Chapter 263
Those who didn't know it thought that Hei Ao was stimulated by some kind of emotional injury.

The demon that sneaked up on Hei Ao was also stunned, Hei Ao's sudden eruption, scratching it was full of wounds on his chest, blood splashed, and he was in great pain, backing away again and again.

But Hei Ao didn't let the duck he got run away, he directly chased it, and attacked again and again. When the other monsters were still distracted to watch the battle situation on Fang Yu's side, he finally got a short one-on-one chance. With one claw, the monster was completely beheaded.


Hei Ao panted heavily, looked at the motionless demon corpse on the ground, silently proclaiming his victory.

However, when he turned around and looked back at Fang Yu...

The next moment, his pupils shrank suddenly.

On Fang Yu's side, there were demon corpses all over the ground.

When Hei Ao was still fighting one-on-one with the demons for [-] rounds, Fang Yu had already killed all the besieging demons? ?
Hei Ao was dumbfounded.


I can't accept it! !

The hot blood that was still welling up just now cooled down in an instant.

Seeing that Diao De had finished killing all the monsters, he licked his lips with unsatisfactory expression, and turned his head to look at himself.

Hei Ao suddenly became anxious.


These monsters are my opponents!don't come here! !

Seeing that Fang Yu was about to take a step forward, Hei Ao didn't know where his strength came from. When the other monsters around were still shocked by Fang Yu's terrifying record, Hei Ao directly rushed forward, facing these dazed monsters and started to fight. Crazy attack.

Different from Hei Ao.

When Hei Ao was still desperately fighting, they, the monsters, saw with their own eyes how Fang Yu hacked and killed the besieging monsters head by head.

One by one tall monsters, one by one whose strength was not weaker than them or even far stronger than them, quickly fell into Fang Yu's hands one by one.

That kind of fear almost made them tremble from the bottom of their hearts, and they felt like retreating.

But he didn't expect that the weak warrior next to them, who was oppressed by them just now, suddenly rushed over and entangled them.

This is, this is to hold them back and prevent them from escaping, and then wait until the guy who killed the group of demons comes over, they will die!
Treacherous human warrior! !

Do you think you can keep us with this kind of cooperation?

These monsters glared at Hei Ao who was rushing towards him, but when they wanted to get away, they found that Hei Ao was biting him tightly. Any monster that showed its intention to retreat or evacuate would be madly entangled by Hei Ao.

At the same time, the human warrior named Diao Deyi, who had just killed the group of demons, also started walking towards this side!

With just one step, the hearts of these monsters trembled suddenly, and they dared not ignore the existence of that guy.

Even how crazy Hei Ao in front of him can't attract their attention, it's just a distraction to deal with it reluctantly.

All the demons paid attention to, only Fang Yu who was slowly walking towards this side!
Although it was just a stroll, the pressing pressure seemed to overwhelm the face, making all the demons almost breathless.

Can't be entangled by the guy in front of me!We must find a way to escape immediately!We, we are not the opponents of that human warrior! !
Just when the demons thought so, an unexpected scene happened...

"Don't come here!! You don't come here!!"

A roar suddenly interrupted the footsteps of the human warrior who killed the group of demons.

And the one who made the sound was obviously the guy who was entangled himself and others in front of his eyes, preventing himself and others from getting away.

What, what's the situation?
Isn't the strategy of human fighters, the guy in front of him is responsible for pestering and keeping people, and the other one comes to kill them?
The monsters were dumbfounded.

But at this moment, the powerful human warrior who was walking towards this side really stopped.

The monsters were dumbfounded.

Is it really useful? ? ?
Are they fighting among themselves? ?

The demons were puzzled, but at this moment, a female voice came from the other side of the battlefield.

"Diao Deyi, come and help me!"

Almost at the moment when the woman's voice fell, the terrifying existence pressing down on the hearts of all the monsters changed direction with a swipe and rushed into the battlefield over there.

With the sword in his hand, he had beheaded several of his demon colleagues.

Originally, the situation on the woman's side was very good.

When the terrifying existence entered the battlefield, the situation changed from one side to one side.

The situation is very good for the monsters in the front, and the situation is good for the human warriors in the back.

This is the gold content of a warrior who can kill the [Purple Moss Snake Demon]!

"Kill kill kill kill!"

