Chapter 239

Lingyun Inn.

All the monsters gathered.

Bie Huzi looked at the surging crowd below, and felt a little emotional for a while.

Originally, the number of monsters on their side was enough to fill up the space in the inn lobby alone.

But now, the second and third floors are full of people.

Some monsters are not even qualified to enter this inn and participate in it.

In just a few days, such earth-shaking changes have taken place.

Bie Huzi felt more and more that he was following the right person.

That blood demon really has big tricks.

I still remember that when Qing Yao was in power, he didn't have such ability.

Perhaps, this is the right time, place and people. After a great battle, many monsters were subdued, and they came here sincerely.

With the current scale, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a gathering of demons under the command of [Demon Foot].

The only thing that is lacking may be whether the blood demon has the strength of [Demon Foot].

"Why hasn't your boss come yet? We've been waiting for a long time."

"I rushed over immediately when I heard the call, but it turned out to be early? Is this how you treat guests?"

Perhaps because of the long wait, some discordant voices appeared in the crowd below.

Bie Huzi immediately spoke to comfort him.

"Hurry up, Lord Blood Demon is already on the way, you are waiting for a while."

"Still waiting? Our time is not time, is it?"

"No sincerity! We sincerely came to seek refuge, and the result is this treatment? At the beginning, we were treated with this attitude, isn't it going to get worse in the future?"

The voices of those two people were quite loud, inciting some demons around to whisper.

Bie Huzi frowned slightly.

Che Linfang was not there, he, [Rong Qiulu] and [Bu Ange] were the people with the highest status present.

If Che Linfang is the second in command in the team, the three of them are the third in command.

Although Bie Huzi's strength was not comparable to the other two, but this was hand-picked by the blood demon, and no one below dared to disobey.

What's more, this is the initial team, and these monsters who have taken refuge from outside are not counted as their own.

Bie Huzi was a good talker, but the other two had a bad temper.

Just kidding, before the blood demon took the position, the two of them, plus [Chi Zhenjie] who was once at the same level and died because of betrayal, the three of them were all qualified to compete for the position of the demon tail at first!
Why do cats and dogs dare to shout in front of them?

with a snap.

[Rong Qiulu] and [Bu Ange] slap each of them when they go up.

The two fell directly to the ground, clutching their faces in pain and twisting on the ground.

"When did this little monster dare to ride on our heads and shout?"

"Pay attention to the way you speak, think clearly, it's not us begging you to come, it's you who want to join us? If you force me again, I will tear you apart!"

Opening his mouth and showing his sharp teeth, the two people on the ground were terrified and scrambled back.

[Rong Qiulu] and [Bu Ange] laughed out loud, but Bie Huzi beside him felt helpless.

He is happy to see the strength of the team grow.

But there is no way to mix fish and dragons.

There will always be times when there are too many people.




At this moment, two tall figures walked out of the crowd applauding.

Everyone recognized it immediately.

"It's [Red Hammer Giant Ape Demon] and [Blue Hammer Giant Ape Demon]!"

"Why are they here?"

"The last time I was in the Yuanti Martial Arts Hall, I saw them attack! They are extremely fierce!"

Facing everyone's eyes, the two front demon tails were recognized by everyone even though they were in the form of human skin.

"I thought this team, just the Blood Demon, would interest the two of us. Unexpectedly, there are two of you hiding in it." [Red Hammer Giant Ape Demon] said with a smile.

The [Blue Hammer Giant Ape Demon] next to him also said: "In the previous battle, I didn't seem to see you two making a move. Did I not pay attention?"

It's true that they didn't pay attention, [Rong Qiulu] and [Bu Ange] did it before, but it wasn't obvious.

In that battle, if you want to stand out, you have to start with the strength of the Fairy Tail level.

And although they have some qualifications to compete for the position of Fairy Tail, they are still far from the real strength of Fairy Tail. At most, they can be regarded as the cadre-level combat power below Fairy Tail, just like the current position.

Even among the subordinates brought by [Red Hammer Giant Ape Demon] and [Blue Hammer Giant Ape Demon], there are existences stronger than them.

Facing the strong, [Rong Qiulu] and [Bu Ange] are respectful.

"The two Master Fairy Tails were joking. In such a big scene last time, we deserve to fight. We are incomparable to the adults."

