Chapter 261 Purple Moss Snake Demon
Although Hei Ao said very domineeringly.

But the efficiency of this blood volume recovery is obviously a bit slow.

It can be seen that the drug use has decreased, and the left green next to him has recovered to more than 400 blood.

Of course, it may also be related to exercises, Zuo Lu always has some weird methods, not as simple as Hei Ao.

Whoosh whoosh.

At this moment, several people on the eaves had already jumped down, and Fang Yu was surrounded by three people.

Jing Xiumei, who took the lead, even laughed grinningly.

"The three of you got a lot of good things in the arena competition of the bonfire meeting. Anyway, you won't participate in the activities of the bonfire meeting. Why don't you keep the rewards and give them to me, and let me give a share to the bonfire meeting. force?"

Sure enough, he wanted to beat my black phoenix blood!
Hei Ao's face darkened.

"A group of trash, dare to trouble us? I don't need them to do anything, I will solve all of you!"

As he said that, Hei Ao took a step forward, waving to the people around him, his posture was quite arrogant, but he was secretly accumulating strength, ready to make a move at any time.

Facing Hei Ao's provocation, Jing Xiumei smiled.

"Does what he said count?"

What Jing Xiumei looked at was Fang Yu.

After all, they are all people who have participated in the group arena, and they know who has the highest ranking and the strongest strength in the group arena.

But Fang Yu just shrugged.

"If you can't even beat him, there's no need to attack us, right?"

Hearing this, Jing Xiumei frowned slightly, and gave the people beside Hei Ao a look.

The circle that originally surrounded the three of them suddenly moved closer to Hei Ao's side.

Several of them are quite close to Hei Ao, and they should be preparing to deal with Hei Ao.

[Inch Industrial: 4184/4184. 】

[Class Yingying: 5717/5717. 】

[Qu Xianglu: 6886/6886. 】

【Tan Fangyan: 5842/5842. 】

[Quan Guling: 6100/6100. 】

Fang Yu glanced over and saw that these people turned out to be quite powerful.

Each has the strength to approach the previous 6000 blood demons.

Before Fang Yu could take a closer look, someone suddenly attacked Hei Ao!

Cun Xingye is the weakest of them.

I saw him rushing towards Hei Ao with a charge,
He raised his hand and punched Hei Ao on the head!
The fist wind roared towards him, but Hei Ao did not dodge or dodge, and the surface of his skin was quickly covered with a layer of jet black.

When the fist hit, it was like exchanging wounds for wounds, hitting Cun Xingye's chest first after the first punch.

boom! !

The two voices sounded almost simultaneously.

In the next moment, Cun Xingye let out a muffled snort, and flew upside down.

As for Hei Ao, his body just shook slightly.

The injuries suffered by both sides were simply not of the same level.


After landing, Cun Xingye just held his chest wound, got up slowly, and looked at Hei Ao coldly.

Obviously, although Cun Xingye was injured, the injury was not serious.

Hei Ao frowned slightly, shook his right fist, and said calmly.

"This is just a warning..."

But before he finished speaking, several people surrounded him directly without talking about Wude.

The monsters with five or six thousand blood were naturally unambiguous in their moves, and Hei Ao who hit him directly roared again and again, with reminders of blood loss constantly popping up on his body.

Fang Yu originally thought that Hei Ao would not be able to hold on any longer, but unexpectedly discovered...

boom! !

Quan Guling, with [-] blood, was directly sent flying and fell to the ground.

Then came Tan Fanyan with more than 5000 blood, who was also punched out of the battle group, rolled to a distance, and stayed where he was a little dazed.

Before the two of them rejoined the battle group, the rest of the people who had surrounded Hei Ao were knocked to the ground one after another.

This result was almost unexpected.

Not only Fang Yu, but even Jing Xiumei in front of him showed a look of astonishment.

At this time, Hei Ao patted the unnecessary dust on his shoulder, looked down at the few people on the ground, and said lightly.

"As I said, just me, you kind of people, is enough!"

Looking at the people on the ground, Jing Xiumei's face darkened.

"What are you all doing? Do you think you are still fighting in the ring? Show me your real skills! None of these three people can leave here alive today!"

What a big breath!
Fang Yu narrowed his eyes, vaguely knowing what they wanted to do.

Sure enough, he seemed to understand Jing Xiumei's words.

The few people who were lying on the ground just now looked at each other, got up from the ground, and surrounded Hei Ao again.

Hei Ao seemed to have ignored them, and said calmly.

"What? Do you want to come again? As I said, there are only a few people with your strength who come..."

