Chapter 219 Not That Strong!

"Monster... Monster!!"

"This guy, who the hell is he?!"

"Is this the this the believer!! We are not opponents at all!!"

Yuan Hongxin slayed the Green Bull Demon with the momentum of a thunderbolt, shocking the audience almost instantly.

The group of monsters were too frightened to move rashly for a moment.

This posture seemed familiar to Fang Yu.

It's like when ordinary people fight in groups, they focus on the fire first and kill one first, showing their fierceness and fierceness.

If you don't do this, you will only be consumed by the crowd tactics in the continuous offensive.

Yuan Hongxin seems to be following this route now.

In other words... This guy is actually a bit taboo towards monsters.

Otherwise, I wouldn't have thought of feigning death before, and tricked the group of monsters to avoid conflicts.

What is his weakness?
Is it because he can't maintain the state of bone armor for a long time like himself, and his physical strength is extremely exhausted?
Or is the bone armor fragile?Condensation slow?
Fang Yu didn't know, so he could only test out the limit of Yuan Hongxin a little bit from the battle.

"Master Green Bull Demon...Master Green Bull Demon!!"


"How dare you kill Lord Green Bull Demon, I will fight with you!!"

"Let's go together and kill him!!"

Among the demons, only the four subordinates brought by the green bull demon shouted the loudest and stared angrily, and wanted to fight Yuan Hongxin with all their might.

As for the other demon tails with similar strength to the green bull demon, they all stopped outside to watch early, and didn't go up immediately.

If these Fairy Tails had acted together just now, the Green Bull Demon would not have been killed so easily, and could even take his life.

"Don't be impulsive!"

Fang Yu shouted loudly, and under the astonished eyes of the three old beggars, he rushed forward, and rushed to the front of the four monsters.

First, he reached out and grabbed the two monsters in front, before they could react.

Fang Yu grabbed their hands, turned around in a circle, and threw the two monsters to the two monsters who came behind.

A loud bang.

The four monsters under the Green Bull Demon collided and rolled into a ball.

[Penzu Demon: 230/2099. 】

[Wave-making Demon: 572/2211. 】

[Cuckoo Oil Demon: 189/1908. 】

[Lan Fish Demon: 252/1852. 】

very good!The damage is done!
Just because I was in a hurry, I played a little bit harder, and a 1 point of blood is enough.

But on the surface, Fang Yu turned around and shouted at the other monsters.

"Don't be in a daze, let's attack together! Don't attack one by one! Red Moon Demon, you are the main attacker!"

Everyone was still immersed in Fang Yu's sudden move.

Yuan Hong looked at Fang Yu meaningfully.

If the four seriously injured monsters attacked at the same time, he was confident that he would kill the four monsters who had lost their minds and completely killed them on the spot in an instant.

But now being thrown back by Fang Yu and returning to the demon army, it will not be so easy to shoot.

If the monsters above regained their composure and sneaked into the army of monsters, it would be even more difficult for him to kill them accurately.

It can be said that Yuan Hongxin's plan was disrupted by Fang Yu.

Slaying that green bull demon first shocked the audience for a short time.

If he killed the four seriously injured monsters effortlessly, the deterrent effect would be further strengthened, and the rhythm of the audience would be in his hands.

But now, the rhythm is broken.

He didn't know whether Fang Yu did it on purpose or not.

This move really interrupted his careful layout.

The unstoppable and invincible momentum has been diluted a lot after this resistance.

Whether they like it or not, those monsters who were named have already surrounded them with other monsters.

Don't look at him killing the green bull demon in seconds before, it's an understatement.

That was a one-on-one result.

It is really troublesome to be surrounded by so many monsters of the same level.

If these monsters cooperated better, it would not be so easy to kill a monster of that level.


The butler beside the Red Moon Demon whispered.

"Although Lord Blood Demon gave such an order, please don't make a move yet, let me and the servant girl make a move first, and force Yuan Hongxin to use more means, and then you can find a chance to do it."

After all, they saw how the Green Bull Demon died with their own eyes, and the subordinates did not want anything to happen to the Red Moon Demon.

"Okay, the three of you will make a move first, and I will find an opportunity to support you."

If it wasn't for Fang Yu's order, the Red Moon Demon would have no intention of making a move at all.

After seeing the death of the green bull demon, how can he not know the horror of this human being hidden in the bone armor in front of him.

This is not something they can deal with at all, at most they can only contain it.

When the two of them talked to this point, Fang Yu suddenly appeared behind the butler like a ghost, with a big hand on his shoulder.

[Zhuang An: 3999/4000. 】

The strength is well controlled.

