Chapter 192 Threats Are Wrong
"Diao Deyi!"

"Master Diao, we are here to help you!"

"Wait! That monster..."

The staff of the Yudi Prefecture who came to help came late at this time.

But when they saw the corpse of the cat demon on the ground, they all showed astonishment.


Master Diao directly killed this monster alone? ?

This strength...

Look at Mr. Diao again, his chest is wounded and blood is still there.

Thinking about it, it was an extremely difficult bloody battle!
"Master Diao, you made us late."

"My lord, quickly stop the bleeding!"

Someone came up to support Fang Yu, someone wanted to treat Fang Yu's wound, and took out a small medicine bottle to give Fang Yu medicine.

Fang Yu remained calm, covered the wound on his chest that was pierced by the claws of the [Xu Cat Demon] just now, and coughed slightly.

"It's just a small injury, it doesn't get in the way, it's important to handle the case! You leave one person to guard the body of the demon, and the rest follow me up."

A mere... minor injury?
The crowd widened their eyes.

My lord, you are bleeding a lot.

The chest is red, and the blood on the chest has stained the clothes on the chest.

But it seemed that Fang Yu really didn't intend to take the medicine, and dragged his injured body to go upstairs.

Everyone's face changed slightly, and they were in awe of this new star who suddenly appeared.

I thought this guy was a lucky relationship, and by some coincidence, he got to his current position.

Now it seems that this is not the case.

Diao Deyi is really not easy!

No wonder Master Li Baizhen loves Diao Deyi so much, there is a reason for that.

Just this obsession with hunting down monsters and the pursuit of completing tasks are beyond the reach of ordinary people.

"My lord, at least take some medicine powder for pain relief."

Someone caught up and continued to hand over the small medicine bottle.

After Fang Yu changed his mind, someone suddenly followed behind Fang Yu.

Someone stopped at the spot to guard the corpse, and the figures who were staring at the backs of the people disappeared out of sight.

Before he knew it, Fang Yu quietly gained the approval of a group of people.

And he himself didn't know it.

Fang Yu took it casually and glanced at the man's health bar.

[Pu Zhenghao: 65/65. 】

A name I don't remember at all.

But this is normal.

People with less than [-] blood are generally not in Fang Yu's eyes, so naturally they don't pay much attention to their names.

Sprinkle the medicine powder on the wound on the chest, and the pain eased a little.

Looked at the blood bar.

[Life: 3842/4246. 】

Good guy, just now [Virtual Cat Demon] pierced through the chest, and the damage was not low.

Without armor, after all, the combat power was compromised.

But there are too many people here, Fang Yu can't let it go.

So [Virtual Cat Demon]'s strike is still effective.

Although Fang Yu is a digital body and has no weaknesses, the pain is still there.

Only with the rapid regeneration, it can recover quickly, and the pain will naturally disappear quickly.

Look at the other three.

【Gift: 49/49. 】

【Gui Feiang: 78/78. 】

【Mao Cuilan: 62/62. 】

They were all of ordinary strength, and Fang Yu didn't care too much.

His eyes generally scanned the audience, and at the same time, he sped up his pace and went straight upstairs.

As the largest brothel in [Luolifang], [Luoli Pavilion] is not small, with a height of nine floors.

With Fang Yu's rush just now, he only rushed up three or four floors.

On the upper floors, though, the number of guests dwindled.

Because the third son of the Hei family reserved the venue, there were no ordinary guests, and they all had affairs with the third son of the Hei family. Their status was a bit special, and it seemed that someone exclaimed about the Zuo family or something.

Fang Yu even went to take a look.

[Left green: 500/500. 】

Five hundred blood? !
Fang Yu was startled, and his footsteps stopped suddenly.

The Zuo family with 500 blood?

Still a girl.

A woman from the left family?

She picks up jobs in the brothel?

No way? ? ?
But when he saw a disheveled brothel woman with double-digit HP following her out of the room, Fang Yu knew that he was thinking about it.

She is also a guest of the brothel.

The people of the five major families are just different, highlighting a maverick.

That's right, the Zuo family is also one of the five major families.

I just don't know what kind of relationship this woman from the Zuo family has with the third son of the Hei family.

Although Fang Yu was a little concerned.

After all, the guy with 500 blood, even he felt a little tricky.

But because [Zuo Lu] cooperated very well, when he saw the Yudifu came to search, he didn't have the intention of resisting at all, and he was very casual.

Fang Yu suppressed his thoughts.

Others were unwilling to reveal their strength, and did not do anything to cooperate with the actions of the Yudifu.

Isn't it sick to go to trouble with her?

Not to mention, Fang Yu didn't come for the Zuo family.

The most urgent task is to find the third son of the Hei family and find out the whereabouts of [Mo Lingyu].

Fang Yu didn't want to get into trouble easily if he offended a Lin family by directly imposing Qing Yao's death, especially when the target was a member of the five major families.

"Diao Deyi!"

When he went up to the seventh floor, Fang Yu met [Che Linfang] and [Tang Shan] who were searching on this floor.

The two leaned over, ignoring the members of the Yudi Mansion standing behind Fang Yu, and detained the two of them in front of Fang Yu.

