Invincibility starts when I see the BOSS health bar.

Chapter 237 Chasing and anti-chasing

Chapter 237 Chasing and anti-chasing

Golden Silk Hospital, luxurious beds.

Fang Yu sat in front of the hospital bed, swiping his phone boredly, looking at various news in the game forum.

But it's not all about the phone either.

After all, he didn't stay here to play with his mobile phone.

From time to time, he would raise his head to look at the instruments beside the hospital bed.

According to the doctor's instructions, as long as the data does not fluctuate too much, there is no problem.

If there is a big fluctuation, immediately ring the bell and call them over.

At other times, you don’t need to worry about it, just hang on to a little drip.

Looking away, Fang Yu continued to look at his phone.

"I'm sorry, the strong want to trample on the weak!I am the big brother of the [Lone Star faction], I am invincible, you can do whatever you want! "

"Following in the footsteps of others is useless, knife twenty-three!My original and unique sword technique, I will find the master of the martial arts gym to test the strength today!Feedback results at any time, welcome to pay attention! "

"Although I burn, kill, loot and do all kinds of evil, I am still a good girl!Evil Route Raiders, dignified serialization!Record the rise of a female bandit! "

In addition to those practical skill posts in the forum, this kind of autobiographical sharing posts have always been popular.

But because in the game, everyone is separated from each other, so the authenticity needs to be considered.

There are no screenshots, no video recordings, all rely on various hand-drawn drawings, and 'live' the various development paths of the posters.

Post a few pictures every day, like keeping a diary.

Some people doubt it and some people support it.

In some posts, there will be people from the same city or nearby who come here admiringly to check the identity of the host.

This is generally referred to as online reality.

There are also people who specialize in this, creating columns for local celebrities near their characters, making posts, and attracting traffic.

But the authenticity is difficult to guarantee, maybe the navy was hired to engage in double reeds.

There were questioning posts before, exposing the drama of the navy's acting, which greatly reduced the credibility of this kind of post.

In addition to these miscellaneous posts, more posts are asking about things in various games.

How much are those black demon nails worth?

What is the name of that unknown herb.

Or if you pick up a good-looking piece of momentum on the road, can anyone recognize what it is?

This kind of post is too common, and everyone is new, so I can't recognize things that you don't recognize, so there are very few people who reply.

More people are seeking martial arts.

Generally follow the martial arts, gangs, or sects, and learn and improve a little bit.

But there are also those who find another way out, researching poisons, elixir, and black powder, and even creating their own martial arts.

There are all kinds of things to do, but I don’t know if I can achieve success.

Fang Yu has been busy playing games recently, so there are fewer forums.

I didn't even read Lei Shenhao's very entertaining posts.

As the audience of the game "Magic Seeking" spread, all kinds of people began to join the game, and the diversity of players was fully revealed in the forum.

Among them, those players who have adventures are the most envious of Fang Yu.

For example, there is a player surnamed Xiao, who was picked up by the elders of some sect and accepted as a direct disciple, and then relied on the system to add points, eat big supplements, add points, and break through the realm without hindrance.

But at the big competition at the end of the month, he was veiled by his senior brother at the same level, and he became a clown in the school directly, with high scores and low abilities.

Even the elder who accepted him as his apprentice shook his head, as if disappointed.

Then even the resources were reduced, and the upgrade speed slowed down all of a sudden.

As the speed of realm improvement slowed down, the resources obtained decreased again, and a vicious circle started directly, completely breaking the defense of this adventure player surnamed Xiao.

The front is still a good record post, with a bit of showing off, and the back is full of curses, and even scolded people who laughed at the post, the content of the post has become unsightly.

It seems!Open the champagne!

Fang Yu chuckled, watching Ouhuang break the defense, it might be time to pass the time.

However, the record stickers of most of the adventure players are quite satisfactory development.

Most of them are a little adventure in the front, followed by steady development, but the starting point is a little higher.

Fang Yu glanced at it, but all the posts he found were still struggling with flower-level strength, and the grass-level ones were like legends, and he couldn't even touch the edge.

