Chapter 229 No Bottom Line
drive! !

Qianbei waved his whip and came on horseback.

Accompanying him are Zhanqiu and Wang Chen who are also the inspectors of Yangshentang.

Qianbei was very fortunate that he followed the right person.

There were many connections, and they caught up with Zhuo Xueer.

Now that Zhuo Xueer was valued by the higher ups, she became one of the reserve vice-captains of the Yangshen Hall. With a shortage of manpower, she was naturally recruited by Zhuo Xueer and mixed into her name.

As we all know, if you want to make a bright hall in the third hall, there is no one above.

The vice-captain and captain positions are a carrot and a hole.

Only when there are few people, will the reserve plan be activated, and it will be the turn of the people below to compete for posts.

Therefore, even if your strength reaches the standard, no one above takes care of you, you can still only stay at the bottom, and you can only be a patrol officer for the rest of your life.

This is also the plight of Qianbei.

He has strength, although he is not as good as Zhuo Xueer, but the gap is not that big.But there was no one there, so he had no place at all to reserve the vice-captain position.

But now it's different.

As long as Zhuo Xueer becomes the [candidate vice-captain] smoothly, then become the vice-captain.

When Zhuo Xueer can be promoted to the official captain, or when the vice-captain quits somewhere and gives up his position, he can rely on Zhuo Xueer's recommendation and rely on this network to succeed in the position!

And around such a big bend, if you want to overtake through the curve and complete the class leapfrog, you need to do one thing first.

That was Zhuo Xueer, he had to become the reserve captain first, and Zhuo Xueer had to climb up, so he could have a bright future.

Therefore, he needs merit.

A real feat.

And his achievements will be transformed into Zhuo Xueer's achievements, pushing her to her position!
Originally, Qianbei wanted to do more night watch tasks, or high-risk outing tasks, so as to improve the overall score of his team and surpass other candidates for vice captains.

But unexpectedly, luck was so good, just in time for the trial of the Li family, the people of the Li family began to make trouble.

Isn't this the merit of delivering it to your door? ?
"Brother Qian, we came here first, are we a bit reluctant? I heard that those who can participate in the trial of the Li family are all ruthless."

"I have also heard a little bit that the trials of the Li family are only those who are first selected by the Li family to be eligible to participate. They are much stronger than the warriors in the same realm. If we go in the past, if we are not sure, Just stand still and wait for Master Zhuo Xueer to come and join us, and then take action to stop Village Girl Li."

When Qianbei heard this, he became a little unhappy.

Now is the time to climb up.

Zhuo Xueer also has a lot of people under her command. If she wants to let her remember herself and be able to give her a hand when the position is vacant in the future, she must do her best to help her take the position at this important juncture and leave a deep impression on her. impression.

At this time, instead of standing out and making great achievements repeatedly, instead of keeping a low profile, isn't this self-burying talent?
"Brother Zhan, Brother Wang, Aunt Li made a big fuss in Liuyun Martial Arts Hall. This matter is big or small. We can't just sit back and watch."

The two frowned slightly, hearing the meaning of each other's words.

The attitude of eager for quick success almost overflowed.

"It's not that we don't care, it's just that with our strength, I'm afraid we can't stop Miss Li. If we can join up with Master Zhuo Xueer, we will be able to fight against that village girl with the method of Brother Qian and Master Zhuo Xueer's strength." Aunt to contend with the capital."

"Extremely great!"

Wang Chen agreed there, but saw that Qian Bei could no longer hold his breath, and his face darkened.

When Zhuo Xueer came and faced the enemy together, how would he show his loyalty and attitude?

Before the coach comes, he must get things done first, and then he is an excellent subordinate.

Just being qualified is not his goal.

However, in terms of rhetoric, Qianbei said otherwise.

"When Mrs. Zhuo Xueer comes to join us, the personnel of Liuyun Martial Arts Hall will not know how many people have been killed or injured? That Li village girl is famous for being fierce and cruel. Don't you want to just watch Liuyun Martial Arts Hall do so? Did many people die at the hands of village girl Li?"