"There are only two people on this floor."

[Black Mountain Tiger: 305/305. 】

[Black Water Dragon: 300/300. 】

"they are?"

"It seems to be the guard with a knife of the third son of the Hei family."

"Guards... Where's the brothel girl who serves them?"

Those monsters just now are all from the brothel.

On the contrary, these guests are all very innocent.

Of course, this also has something to do with the fact that he rushed all the way up and just scanned in a hurry without having time to check carefully.


[Che Linfang] spoke calmly.


Fang Yu was taken aback.

"Well, I was played to death by them and died on the bed. Do you want to move the body here?" Che Linfang said casually.

She didn't feel anything about the killing of human beings.

Fang Yu frowned slightly, and looked down at the two of them.

But seeing those two people raised their heads and looked at Fang Yu with a sneer nonchalantly.

"You are their leader? Boy, do you dare to take care of the affairs of the Hei family? Is the hand of the Yudi Mansion stretched too far?"

"Yo yo, people from Yudifu, don't they want to stand up for a few brothel girls? What's your relationship with those brothel girls? You don't want to play with them every day, do you?"

The two sang together and spoke very bluntly.

"How do these two people deal with it?"

[Tang Shan] turned his head sideways and asked.

He also didn't feel anything about what the two of them did.

Everything depends on how Diao Deyi decides.

After all, on the surface, Diao Deyi is the leader of their team, and everything must be obeyed by him.

However, generally speaking, lurking monsters like them should not do anything too outrageous.

[Tang Shan] Just as he was thinking, Fang Yu walked up and stopped in front of the two of them.

"Where is Hei Ao?"

Heishanhu looked at him coldly, and sneered: "You are worthy..."


Heishanhu suddenly felt his eyes turn and blur for a moment, and then...

boom! !

With a pain in his back, the wooden guardrail exploded, and the sawdust flew randomly. Heishanhu found himself falling continuously.

He was thrown out by that kid, broke through the guardrail, and was thrown downstairs!

When he came back to his senses, [Black Mountain Tiger]'s eyes widened instantly.

How dare this little ten households!

Since when has my Hei family been looked down upon by others?

The floor he was on just now is the seventh floor, and the height is already not low.

Coupled with the fact that the incident happened so suddenly, I didn't expect that kid to really dare to attack him.

By the time he recovered from astonishment, the best time to adjust his posture had passed.

To use the final space to adjust the landing...

boom! !

The ground shook!Make a loud bang!
Amidst the smoke and dust, the people upstairs looked down one after another.

I saw the smoke and dust dispersed, [Black Mountain Tiger] was standing on the ground with both feet, looking up at someone on the seventh floor.

There was a faint trace of blood on the corner of his mouth, obviously injured a little.

"Okay... guts!"

Wipe away the blood.

boom! !

With a movement of his feet, [Black Mountain Tiger] rushed into the corridor, accompanied by a rushing sound, and the sound of broken wooden boards in the corridor, and went straight up!

One floor, two floors, three floors... seven floors!
[Black Mountain Tiger] The moment he rushed out of the corridor, he crossed his claws with both hands, and grabbed it outward, and the claws were instantly covered with a layer of black lines.

But not yet fully covered.

boom! !

The [Black Mountain Tiger] who had just rushed up was thrown in the face by something, and he was knocked into the sidewalk and slid for more than one meter before stopping.

Looking up, the person who just threw him over is his younger brother [Black Water Dragon].

"Water Dragon!"

[Black Mountain Tiger] shouted in astonishment, and found that his brother was injured.

He couldn't help glaring at the people in front of him, especially the guy who took the lead.

Those faint eyes looked down at the two brothers from above, as if they didn't take the Hei family seriously at all!
To be honest, [the Black Mountain Tiger] was a little overwhelmed.

Dare to attack the two brothers, that is to dare to offend the Hei family.

Although they were only the guards of the third young master of the Hei family, it also represented the face of the Hei family.

It depends on the owner to beat a dog. Why do ten households in the mere foolish prefecture dare to do so?
What's up with this guy?
[Black Mountain Tiger] puzzled.


At this time, [Black Water Dragon] coughed, regained his strength, and also glared at Fang Yu and the others angrily.

I just feel that I have been humiliated today, this revenge must be avenged!

But... the conscience of heaven and earth.

Fang Yu just stood there, while those two guys were half kneeling on the ground.

What is condescending, you are kneeling, can you not be condescending.

"Kill him!"


As if there was some kind of tacit understanding, the two guards of the Hei family looked at each other, and suddenly rushed towards Fang Yu at the same time.

The speed of the two was extremely fast, and their hands simultaneously pulled out tiny black scales like a beast shedding its skin.

Speed ​​up again.

The momentum is soaring.


"This is the fate of offending the Hei family!!"

Shouting in unison, one of them threw out his black claws and the other with his black fist, but the moment he was about to touch Fang Yu...

Their offensive, their two wrists, were firmly grasped by two people respectively, and they were completely still at a distance of several inches from Fang Yu's chest, unable to advance an inch!
what? !
[Black Mountain Tiger] looked along the owner of the hand holding his wrist.

