Chapter 215 Beginning to Assemble

"Diao Deyi!"

Qing Yao pushed the door open and came in. At first glance, she saw the familiar figure from the back.

The iceberg-like face slowly melted, revealing a smile.

This made the personal guard outside the door [Li Lan] look weird.

This green demon has been in Lifu for several days, and has never shown any kindness to anyone.

He didn't even show any respect to Mr. Shu Niaoyao, but he showed a smile to a little demon who came from outside.


Silently closed the door, [Li Lan] guarded the door.

Although [Li Lan] doesn't have much cold for Qingyao, since Mr. Shu Niaoyao asked him to personally guard him to keep him safe, then he just fulfills his duties well and doesn't need to think about other things.

in the room.

"Brother Qing!"

Fang Yu turned around and saw the blue demon's conspicuous blood bars at a glance.

[Rite Ten Knives: 8245/8245. 】

Fang Yu couldn't help but muttered in his heart.

The last time we met, Brother Qing seemed to have only over 4000 blood.

Bloody rebirth is not so crazy.

A few days ago, I even boasted that I would climb up with Qing Yao.

In the blink of an eye, Qing Yao threw herself thousands of miles away.

Qing Yao didn't notice anything, and walked up to Fang Yu excitedly, saying happily.

"Why are you here? You didn't tell me in advance. I'll ask someone to set up a dinner party right now. We brothers won't come back tonight until we're drunk!"

Fang Yu came to deal with business, so naturally he didn't answer, he just sighed, and spoke directly without beating around the bush.

"Brother Qing, I'm here to ask you for help."

My brother, if you have any difficulties, just say it directly.

As soon as the words fell, Qing Yao's smile gradually subsided, and his expression immediately became serious, with a bit of anger in his expression.

"Help? Who dares to touch you! Tell me, and I'll help you settle it!"

The front foot has just dealt with [Pu Zhengyao], and the back foot jumped out again?

Now he is the celebrity in front of Shu Bird Demon, if you don't take him seriously, then don't take Shu Bird Demon seriously, because you don't want to live anymore, right?

"It's Yuan Hongxin, the curator of Yuanti Martial Art Museum, he wants to kill me."

Qing Yao's face darkened.

"How courageous! Anyone who dares to touch me! What kind of monster is he, Yuan Hongxin!"

"Not a demon."

Fang Yu frowned and said: "I can't say exactly what that guy is, but he is very powerful. He may be a believer. The night before yesterday, he killed [Hu Shusheng]. He came to my door last night and wanted to kill me. I am not his opponent." , but escaped by luck. Immediately, Yuan Hongxin took Diao Ruru away, and wanted to use Diao Ruru to threaten me to throw myself into the net. I knew I was no match, so I had no choice but to come to you... Brother Qing, help me!"

Fang Yu talked about this, how could Qing Yao refuse.

He put his hands on Fang Yu's shoulders.

"Don't worry, your business is my business! Just leave it to me, and I will settle this matter! That Yuan Hongxin will never see the sun tomorrow."

"Brother Qing, I have already summoned my demons, and I will go there to attack Yuan Hongxin later, just help me hold the battle. Didn't you send me three big demons earlier, I have already called them. If they join forces, they will not be able to deal with……"

Fang Yu paused, raised his head and said, "When the time comes, Brother Qing, you will be my last backing."

"In such a hurry?"

Qing Yao was slightly stunned, a little puzzled.

Fang Yu showed helplessness.

"Brother Qing, I am now a demon tail, and there are so many demons below watching. First Hu Shusheng, and then myself, have been in danger one after another. If we don't get back in time, what will the demons below think of me in private? Don't try to sit still."

The green demon is relieved.

But he forgot that Diao Deyi was already one of the Fairy Tails, taking over his former position.

Qing Yao had stood in that position before, so she could naturally understand what Fang Yu meant.

In a high position, I can't help myself.

Some decisions are sometimes not what I want to make, but when the situation reaches that stage, I have to make them.

He didn't expect that the Fairy Tail position he left for Fang Yu would actually get Fang Yu into trouble.

Slightly frowning, Qing Yao said.

"Diao Deyi, if you feel that the position of the demon tail is a burden, you can just leave it. With me, even if you don't have these false names, no one would dare to point fingers at you!"

"Brother Qing, I will not give up my job as Fairy Tail."

Fang Yu looked directly at Qing Yao.

"This is my starting point. Although you and I are brothers, I don't want to be inferior to you, and I don't want to be ordinary. I don't want the relationship between you and me to deteriorate. I have been protected by you. After a long time, I will lose my heart and never Qualified to associate with you on an equal footing."

