Chapter 254
Fang Yu was a little surprised, the order of the competition was so weird.

Watching Zuo Lu enter the field, the opponent this time is a martial artist with [-] blood.

I saw that person moving around Zuo Lu at high speed, suddenly he punched close to him, and was hit by Zuo Lu's backhand, his body froze, and Zuo Lu continued to shoot, slapped him a few times, and fell to the ground.

It has to be said that although Zuo Lu and Hei Ao both only have 500 blood, their actual combat strength cannot be judged by the normal blood volume at all.

Against these 800, 900 blood fighters, there is no disadvantage at all.

Is this the strength of a genius...

When Zuo Lu came back, after a few clicks, it was Hei Ao's turn to play again.

Hei Ao naturally lived up to expectations and won the victory.

"The three of us are going to take the top three."

Fang Yu joked.

But the other two nodded slightly as they took it for granted.

"We shot, there should be nothing else."

"Only these people, there are really few people who can catch my eyes."

Look, this is confidence.

In the arena, it was Fang Yu's turn to play again.

He glanced at his opponent, a regular warrior with eight hundred blood.

At the beginning of the competition, Fang Yu immediately swooped over, started a fast attack right behind him, quickly took down the man and won the victory.

Next, the three played a few more rounds each.


"Red Bull, battle, Green Monkey."

Is it our turn to face off against each other?
Fang Yu and Zuo Lu looked at each other.

"Red Bull! Red Bull! Red Bull!"

Someone in the crowd shouted, it seemed that because of the consecutive victories, everyone began to recognize Fang Yu's strength.

"Green monkey! Green monkey! Green monkey!"

Some people were calling Zuo Lu's nickname, but unfortunately, Zuo Lu's face was almost black.

"Finally match, you guys!"

Hei Ao was very excited, looking at the two of them full of expectation.

But Zuo Lu seemed to have other ideas.

Jumping onto the ring, she waved to Fang Yu.

Fang Yu also jumped onto the ring, but saw her smile at Fang Yu.

"I surrender."

Then he jumped off the ring.

This directly stunned everyone.

"Shady! Shady!!"

"What's the situation? Stop fighting?"

"Is there a mistake? I'm still looking forward to it."

There was a lot of boos below, and then victory is victory. Fang Yu successfully won another victory and successfully entered the quarterfinals.

Hei Ao looked at Zuo Lu who stepped down from the stage in astonishment.

"Why don't you fight?"

"There is nothing to fight, and you can't let go. Are you interested in those rewards?"

Hei Ao shook his head.

He is not interested in rewarding him at all, but admitting defeat... is boring.

Fang Yu also came down at this time.

After advancing to the top eight, there are only a few opponents left.

At this time, the stage was calling for Hei Ao to come on stage.

With the reduction of opponents, the frequency of the three of them has increased a lot.

When Hei Ao came to the stage, he was indeed not polite at all. He attacked his opponent like a bombardment, and quickly won the victory.

Fang Yu went on stage to fight again later, and he and Hei Ao both entered the semi-finals.

"If you win another round, you can get the reward."

Fang Yu said happily.

Hei Ao grinned.

"If we meet later, I won't be merciful like Zuo Lu."

But luckily, Fang Yu and Hei Ao did not become opponents in the semi-finals.

[Cun Lixin: 965/965. 】

This is Fang Yu's opponent.

Almost reaching the strength of Qianxue, no wonder he has been able to pass the test until now.

Unfortunately, now met me!
Fang Yu narrowed his eyes slightly.

The opponent held a long sword and looked like a master.


The man was so polite.

Fang Yu also made a gesture of invitation, but in the end, the man seized the opportunity and rushed over.

Good guy!Don't talk about Wude!
The sword shadow stabbed, Fang Yu quickly moved his head sideways to avoid it, and after a closer look, he found that the man stabbed with the scabbard attached, and did not intend to hurt anyone.

Flicking the scabbard towards his head, Fang Yu quickly drew out his dagger to block it.

when! !


Cun Lixin seemed a little surprised that this sword could be blocked by Fang Yu.

It seems that at this stage of the group arena, a guy with some strength finally appeared.

With a clang and a flick of his wrist, he shook off the scabbard and drew the sword out.


Jianfeng pointed directly at Fang Yu, and spoke lightly.

"Fuck him!"

Hei Ao shouted from the audience.

Zuo Lu's gaze was also locked on Fang Yu.

Her eyes were full of curiosity, as if she wanted to see how far Fang Yu would go against a strong man of this level.

boom! !

Fang Yu moved.

With a little step, the person rushed to the person like a ghost.

The long sword was also drawn out, and combined with the short sword, a quick sword dance was formed immediately.