All he saw was a young woman with a calm face and a slightly pretty appearance.

Looking at the ID badge on his waist, it seemed that it was just... ten!household!

The ten households in Yudi Mansion are all so powerful? ?

[Heishanhu]'s expression changed, and he retracted it forcefully, only to find that... his wrist, as if scorched by iron cuffs, was really motionless!
This woman has so much strength!
Looking at the younger brother, he was also easily grabbed by the wrist by a man from ten households, stopping the attack.

At this moment, the leading young man in the Yudi Mansion spoke up.

"Che Linfang, Tang Shan, don't kill them, just catch and detain them."

Che Linfang?Tang Shan?

Is it the names of a man and a woman in front of me?

It seems to be vaguely impressed.

Being able to be impressed by the two brothers shows that these two ten households already have some qualifications in the Yudi Mansion.

But they really did not expect that the strength of these two people is not bad.

After all, they have never fought against each other, only heard the names, but they have no real sense of the strength of the people in Yudi Mansion.

After fighting against each other today, I realized that it is really not easy to have ten households with some qualifications in Yudifu.


[Black Mountain Tiger] let out a loud roar, and moved quickly with the other paw. Its feet were like an agile tiger, with [Che Linfang] as the center, swiftly wandering and moving.


Bang bang bang bang bang!
A dozen quick fights, all of which were blocked by [Che Linfang], causing the surprise and consternation in [Heishanhu]'s heart to magnify rapidly, and a flaw was revealed...


Yu hand pushed.

A palm hit him in the chest.

boom! !

The stamina broke out, and at the same time [Che Linfang] let go of the palm that restrained his wrist, [Black Mountain Tiger] was hit by a palm and flew out, rolling on the ground for more than half a meter. When he looked up, he just saw his brother [Black Mountain Tiger] Water dragon] was also punched by that Tang Shan, flew over with a punch, swished past him, and slipped farther than him.

So strong!

These two... are so strong!
It's really scary...

[Heishanhu] glanced over [Che Linfang] and [Tang Shan], and looked at Fang Yu who was walking on the corridor.

What's even more frightening is that two such strong people are willing to obey that guy who is also from ten households!
Who is that young man? ?
Have you never heard of any influential figures rising recently?

Which one was not overwhelmed by their five big families, not to mention that the Yudi Mansion has been beaten recently, and was oppressed by demons.

Unexpectedly, the monsters were no opponents, and they were good at beating humans of the same race.

how?You can't bully monsters, so you're here to bully our Hei family, right?

[Black Mountain Tiger] clutching the wound on his chest, slowly got up, with a gloomy expression on his face.

Although he was very unwilling, he had to admit it.

He couldn't get past that pair of dogs and men in front of him.

Go up, just go up.

Lord Hei Ao, I will beat you to the ground, kneel down and beg for forgiveness!
[Black Mountain Tiger] sneered in his heart, as if he had already seen the pitiful appearance of that mighty young man begging for mercy and wagging his tail.

"Leave it to me here, you go up and accompany Diao Deyi."

[Che Linfang] suddenly said something.

[Tang Shan] was stunned for a moment, then turned around and went up the corridor.

[Black Mountain Tiger] suddenly widened his eyes.

After all, look down on us two brothers so much? !

Even though you are injured now, that's not the reason why you, a woman, can hit two with one!
Watching [Tang Shan] go up, [Heishanhu] gave his younger brother a look that just managed to get up.


With a loud roar, the two rushed towards [Che Linfang] simultaneously, dragging their injured bodies.


Bang bang bang bang! !
[Che Linfang] slapped palms continuously, quickly pulling the afterimages out of the palms, which actually blocked all the attacks of the two, and in the astonished and shocked expressions of the two, they each gave back palms.

The two flew backwards at the same time, spit out blood when they landed, and looked at [Che Linfang] again, but they lost the courage to charge up again.!

Even the young man's subordinates are so strong.

To what extent should the young man's strength reach?
For a moment, even the two brothers of the Hei family couldn't believe it, they actually... worried about that invincible Lord Hei Ao.


Fang Yu stood on the corridor on the eighth floor.

In the corridor, there were five people tied up with ropes, and there were more than a dozen brothel girls huddled in the corner, and there was a dead body next to them.

In front of the five people tied with ropes, sat Kun Shanhai who was gritting his teeth and preparing to be corrected by [Hu Shusheng].

There are many messy traces at the scene, as well as traces of fighting and blood.

Seemingly hearing the movement, [Kunshanhai] turned his head to look at the corridor, and immediately showed astonishment.

"Diao De... ahhhhhhhhhh!!!"

A click.

[Hu Shusheng] twisted the bones of his distorted arm back to its proper position.

"I told you to bite your clothes..." [Hu Shusheng] complained depressingly.

Then he looked back and found Fang Yu.

"Diao Deyi? You can be considered to have found out. But it's too late..."

Before Hu Shusheng could finish his sentence, Kun Shanhai, whose bones had just returned to normal, his forehead covered in cold sweat, and a few bloody wounds that were deep enough to be seen on his body, quickly grabbed the topic.

"That's right! You're late!"