[Red Hammer Giant Ape Demon] and [Blue Hammer Giant Ape Demon] were full of smiles.

"Be polite, be polite. Compared with Lord Blood Demon, our two brothers are just fighting."

This scene of harmony between hello and me stunned the other monsters who came to watch the show.

Many of them thought that these two Fairy Tails came out to make trouble.

It turns out that...isn't that the same thing? ?
These monsters present are not all subordinates brought by [Red Hammer Giant Ape Demon] and [Blue Hammer Giant Ape Demon].

There are also a large part of the demons who are idle around. After hearing about the brilliant achievements of the blood demons this time, they came to the party this time and wanted to see the situation and whether they would like to join it.

All of them didn't know that this wave of gatherings was actually preparing for a strong alliance.




At this moment, a burst of crisp footsteps sounded from the door.

When everyone looked back, they couldn't help but change their expressions.

Because the person who came here was the organizer of this gathering, the blood demon——Fang Yu!
Bie Huzi greeted him with smiling faces of [Rong Qiulu] and [Bu Ange].

[Red Hammer Giant Ape Demon] and [Blue Hammer Giant Ape Demon] stayed in place respectfully, bowing their heads slightly.

Others also fell silent.

There were so many monsters at the scene, it was still noisy just now.

But just following the arrival of the person at the door, everything fell silent.

After all, everyone present at this party is here for someone.

"My lord! It's almost time for the people to gather, and there are still some weaker ones, so they haven't been arranged in the inn for the time being."

"Anyone else?"

Fang Yu froze slightly.

He saw that the lobby was full of people, and the aisles on the second and third floors were also full of people, so he stuck his head out and looked down.

At this scale, at least two or three hundred people.

Oh, no, two or three hundred monsters.


I dare not think deeply about it.

There are so many monsters in the manpower he summoned.

Counting the other subordinates of the big monster, how many monsters are hidden in Tianyuan Town today.

"Thanks a lot."

Fang Yu patted Bie Huzi on the shoulder.

Then [Rong Qiulu] and [Bu Ange] looked behind him and nodded slightly to them.

"You too, worked hard."

What is this called?

It was such a simple sentence, but the three of them were very useful. They saluted excitedly with happy faces, and then silently followed behind Fang Yu.

At this moment, a young girl squeezed out from the crowd, and first bowed to Fang Yu cautiously.

"Master Blood Demon."

Then he walked to Che Linfang's side in a bouncing manner, took her arm, and whispered in his ear.

[Zhang Xiaoli: 746/1746. 】

It's her.

Fang Yu was somewhat impressed, but not deeply.

Che Linfang gave Fang Yu an apologetic look, and then retreated into the crowd with [Zhang Xiaoli].

Fang Yu didn't think too much, as the number of his subordinates increased, he couldn't remember everyone.

Anyway, the manpower is basically handed over to Che Linfang's management, plus [Bie Huzi], [Rong Qiulu] and [Bu Ange], the three veterans and three cadres to assist, and I can supervise and supervise occasionally.

Take the people and walk to [Red Hammer Giant Ape Demon] and [Blue Hammer Giant Ape Demon].

Without any warning, these two demons suddenly half-kneeled on the ground.

"Master Blood Demon, I [Red Hammer Giant Ape Demon] have resigned from the position of Fairy Tail, and with a group of brothers, I would like to join your name! Please take me in!"

"Master Blood Demon, I am the same!"

You Zhang Fei, you too...

Fang Yu wanted to laugh, so he went up and patted the shoulders of the two of them.

"Get up, whether you take it or not, we will be a family from now on! Come, come, let me introduce you."

Fang Yu pointed to the three people behind him.

"Bie Huzi, he followed his predecessor, Fairy Tail, to lead the battle very early on. He may lack strength, but he is loyal, courageous and resourceful, and we will get along well in the future."

"There are also [Rong Qiulu] and [Bu Ange], they are quite strong. The small team I am waiting for is no match for the mature team of the two elder brothers. They are the two strongest generals under my command."

"There is also Che Linfang, you should have met her, she has a good management team, but she is still a bit younger, and I will have to find two old brothers to ask for advice on the experience of the management team hahaha."

Fang Yu praised the three of them, and he didn't forget to take Lin Fang with him.

[Red Hammer Giant Ape Demon] and [Blue Hammer Giant Ape Demon] are so smart.