With the big hats down, Zhanqiu and Wang Chen couldn't refute, so they just fell silent.

That Li village girl attacked Liuyun Martial Arts School, definitely not just to kill people, she must have another purpose, if she really killed all the people in other Martial Arts Schools, what's the point, it's unreasonable.

But that was a lunatic from the Li family, so the two of them were a little confused, so they didn't say anything.

As the three of them approached the Liuyun Martial Arts Hall, their expressions all changed.

In the martial arts hall, as far as the eye can see, there are a large number of corpses lying on the road, almost bleeding like a river.

Just going all the way, the death toll is at least approaching hundreds.

"Crazy... crazy!"

"What is Aunt Li village thinking? How dare she kill people so recklessly!"

Zhanqiu and Wang Chen didn't expect that the matter was really hit by Qianbei.

That Li village girl actually wanted to kill the entire Liuyun Martial Arts Hall, she killed everyone she saw, leaving corpses all over the place.

This time, they couldn't sit still.

Things have become so bad, and if they say that they can deal with it together when Zhuo Xueer comes, then they are making excuses.

The responsibility of the Yudi Mansion is to protect the safety of the people, maintain the order of Tianyuan Town, and quell all chaos.

And now, village girl Li, is the source of the confusion.

From a distance, the three of them could see a large crowd gathered in front of them.

The three looked at each other and shouted in unison.


The three people riding the horses rushed towards the same direction at the same time.

There stood a woman impressively, a woman from the Li family, Li village girl!

"what's the situation!"

"Who are those three people??"

"Wait! That dress is..."

"They are going after Master Thirteen!"

"Protect Lord Thirteen!"

"Stop them!"

There was confusion in the crowd, but the reaction was already a beat slower.

The three of them jumped up from their horses, drew their swords in the air almost at the same time, and slashed at Li Shisan.

But Li Shisan was unmoved, and just stared at the three of them coldly.

tread! !

At the same time, a figure stood in front of Li Shisan from the side, blocking the three of them with a horizontal knife.

when! ! !
In the clash of swords and swords, the interceptor resisted the force of the combined attack of the three, and directly buried his feet a few inches into the ground.

With a muffled sound, and with a flick of the horizontal knife, while he was struggling to block the three of them, blood was already overflowing from the corner of his mouth.

The three of them landed separately and looked at that person with some surprise in their hearts.

Because they all recognize that person, he seems to be the leader of the Black Tiger Gang who has been in the limelight recently, Yuwen Wuji.

I thought it was some luck that led the Black Tiger Gang to continuously increase its popularity.

Unexpectedly, it has some real power.

However, it is unrealistic to want one person to fight against the three of them.

At most, this person can fight against one of them, or involve two of them. If he wants to fight against three with one, he will only die on the spot.

Just as they were thinking, the people around them surrounded them.

The situation has changed from a surprise attack by three people to being surrounded and besieged.

Missed opportunity!

The three of them looked there and remained motionless, only the village girl Li who looked at her coldly, her heart sank.

"Kill them."

Village girl Li has no emotional fluctuations, and the order she gave made people's face change even more.

Even Yuwen Wuji, who had just blocked the knife, changed his face.

That's a person from Yangshentang!

Killed directly in the street? ? ?
Originally, I wanted to continue to follow this village girl for a day before disbanding, but now it seems that I can't take it for half a day!
Yuwen Wuji moved his mind again, and already had a new idea.

"Aunt Li, we are the inspector of the Yangshen Hall! How dare you attack us!?"

"Ms. Li Village, you slaughtered the Liuyun Martial Arts Hall. I will witness it with my own eyes. Do you think there is still a way to survive for committing this crime? You will be arrested without a fight!"

"Ms. Li village is crazy, you are crazy too, right? Kill us, how many heads do you have?"

The words and identities of the three shook the will of some people.

But in the next moment, village girl Li rushed to Wang Chen who was the closest.

Before Wang Chen could react...

呲! !

A bloody hand pierced through his chest and came out from his back.

"Wang Chen?!"

"Brother Wang!!"

Qianbei and Zhanqiu's expressions changed drastically.