Fang Yu touched his chin, could it be that I am the strongest among the players?
Thinking of his exaggerated blood count of nearly [-] blood, he couldn't help but chuckle.

Even if other people have the same level of realm as their own, the difference in blood volume is not the same level.

I am invincible, you can do whatever you want.

dong dong!

There was a knock on the door, which made Fang Yu quickly put his mind away and put away his phone.

"Come in."

It was a team of doctors in white coats.

The doctor in charge of the previous operation was also there, as was the doctor surnamed Tai.

"This relative, step back, let's come over to see the patient's condition and study the specific follow-up treatment plan."

Fang Yu naturally gave them some space.

Roughly counting, there are almost eleven or twelve doctors surrounding Qimeng's hospital bed.

Is this the top treatment in a luxurious ward?

The number of doctors starts in double digits.

And it was dispatched by a group, not a single doctor.

Fang Yu scratched his head.

When he swiped his phone just now, he didn't forget to check the equipment monitoring Qimeng's situation. It can be said that there was no ups and downs.

Fang Yu couldn't understand these doctors' technical terms, and occasionally exposed a few unfamiliar English words, which made him think for a long time, trying to figure out what they meant.

Almost all the university knowledge has been returned.

With nothing to do, he got up, poured a few cups of warm water to the side for the doctors, and pulled a chair to sit beside him.

Listening to the doctor's heated discussion, Fang Yu was thinking that he would have brought the gaming helmet with him earlier.

But I still have to guard the flag dream, and I don't have time to play with a game helmet.

Let's wait until sister Jin comes back.

Suddenly, the team of doctors over there, discussing what happened, stuffed a few pieces of paper into his arms.

Fang Yu took it out and looked at it, and was speechless.

The doctor's unique, crooked handwriting, I can't understand the meaning of the writing at all.

"Doctor Tai, this is..."

Fang Yu asked the nearest doctor.

"Oh, some test approval documents require relatives to sign. Don't look at the above saying that those medical testing instruments have certain risks. In fact, there will be no accidents at all. Just rest assured to sign."

Saying that, Dr. Tai winked at Fang Yu, leaned over and said in a low voice.

"Ming people don't talk dark words, you are here with us, but you belong to the VIP among the VIPs, the top group of customers. We must gather all the strength of the hospital to help you cure patients."

Fang Yu smiled awkwardly.

"I am not a relative of a patient, I am a friend of a relative."

"Oh, it's the same, they are all our honored guests. By the way, since they are not relatives, then don't sign this document. Let relatives sign when they come back."


Fang Yu just put away the documents...

Suddenly, the door of the ward was pushed open violently.

The sound of knocking open the door was rough, but it was a strange girl who pushed the door open.

The girl's eyeballs rolled, and her greedy gaze stayed on everyone for a while, until a transparent liquid was secreted from the corner of her mouth.

Fang Yu's heart skipped a beat.

What the hell!

It's not like some psychiatric patient escaped and came here.

At this time, Fang Yu actually missed the ability of the game character.

You can see the name, you can see the health bar, and you can clearly see the background of the other party.

However, games are games after all, not reality.

Subconsciously, Fang Yu looked at the doctor team, but the doctor team was also a little confused, as if they didn't know this girl.

At this moment, the girl's eyes had already swept to the hospital bed.

She seemed to recognize Qi Meng who was lying on the hospital bed, her breathing became short of breath, and her expression became eager.

The crowd suddenly stunned.

It turned out to be a friend of the patient, who probably came to visit just after learning about the patient's accident.

Fang Yu felt that the girl looked a little strange, but he didn't think much about it.

He took two steps forward and was about to speak.

A hand suddenly rested on the girl's shoulder.

Fang Yu was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately smiled.

"Sister Jin! You're back!"

Qi Xiaojin, who put his hand on the girl's shoulder, nodded to Fang Yu with a smile.

"Well, I'm back. This little sister is my sister's little sister. I'll take her out for a chat. You guys continue."

As soon as the words fell, the girl who was placed on Qi Xiaojin's shoulders immediately turned her head and opened her mouth as if to bite Qi Xiaojin's neck.