Before Hei Ao finished speaking, Cun Xingye, standing in front of Hei Ao, suddenly smiled ferociously.

Bang! ! !
In the next moment, the blood mist bursting from Cun Xingye's body interrupted Hei Ao's words.

The huge shadow continued to rise, gradually covering Hei Ao's figure.

In Hei Ao's stunned and shocked expression...

Bang! ! !
Quan Guling on the other side also exploded with blood mist, and his figure suddenly rose.

Immediately afterwards, Lei Yingying, Qu Xianglu, Tan Fangyan...

The few people who had besieged Hei Ao just now, all of them directly revealed their true demon bodies in front of Fang Yu and the others!
All of a sudden, the offense and defense switched.

Hei Ao, who was beating down a few people just now, gradually became gloomy after seeing four or five monsters surrounding him.

It turned out that the reason why I was able to beat these people just now was because they were all monsters, fighting me with human skin.

If he had attacked him in the form of a monster's real body from the very beginning, I'm afraid... more ominous than good!
Hei Ao could feel that the strength of these demons was not simple, and they all had the same strength as that of the demon.

It was only when I teamed up with Fang Yu Zuolu before that I dealt with such an anti-monster.

Although his strength has improved further now, how many can he deal with by himself?
Hei Ao didn't know what to do.

Amidst the drooling and ferocious expressions of the demons, he used his peripheral vision to look towards Fang Yu.

Bang! !

Almost as soon as his eyes swept over, Jing Xiumei, who had been giving orders and standing in front of Fang Yu, burst into a blood mist, and a huge figure kept rising from the blood mist.

Hei Ao's heart sank.

Sure enough, all the enemies around are all... monsters!
As if to verify Hei Ao's conjecture, the people around saw Jing Xiumei exploding the blood mist, revealing the real body of the monster, and they all stopped pretending, bursting the blood mist one after another.

One by one, large monsters appeared as if rising from the ground, and surrounded the three of them.

Moreover, each of them is powerful and exudes a good momentum, which doubles the pressure.

Hei Ao thumped in his heart, and looked at Fang Yu and Zuo Lu.

"Now, we seem to be in trouble."

Zuo Lu frowned tightly, and leaned his back against Fang Yu's.

"It's really tricky."

Obviously, she didn't expect that after the bonfire meeting, so many monsters would come and claim their lives.

She thought the most, that is, some petty martial artists came to find a few people to try their luck.

This is really, unexpected.

Zuo Lu was already thinking about the retreat, his eyes kept turning in all directions, looking for the gap between the monsters.

Among the three, only Fang Yu looked calm.

"Don't panic, it's just a bunch of scumbags."

Looks like?
The purple moss snake demon, also known as Jing Xiumei, smiled.

Without any warning, he suddenly rushed towards Fang Yu.

As if action was his answer!
The purple moss snake demon is huge in stature, but it is definitely not slow to move.

The upper body is a human body, and the lower body is a snake body.

The snake's tail squirmed like a slither, and it appeared in front of Fang Yu at once. It opened its mouth full of blood, exposing its poisonous fangs, and bit Fang Yu's head.

"Diao De be careful!"

"not good!"

In desperation, Zuo Lu even called out Fang Yu's real name.

As soon as the purple moss snake demon moved, all the surrounding monsters also began to attack fiercely, and the two of them immediately became overwhelmed.

But as if in tacit understanding, the monsters around did not attack the purple moss snake monster's target, as if no one else could interfere with the prey chosen by the lion.

Seeing this, Fang Yu felt relieved.

One is because these monsters have no response to their own names.

The second is... In the one-on-one situation, Fang Yu couldn't even think of how the purple moss snake demon won him!
Seeing the huge tongue, covering everything in sight, trying to engulf his body.

Fang Yu stepped on the ground with both legs, breaking the floor tiles and sinking into the mud.

Take root!

When looking up...


Bang! !

The moment the snake head engulfed Fang Yu, there was a cloud of white powder in his mouth, and the choking purple moss snake demon almost spat Fang Yu out.

But it resisted the urge, and bit its deadly fangs towards Fang Yu's body.


The fangs seemed to be biting towards a hard wall.

Although it broke a little bit, but with its bite force, it was a little bit weak? ?

The purple moss snake demon was startled. Its real demon body has killed countless hard-working guys, but it has been disemboweled and screamed unambiguously.

Compared with the bite force of the monster, the so-called external training is completely nonsense.

But I didn't expect... This time, I encountered a hard problem? ?
When the purple moss snake demon was about to exert its strength for the second time, and tried to bite its fangs into Fang Yu's body again.