As Li village girl slowly withdrew her bloody hand, Wang Chen opened his mouth, looked down at his empty chest, and fell silently.


At the end of the body, blood overflowed from the chest and flowed to the ground.

"Really, really killed the inspector of Yangshen Hall??"

"Crazy, are you crazy?? Those guys can't be killed casually!"

The members of the Black Tiger Gang panicked and whispered.

The disciples who had just joined Li Cungu from Liuyun Martial Arts Gym also stared angrily at Li Cungu.

Only the people from Li's family brought out by Li village girl were indifferent to this.

It seems that there is no concept of the person who killed the Yangshentang.

After all, the Li family is bigger than the Yudi Mansion, so it doesn't make any difference to kill anyone except those who belong to the other five major families.

The members of the Li family, living in their own information cocoon, are extreme and crazy, full of disregard for life.

This kind of reaction is even more frightening.

Qianbei stared blankly at Wang Chen's body, never thinking that Miss Li really dared to do something!

His heart was pounding, feeling fear and fear, he turned his head to look at Zhanqiu.

The latter's eyes were already red, and he raised his knife to kill the people around him, wanting to rush to Li village girl and fight her desperately.


We can't even break through the dog in front of her, let alone her herself!

Qianbei did not expect that the gap in strength would be so large.

I thought that the village girls with the most courtesy, that is, the strength between my brothers and sisters.

Now it seems that far exceeded the estimate!His strength should even be higher than that of Master Zhuo Xueer!

Things exceeded expectations, and Qianbei's first reaction was to turn around and run away.

He thought that the worst was the worst, and with the identities of the three of them, at most they would lose to Aunt Li.

Who would have thought that this lunatic really dared to kill people!

Blocking the attack from the siege, Qianbei jumped up and jumped onto the eaves.

When several people jumped up, he had already fled outside after a few jumps.

"Yuwen Wuji."

Village girl Li kicked Zhanqiu who was rushing in front of her, turned her head and shouted at Yuwen Wuji.

"pass it to me!"

Yuwen Wuji jumped up, and when everyone else was left behind, he was the only one who kept up with Qianbei.

broken!He has great feet!
Qian Bei was anxious, when he suddenly heard the wind from behind, he turned around...

when! ! !
He was chopped off the eaves, smashed through the tiles, fell into the house, and dust was everywhere.

Hurriedly about to get up, the sword light was already on his neck.

Breathing stagnant.

Qian Bei's heart was pounding, and he looked nervously at the man with the knife.

But what he didn't expect was that Yuwen Wuji put away the knife and made a gesture like clapping his hands.

"Master Xun Si, you should leave quickly, it is not suitable to stay here for long."


Qian Bei froze for a moment.

"you you……"

That Yuwen Wuji smiled wryly.

"I was also forced to join under the name of Crazy Li. There is also the Liuyun Martial Art Museum. I was almost killed by Crazy Li, so I had to join her. Now who is qualified to stop this lunatic from continuing to harm people, except Outside of the other four of the five major families, there are only adults from the Yudi Mansion."

Qian Bei understood and was relieved.

"Okay! I'm going to ask for support right now, and you hold on to Village Aunt Li! If you can stop Aunt Li from going crazy and harming people, we, Yudi Prefecture, will give you credit."

Yuwen Wuji shook his head slightly.

"I don't care about credit, I just want to survive. Being entangled by that woman, I, the Black Tiger Gang, can't even survive."

"Don't worry, no matter how strong village girl Li is, she won't be the opponent of Yangshentang! Just hold back and wait for me to call someone over!"

"If that's the case, I'll trouble your lord. By the way, our next destination is to..."

Yuwen Wuji was the first to seek refuge with Aunt Li Village, so he gained enough trust and knew her general plan. At least it was clear which martial arts clubs and gangs the target was.

At this moment, he told Qianbei directly without reservation.

"Okay, it's easy to know her general movements, I'll evacuate first, and you go to deal with that crazy woman."


Qianbei left quickly.

Yuwen Wuji squinted at the room next to him, and a few seconds later, an unrecognizable broken corpse remained in place.