"What I want is to climb up all the way from the current starting point until I am on par with you. One day, I can be alone without your hand, and even be able to help you with all my strength when you need it."

"If I've always been so weak, how can I be qualified to be your brother?"

Just kidding, the position of Fairy Tail is very convenient, but Brother Qing can't take it back.

Now I almost want to rule the black and white in that area, the master of the Yudi Mansion, the leader of the Fairy Tail, it is convenient to do whatever I want, this is the most comfortable day.

Without the identity of Fairy Tail, it is not so convenient to become an ordinary monster.

Qing Yao didn't know what Fang Yu was thinking.

After listening to his words, I felt something touched in my heart, and my eyes became softer.

"Diao Deyi, don't put too much pressure on yourself. I am different from you. I have a special bloodline, and my strength can be improved quickly. But you don't have this advantage. It is very difficult to catch up with me."


Qing Yao changed the subject and said domineeringly: "Whoever said that to be my brother must be a strong man! How can I, Qing Yao, be such a snobbish and mean person? No matter what you look like, what status, what strength, you Forever my brother!"

No matter what your appearance, status, or strength, you will always be my brother...

Fang Yu was a little stunned when he heard this, not knowing what he was thinking.

When he looked up again, his eye sockets were slightly moist.

"Me too!"


Qing Yao was taken aback.

"No matter what brother Qing will look like, what identity he will have, and what position he will take, you will always be my brother!"

Qing Yao didn't expect Fang Yu to say this, and when she came back to her senses, she laughed and slapped Fang Yu on the shoulder three times in succession.

"Okay! One word today, the world bears witness, you and I will always be brothers!"

Fang Yu responded: "The world is the proof!"

Qing Yao has been bored in the Li Mansion for the past few days, quite depressed.

Seeing Fang Yu today made me feel better.

Thinking of Yuan Hongxin, Qing Yao said.

"Since that's the case, you should go back and summon a group of monsters to deal with that Yuan Hongxin. I won't steal your limelight. I'll just support you in the back. If there is a situation, I will take action as soon as possible to help you deal with that guy."

"Thank you Brother Qing!"

"Hey! Why do you need to say thank you!"

Qing Yao pretended to be unhappy.

Fang Yu understood, and immediately changed his words.

"Then next time I'll buy brother Qing a drink! We won't go home until we're drunk!"

"Okay, if you don't get drunk, you won't go home!"

After the matter was settled, Fang Yu bid farewell to Qing Yao and left the Li Mansion.

He originally wanted to see Li Baizhen, but now is not the time, and it is useless to see him.

After Fang Yu left, Qing Yao also stepped out of the room, her expression returning to her usual indifference.

"Speak to Shu bird demon, I want to go out."

"Master Li Shidao, where are you going?" Li Lan asked.

Qing Yao squinted at him.

"Yuan Ti Martial Arts Hall."

"Since we have to go out, I'll call some people and get ready."

Qing Yao frowned.

"What I have to deal with is demon affairs, and I need to keep a low profile."

"Then call the same clan."

"……what ever."

Li Shidao's human skin, that's where the trouble lies.

Wherever you go, you must be accompanied by someone, and there must be ostentation.

Even if he acted in private, the bodyguard [Li Lan] sent by the bird demon Shu would not be able to get rid of him like brown sugar.

It doesn't matter, there are multiple people and multiple helpers.

Although Qing Yao has full confidence in winning Yuan Hongxin, she doesn't mind more guarantees.

There is no need to talk about morality when dealing with people who like to play tricks and tricks the most, just go together.

Waiting for [Li Lan] to call up the manpower wasted some time, Qing Yao waited for a long time before going out.

After walking a few steps, Qing Yao seemed to have thought of something and said.

"Send a few people to notify the [Red Moon Demon], [Green Bull Demon], [Crystal Bone Demon] and other demon tails nearby to assist the Blood Demon Demon, participate in the operation, and fully obey the arrangements of the Blood Demon Demon , there must be no mistake."

Since Diao Deyi wants to consolidate his position, I'll make a big show for him.

Qing Yao thought secretly.


[Li Lan] responded, and then recruited a few people to accompany him, and whispered a few words in their ears.

Soon, these people left the team and left first.

The team continued to set off and slowly left the Li Mansion.

Shu Nirvana was on the roof, watching the team leave thoughtfully.

"grown ups."

The Chief Steward of the Li Mansion below jumped up and landed beside Shu Niaoyao, bowing his head and saying.