That distorted expression changed into a look of horror and shock visible to the naked eye.

As Qi Xiaojin took her out of the ward and went to the next room, the girl remained silent, her body trembling slightly, as if shivering.


She lowered her head in disbelief.

As the door of the private room was closed, with black-clothed bodyguards guarding the door, the corners of Qi Xiaojin's mouth raised slightly.

"So, you still know what it means to be afraid!"

Bang! !

Like a lizard looking for self-protection while digging, she burst into the blood mist.

The flesh and blood of the human skin splashed out, covering Qi Xiaojin's sight for a moment. She was about to jump out of the window when she was short, but something grabbed her wrist suddenly.

Looking back, the claws scratched away.

But he found that the other party looked at him like a dead person, motionless.

The sharp claws are still stretching forward, but the long-armed claw monster can no longer feel its own body - it has been cut into more than a dozen pieces of meat and scattered on the ground.

Unfortunately, she has already recognized that this is not a sheepskin demon.

This is...another kind of monster.

"Dead Silent Spirit, Sheepskin Demon, and this monster now."

"What the hell is going on? At this time in the previous life, everything was clearly calm!"

Qi Xiaojin squinted her eyes, sensed it, and immediately touched the position of the monster's stomach among the remains of the corpse.

Its belly was like paper, it fell off, faded from the flesh color, and turned into a familiar parchment.

Qi Xiaojin reached out and grabbed it.

At the same time, words began to appear on it.

【Honorable believer, do you like the gift I prepared for you? 】

[Don't worry, our game has just begun. 】

At the end of the text, the parchment slowly decomposed and disappeared like ashes.

But Qi Xiaojin just sneered.

"The shackles of human crimes, the liberation deepens!"

boom! ! !
An invisible air flow centered on Qi Xiaojin and swung outward!
The paper materials on the surrounding desktops were flying all over the room, and the tables and chairs were buzzing like an earthquake.

Before the parchment was completely reduced to ashes, Qi Xiaojin sensed it.

But the result surprised her.


More than a hundred represent the existence of the sheepskin demon, looming on the territory of Jiangnan City.

All of these are sheepskin monsters, or none of them are sheepskin monsters.

It actually broke itself into pieces!
In this way, the strength may be further reduced, but it will undoubtedly be able to better hide the body.

"Do you think that... I can't handle you!"

Qi Xiaojin's eyes were cold, and she crushed the parchment residue in her hand.

Turning off the switch, the surrounding air waves disappeared, and Qi Xiaojin seemed to be a little older all of a sudden, crow's feet faintly appeared at the corners of her eyes, and her face showed a little tiredness.

"This power was originally prepared for the dead spirits. I didn't sheepskin monster, but you are anxious to find death first!"

Dragons have reverse scales.

Her family and Fang Yu are her bottom line.

This sheepskin demon has touched her bottom line.

Then even if you pay the price, get rid of this thing!

Sweeping her eyes towards the remains of the corpse, it disintegrated into even more fragmented pieces of meat, and she couldn't see the original appearance, so she opened the door and went out.

Leave the rest to the bodyguards.

After giving the order, she walked towards the ward.

Open the door and go in, the doctors have already left.

With just one glance, she saw the man who made her feel extremely at ease.

The cold expression that had just experienced the killing immediately softened.

"Fang Yu."

"Sister Jin! The doctor just left, and they left a lot of documents for you to sign."

Qi Xiaojin smiled slightly.

"Well, give it all to me. You're tired too, go back and have a good rest. I'm fine here."

"Ah... I'm fine. Anyway, I'm a freelancer. I'll stay with you. Maybe your eldest sister wakes up suddenly. I just checked the diary, and the vegetative person woke up within the first month or two. most likely."

He is still so gentle.

Qi Xiaojin's heart was touched.

It's just her, something needs to be dealt with.

Fang Yu is here, and he is not easy to operate.

"You seem to have dark circles under your eyes. Go back and rest first. I'll watch over here. When I can't bear it anymore, you can help me look after my eldest sister, okay?"