And he has jumped up and returned to Liuyun Martial Arts Hall.

There, the inspector of the Yangshentang who had just tried to kill the village girl Xiangli to avenge his colleagues had now become a corpse.

"Why so long?"

Aunt Li looked sideways.

"You think too highly of me...that's the inspector of Yangshen Hall."

It is true.

Aunt Li looked away.

"Let's go, try to get everything done before sunset."


Everyone set off in a mighty manner, but Li village girl rarely fell behind in the team, watching Yuwen Wuji's back go away, and then whispered a few words to the disciples of the Li family beside her.

The disciples of the Li family left and returned soon.


He said back.

Village girl Li nodded slightly, took a few strides, caught up with the team, skipped Yuwen Wuji, and walked to the front of the team.

Yuwen Wuji remained calm on the surface, but he knew in his heart that this team couldn't stay for a moment.

"Master, we killed the inspector of the Yangshen Hall, this is a big trouble! We can only follow Li village girl, and go all the way to the dark. She wants us to vote for it! She set a trap!"

No matter how dull Junshi Wu is, he now understands that what the village girl did is completely out of bounds. It is too crazy and has no bottom line.

"Calm down, and follow my orders."

Yuwen Wuji calmed Junshi Wu's emotions, and squinted at Li village girl who was walking in the front.

For a moment, he couldn't see clearly whether Aunt Li was really crazy or planned to be crazy.

At the same time, the second martial arts gym in front of us, [Murakama Martial Arts Hall], is already in sight.


When Li Cungu's army arrived at the [Cunjian Wuguan], Qianbei, who had fled all the way, was heading straight for the Yangshentang.

But on the way, he suddenly saw something and stopped abruptly.

"Master! Master Zhuo Xueer!!"

That's right!He unexpectedly bumped into Zhuo Xueer's group who just came on their way.

Next to Zhuo Xueer was Liu Ningran, a new disciple who had just joined the Yangshen Hall in the past two months, Qianbei had met her several times.

As for the other young man, he was very unfamiliar, a familiar face.

It seems that Master Zhuo Xue'er said that today I will bring a newcomer with great potential to say hello or something.

But at this moment, it is not the time to think about these things.

Seeing Zhuo Xueer and the three of them pull up the reins, stop the horses, and Qi Qi turned to look at themselves, Qian Bei hurried up to meet them.

"Qianbei? Why are you here alone? Where are Zhanqiu and Wang Chen? Your injuries are..."

When Qianbei heard the words, he immediately began to cry.

But how much of the tears are true and how much is fake, it is hard to say.

"It's Aunt Li! She, she killed Zhanqiu and Wang Chen! Even I almost died at her hands!"

what? !

Zhuo Xueer's complexion changed drastically.

How dare a mere village girl kill someone from the Yangshen Hall! !

Anger burst out from Zhuo Xueer's eyes.

It's fine to bully me with ten swords, why do you salute a village girl! !

Do you really think that I, Zhuo Xue'er, can't be made of mud, and I won't get angry even though your Li family kneads and tramples on me? ?

Liu Ningran next to her widened her eyes even more, as if she had received a huge mental shock.

When she first entered the Yangshen Hall and became a member of the team under Zhuo Xueer's name, she had contact with the three people from Qianbei.

They even played against each other once, which was a baptism for newcomers.

She was naturally a big fiasco.

So in Liu Ningran's impression, the three people in Qianbei are very powerful and invincible.

But he didn't expect that he died suddenly? ? ?

That Li village girl, how terrifying is the ultimate strength? ?
She didn't dare to think about it, and even hesitated, wondering if she should continue to chase and kill Miss Li with Zhuo Xueer.

Among the trio, only Fang Yu remained calm.

Or rather, no response.

There is no way, I don’t know, I don’t know what strength it is.

Inexplicably said that people died...

scratching his head.

What do you mean, die before leaving school?

Fang Yu looked at Zhuo Xueer, seemed that he didn't intend to back down, but his anger soared.

OK, just do it!

I am now invincible! !