Immediately understood what Fang Yu meant.

After saying hello to the three of Bie Huzi, he followed Fang Yu just like them, as if they were of the same level as them.

Being able to bend and stretch, I don't care about the positioning of the team I arrange, which is lower than their actual strength.

If they don't have other ideas, they are definitely talents that can be reused.

Of course, if there are other plans, then the current posture of retracting freely is understandable.

Fang Yu thought to himself, but remained calm on the surface, leading the people to the platform in the middle.

The three of Bie Huzi didn't expect Fang Yu to do such a trick, they were a little flattered, and a little excited in their hearts.

Standing side by side with the two powerful former Fairy Tails, it felt as if he was also standing at that height.

Whispering voices could be heard all around again.

Some people are puzzled, some are puzzled, some are not worth it for the two Fairy Tails, and some are thoughtful.

But with Fang Yu standing on the stage, accompanied by [Red Hammer Giant Ape Demon] and other five people standing side by side behind Fang Yu like five King Kong.

Like a general, leading five officers, patrolling the entire venue, everyone silenced and dared not make any more noise.

"Everyone, I believe that if you can appear here, you should know who I am."

"And I know what you think."

"I'll talk about other things too."

"Anyone who is willing to sincerely join my team is welcome."

"But if you join my team with ill intentions or other purposes. Then you'd better leave now."

"Leave now, I don't have to pursue it, and pretend that nothing happened."

"If you wait to join my team, and then you are discovered what clues and what will happen, I don't need to say more, you should know it yourself."

"Now, I'll give you ten seconds to think it through, and then choose to leave or stay."


In the presence, someone hesitated.


Someone was quietly walking out the door, which aroused some people's thoughts.



Scattered, about a dozen people left.

Fang Yu gave Che Linfang in the crowd a look.

The latter nodded slightly, comforted [Zhang Xiaoli], left her in the inn, and left quietly with a group of people.

[Red Hammer Giant Ape Demon] and [Blue Hammer Giant Ape Demon] saw this, their hearts moved.

Not only was he not dissatisfied, but he looked at Fang Yu with a little more approval.

This is the man who does great things.

Next, is the trivial matter of registering manpower.

Originally, these were Che Linfang's main business, but now she was arranged by herself, so naturally this work fell to other people.

Many of the monsters brought by [Red Hammer Giant Ape Demon] and [Blue Hammer Giant Ape Demon] were split off and assigned to Bie Huzi and others. Only some elites are still in their hands.

The rest are the idle monsters who heard about Fang Yu's reputation and took refuge here.

Some difficult thorns were handed over to the giant hammer demon brothers.

Those who are obedient, or have special abilities, or are stronger, will be assigned to the three of Bie Huzi. In addition, Fang Yu has specially reserved a group of demons for Che Linfang.

They are all small bosses, how can they not have some special staff.

Before, Fang Yu felt that there were a lot of people, but now that they are divided up, the number of monsters each person brings is the same.

There are only forty or fifty demons per capita, and the number fluctuates up and down, with little difference.

For example, the giant ape demon brothers have more manpower, and Bie Huzi is not strong enough, so the manpower is less, but relatively elite.

Fang Yu tried his best to make everyone's team strength more even, and if there was any situation later, he would make adjustments.

When Fang Yu assigned good staff, [Red Hammer Giant Ape Demon] suddenly approached Fang Yu and said in a low voice.

"My lord, I know that there are still some monsters who are still swaying. If I come forward to lobby, I should be able to persuade them to join the team."

Also increase manpower?
Fang Yu hesitated.

Think for a moment, he said.

"No rush, the team has just expanded and needs to stabilize for a while before making follow-up plans."


[Red Hammer Giant Ape Demon] Seeing this, he had no objection, so he backed away.

Suddenly thought of something and stopped.

"My lord, there is one more thing."

"You said."

Fang Yu turned to look at him.

"My subordinates have recently discovered that the number of warriors from outside Tianyuan Town has suddenly increased a lot. You can see many strange warriors from outside in a hurry on the streets."

Fang Yu showed doubts.

"What's wrong with that?"

"I don't know. I'm just worried that those humans in Tianyuan Town may have noticed something and started to make some moves... If you allow, maybe you can ask the big monster above. If you can get it sooner Knowing some news, we can also prepare early."

(End of this chapter)

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