These words finally made Fang Yu think for a while, and agreed.

After all, the rotation system is a very reasonable requirement.

Everyone is not an iron man, and they can't hold it if they keep guarding.

"Then, I'll go back to catch up on sleep first. I'll do it for you later."


After Fang Yu left, the ward returned to silence.

Qi Xiaojin gently stroked the hair of the eldest sister on the hospital bed.

Vegetative people are not hopeless.

Gaming helmets are the best antidote.

After all, the brain is still active, so you can access the game.

Just like this, I can't know the situation of my eldest sister in the game.

How to find the eldest sister in such a vast game map, in the vast sea of ​​people, is the problem.

And if the big sister didn't gain power in the game on the day when the doomsday came, then even if the doomsday came, she wouldn't be able to wake up.

All kinds of details are full of trouble.

Qi Xiaojin sighed.

Could it be that the sisters can only be reunited after a year?
But at least... people are still alive.

"There is no rush for this matter."

"Get rid of that sheepskin demon first."

Qi Xiaojin narrowed her eyes and called someone from outside.

It's time to activate the banknote ability.

"Sheepskin demon, don't forget, besides a believer, I'm also a... rich second generation."


In the dark, leaky sewer channel, a body curled up on the ground, gasping for breath, as if enduring great pain.

"Was wiped out... in the true sense of being wiped out!"

"The believer, why do you feel that you know how to deal with my type of monsters like this! This kind of experience is not what she should have in her grade."

It seemed that the force had eased, and the sheepskin demon slowly got up from the ground.

"Fortunately, I have been broken into parts. The biggest real body is here. Although the others are clones, they all contain a part of my real body, which is enough to confuse the real one. She can't tell which one is the true deity."

"And that guy..."

The sheepskin demon frowned.

He recognized the young man in the hospital, and his thoughts slowly returned to that day a month ago.

The doctor surnamed Qiu got his piece of parchment.

In other words, he took the initiative to find him.

At that time, I didn't understand why I would find him.

Now, I understand.

Doctor Qiu has a kind of luck in his body, and he was able to obtain a body through him smoothly, which is also a manifestation of his luck.

Later, he guided Dr. Qiu to jump in line to buy a game helmet with a lucky gift package.

Indeed, I bought it. When I entered the game, I heard the reminder of the lucky gift bag, and Dr. Qiu was very excited.

As everyone knows, the body was directly taken away by himself.

The guy who got into a fight because Dr. Qiu jumped in line at that time knew the believer?
No wonder the game helmet he bought came with a lucky gift bag. There must be something else behind it, but unfortunately he took the chance. Although it is useless, good things are always good for bad people.

The corner of the sheepskin demon's mouth slightly raised, quietly, it seemed that he had ruined someone else's good deed.

呲! !

The sheepskin demon who just thought of this suddenly had a wound on his chest.

"what happened?!"

I was shocked.

Then it was discovered that suddenly a clone was hit and killed by a car.

etc!It wasn't the hand of the believer, it was killed by a human driving a car!

Is it a coincidence?still……

呲! !

Another wound popped out on his chest, and it gritted its teeth in pain.

Moreover, the scene of wearing back through the avatar at the end is obviously done by the same group of men in black suits.

Not a coincidence!

It is the believer who is using human beings to deal with the human beings he hosts!
What a cruel heart, but she is of the same race! !

The brain was running rapidly, and the eyeballs rolled, and the sheepskin demon suddenly issued an order.

"All guide the hosts to lurk! And directly let them enter the game and extradite the demon!"

The sheepskin demon did not expect that the believer was so ruthless that he would use this method to deal with him and persecute him.

Then... speed up!
If the transformation is successful, all will lurk!

The current self, as well as any monsters who have just sneaked in, are absolutely impossible to be the opponent of the believer.

But as long as he lurked, passed the initial period of weakness, and recovered his strength.

Then, it is not certain who is chasing who.

A cat-and-mouse game that could be reversed at any time is quietly unfolding.


(End of this chapter)

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