cadre of the Westinghouse Gang.

All of a sudden, he suddenly rose to the top.

Not only retired from the martial arts school, but also became a master.

Eat well and drink well every day, there are still people waiting for you, and you still have nothing to do, just enjoy yourself.

Shan Fei shook his mind.

But her conditions were not good, but she never thought that someone would come to her suddenly.

Still, people from the Lin family!
(End of this chapter)

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