"Diao Deyi, before you, I have already detained and dealt with all the people on this floor!"

Kun Shanhai looked at Fang Yu stubbornly, his face slightly grim due to the pain.

It seemed to be showing off to Fang Yu.

But Fang Yu just...

"Ah, well done! I will remember Brother Hai later."

Remember, remember my credit? ?
Kun Shanhai's eyes widened, and his anger was almost suppressed.

What is your status, just credit me, do you really think of yourself as the boss? ?

The anger aroused the wound, causing him to cough.

"The injury is serious? Just give him some medicine powder."

Fang Yu said with concern.

[Pu Zhenghao] who was following next to him came back to his senses, and immediately took out a new medicine powder, but was glared at by Kun Shanhai.

"I'll come, I'll come."

[Hu Shusheng] took advantage of the situation and began to apply medicine to Kun Shanhai's wound.

After the medicine powder was put down, the pain was slightly relieved, and Kun Shanhai's frowning brows were slightly relieved.

But [Pu Zhenghao] and several other team members under ten households were still thinking about the sound of fighting downstairs.

so strong...

Che Juhu is so strong!
When the two Hei family guards rushed up just now, they couldn't react at all, they all thought that Diao Deyi was going to be killed by the Hei family brother.

As a result, Che Shihu and Tang Shihu shot at the same time, directly completing the suppression, and even breaking the rear.

Stand alone.

It can only be described as unique! the strength of the elite ten households!
Just like Lord Hai of Kunshan swept the eighth floor, and cooperated with Lord [Hu Shusheng], the record of suppressing the first floor by two people on ten thousand floors.

Master Che Linfang and Master Tang Shan also achieved the role of suppressing the guards of the Hei family.

This kind of strength is the real power of Yudifu!
Under a hundred households, elite ten households like Master Hai of Kunshan are the strongest force.

For a while, they began to look forward to Fang Yu's performance.

Previously, he only saw a monster corpse fall at Fang Yu's feet, and he completed a solo kill.

But to what extent the specific strength is unknown.

Can't say, Mr. Diao De has the strength close to a hundred households?
When [Pu Zhenghao] thought of this, Fang Yu was already standing in front of the corpse.

"How did you kill someone? What's the origin of this guy?"

"Yan Gaoyuan, the people from [Di Ling Wuguan] are very dissatisfied with me. If they want to attack me, they will be fatal. Naturally, it is impossible to keep their hands!"

Kun Shanhai said angrily.

Indeed, those injuries on his body, coupled with the fact that his arm was broken, showed the fierceness of the battle.

Fang Yu was a little surprised.

"Di Ling Martial Arts Hall?"

Isn't that one of the three major martial arts halls?
It seemed to be said before that Lin Biesheng had some inextricable relationship with [Di Ling Wuguan].

Could it be that [Di Ling Wuguan] has something to do with the third son of the Hei family?

When Fang Yu looked at the corpse, he couldn't see the blood.

In other words, as the target dies, the blood bar will slowly disappear.

Although this corpse had just died not long ago, the blood bar was no longer visible, so Fang Yu didn't know what strength this person was or how much blood he had.

However, he was able to fight back and forth with Kunshanhai, who had more than 200 blood, and was beaten to death. It is estimated that his strength is not much stronger.

wrong!Also consider the additional factor of [Hu Shusheng], but the difference is not bad.

The combination of these two people is not at the same level as the combination of [Che Linfang] and [Tang Shan] below.

The comprehensive strength is simply invisible.

People from [Di Ling Wuguan], are they such rubbish?

Fang Yu was a little puzzled.

Then he turned his gaze to the group of five who were bound together.

[Gou Lengzhi: 168/168. 】

[Cheng Maidong: 102/102. 】

[Ruan Pingfan: 154/154. 】

[Guan Hongying: 125/125. 】

【Gong Liangxia: 137/137. 】

Good guy, each of them is actually not weak.

Going up and beating casually, the two of Kunshan and Hai may not be able to bear it.

Looking at the five people's clothes, Fang Yu immediately had a vague guess in his heart.

Sure enough, a careful cross-examination.

Either the son of a wealthy businessman, or a disciple or relative of a big gang or a big martial arts school.

Anyway, it's the kind of kinship.

These people are warriors, they are all rich second generations, and they are here to enjoy themselves.


Sorry, none of them know what fighting is.

Practicing martial arts is to cope with the family and enjoyment is their purpose.

Only the guy from [Di Ling Wuguan] on the ground, who drank too much alcohol and lost his mind, felt that he had some skills, so he went to Kunshanhai desperately.

"I'm just a casual acquaintance with [Ying Feiming] of [Di Ling Wuguan], and we have nothing to do with each other. All the officials, if there is nothing else, please let me go. My parents are still waiting."

It was [Gou Lengzhi] who spoke.

The attitude is neither humble nor overbearing, but there is a kind of arrogance and disdain unique to the superior.

It seems that he wants to hide this gesture, but hides it very roughly, like a poor imitator.

This made some people very uncomfortable.

But Fang Yu didn't care.

The identities and backgrounds of these people are a bit hard, and they belong to the rich second generation circle in Tianyuan Town.

