Chapter 195
On the left side of the threesome was a woman carrying a huge demon corpse.

Perhaps it was because the body of the demon being carried blocked part of his face, so at the beginning, no one noticed that the person carrying the corpse of the demon was actually Miss Zuo.

This is really Beauty and the Beast.

The ferocious demon corpse was in stark contrast to Miss Zuo's petite body.

Brother Que didn't know about other native NPCs.

But among players, young ladies are definitely more popular than handsome guys.

All of a sudden, heads surged in the crowd, all leaning to the left.

Brother Kui nodded his toes, but he couldn't even see what Miss Zuo's family looked like.

I am secretly in a hurry.


The huge demon corpse was suddenly thrown upwards, and fell back to Miss Zuo's shoulders.

It seems that it is because this shoulder is tired, so use another shoulder to carry it.

But this power directly stunned everyone.

As expected of the five major families, they are all monsters.

I thought it was outrageous for such a petite body to carry such a large corpse.

As a result, others didn't take it seriously at all, and they could throw the corpse up and resist from another angle.

When he came back to his senses, Brother Kui hurriedly went to see Miss Zuo's appearance.

only one glance.

"Ah... I'm in love!"

"Me too." Someone beside him responded.

Brother Que glared angrily.

I fell in love at first sight, tell me you are too, what are you!

However, before he could teach this little brother a lesson, more people made their voices. Apparently, they also saw Miss Zuo's true face because of the glimpse just now.

"Then, that's Miss Zuo Lu from the Zuo family? Good, so beautiful!"

"It's so beautiful! It's so beautiful! I want to find someone to draw her and hang it on the wall every day!"

"Damn it! It's like a star face, this melon seed face is croaking! Brother, brother, did you see that Miss Zuo seems to be smiling at me!"

"Just daydream about your mother! She didn't even raise her head! Hey, when can I have a beautiful young lady by my side."

"Beauty, only the strong are worthy of it! Didn't you see the person from the Hei family following her, he must have something to say!"

"A group of vulgar people, noisy!"

"If you talk nonsense again, be careful that the Zuo family will come and cut your tongues!"

"Miss Zuo, can you rascals talk about it casually? If you want to die, don't drag innocent people like us."

Some people silently distanced themselves from these outspoken guys, for fear of being affected.

The players don't care.

Someone noticed that there was another guy on the right who didn't know him. He was wearing two layers of clothes, and he was not afraid of the heat in the scorching sun.

Just looking at people who are unfamiliar, no one recognizes them.

The only strange thing is that the three of them walked side by side, as if they were of equal status.

But Miss Zuo and Young Master Hei have the same status, and they walk side by side. Everyone can understand, but you, a nobody, who came out of nowhere, how dare you walk side by side with these two adults?
"Who is that guy?"

"never seen it?"

"BIG dare! How dare you walk side by side with my goddess! Is he worthy!"

"Shhh! Keep your voices down, that man might be a young master!"

"No way... I don't have any impression at all."

"It must have some identity background, otherwise let's not mention Miss Zuo, just Mr. Hei Ao, can you let a person who has no status and strength walk by? Walking on the same street to start a chat, and Master Hei Ao crippled his limbs in the street!"

"I know! I know! It's a person who has been to the rice shop three times. After drinking and making a bet with a brothel girl, he went up to find Lord Hei Ao. Chunchun is looking for death, and he is asking for trouble. It is not worthy of pity."

Having said that, from this incident, it can be seen to some extent that Master Hei Ao's character is not something that any cat or dog can easily stand beside him.

Does that guy on the right really have a special background?
Everyone was thinking about it, when suddenly someone from the crowd stepped forward.

"Diao, Diao Deyi? Are you still alive?!"

The one who walked out of the crowd was Kunshanhai.

His eyes widened in disbelief.

He had personally seen the terrifying strength of that monster.

Such a terrifying monster dragged Diao Deyi back to Luoli Pavilion. According to his thinking, Diao Deyi was bound to die.

Before, Kun Shanhai just hoped that Diao Deyi was still alive.

What does hope mean?
That's impossible, so I hope.

But who knows, this Diao Deyi is really lucky, and in such a horrible situation, he can still survive?
Looking at that appearance, it seems that something happened with these two Tianjiao?
Could it be a blessing in disguise, being rescued by those two celestial beings, and making some friends?
"Diao Shihu!"

"It's Diao Shihu!!"

"Great! Lord Diao is still alive!!"

Except for Kunshan Overseas, someone in the crowd shouted again, squeezing out of the crowd excitedly.

These are all members of the Yudi Mansion, the group that escaped with Kun Shanhai before.

After seeing Fang Yu, they all rushed over.

The crowd suddenly realized.