The hearts of all the demons sank, but the black dragon who entangled them became more murderous, and the more they fought, the more vigorous they were.

"The situation is wrong, withdraw!"

Someone yelled, [Ji Huayao] stepped back abruptly.

[Ji Hua Yao] is Lei Yingying who besieged Hei Ao at the beginning.

But just as she retreated, a bloody hand suddenly pierced out from behind her!

呲! ! !
The green juice splashed out, and the painful [Ji Hua Yao] screamed.

Looking back, it was the Red Bull who came back!
How can it be so fast? !He was obviously still fighting with those demon colleagues just now!

Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at the only human female warrior, only to find that there was already a pile of corpses there.

So fast and efficient! !

What an amazing strength! !
[Ji Hua Yao]'s pupils contracted, and as the bloody hand stained with green blood withdrew, the bone blade slashed, and it quickly burrowed into the ground.


The originally tall figure suddenly became as motionless as a statue.

That is its bulging shell filled with vines.

The real body is actually very slender.

Now abandon the outer shell and make a hole in the sole of the outer shell, then the real body will follow the hole in the sole of the foot and drill into the ground from the gap in the floor!

But the real body was only half drilled, the upper body was still at the thighs of the outer shell, and the lower body barely penetrated into the ground, but the outer shell was slashed by the bone blade, cutting it in half.

The moonlight poured in, directly exposing its real body and the vines in its body to the red bull's eyes.


This human warrior should still not be able to tell where my real body is!

[Ji Huayao] With a whoosh, the many vines that fill the thighs of the shell are squeezed away, like a flexible snake, it burrows into the ground.

I could vaguely hear the guy's weird muttering.

"Why don't you bleed..."

bleeding?What's the meaning?
Before [Ji Huayao] figured it out, the voice behind him suddenly became louder!

No!That's not loud!But the distance is shortened!He is behind me! !

Realizing this [Ji Huayao] desperately burrowed the last remaining part of her body into the ground, but...

Snapped! !

A big hand, together with the thigh vines, firmly grasped the real body at the end of his body.

"So you are here, I said something is wrong."

A frightening voice sounded from beside my ears.

"no no!!!"

[Ji Huayao] roared sharply, with a ferocious face, but her body was suddenly pulled up from the ground by a strong force, like pulling garlic!Toss in the air!
"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!"

[Ji Huayao] screamed uncontrollably, but was cut by a sword light in mid-air!

Click! !
[Ji Huayao]'s tough body was broken into two pieces.

But it's not dead yet!
The vitality of grass and tree monsters is stronger than that of ordinary monsters.

At this moment, [Ji Huayao] hesitated in his heart.

Should it land and drill directly into the ground, or play dead on the spot.

But there was no time for it to hesitate.

As soon as he landed, [Ji Huayao] immediately made a decision, that is...playing dead on the spot!
After being cut in two, only half of its real body is the main body, and the other half is just a dead thing.

[Ji Huayao] originally wanted to confuse Fang Yu with the half corpse of a dead thing.

But Fang Yu didn't expect Fang Yu to walk directly towards its body.

[Ji Huayao] was a little flustered, but quickly calmed down.

Don't be afraid!He has no idea I'm playing dead!

Snapped! !

Almost the moment [Ji Hua Yao] had this thought, Fang Yu grabbed its real body and threw it abruptly into the air.

In the next moment, when [Ji Huayao] was still desperately pretending to be dead and motionless, a dozen dazzling sword lights suddenly appeared in front of his eyes!

[Ji Huayao] His pupils shrank, and he wanted to make a sound, but it was too late.

Before he even uttered his last words, he was directly torn into pieces by the sword light. When he landed, he was already dead and couldn't die anymore.

[Ji Huayao: 0/5717. 】

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player for killing [Ji Hua Yao] and gaining experience of 2200! 】

Fang Yu grinned, and didn't even look at the corpse of [Ji Hua Yao] on the ground.

The blood strip on the top of this guy's head has already exposed his real body, including his pretend death.

In front of the blood bar, these tricks are useless.

Go to the top and continue to flip through the system records.

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player for killing... Gaining experience 1850! 】

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player for killing... Gaining experience 1500! 】


[System prompt: Congratulations to the player for killing... Gaining experience 1950! 】

A series of system prompts is simply not too exciting.