Don't continue to offend if you can't continue to offend.

As for the [Di Ling Wuguan] who had already been killed, Fang Yu did the same.

When he comes up, the matter is already a foregone conclusion. If there is a conflict, it can only be dealt with by the people in Yudi Mansion afterwards.

After seeing the blood bars of these dudes, Fang Yu actually felt a little regretful.

Actually... no monsters?

Fang Yu suddenly lost interest in these people.

Asked where [Hei Ao] and [Mo Lingyu] were.

Those people unceremoniously pointed to the upstairs.

"Master Shihu, do you know [Shuang Weiwei]? The latest signboard of Luoli Pavilion. Brother Ao is enjoying that girl upstairs right now."

"Brother Ao suddenly invited us here this time to get a glimpse of [Shuang Weiwei]'s style."

"Unfortunately, we were not selected by Miss [Shuang Weiwei], while Brother Ao won the first place."

"Now, Brother Ao should still be enjoying the happiness of fish and water with [Shuang Weiwei]."

"Since there's such a big commotion downstairs, Brother Ao didn't come down from upstairs, which means he's still working on business."

"If I were you, I would never choose this time to disturb his interest."

After a pause, [Gou Lengzhi] grinned, revealing a mouthful of golden teeth.

"Offending the Hei family and offending us are two different concepts, Xiao Shihu, you have to think about it clearly, whether you should go up this corridor or not."

Still not on?

Needless to say?
Fang Yu smiled slightly, skipped the five people, and looked at the dozen or so brothel women.

Obviously, after the two guards from the Hei family on the seventh floor, the upper floors are all the floors where the sons and brothers enjoy themselves.

And the blood volume of these dozen or so brothel women is around ten or so, and there are no monsters hiding in them.

"You stay here, I'll go up and meet the third son of the Hei family..."

"Wait! I'm going too!"

The one who spoke was Kun Shanhai, who was sweating all the time on his forehead and was seriously injured.

【Kunshan Sea: 35/288. 】

Fang Yu: ...

Brother, the health bar won't lie.

You have blood to this point, what are you going to do, go up and give away the head?

"If Brother Hai goes, I will go too!"

[Hu Shusheng] While boarding the plane, he was showing his loyalty, but in reality he was looking at Fang Yu, as if he was asking what Fang Yu meant.

"And us!"

[Pu Zhenghao] These few, with dozens of points of blood and strength not even ten households, are also joining in the fun.

at this time……

One person came up from the corridor and scanned the audience.

"You all stay here, I will accompany Diao Deyi for a walk."

[Tang Shan: 1821/1999. 】


"It's Master Tangshan!"

"He came up, does it mean that the battle below is over?"

There was a lot of discussion among the people, and those bowl and chopsticks boys also frowned slightly.

Why did the Yudi Mansion seem to be really menacing this time, ten households appeared one after another.

But...the person they want to provoke is that Lord Hei Ao who claims to be invincible at the same level!
Not to mention these ten households, even if the hundred households of the Yudi Mansion come, it is worth going back in desperation when facing Lord Heiao, and dare not make mistakes.

"Then Tang Shan, accompany me for a while, and the others stay here to deal with these people."


Everyone listened to the order, only Kun Shanhai was a little dissatisfied and his face was ugly.

Can I still be weaker than that Tang Shan?
Just thinking of this, the injury flared up and coughed again.

The chest pain was severe, and it didn't get better until [Hu Shusheng] came to apply medicine to him.

At this time, Fang Yu had already taken Tang Shan upstairs.

Unlike other floors, there are also walkways, which are divided into several rooms.

On the ninth floor, there is only one huge room. When you reach the top of the corridor, you are facing the door.

"Where's Che Linfang?"

Fang Yu put his hand on the door and asked in a low voice.

"She can handle it."

Tang Shan also put his hand on the door.

The two worked hard together.

creak! !
The heavy door was pushed open.

The situation in the room is unobstructed.

In the fragrant and wonderful room, you can see a huge and exaggerated big bed in it.

On the bed, there are heavy and overlapping gauze curtains, like ancient heavy mosaics.

People can faintly see two people on the bed, but they can't see their appearance clearly, only the vague outline of their bodies can be seen.

It seems that because the door is open, a gust of wind blows through, blowing up the gauze curtain, revealing some pictures on the bed.

I saw a handsome man with his upper body bare, gently stroking the hair of the woman on the bed.

Mingming noticed Fang Yu's arrival early in the morning, but he never looked at them, but smelled the fragrance of the woman beside him, and opened his mouth lightly.

"Since seeing this young master, why don't you kneel down?"

Fang Yu: ...

what is he doing

Kneel you big head ghost!

Fang Yu and Tang Shan looked at each other.

Fang Yu opened his mouth while observing the health status of the two men.

"Young Master Ao, please forgive me for handling the case. You just need to tell me where Mo Lingyu is, and we will retreat immediately, and we will never disturb your elegance again."

[Hei Ao: 500/500. 】

That's... 500 blood?

Fang Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, but that's all.

It's just Lin Jie's class.

Although he and Lin Jie's battle strength is only about fifty or five.

"Foolish land?"