"My lord, it's inappropriate to let my lord ten knives go out at this time."

Shu bird demon smiled.

"A bird in a cage is not wild. What I want is not the kind of embroidered pillow. Let him go."

The butler of Lifu still insisted.

"My lord, if there is an accident, it may affect the plan."

"...Understood, since that's the case, then I'll follow the past and watch the fun."

As soon as the words fell, Shu Bird Demon tapped his feet, and the man had disappeared in place and appeared in the distance, leaving behind the Chief Steward of the Li Mansion with a face full of astonishment.

Why... are you so capricious?
The chief steward of the Lifu sighed, each of these big monsters is really troublesome.If it wasn't for the big plan, he really didn't want to be angry.


Lingyun Inn.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!!"

"I don't know where the enemy is? I only know that blood will flow into rivers today!"

"Roar! Roar! Roar!!"

In the inn, demons danced wildly.

Not long after the last monster meeting, it was called again suddenly, and it was still so urgent that something big must happen.

The most important thing is Lord Fairy Tail's order.

Those who can't sneak into the Lingyun Inn without a sound are not eligible to stay in the team.

What does this mean? This is to make trouble.

Just listening to the order, you can hear the anger of Lord Fairy Tail.

Who provoked Lord Fairy Tail, I don't know.

They only know that the members of the Yudi Mansion in the surrounding areas have basically disappeared, and they have been transferred to nowhere.

This is the role of high-level internal response.

It is also the first time for them to enjoy this kind of treatment.

Directly use the undercover agents inside the human beings to withdraw the people from the stupid government who are in the way like a tiger away from a mountain.

These monsters can do whatever they want here like ducks in water!

Although I don't know exactly what to do, but such a big move is obviously to make a big deal.

All the monsters are eager to try.

Since Qing Yao's death and Xin Yao's appointment, they haven't had a formal group activity, and they haven't really seen New Yao Tail's move.

We only know that New Fairy Tail has a glorious performance of fighting believers and retreating from the body, but the specific strength is still unknown.

[Bie Huzi] showed worry.

"We have just suffered a loss of personnel on the front foot, and we are about to fight with people on the back foot. Isn't it a bit hasty?"

The big monsters above stirred up the wind and rain, and many monsters who came here attracted by the name continued to pour into Tianyuan Town.

They can completely select suitable personnel from this new batch of foreign monsters, join the team, strengthen the team, and then carry out the mission.

Now, it's too early.

Che Linfang naturally knew this truth.


"It's not that we want to join the war, but that others have bullied us to the top. If we don't respond, we may only see Diao Deyi's body next time."

"……so serious?"

[Bie Huzi] frowned.

He doesn't know the specific situation yet.

"Che Linfang."

"Vice tail."

"Sister Fang!"

[Rong Qiulu] and [Bu Ange], the two team cadres, came.

Also came with [Zhang Xiaoli].

Since rescuing her last time, [Zhang Xiaoli] has been very attached to Che Linfang, as if they are relatives.

As for [Zhiyinyao], it was there early and played a role, otherwise everyone would not dare to be so excited.

The personnel were almost here, and many people had already turned their attention to Che Linfang, as if they were waiting for her to explain the situation.

Even big monsters like [Rong Qiulu] and [Bu Ange], whom she could only look up to in the past, are no exception.

Is this what entitlement feels like?

Che Linfang was really worried that she would get lost in it.

Obviously his own strength is not strong, but he can drive these monsters who are far stronger than himself at will.

This feeling is really good.

And she is also very clear that everything she can have now is given by Diao Deyi.

If Diao Deyi falls, everything will return to nothingness, and he will directly fall back to the mortal world and become an ordinary monster.

So this trip must be a success!

The Yuan Hongxin who attacked Diao Deyi might be powerful, but looking at the monsters in this room, Che Linfang felt that Yuan Hongxin would be crushed to death under the group of monsters.

"Master Fairy Tail is here!"

"Master Fairy Tail is here!"

"Welcome, Lord Fairy Tail!"

There was a sound from the direction of the door.

Everyone's eyes immediately turned to that side, including Che Linfang, [Rong Qiulu] and others.

But when they cast their eyes together, they couldn't help being stunned.

Diao Deyi, who was stepping into the inn, was followed by three complete strangers.

A dirty old beggar.

A beautiful woman who still has charm.

An ordinary white-faced scholar.

Che Linfang had never seen these three people before, so naturally she didn't know their identities.

But those who can step into this place must be monsters.

Being a monster, but also being brought here by Diao Deyi on purpose, thinking about it... the strength is not simple?
(End of this chapter)

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