These monsters start with 4000 blood strength, and occasionally there are a few more than 3000 blood, and the amount of experience value provided is not low, not to mention there are 5000 blood, 6000 blood monsters to kill yourself.

With so many monsters killed, it would be a bumper harvest tonight.

[System prompt: The experience value has exceeded 100, and the total has been converted into 136 attribute points. 】

A lot of attribute points.

It's a pity that he and Zuo Luhe killed a few monsters, and a lot of experience was shared. Some monsters fought with Hei Ao to the death, and all of them were given experience, otherwise the attribute points could be even higher.

Counting the previous 70 points, it directly broke through the 200 point mark!

Fang Yu couldn't help laughing.

These monsters are simply here to give attribute points.

The strength is not strong, but it is easy to kill, and the experience value given is still high, so it is not too comfortable.

Looking at the remaining three demons who had almost disappeared and fled outside.

Fang Yu narrowed his eyes.

"Left green!"

Zuo Lu heard the words and slapped the ground.

Three light green strips slowly emerged, connecting the three fleeing demons like chains, forming a signpost-like existence.

"Only for a while."

Zuo Lu said wearily.

This guy always has some weird abilities.

Compared with the skills of the Hei family, the heretical techniques of the Zuo family are much more functional.

In a blink of an eye, Fang Yu directly chased after the last three-headed demon who fled.

I have exposed the character's name before, so no one can be left alive at the scene. One of these monsters counts as one, and they all have to die!

When Fang Yu rushed out, Hei Ao beside him was already exhausted and sat down.

Beside him, there are two fresh corpses.

Obviously, in the final stage of the explosion, he finally took advantage of the moment when the monsters were distracted, and killed a few monsters forcefully, barely regaining a little bit.

But first there is the consumption of the group arena, and then there is the siege of monsters, no matter how powerful Hei Ao is, now he has to lie on his stomach to rest and recover his strength.

In other words, he has no strength at all now, unable to move.

There was nothing else he could do other than collapse on the ground.

Anyone who came here now would probably be able to kill him.

"Ha ha……"

Hei Ao panted heavily, watching Fang Yu's figure leaving quickly, disappearing into the night.

He knew that it would not be a big problem for Fang Yu to deal with the escaped three-headed demon, and he should not let the demon escape.

"I have to silence it, otherwise, if this matter gets out, what face will I have?"

Hei Ao secretly thought.

Although facing the siege of these powerful monsters, he has persisted until now, and he can still kill a few of them. In terms of his current strength, his record is not too brilliant.

But after all, the one who was suppressed almost died here, and it was Fang Yu who survived the crisis, so it would definitely not sound good to hear about it.

"How did that guy practice, how could he be as strong as a monster? He was obviously at the same level as us before."

Hei Ao complained.


At this moment, the sound of Zuo Lu's footsteps approached from behind.

Before the person arrives, the sound arrives first.

"I don't know, this speed of progress can be described as leaps and bounds, and even I can't match it. Perhaps, this is the real genius."

Zuo Lu came to Hei Ao's side, helped him up, and spoke.

After a pause, she seemed to remember something and continued.

"I once heard from the elders in my family that some warriors are born with special physiques. After reaching a certain level, the physical characteristics in the body will be liberated, and the strength will begin to advance by leaps and bounds. It is somewhat similar to Diao Deyi's situation at the moment."

"In addition, some warriors with excellent savvy will also suddenly realize their sudden enlightenment at some point due to some coincidences, and their strength will undergo a qualitative change from then on."

"Sudden enlightenment is something that can be encountered but not sought. And physique is born like this, there is no one in a million, and it is usually the elite disciples of the big sect, who may have some special physique and be recruited into the sect. Like our Tianyuan Town, Those born with special constitutions should be few.”

Epiphany requires the right time, place and people, and there is no pattern to be found.

Physique is born like this, so I can't envy her.

Both are extremely rare, if Fang Yu is really one of the two, it is indeed worthy of the surge in strength at the moment.

"It was surpassed by him." Hei Ao clenched his fists.

"Diao Deyi, it's really interesting." Zuo Lu thought to himself.

When Zuo Lu paused for analysis, the green aura representing tracking also disappeared. She raised her head to look in the direction Fang Yu left, but no one came back.

Don't lose track of it.

A little worry rose in Zuo Lu's heart.

At this moment, a figure slowly approached from a distance.

(End of this chapter)

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