呲! ! !
Something suddenly pierced through its snake head! ! -

[Purple Moss Snake Demon: 7957/8642. 】

"Hiss hiss hiss!!!"

The purple moss snake demon let out a shrill scream, spit out Fang Yu violently, and retracted the snake's head.

The bone blade that pierced through the snake's head also retracted into Fang Yu's hand, becoming a regular length of more than one meter.

Shaking off the blood from the bone blade wound, Fang Yu, who was covered in bone armor, smiled faintly at the purple moss snake demon.

"In such a hurry to seek death?"

Although this blow was a bone blade penetrating from the mouth, it unexpectedly did not produce a critical blow.

It seems that it didn't hurt the base of this monster.

Sure enough, although the purple moss snake demon was in great pain, it seemed to be very flexible as it flicked its tail.

Whoosh, whoosh, the purple moss snake demon came again with red eyes.

Just when Fang Yu was about to start to meet him, he suddenly paused and turned around abruptly.

呲! !

The white bone blade light flashed past.

A claw-like thick arm, accompanied by blood, flew high.

Red crit!


A demon, who didn't know if it was a fox or something, rolled on the ground clutching the wound of its severed arm.

There is also [Coral Demon] who suddenly stopped his sneak attack because he was stunned.

[Coral Demon: 4088/4088. 】

[Yueming Fox Demon: 3320/4561. 】

The blood volume of the Yueming Fox Demon is still healthy, but the pain of a broken arm has made it lose its combat effectiveness.

Fang Yu couldn't help sneering, he wanted to play a sneak attack with this level of strength, you guys are still too tender!
It seems that because these two monsters came to sneak attack on him, the pressure on Zuo Lu's side was relieved a little, and it was barely enough to deal with those monsters, but they all clicked and retreated as soon as they were touched, using their strength to fight.

Seeing Zuo Lu's sweaty face, it was obvious that she wouldn't be able to hold on for long if confronted head-on.

Even now, there is not much time for her to entangle with these monsters.

From the performance point of view, Zuo Lu's physical fitness is obviously declining rapidly, and the time of breathing and staying has become longer.

On Hei Ao's side, the situation is similar, even more serious.

Although he was barely parrying a few monsters, his head-to-head fighting style required more strength. Once he couldn't beat hard strength, he would be defeated like a mountain, and he couldn't bear much pressure at all.

It can't be delayed for too long. Although these two people may still have some hole cards or something, it is still too reluctant to fight so many monsters with five or six thousand blood.

When Fang Yu thought of this, the purple mossed snake demon behind him sneaked in at some point. At this moment, he suddenly swooped in, grinning and biting.

One bite!Just one bite!The poison on my fangs will immediately erode and transform his blood, and instantly corrode it into a puddle of blood!
The purple moss snake demon has seen countless strong men fall under his fangs like this, and this time, it will be no exception!

hum! ! !
The red-skinned masked man turned around, and a three-to-four-meter-long bone blade extended from his arm, as if he had sensed his sneak attack a long time ago, he came first and slashed out!
Bark! ! ! -

Red crit!

[Purple Moss Snake Demon: 6602/8642. 】

The bone blade accurately cut from the left side of the purple moss snake monster's mouth to the right side of its mouth, and it actually tore open its mouth. Blood splashed all over the ground, and it rolled on the ground in pain.

At this moment, a big bone-like foot stepped on its head.

Even though it was only a human being, this foot on the purple moss snake monster's head felt as heavy as a thousand catties, making it dare not move rashly for a moment.

"you you……"

The purple moss snake demon spoke with difficulty.Every time the snake's mouth is pulled, it feels like a tearing pain.

The purple moss snake demon wanted to beg for mercy, but found that the bony elephant foot pressing on his head was gradually exerting pressure.

[Purple Moss Snake Demon: 6269/8642. 】

it hurts!

[Purple Moss Snake Demon: 5787/8642. 】

Stop pressing!Stop pressing! ! ! -

[Purple Moss Snake Demon: 5092/8642. 】

The severe pain made the purple moss snake demon almost unable to breathe.

Its snake body is so flexible, its fangs are so powerful.

Combining the two, I don't know how many human warriors have been killed in the wild!
But in front of the red-skinned masked man in front of him, the ability it relies on to survive is somewhat useless!
With a flexible and nimble movement trajectory, it is easy for the red-skinned masked man to gain insight into the direction!

The incomparable fangs failed to pierce through this person's white armor.

It's incredible!

I was restrained!
Yes, it was restrained!

If not...if not!How could I be defeated by this person so easily! !

(End of this chapter)

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