The length of the son-mother sword is coordinated, and the two-zero sword of Yuan Ti is used again and again, and the shadow of the sword passes by quickly.

Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang! !

Murashiko kept blocking, and was caught off guard at first, and was almost overwhelmed.

But soon, he discovered that the opponent's sword moves were quite ordinary and did not seem to be subtle.

After resisting the initial onslaught, he began to gradually adapt to the rhythm.

"But so!"

With a flash of brilliance in his eyes, he suddenly drew out his sword and stabbed Fang Yu's chest.

when! !

Fang Yu blocked it with his backhand dagger, and slashed across with his sword.

Murashi stepped back, and the sword's edge whizzed past his eyes, making his breathing stagnate.

Although this person's sword moves are ordinary, but the speed of the sword is extremely fast, so don't be careless!

After a few more sword strikes, Murashi Xin barely blocked and evaded, and was pushed back steadily, but not to the point of losing directly.

"Diao Deyi met his opponent." Zuo Lu laughed in the audience.

"This guy has some strength." Hei Ao frowned slightly.

But neither of them thought that Fang Yu would lose.

It's just a group arena match, so it's not easy to show your strength.

Sure enough, as the cheers from the audience gradually became louder, Fang Yu's sword moves suddenly accelerated.

"This is?!"

Cunli was startled, and when she tried to fight again, it was already too late.

He could see the trajectory of Fang Yu's sword move and the next attack point of the sword technique.

But the body couldn't keep up with the speed of the opponent's moves.

too fast!
Consciousness and experienced kendo experience can predict the opponent's sword moves in advance, but the gap in strength makes it impossible for him to avoid the offensive even if he has such an advantage.

呲! !

The shadow of the sword flashed, and there was an extra wound on Murashi's chest.

In the pain, Cun Lixin's movements were half a beat slow, and Fang Yu suddenly approached him, and put a sword on his neck.

"You lost." Fang Yu said.


Murashi looked up at Fang Yu with a complicated expression.

This guy is so powerful, but the swordsmanship he uses is so rough, it's really... weird.

"If we are fighting to the death, your sword may not be able to be placed on my neck."

Cun Lixin left such a sentence, turned around and walked off the ring voluntarily.

It seems that everyone thinks that in this kind of arena, winning or losing is not a matter of skill.

Winning is just a good dance under the rules, not really strong and convincing.

Fang Yu didn't say anything, just win.

As for hard power and so on, he has [-] blood here, and if he is hit by anyone else, he can grind people to death with his blood volume.

After performing a sword dance, Fang Yu put the sword back into its sheath.

Amid the cheers of the crowd, and under the watchful eyes of Hei Ao and Zuo Lu, he jumped off the ring.

"Fixed! Lock the top two!"

Zuo Lu came up to congratulate, while Hei Ao pouted.

"It's so ink-stained, watch it later, and see how I fight!"

Hei Ao's words, Fang Yu's left ear went in and his right ear came out, and he didn't take it seriously at all.

Soon, the next battle will begin.

Hei Ao entered the stage decisively.

Fang Yu looked at Hei Ao's opponent.

Not surprisingly, the final opponent in the ring should be Hei Ao.

However, if there is an accident at the beginning, the opponent will become the guy in front of him.

[Yun Xie Poetry: 955/955. 】

It was still a woman.

There are two daggers in one hand, dancing flexibly at the fingertips, which seems to be quite tricky.

She was dressed in light black clothes, as nimble as an assassin in the dark, fluttering in the wind.

Yun Xieshi moved and rushed directly to Hei Ao.

But Hei Ao seemed to have expected it long ago, and responded immediately.

The figures of the two immediately moved quickly on the ring, and you came and I fought with each other for more than a dozen moves.

Yun Xieshi seemed to have the upper hand.

But she didn't realize that when fighting Hei Ao, as long as there is any physical contact, she is actually at a disadvantage.

That guy's skills can suppress and seal his abilities as long as he is patted on his body, which is really weird.

Sure enough, Yun Xieshi soon realized that something was wrong, but when she tried to make a full attack, she had already lost the opportunity and was kicked off the ring by Hei Ao.


Yun Xieshi glared at Hei Ao angrily, heard the cheers from the people around her, stomped her feet, turned around and left.

"The bereaved dog."

Hei Ao showed the victor's attitude to the fullest.

Without getting off the ring, Hei Ao looked directly at Fang Yu below.

"Come up, next, it's a duel between you and me!"

He was eager to try.

Fang Yu was also polite and jumped on it.

"You said before that the day ice sword design blueprint will be given to me, is it still counting?"

"Of course it counts. I'm not interested in the reward for the second ring."

