Chapter 251
The beating of drums was louder than the last.

And with the sound of beating drums, the surrounding stalls and the stall owners all started to pack and put away the things on the stalls in unison, as if they had received some signal.

Then he hurried towards the direction of the sound of the drum beating.

These stall owners packed their things extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, three or four stalls around Fang Yu had already closed their stalls and left.

There was a stall with a female customer shopping and bargaining.

Seeing that the stall owner ran away, he quickly bought something at a high price, and then ran over there with the stall owner.

Seeing this, Fang Yu didn't delay, and followed the people in front, heading towards the sound of the drums.

With the rush, more and more people gathered on the road.

At this time, three big arenas can already be seen in the front, and a huge crowd is gathered in a pile, and the heads are surging.

Fang Yu remembered that the meeting place he had agreed with Zuo Lu and the others was the second ring, and he went straight there after turning around.

But when they got to the place, they found that the two of them hadn't come yet, but a lot of other people had piled up in front of the second ring, so it was hard to find someone.

Fang Yu guessed that these guys might be opponents later, so he glanced secretly.

The dense blood bars make people look a little dazzled, but they still keenly capture part of the information.

The people around them all started with 500 blood, and [-] is more normal.

Just now, Fang Yu found another blood bar with a thousand blood flashing past, covered and submerged by other people's blood bars.

"Diao... Red Bull."


A hand suddenly rested on Fang Yu's shoulder.

Fang Yu turned his head and found that it was the left green of the monkey face.

"...the green monkey."

Left green:? ? ?
Rao is that Zuo Lu himself has no special pursuit of the praise of beauty.

But when someone suddenly said a green monkey, he was still embarrassed.

The corner of her mouth twitched slightly, and she whispered a word.

"You man, I'm afraid you won't be able to find a girl in the future."


Fang Yu froze for a moment.

After several years in college, I really didn't find a partner.

In the game, there is Ding Hui who is quite good, but it is a pity that he is pretending.

Fang Yu scratched his head.

I thought that I couldn't find a university because I was too poor. Could there be another way to say it?
He also hoped that after he became rich from games, he would find a sweet love with his young lady.

Immediately, Fang Yu approached Zuo Lu and asked modestly.

"Why do you say it's hard for me to find a girl? Can you say anything?"

Zuo Lu covered her mouth and giggled.

After laughing, he patted Fang Yu on the shoulder.

"Enlighten it yourself."

what the hell.

Seeing that Zuo Lu had already taken the lead, Fang Yu quickly followed.

Ahead, I saw that Hei Ao was already waiting.

The shape of the dragon king that pulls the wind is quite recognizable.

Behind Hei Ao, there is a group of people, listening to one person explaining something.

Fang Yu listened carefully and curiously. Under the control of the organ, the sound suddenly became louder, and he felt that his hearing was several times more sensitive.

Then, Fang Yu discovered that what the man was explaining was simply the rules of the three major arenas that Hei Ao and Zuo Lu had told him before.

"Is that someone from the organizer?"

Fang Yu came to Hei Ao's side and pointed to the person explaining the rules.


Hei Ao didn't turn his head back, and said coldly.

"What about the sponsor?"

"When the ring is over and the prizes are distributed, it will appear."

Fang Yu asked strangely: "How do you know?"

"...How do you think my three cards came from?"

Fang Yu was startled.

"You've met people from the organizer! And it's a direct contact!"

"Almost, Zuo Lu should have seen it too. As excellent disciples of the five major families, we are both very special regardless of our status or status. It is normal to have special treatment."

As he said that, Hei Ao squinted at Fang Yu, as if he was saying with his eyes that the boy was able to get in so smoothly, because he was ignoring our favor.

Fang Yu pouted.

"Then what is the background of the organizer, is it reliable?"

"Foreign warriors, I've never seen them before, but they should be reliable. Others' backgrounds are not simple, so it's hard to tell you the details. Anyway, you won't lose the prize. Their family has a big career, so they can afford it."

It can be seen that Hei Ao seems to have a lot of trust in the organizer.

Fang Yu looked at Zuo Lu, who also nodded slightly.

"I won't look for you if I'm not sure, or it's not a waste of work?"

That's true, these two can stand out from the crowd in their respective families, they are considered to be excellent people, and they won't suffer from such dumbness.

At this moment, there was a sudden exclamation from the first arena.

The person explaining the rules in front also stopped at this time and said to others.

"In the first ring, the official competition has already begun. If you are interested, you can go and see it now."

Is this the beginning?

Fang Yu was a little curious.

But looking at Zuo Lu and Hei Ao, they seem to lack interest and can't cheer up.

Fang Yu scratched his head.