He secretly looked towards Qianbei.

【Northern Guizhou: 150/800. 】

Tsk tsk, 800 blood.

Little brother, you can't do it, you can't grasp it, back off, let me do it!
What a gift village girl, just watch me do it!

"Where are Aunt Li and the others now? Are they still in the Liuyun Martial Arts Academy?"

Two of his subordinates were killed, and Zhuo Xueer's anger was now fully charged.

Qianbei quickly bowed his head and sent his information.

"[Murakama Martial Arts]... Good! Let's go!"

"Master Zhuo Xueer, they have a lot of people, and I am seriously injured and unable to fight anymore, why don't you let me go back and ask for help?"

"...Alright, then I will leave a batch of horses for you."

Zhuo Xueer turned her gaze to Fang Yu and Liu Ningran, and then pointed at Fang Yu.

"Diao Deyi, give him your horse, and the man will sit on my side."


Fang Yu was a little depressed, why didn't Liu Ningran let the horse give him.

But since Zhuo Xueer spoke, he still got off the horse and jumped onto the back of the horse Zhuo Xueer was riding.

next moment.


Zhuo Xueer rode the horse and moved, Fang Yu subconsciously put his hands forward and hugged her waist tightly.

So soft!

Immediately, there was a bumpy horseback riding experience, and the thought of soft fragrance just came to the back of my mind.

"Master Zhuo Xueer, slow down, slow down!!"

Fang Yu shouted, but Zhuo Xueer didn't slow down.

Liu Ningran followed behind on horseback, while Qianbei drove towards Yudi Mansion, parting ways with everyone.

The three of them headed all the way to [Mura Kama Martial Art Museum].

But when they got to the place, they found... there were only corpses on the ground, and a door plaque split in two!

It was the first time for Fang Yu and the others to see the bloody scene caused by village girl Li.

Zhuo Xueer's complexion suddenly darkened.

"That kind of reckless behavior, that girl from the village of Li must be completely insane!"

Liu Ningran sighed.

"From what Qianbei said just now, the Liuyun Martial Art Museum seems to be similar to the miserable situation of purgatory on earth."

Fang Yu scanned around with his eyes, but he really didn't see any survivors, not a single blood bar.

It seems that Li village girls have wiped out people all over the house, and they have been wiped out quite thoroughly.

"We, don't we really need to go back and ask for backup?"

There was already hesitation in Liu Ningran's voice.

But Zhuo Xueer was quite determined.

"According to the news from Qianbei, the next stop for Miss Li is [Flying Eagle Martial Arts]! We can't delay any longer, and set off immediately to catch up with them!"

Zhuo Xueer thought about the route, and then continued to speak.

"We remember that there is a shortcut nearby that can go directly to [Flying Eagle Martial Arts Hall]! You follow me closely!"

drive! !

After the words fell, she had already taken the lead to leave.

Fang Yu was on her horse, and was naturally taken away with her.

Liu Ningran sighed depressedly and followed.

Bypass several complicated routes and run through the streets and alleys with superb horsemanship.

Finally, following Zhuo Xueer's sudden tightening of the horse rope, the two stopped at the door of [Flying Eagle Martial Arts].

The door plaque with the four characters [Flying Eagle Martial Arts] has also fallen to the ground and split in two.

In the martial arts hall, flames were everywhere, and screams were heard everywhere.

"Catch up..." Liu Ningran said with an uneasy expression.

"They're still inside!" Liu Ningran shouted after discovering something.

Jumping off the horse, Zhuo Xueer stepped into the martial arts hall first.

Fang Yu followed closely behind.

He has a naive look on his face.

It seemed that he didn't know where he was, or what he was going to do, but he only knew that he was going to kill.

Liu Ningran, who was behind, kept silent and followed silently.

Zhuo Xue'er took the lead in the charge, although Liu Ningran hesitated and felt that this battle was not easy, but she couldn't back down, otherwise she wouldn't even think about working under Zhuo Xue'er's name in the future.

It's just that he is still worried in his heart, and he is a little pessimistic about the result of this battle.


(End of this chapter)

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