Hei Ao has long black hair, falling down his shoulders, squinting at Fang Yu.

"A mere fool, dare to disturb this young master's interest? There is no Mo Lingyu here, get out!"

As the word 'roll' fell, Hei Ao suddenly raised his hand and waved it.


The gauze curtain danced wildly, and the wind rang!
Fang Yu and Tang Shan felt an invisible wind pressure at the same time.

The blowing made the corners of the clothes of the two twitch wildly, buzzing!
The complexion changed slightly, and the two of them crossed their hands at the same time, making a protective posture.

Just for a moment.

Woohoo! !

The wind pressure hit, and the violent force immediately blew the bodies of the two of them, and they both slid back three or four meters quickly, and hit the wall with a bang.

Tang Shan snorted lightly, her acting skills were actually better than Fang Yu's.

If it wasn't for the -0 damage number above his head, Fang Yu might have been fooled by him.

With Tang Shan as an example, Fang Yu naturally followed suit and let out a soft snort.

"Master Hei Ao!"

The woman on the bed screamed and threw herself into Hei Ao's arms.

"[Vivi] don't be afraid, I'm here."

Hei Ao spoke softly, looking like a domineering president, but squinted at Fang Yu and the two again, his eyes slightly cold.

As if to say, it was just a warning, if you don't get out, don't blame him for being rude.

Fang Yu thinks that your warning is only '-0', you don't think you are very strong, do you?

However, as the wind pressure blew past just now, it messed up the gauze curtain on the bed, allowing Fang Yu to clearly see the woman's appearance and the blood streak on her head.

Cherry mouth, willow-leaf eyebrows, juicy and tender, so raw and beautiful.

Is she the [Shuang Weiwei] who has been in the limelight recently in [Luoli Pavilion]?

Let me see your ingredients.

[Mo Lingyu: 6000/6000. 】

Fang Yu: ...

Fang Yu:? ? ? ?

Fang Yu: 6.

In the short moment of seeing the woman's blood bar.

Fang Yu's thoughts fluctuated violently.

To be precise, Fang Yu was dumbfounded.

What the hell, what the hell is this?

There are so many slots that he doesn't know where to start.

Shuang Weiwei, is it that I have been looking for Mo Lingyu? ?
After she disappeared, she changed her appearance and became the new head of [Luo Li Pavilion]?

What can bend and stretch.

At the top, he can be the head of the Mo family, and at the bottom, he can be the number one in the brothel.


The most important thing is that terrifying blood bar, almost surpassing that Red Moon Demon.

The main reason is that Fang Yu is not sure.

After all, this guy is Mo Lingyu, he is a monster in the first place, and he has this blood volume and strength in the first place.

Or what the hell, Mo's family was investigated, and after they escaped quietly, they were replaced by monsters.

Thinking of the relationship between the Mo family, the peony dyeing workshop, and the Luoshen cloth workshop.

Fang Yu felt that it was more likely that Mo Lingyu was a monster.

It had better be like this, otherwise it would be difficult to ask about the secret code of Guangyuan Station, and the slave trade that I wanted to ask.

"Diao Deyi?"

It was Tang Shan who first noticed Fang Yu was in a daze.

His face darkened, and he let out a low cry.

Only then did Fang Yu recover from his thoughts, and immediately realized that he had revealed some kind of flaw.

His mind was like electricity, and immediately, he blurted out as if subconsciously.

"Okay, so beautiful!"

Confused by human skin?
Does he also have that special hobby, like collecting all kinds of beautiful human skins?

Thinking of the special hobbies some of his monster colleagues had, Tang Shan immediately put Fang Yu into a type of monster with special hobbies.

Hei Ao on the bed naturally heard Fang Yu's sincere praise.

Immediately, his face darkened, thinking that the boy had seen the body of the beauty beside him.

Immediately, he pulled up the sheet next to him and wrapped it around Mo Lingyu's naked body.

Then he turned his head and glared at Fang Yu angrily.

"Boy, you saw something you shouldn't have seen. This young master should pay attention, this young master will goug out your eyes!"

Hei Ao has a principle.

That was a thing, before it became his thing, he could let the past go.

But if it has become your own taboo, but you are still missed by others, that is unforgivable!
[Shuang Weiwei]'s past, Hei Ao can let it go.

But [Shuang Weiwei]'s future is all his, and he can only enjoy it alone until he gets tired of it!

As if sensing Hei Ao's killing intent, Fang Yu's face changed slightly.

"Wait! Hei Ao, I didn't come to trouble you!"

As soon as Fang Yu finished speaking, Hei Ao jumped out of the bed, grabbed it casually, tore off a piece of white gauze curtain and wrapped it around his body as clothes, and with a touch of his feet, he rushed straight at Fang Yu in an instant!

Hei Ao's speed is very fast.

He could see Fang Yu's astonishment and panic on his face, and he slowly regained his composure when he found him rushing to attack.

Good mental quality.

Hei Ao arrogantly commented in his heart.

Unfortunately, it was me you met, Hei Ao! !
The speed suddenly skyrocketed.

Hei Ao is confident, in the eyes of the ten households in Yudi Mansion, the current self may have drawn a white afterimage.