"Shall I go to see the excitement?"

"As you wish." Zuo Lu said.

"..." Hei Ao glanced at Fang Yu and said nothing.

But the meaning is very clear, what is so interesting about this kind of low-level competition.

Fang Yu smiled, and was about to leave, when he suddenly thought of something, reached out his hand to grab Zuo Lu who was about to leave, and called Hei Ao to stop.

"Two, come closer, we'll find a place, I have something to tell you."

They showed doubts on their faces, but they still came closer, retreated from the crowd, found a remote place, and waited for Fang Yu to speak.

"I suspect that there may be demons pretending to be humans in the competition."

Fang Yu said in a voice that only the two of them could hear.

Hearing this, Zuo Lu frowned slightly, then glanced at Hei Ao.

The latter looked a little ugly, and then shook his head slightly.

"If there are monsters, they should only dare to win a few matches in the first and second rings, and dare not mess around in the third ring."

Fang Yu was puzzled.


"It's very simple. The third arena is a life-and-death battle. The strength of the monster's human skin is far inferior to that of a demon. If you dare to fight in the third arena, it is easy to miss. As long as you miss once, you will be beaten out of the demon's real body, and you will not survive. Chance."

Hei Ao continued to add: "Therefore, under this condition, they only dare to show off in the limited first and second rings. So don't worry, the monsters should not interfere with the competition in the ring. At most, after the ring is over, they may There will be monsters following us and attacking us. This is also one of the purposes of wearing masks. When we are being followed, we can take off our masks and blend in with the crowd to escape."

Although it was aimed at foreign warriors with sinister intentions at first, but now that they know the possibility of monster attacks, they can also defend against them by the way.

Hei Ao secretly praised him for his little wit, but unfortunately the two people next to him had no intention of praising him at all.

Fang Yu thought for a while, then hesitated, "Tell me, will these monsters mixed in with the organizer..."


"probably not."

Before Fang Yu finished speaking, the two interrupted directly.

Left green is okay, the word should be used.

But Hei Ao's answer was that he was firm and firm, with no doubts.

Fang Yu looked at him.

"Why not?"

"It's troublesome to explain to you in detail, anyway, you are too worried. Even if there are monsters, they will not belong to them."

Seeing that Hei Ao didn't want to explain, Fang Yu looked at Zuo Lu.

The latter smiled wryly.

"Their sect, the exercises are a bit special. Ordinary monsters, eating them is equivalent to eating poison."

so cruel?
Fang Yu was surprised.

"There are more and more strange exercises outside, so you don't have to be too surprised. If you are curious, I will go out and wander around in the future, and I will bring you with me." Zuo Lu blinked and said.

Good guy, you want to abduct me, a coolie, on the road when you are away from home?

Don't do it, don't do it, I want to stay in Tianyuan Town until the magic power is complete before going out!

Fang Yu ignored Zuo Lu. Since both of them felt that the monster had mixed into the team, it was not a big problem, and it had nothing to do with the organizer behind it, so Fang Yu ignored it.

Boom! !

At the first arena, suddenly the drum beat sounded again.

Then there was a loud applause.

"It should be the end of the round." Zuo Lu said.

"It's pretty fast." Hei Ao said indifferently.

"I gonna go see?"

Fang Yu was a little curious and looked at the two of them.

"what ever."

Waving his hand, Fang Yu turned and left.

Walking forward, I found that most of the warriors stayed near the second ring.

Some started doing warm-up exercises on the spot, took out swords, sticks and other weapons and started to play slowly. Although they couldn't see the pattern, but they used them coherently and quickly. It is estimated that each of them was not a simple and deadly move.

Fang Yu took a few glances and arrived at the much deserted first arena.

A young man covered in injuries and nearly exhausted has just come down from the ring.

Fang Yu actually recognized that person.

[Chun Junhao: 12/256. 】

Surprisingly, he was one of the guys who checked the films for them at the door.

Good guy, his blood volume is almost approaching the threshold of a grass-level warrior with 300 blood, and he just narrowly beat the first round?
The Hundred-man War is so stressful? ?
Fang Yu suddenly became interested.

Although this is only the arena for flower-level warriors.

However, the rules of the battle in a group of one hundred people are still figured out, and there are certain reference points for it.

Although Fang Yu didn't think that he would be overturned and eliminated in the stage of the hundred-man battle, there is always nothing wrong with being more familiar with the rules.

In case you meet a powerful opponent, you can also familiarize yourself with the ways in advance, so as not to be caught off guard when you get to the third arena for life and death.

Since the first ring is not very popular, you can find a viewing spot anywhere.

Fang Yu found a position with the best angle and best view, and sat down.