That's it.

The sound of the drum beating signifies the start of the competition.

Just as Hei Ao was about to rush over, Fang Yu turned around and jumped off the ring.

"I surrender."

what? !

Hei Ao stopped in his tracks instantly, everyone was dumbfounded.

What do you mean, I finally fought to the end, you won't fight with me anymore? ?
He glared at Fang Yu angrily, but the latter shrugged.

"You said it yourself, remember to give me the reward."

If you can directly gain benefits without fighting, there is no need to fight.

Besides, fighting with a fighting maniac like Hei Ao, he was exhausted to the point of death, but if the thing hits a real fire, this guy will not stop.

Fang Yu thought, with his ability, it is really possible to show Hei Ao's true ability, but it will be troublesome then.


Hei Ao glared at Fang Yu angrily, but Zuo Lu next to him smoothed things over.

"Okay, there is still a third ring to fight. It wouldn't be good for you to save some energy and stay at that time."

She is similar to Fang Yu, she doesn't really care about winning or losing, as long as she wants to get rewards.

"Black Dragon! Black Dragon! Black Dragon!"

The people around began to call Hei Ao's mask nickname, and the atmosphere finally made Hei Ao calm down a little, enjoying these adoring gazes.


At this moment, a guy wearing a white veil came from a distance, holding in his hand, it was the ring reward.

[Li Chunyan: 1000/1000. 】

Fang Yu narrowed his eyes.

This is the organizer?

It seems that the strength is average.

That Li Chunyan was wearing a white veil, so she couldn't see her real face clearly, but judging from her pretty figure, she probably looked pretty good.

She first walked up to Hei Ao and handed over the prize.

It's just a design drawing.

Then he waved to Fang Yu.

She handed over the reward after Fang Yu entered the ring.

It is a flesh-colored ancient mushroom meat, a bit like a moldy white mushroom meat slice.

"A rare medicine refining material. Of course, it can be eaten directly, but the effect is not so good. Unfortunately, this thing should not be very useful to you. It is suitable for the type of people who have just entered martial arts and are laying the foundation."

When Fang Yu came down with the reward, Zuo Lu immediately explained.

"If you take the No.3 rewarded Manlian Pill, that thing can improve your cultivation level and help warriors at our level a little bit, but it's also limited. As I said, the thing in the second ring, It’s not very attractive to us.”


Fang Yu put away the ancient mushroom meat and asked Ding Hui to help refine it into medicine before taking it.

Although Zuo Lu said that, but this is actually the perspective of a talented person like Zuo Lu.

For an ordinary warrior like myself, it is estimated that Manlian Dan is already considered a good thing.

Didn't see other people seeing the rewards in the ring, they all looked straight at it?
Their blood volume is all grass-level warriors.

After receiving the rewards, the competition in the second arena was finally over.

Then there is only the most important third arena left.

It is the ranking reward that Hei Ao and the others have been thinking about!


Hei Ao also jumped down from the ring at this time.


Depressedly, he stuffed the drawings on Fang Yu.

"Don't even hit me, you coward!"

Hei Ao seemed to be still angry about what happened just now, Fang Yu patted him on the shoulder.

"Wait until the third ring, you can fight however you want, there are many opponents."

Hei Ao stared at him, but didn't speak.

Fang Yu had no choice but to glance at Zuo Lu helplessly, then picked up the design blueprint of the Zhou Bing Sword, and looked at it.

It was discovered that the design drawings were indeed similar to what Zuo Lu and the others had said before.

Not only does it require a lot of materials, but the manufacturing process is also very complicated and cumbersome. It cannot be made by just finding someone as they say.

This thing should still be rare, because even if ordinary people get the materials, they have to find someone with a good forging level to forge it.

Fang Yu carefully put away the design drawings, intending to wait for this matter to end, find a chance to gather some materials, and build the Day Ice Sword.

Although it is a broken sword, it still looks very useful, and it belongs to the magic weapon.

"Let's go to the third ring."

Suddenly, Hei Ao beside him spoke.

Fang Yu looked up, only to realize that the people around him had already started to shift positions.

All the attention had already shifted from the topic of the champion in the second ring to the exciting third ring.

After all, compared to the point of the second arena, the third arena is the real battlefield.

All kinds of accumulated battles will only appear in the third arena.

Fang Yu didn't have ink marks either, and followed Hei Ao and Zuo Lu to the third ring.

Then, he discovered that the losers from the previous ring had basically gathered here early.

And some people looked at themselves, something was wrong.

This is to prepare for the third ring, to find their way back.


Fang Yu grinned.

Really let go, he is... not afraid of anyone.

(End of this chapter)

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