Fang Yu was satisfied with the effect of this, and when the butler bowed his head respectfully under the cold gaze of the Red Moon Demon, Fang Yu pushed the butler away, looked directly at the Red Moon Demon, and said.

"Be careful, although I don't like you, I don't want you to die before my eyes."

The Red Moon Demon sneered.

"What's the hypocrisy, since you don't want me to die, don't arrange this kind of task for..."

Before Hongyue finished speaking, Fang Yu had already walked behind the two maids, patted the two girls on the back, and pushed them forward.

"It's your turn to play!"

[Flag Fragrant Sky: 3099/3100. 】

[Huameng Bamboo: 3199/3200. 】

The two maids were pushed and staggered, a little caught off guard, but they obeyed the order and rushed out of the group of monsters, and together with the butler who had reacted, they rushed towards Yuan Hongxin.

The two elites [Miao Qing] and [Mancheng] brought by [Crystal Bone Demon] rushed out together.

This caught Fang Yu by surprise.

I haven't buffed you yet, why are you in a hurry!
But the situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly, and not everything has time to command and arrange.

"Good come!"

Yuan Hongxin gave a loud shout.

He was already impatient with these cowardly monsters who besieged and did not attack.

The longer the time dragged on, the weaker the effect of his prestige.

As for foreign aid?

As far as these monsters are concerned, it is useless for a hundred families to come.

When the foreign aid from above came, his body was cold.

Not to mention that strange soundproof cover, which made it clear that he wanted to kill himself today.

Therefore, the only one you can rely on is yourself!

He adjusted his breathing and prepared for a protracted battle.

I saw three figures in front of me, attacking first.

On the way, three balls of blood mist exploded directly.

At the moment when three groups of shadows attacked head-on, two groups of shadows also sneaked up from behind to cooperate.

Yuan Hongxin frowned, instead of retreating, she rushed forward to the three monsters in front of her, keeping a distance from the two sneak attacking monsters from behind, trading space for time, and staggering the attack difference.


A deer-horned demon was the first to attack, its antlers and hooves glowed a strange red color, it suddenly accelerated, rushed out from the two people beside it, and slammed directly into Yuan Hongxin.

So fast? !
Yuan Hongxin was taken aback, the moment her arms were crossed, a bone blade suddenly emerged from her elbow, turning into giant scissors and snapping at the staghorn demon.

But it was still a step too late, the antlers hit Yuan Hongxin's chest first.

[Yuan Hongxin: 5425/5495. 】

Yuan Hongxin was thrown out, but the damage caused by the explosion made Fang Yu's eyes shine when he was hiding in the group of monsters.

Yuan Hongxin's bone armor is weak in defense!
Speaking of which, this guy seems to have never been attacked since his transformation, but he forgot about the issue of defense ability.

Since his eyes had been locked on Yuan Hongxin, coupled with his understanding of the Yuan body bone armor, Fang Yu could tell at a glance that although Yuan Hongxin was injured, the bone armor did not show any signs of shattering.

Its sturdiness seems to be higher than his own bone armor.

Is this awkward?
Stronger strength, but weaker defense ability?

Fang Yu suddenly thought of the car in reality.

The front bumpers of those cars are not based on hardness, but tend to absorb kinetic energy as the main function.

It absorbs kinetic energy and slows down the impact force, thereby reducing the impact loss.

It is somewhat similar to my own bone armor, which is more energy-absorbing. Although it is fragile, it will absorb most of the impact force.

When the main body is injured, the power has basically been weakened by half.

Yuan Hongxin's bone armor, on the other hand, is completely on the hard line.

The hard shell makes it impossible for ordinary attacks to break through the bone armor, but the kinetic energy of the impact will still pass through the shell of the bone armor and damage the body inside.

Although the final effect is similar, they are actually two different defense directions.

When Fang Yu thought of this, Yuan Hongxin suddenly extended the length of the bone scissors in mid-air, and cut towards the antlers of the antler demon with a click.

The two collided and wiped out sparks, but with Yuan Hongxin's rapid swipe away, she gradually lost strength, leaving only obvious bloody wounds on the antlers of the antler demon.

[Stag Demon: 3244/4000. 】

Behind Yuan Hongxin were [Miao Qing] and [Mancheng] who had been prepared a long time ago, or two demons.

Both monsters had sharp claws, as if they were in cooperation with the antler monster, they kicked on the spot and rushed towards Yuan Hongxin who fell to this side.

"It's in the way!!"

Yuan Hong turned around in the air, her hands were like holding an axe, and she turned the big bone scissors into a big two-handed axe. The three-meter-long big ax used the momentum to slash at the two demons with her backhand.

The two monsters were attacked at the same time, the sharp claws were not as far away as the giant axe, and it was too late when the backhand was on the defensive.