With the strength of these wastes, they couldn't capture their own figure at all.

I'm afraid in the eyes of these trash, I'm still halfway.

But in fact……

tread! !

Hei Ao stopped suddenly, and appeared in front of Fang Yu with a slightly bent posture.

There was a momentary pause.

Smiling ferociously, he turned his two fingers into claws and hooked them towards Fang Yu's eyes like a thunderbolt.

This hit is sure to hit!
Hei Ao has absolute self-confidence.

However, it was at this moment, at the moment of the attack.

He suddenly realized that Fang Yu's eyeballs were looking down.

In other words, early on, they were already looking down.

impossible? !

Hei Ao thumped in his heart.

It felt a bit inconsistent and weird.

But before he could think about it, a strong wind suddenly hit from the left! !
what? !

Someone present can keep up with my speed and attack rhythm! ?

Although he didn't see clearly what was attacking from the left side, he knew that if he continued to hook up to Fang Yu's eyes, he would be hit hard by the move from the left side.

Although it would not cause much damage, it was a huge insult to Hei Ao.

His majestic third son of the Hei family, Hei Ao, who is known as being invincible at the same level, faced two trashes, and he had to fight for getting hurt and getting his body dirty in order to succeed?

How can this work!

As soon as his attention changed, Hei Ao suddenly gave up pointing at Fang Yu's right hand, but suddenly raised his left hand to block the attack from the left.

Boom! !
The position of the left hand quickly changed twice like an afterimage. In Tang Shan's stunned and shocked expression, Hei Ao was the first to attack, and quickly attacked with his feet.

Hei Ao even grabbed his right foot.

"Tsk tsk tsk."

Slightly move Tang Shan's right foot away, revealing the black and handsome face behind the shoe.

Hei Ao stretched out his empty right hand, pointed a finger at Tang Shan, and shook it slightly from side to side.

"you do not……"

boom! ! !
Hei Ao's kick was so quick that Hei Ao didn't realize it, and suddenly kicked him from the front, directly on his chest, swallowing his words forcefully.


The tyrannical leg strength pushed Hei Ao back three to five meters, but it also made Hei Ao freeze in place.

He stared blankly at the black mud shoe prints on his chest, his body trembling involuntarily.

With trembling hands, gently and slowly, he patted off the black mud on his chest, and then wiped the shoe prints on his chest over and over again with the gauze curtain hanging on his body. can't be wiped clean.

"Mr. Hei Ao, our Yudi Mansion doesn't want to cause trouble. Since you don't want to reveal Mo Lingyu's whereabouts today, you will be interested someday..."

Hei Ao couldn't hear what the guy from Yudi Mansion was saying.

He's sick... he's sick! !
"I can't wipe it clean...why can't I wipe it clean!!!"

A sharp, twisted, roaring sound came from the handsome Hei Ao.

The delicate facial features were slightly deformed due to distortion, and the original brown eyes were rapidly becoming pitch black at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Like a drop of ink dripping into the eyes, even the whites of the eyes are quickly dyed into jet black.

In just a few breaths, when Hei Ao covered the dirty shoe prints on his chest with his hands, and looked up at Fang Yu suddenly, his whole body seemed to be crazy, his eyes were completely black as ink, almost like a monster spell.

Fang Yu's heart skipped a beat, and he clearly felt that Hei Ao's mental state was not right, that look was about to kill someone!

What the hell, as for?My kick just now seemed to have -1 point of blood. It's no different from the wind pressure you gave me before, okay?

Give me a majestic prestige, and don't let me also be majestic?

Fang Yu murmured in his heart, in fact, he had the intention to quit.

That [Mo Lingyu] is a big monster with 6000 HP, beside him is the third son of the Hei family who is estimated to be similar to Lin Jie, but whose enemies and friends are unknown.

To be honest, with this configuration, Fang Yu dare not play.

Hence the previous remarks.

Fang Yu was about to retreat first.

Anyway, he already knew who Mo Lingyu was and where she was.

The next time you need it, after you have stronger strength, just come to her again.

There is no need to face the possible one-to-two situation now.

But Fang Yu quietly stepped back slowly, only to find that...

Like the third son of the Hei family after transformation, those black eyes, as black as ink, stared at him as if they were staring at a dead object.

The line of sight was changing subtly as he moved quietly, as if... staring at him.

Then look at Mo Lingyu, who has more than 6000 blood on the bed, still pretending to be weak, but quietly looking at the situation here.

Fang Yu had an idea in his mind.

"Tang Shan!!"

Without warning, Fang Yu suddenly roared.

The moment the roar came out again, Fang Yu retreated crazily like a ghost, rushing towards the door of the room.

But the next moment...

Tang Shan next to him didn't even react.

hum! !

Fang Yu only felt a black shadow suddenly blur in front of him.

boom! ! !
In the next moment, Fang Yu, who kept moving at a high speed and retreated frantically, was suddenly hit by a high-speed train.

A terrifying force directly slammed him into the wall behind him, and with a momentary pause, the wall of the room was directly smashed and burst open, with a thud of gravel, sand and mud flying around.