Originally, only one Kunshanhai wearing the clothes of Yudifu came out, they were still a little hesitant, not sure about Fang Yu's identity.

Now seeing so many people from Yudi Mansion coming over and shouting, it suddenly became clear.

"Feelings... just a broken ten households? He doesn't wear the clothes of the Yudi Mansion, why do he wear other messy clothes, so that I don't recognize him, guessing his identity, I thought he was some big shot! In the end, little Ten households!"

"Hush! Be quiet, the ten households in Yudi Mansion are not comparable to the five major families, but it is more than enough to kill ordinary people like us."

"Who is afraid of whom! I'm still a disciple of the Black Tiger Gang! Who doesn't have a backer! Ten households are not considered eye-catching in our Black Tiger Gang!"

"All right, all right, you're amazing, you're amazing."

"Don't tell me, he's right about one thing at least. That's ten households in the mere foolish land. They really don't deserve to walk side by side with our Miss Zuo family, let alone the third young master of the Hei family."

"Why is it your home?"

"... Is everyone's Miss Zuo family okay?"

The man nodded in satisfaction.

But it is true.

There is a world of difference between the identities of the ten households in Yudi Mansion and the two of them.

It is not too much to say that it is one day and one place, will he cooperate with those two to walk side by side?
"It is estimated that he was rescued by Lord Hei Ao and Lord Zuo Lu, so he followed the two adults in a self-righteous way."

Most people have this guess in their minds.

But what they didn't expect was.

next moment.

When Hei Ao and Zuo Lu noticed that Fang Yu had stopped, the two adults also stopped and looked sideways at Fang Yu.

Just such a move immediately caused an uproar among the crowd.

Because, because the actions of Master Hei Ao and Master Zuo Lu were clearly as if they were specially waiting for the ten households in the Yudi Mansion.

How can it be!

That's just a small ten households in Yudi Mansion!
How can he be paid attention to by such two adults at the same time, and even wait for him to go on the road together? ?

I don't understand, everyone doesn't understand, and they even have some doubts, is that guy really the ten households of Yudi Mansion?

Or, is Shihu just a superficial identity, but is actually a young master of the five major families or something?

Everyone was dumbfounded, confused, and dumbfounded.

But at this moment, someone suddenly shouted.

"That guy, I remember that guy, he seems to be called Diao Deyi, a survivor of the Qing Yao incident some time ago!"

The blue demon incident?Diao Deyi?

Some people understand in an instant.

"So that's it! Lord Hei Ao and Lord Zuo Lu are not trying to save Diao De, but want to ask him about Lord Lin Jie's death!"

"It's reasonable! Everything is reasonable. Only Lin Jie's grade is worthy of two heavenly talents paying attention to ten households in a mere foolish mansion at the same time. Because the focus is not on that Diao Deyi, but the cause of Lin Jie's death!"

"That's right! Just ten households, how could it be possible to get the attention of those two adults, and only Lin Jie, who is also the pride of heaven, is qualified to have a little friendship with those two."

"I heard that Lord Hei Ao is still in some kind of relationship with Lin Jie as a rival in love. I never thought that Lord Hei Ao would be so magnanimous that after Lin Jie's death, he would still care about the cause of his rival's death."

If there is an answer to a question, everyone will no longer care about it.

Fang Yu didn't know that these onlookers still had so many thoughts.

After ordering the people from the Yudi Mansion to go into the Luoli Pavilion and rescue those unconscious people, he himself is going to go back to recuperate.

There is a hole in the chest. Although the clothes cover it, others cannot see it, but it is inevitable that I worry about whether it will be exposed.

Anyway, the organs are regenerated, so I go back to recuperate and cultivate my heart, and I will be fine.

Sensing the eyes of those two, Fang Yu asked.


"Are you really the ten households of Yudi Mansion?" Hei Ao asked strangely.

Zuo Lu next to him was also nodding, as if he was afraid that Fang Yu would not see him, so he shook the corpse up and down to express his nod.

But that movement is quite large, I don't know what I thought she was going to do.

"What are you talking about... I said I am Juhu."

Hei Ao frowned.

"Are you masochistic?"

Fang Yu:? ? ?
What do you mean, I am not shaking M!

Zuo Lu also spoke at this time.

"Diao Deyi, if you have nothing to do, you can come to my Zuo's house, and I will arrange a coach for you."


Hei Ao is not happy anymore.


"My Hei family also has vacancies. The Heiwei team lacks a vice-captain. If you want it, I'll help you talk about it."

Ah? ? ?
what's going on?
Don't you get used to me treating Yu Jifu?
Fang Yu was a little dumbfounded and scratched his head.

"Let's talk about it, I still have favors from above, so I can't leave."