呲! ! !
A huge gap was cut in the chest, spurted blood and flew back backwards, crashing into the group of monsters.

[Sapling demon: 2245/3500. 】

呲! ! !
However, the momentum of the giant ax didn't stop, and he chopped the other one at the lower abdomen. Blood burst out in mid-air, and flew back together with [Sapling Demon].


[Iron Blood Demon: 1945/3500. 】

While you are sick it kills you.

As soon as it landed, Yuan Hongxin was about to rush towards the injured [Sapling Demon] and [Iron Blood Demon].

However, just as his front feet were about to rush out, two black shadows swished past him, and the moment they landed, they had already landed in the group of monsters, each holding something with both hands.

It was the two maid demons with three thousand blood of the Red Moon Demon.

呲! !

呲! !

Yuan Hongxin paused, and there was a sharp and ear-piercing rubbing sound from both sides of her waist, like fingernails rubbing against a blackboard.

Looking down, two extremely thin black lines were rubbing against his waist at a crazily high speed, splashing out sparks, as if they were going to saw him in half.

Just for a while, the bone armor at the waist had already felt the pressure, and a little powder was scattered.

From Fang Yu's perspective, the -1-1-1 health bar prompt has jumped more than 30 times, and the two demons together have jumped more than 70 times in total.

It wasn't until Yuan Hongxin noticed the clue, drilled out the bone sawtooth from both sides, sawed off the black line directly during the high-speed rotation, and the blood bar stopped beating down.

[Yuan Hongxin: 5347/5495. 】

Although Yuan Hongxin didn't suffer much damage from the series of attacks, it made him feel irritable.

Because of his offensive, he couldn't get rid of any of the monsters on the attacking side.

And as the frequency of their attacks increases, these monsters will understand their attack methods better, and it will be more troublesome to deal with them.

Must fight fast!

With a cold look in his eyes, Yuan Hongxin kicked his feet, and rushed in the direction of [Sapling Demon] and [Iron Blood Demon].

The first four monsters with serious injuries had long been mixed into the group of monsters and were nowhere to be found.

Maybe it's back to normal now.

Now if the two monsters injured by his giant axe were allowed to escape into the group of monsters again, they couldn't find their target, and after being adjusted to their state, they might end up here after being hit by this round of battles.

Therefore, some monsters must be eliminated first!
Yuan Hongxin's speed was very fast, and the antler monster who attacked again from behind flew into the air, and could only watch Yuan Hongxin kill the group of monsters ahead.

"do not be afraid!"

"Don't go back!"

"Follow me and kill together!!"

In the group of monsters, it was Che Linfang and others who were shouting.

Fang Yu was taken aback, when did they run there.

At this time, Che Linfang and others also exploded the blood mist and turned into monsters. The younger brother who had just received two or three thousand blood monsters, [Rong Qiulu] and [Bu Ange] were the most conspicuous, and rushed forward with the monsters around them. Go out, so brave.

"Kill kill kill kill!!"

[Rong Qiulu] and [Bu Ange] shouted loudly, but Yuan Hongxin's face darkened.

While the bone blade was retracted into the body, he stretched his hands forward, as if he was trying to open a thick iron door that didn't exist, and pushed it out forcefully!
call! ! !
call! ! !
[Rong Qiulu] and [Bu Ange] felt a burst of strange force attacking them, they were thrown away by the left and right respectively, and landed heavily on the ground in the distance.

Those who were thrown out together were also the group of demons following them.


A series of injuries appeared densely from both sides of the screen.

Yuan Hongxin's move actually emptied out the width of about ten meters in front of her.

And standing behind the cleared area were the seriously injured [Sapling Demon] and [Iron Blood Demon].

At this moment, anyone could see the panic in the hearts of the two demons.

Fang Yu's pupils shrank even more.

"It's...gas again!!"

According to what Zhuo Xueer said.

Qi is the symbol of a tree-level warrior.

Could it be that Yuan Hongxin's current strength has reached this height? !
Fang Yu looked at Yuan Hongxin in surprise.

I saw that the latter was panting slightly in place covered by bone armor.

Then, when everyone was shocked, they rushed towards the two demons [Sapling Demon] and [Iron Blood Demon]!

The giant bone ax reappeared, and the giant ax had already slashed over ten meters away!
"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

Yuan Hongxin roared...

Bark! ! ! -

Red crit!

Bark! ! ! -

Red crit!

The bodies of the two demons were directly torn into two halves, blood was spurted out, and the blood bars were emptied directly.

[Sapling demon: 0/3500. 】

[Iron Blood Demon: 0/3500. 】

(End of this chapter)

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