As soon as the drums sounded, a group of people around them sprung up like mushrooms and jumped onto the ring.

bang bang.

A dozen or so people suddenly hit the wall and fell to the ground. It turned out that it was full, and the ring automatically formed an almost invisible door.

It is a bit similar to the sound mask of the Silent Demon, but it is only a shape, and its function is completely different.

Fang Yu suppressed the curiosity in his heart that he wanted to go up and touch it, and planned to wait until after this round of competition.

As soon as the beating drum sounded, everyone who was still on the ring immediately drew their swords and fought towards the nearest enemy.

For a moment, the scene suddenly became chaotic like a vegetable market, and the sound of shouting and killing rang out.

But there is not a small difference in strength between each of them.

Soon, the weak ones, those with less than 100 HP, were the first to be unable to hold on, and shouted to surrender, or were beaten into a coma.

Others, regardless of these resting forces, continued to fight with each other.

But just like what Hei Ao said, flower-level warriors have limited means, and back and forth, they are all similar moves, and the power is average, and the attack speed is slow, which makes people feel a little irritated.

Fortunately, in such a short while, the number of people has been eliminated by more than half.

Some got off the ring by themselves, and some got kicked off the ring.

There are also some who pretend to be dead and want to be the sixth child, but they are also kicked off, and they are jumping in remorse.

This made Fang Yu feel a little interesting.

But he can see the blood bars, and this kind of insidious method will definitely not get him.

At this time, the number of people has decreased by more than 20 people, and those who are still on the field at this time are all warriors with about 200 HP.

One of the guys with a long knife was quite conspicuous and was besieged by five or six people.

It was because he was too high-profile before, which made everyone want to eliminate this guy first, and then fight each other.

Although it is only a flower-level arena, there are many small thoughts.

With several sharp swords on the man's neck, he reluctantly shouted the word admit defeat.

But those five or six people seemed to have gained the sweetness, looked at each other, and continued to form an alliance, and began to cooperate to wipe out other opponents.

Isn't this familiar scene a malicious team formation!
Good guy, it turns out that your native NPCs can also play this trick.

When Fang Yu played other games before, in a similar situation, he was attacked by other people's malicious team, so he has a deep memory.

Unexpectedly, now the computer AI has also learned this trick, and the world is really going downhill.

The survivors also seemed to have discovered the five people who formed a malicious team, and tacitly stopped the offensive, and distanced themselves from each other, forming a confrontation.

Suddenly, someone sneaked up from behind, threw darts, and other people besieged them—the survivors also spontaneously formed the Survivor Alliance!

Good guy, eight hundred minds.

At this time, it is no longer like a hundred people eating chicken, but like two forces are fighting.

After a fight, there were only three people left on the scene.

Kill again, only one person remains.

Others either passed out or surrendered.

Congratulations to this lucky guy who narrowly won with only 15 blood points left.

After Fang Yu witnessed the whole process, he suddenly understood why Chun Junhao just now was so tragic.

It's really not easy.

A battle of hundreds of people is quite troublesome.

The beating of drums sounded again, and the third wave of hundreds of people came on stage.

But a closer look revealed that the number of people was only over 90.

The number of people in the flower-level arena is not enough, and it is similar to what Hei Ao and the others guessed. The flower-level arena is just an extra head, and three or four rounds should be over.

Since he had already witnessed the whole process once, Fang Yu didn't pay that much attention when he watched it the second time, and just watched the follow-up process.

The winners of the three hundred-man battles took medicine and meditated, supplemented their energy and blood, rested until their condition recovered, and then began a one-on-one duel.

It has to be said that those who can fight from the battle of hundreds of people still have hard power. You come and I go to each other, it's all about trial and skill, and then a quick confrontation, swords and shadows, decide the winner.

Chun Junhao won.

Then the next round, the winner of the third round of the hundred-man battle.

I don't know if it's because of lack of physical strength or lack of strength. Chun Junhao lost several moves, regretted quitting, and only had to sing the background sound of "It's a pity it's not you, accompany me to the end".

Fang Yu wondered, shouldn't those players who love to engage in entertainment activities like this kind of project the most?Write it down and boast about posting on the forum, it's all traffic.

But after thinking about it, the threshold for entering here is not low, and ordinary players don't have the ability to come in, so naturally they don't even want to witness such a wonderful game.

Boom! !

At this moment, the sound of the drum beating on the second stage rang.

Fang Yu knew that his group arena was about to begin.

Standing up and leaving his position, Fang Yu turned around and left.

Behind him, he vaguely heard someone talking.

"Exciting! So exciting! This is much better than any costume TV series... Let my sister play the game later."

It seemed that besides himself, there was indeed another player at the bonfire.


(End of this chapter)

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