I owe a favor.

Hei Ao and Zuo Lu showed sudden expressions at the same time.

Then there's no way.

Debts of favor are hard to repay.

But this also shows that Diao De is a person who can make friends.

Hei Ao snorted again.

"It's up to you. When you want to come and tell me, that seat is always vacant."

After speaking, he suddenly strode forward.

Zuo Lu smiled at Fang Yu, thinking that she would not be seen by the monster's large corpse, so she shook the corpse up and down again to express her nod and understanding.

"I'm the same as Hei Ao, the position in Zuo's house is reserved for you, whenever you want to come, just come to Zuo's house to find me."

The conversation between the three of them did not shy away from anything in particular.

Fang Yu himself may not feel anything yet.

But if it fell into the ears of others, it would be the explosion of explosions!
what's the situation?
What situation what situation what situation? ?

That supreme Lord Hei Ao, who is known as being invincible at the same level, actually threw an olive branch at the ten households of that little fool! ?
And Miss Zuo, the noble and mysterious Zuo family, unexpectedly offered an olive branch to that young man!

Two of the five major families welcome ten households from the Yudifu to join their jobs at the same time!
Are we really still in Tianyuan Town?

Are you still dreaming?

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, unable to believe what they just heard.

"Fake, isn't it? That's the position of the vice-captain of the Heiwei team of the Hei family! What kind of vacancy is there? I haven't heard that the vice-captain of the Heiwei team can still be vacant! That's the position given by the Hei family to foreign surnames. The most special position, the position with the highest treatment!"

"That's right! The Black Tail Team of the Hei family has always only accepted their own disciples as team captains. Although they have heard of letting people with other surnames join the team before, it was a long, long time ago."

"There is also the coach of the Zuo family! The coach of the Zuo family is famous for their good treatment. You don't need to go out and take risks. You only need to teach the young masters of the Zuo family martial arts for an hour or two, and you can receive a high salary. Salary."

"What is this? The most important thing about the position of head coach of the Zuo family is that he can directly enter the Zuo family. There are so many beautiful women in the Zuo family. I heard that the Zuo family's clan is a bit special. There are so many girls, and they are all beautiful. Ruhua, it must have something to do with their unique skills. We also expect those, as long as we get into the Zuo family and just look at the girls of the Zuo family every day, we will be satisfied."

"Don't say it, don't say it, it's already sour!"

"Damn it! That guy, how capable! To be favored by the two heavenly prides! You're a fart!"

"Don't talk nonsense, it will kill you!"

When everyone was whispering and discussing this, a commotion suddenly erupted in the back.

Everyone looked back and saw a team wearing black uniforms coming on horseback.

"Three young masters!"

"Three young masters!"

Seeing Hei Ao approaching, everyone who rushed over breathed a sigh of relief.

After releasing a horse, Hei Ao rode directly on the horse, condescendingly, and glanced sideways at Fang Yu.

"I'm leaving first, stay in Yudi Mansion well, I will come to you."


With a sound of driving, he walked away.

The Hei family team also followed behind.

Fang Yu wondered.

"Why didn't the Zuo family come to pick you up?"

Zuo Lu didn't speak, and pointed to the front.

Sure enough, the onlookers in front parted from the two sides again, and a team of veiled women rode towards them.

"Miss, we are late!"

"Miss, are you alright!"

Two people came down in a hurry, they looked like servant girls.

But wait for Fang Yu to see the blood volume.

[Zuo Yun: 800/800. 】

[Zuo Yin: 801/801. 】

Fang Yu: ...

Fang Yu: 6.

The people from the Hei family just now were far away, so they didn't take a closer look.

Thinking about it, it is estimated that the pomp is similar to that of Zuo Lu.

After all, the five major families are the five major families, with a profound heritage.

Anyone who comes to pick up someone casually will always be a character of this level.

After receiving Zuo Lu's corpse of the monster on his shoulder, and inspecting Zuo Lu's severed finger injury, the inspector was obviously relieved.

Then put on the veil for Zuo Lu, and finally put her on the horse.

After getting on the horse, Zuo Lu didn't say much, just smiled at Fang Yu, waved his hand and drove away.

As for why she smiled, her eyes are bent into half moons, can you not see it?

That's great, there are pick-ups and drop-offs for everyone.

Fang Yu was sighing inwardly, when suddenly his vision swept away from the corner of his eye.

I saw three people standing in the crowd, looking at me with astonishment.

[Red Bamboo Xuan: 4500/4500. 】

[Che Linfang: 1012/1357. 】

[Tang Shan: 1095/1999. 】

Fang Yu's heart skipped a beat.

It seems... I also have someone to answer? ? ?

(End of this chapter)

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