[Life: 3621/4246. 】


Among the flying rubble, Fang Yu was pressed heavily on the ground by someone, and his neck was directly grabbed by his big hand, unable to make a sound.

This series of changes was so fast and violent that Fang Yu couldn't react in time.

In other words, he didn't think about fighting people desperately at first, and when he realized that he wanted to be armored, he was already suppressed on the ground.

"Ah ah ah... ah..."

Fang Yu rolled his throat, but couldn't utter any effective characters.

And at this moment, Fang Yu also saw clearly who was pressing on him.

It is... the third son of the Hei family, Hei Ao!
After this guy's eyes were darkened, his speed was not at the same level as when he was dismounted just now.

It's almost as if the front is just playing with you, but the back is a desperate rhythm ready to kill you.

The problem is, the change of these two is too abrupt.

Fang Yu didn't understand at all, where did Hei Ao's killing intent towards him come from suddenly.

I don't know if it was because of being strangled by the neck, or because of the hands of the third son of the Hei family, who did not know when they turned into jet-black skin, but Fang Yu was a little unable to exert himself.

He slapped Hei Ao's arm pinching his neck vigorously, trying to hold back a little strength to perform Yuan Ti Kung, but found that his thoughts moved him, but only a little bit of white powder floated around his body and fell to the ground.

What kind of trick is this?
What kind of trick is this? ?

Restraining my original body skills so much? ?

To be honest, Fang Yu panicked.

He immediately realized that he needed to feign death once to fool Hei Ao, and then immediately transform into armor, deciding whether to run or fight.

But now, undoubtedly he needs a 'death'!
But Fang Yu didn't know that his performance, in the eyes of [Tang Shan] who had just rushed out from inside, was not just a simple performance.

Diao De will die soon!

With just one glance, Tang Shan immediately recognized the situation!

In other words, Diao Deyi's human skin will die!
Once the human skin dies, the monster's real body will be exposed!

Once Diao De's demon body is exposed, then they will be strictly investigated, and they will inevitably be liquidated!

Diao Deyi can't die!
In an instant, Tang Shan cleared his mind.

But how to break the situation?

Head-to-head is absolutely not acceptable.

Regarding the terrifying speed that Hei Ao showed just now, Tang Shan knew very well that with this human skin, it is absolutely impossible to beat the monsters from these five families!
How to do?How to do! !

Seeing that Diao Deyi gradually lost his breath and movements, he was about to be choked alive, and he was about to reveal his true body as a demon.

Tang Shan was anxious like ants on a hot pot.

That is at this time.

He, suddenly, found a person.

One, a woman watching a play.

Get in shape!
In the next moment, there was another person in his hand.

"Hei Ao, stop it!!!"

A sharp roar attracted the attention of Fang Yu and Hei Ao.

In front of him, Tang Shan was holding a woman hostage.

And put the knife on the woman's neck.

[Mo Lingyu: 6000/6000. 】

"Let Diao Deyi go!"

Tang Shan roared.

Hei Ao turned his head and stared at him, almost like a low growl coming out of his teeth.

"Do you dare to try to move her?"

"I said, let Diao Deyi go! Otherwise, she will die!"


Fang Yu wanted to say something, but his neck was stuck tightly, and he couldn't speak at all, but he was emotional.

Don't worry, Diao Deyi, I won't let you die, and I won't let you expose your true body as a demon!

Otherwise, our group of lurking monsters will all be finished!

"Don't let it go!! Hei Ao!!"

Tang Shan roared.

But Fang Yu noticed that Hei Ao was pinching his neck more and more tightly, and even lifted himself high.

Although he didn't look at himself at all, but just fixed his eyes on Tang Shan, his murderous intent soared!
"You dare to touch her and try!!!"

"Let him go!!!"

Tang Shan's eyes turned red, Diao Deyi was about to die!Once the human skin dies, the real body of the monster will be exposed, and everything will be over!

In an instant, Tang Shan pressed the blade against Mo Lingyu's neck, making a shallow gash, bleeding out.

"Let it go, or not!"

Hei Ao suddenly calmed down.


Then, in front of Tang Shan.


Directly twisted Fang Yu's neck.

[Life: 3510/4246. 】

"All my life, I hate others threatening me the most."

Fang Yu's neck was broken.

Ninety degrees crooked.

'Human skin', dead.

Tang Shan's eyes widened for a moment.

The brain goes blank.

It's over... it's over.

Subconsciously, he moved his hand.

呲! ! !
The knife cut across Mo Lingyu's neck.

Blood spurted out from the cut like no money.

The head rolled to the ground.

Witnessing this scene, Hei Ao's pitch-black pupils suddenly shrank.

"NO!!!!" he yelled.

"Eh!!!!" Fang Yu, whose neck was broken and whose voice was damaged, struggled to speak.

But everything is too late.

Bang! ! ! ! ! !

Thick blood mist.

From the headless corpse of [Mo Lingyu], it erupted suddenly!
In Tang Shan's astonished eyes.

In Hei Ao's shocked sight.

Amidst Fang Yu's depressed uhhhh roar.

A huge shadow, rising from the blood mist, rising, rising...


(End of this chapter)

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