Chapter 267 Replacement
Alien warrior? !

Others, Yudifu can ignore it.

But the troubles caused by foreign warriors belong to their jurisdiction, and they must be dealt with, not to mention they must not interfere with the battle between the Lin family and the Li family, otherwise the two families will be in trouble afterward.

"So our task today is..."

Qianbei asked.

Zhuo Xueer didn't beat around the bush, she directly took out a few portraits from her sleeve, and spread them out on the table one by one.

"These people are the top executives of the Campfire Club. In addition to arresting the members of the Campfire Club who are making trouble, the most important thing today is to take down these high-level campfire club members who are making trouble! No one will be let go!"

Everyone gathered around to take a look, and suddenly someone exclaimed.

"This is [Soul Seizing Hammer] Mount Heba! I heard that before entering Tianyuan Town, this person killed a fellow traveler in front of the guards, and his methods were extremely cruel!"

"There is also this person, [Sword Breaker] Wuwei! With one hand, the Soul Breaker knife technique, he used it superbly. He challenged several martial arts gyms in Tianyuan Town repeatedly, and won all of them."

"More than that, look at the weird appearance of these two people, they are no different from monsters. I don't know what skills they have practiced, and they look neither human nor ghost."

When Fang Yu heard this, his heart skipped a beat.

He quickly went up, pushed through the crowd, and looked ahead.

Immediately, the pupils shrank involuntarily.

I saw a red bull's head but with a familiar appearance of a human body, appearing in the portrait.

Next to the portrait of the red tauren is a portrait of a slightly slender green monkey monster.

Isn't this me and Zuo Lu? !

The wanted person is myself? !
Fang Yu was dumbfounded.

Last night he took the reward and ran away. Someone actually copied his appearance and sent it to Yudi Mansion!
What are you doing!

I catch myself?
Fortunately, he was wearing the mask given by Zuo Lu, otherwise this wave would really explode.

He really didn't expect that there would be someone who could copy such vivid portraits.That person was definitely among the crowd of onlookers last night, and the distance was very close, right in the front row, otherwise the details of the copied portrait would not be so rich.

Damn, it was put together.

If he didn't wear a mask, and he wasn't the identity of Yudifu, wouldn't he have to join the activities of the bonfire meeting now, otherwise without the help of the organization, who would be able to resist being hunted down by the local forces of Yudifu?
"Remember the appearance of these few people. There are many people in this bonfire meeting organized by foreign warriors, but there are only a few high-level people. If you catch them, you will make great achievements!"

Zhuo Xueer was still mobilizing in front of the station, but she didn't understand the situation at all.

What kind of high-level is this.

He played in a ring last night and suddenly became a top-ranking person, right?
Watching Zhuo Xueer walk up to the wanted portraits, she patted the portraits of the three of them.

Impressively, it is [Soul Reaping Hammer] He Bashan, Yang Zhaoyu, and... his own portrait of Red Bull.

That's right, I'm also in the middle of the action!
"These three people are particularly important. According to information, they are the three leaders of the Bonfire Club! They are the leader of the Campfire Club, the Left Guardian, and the Right Guardian. If possible, try to capture them alive and get more information about the Campfire Club! Do If you don't, you'll kill them on the spot, leaving no one alive!"

When Fang Yu heard this, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

He, the right guardian of the bonfire society, doesn't even know anything about the bonfire society, so he is also wanted?
You investigate clearly before arresting someone, big sister.

"Have you seen the portrait clearly? If you have any questions, ask now. If there is no problem, start now. Let's go to the target location to lurk and wait for the target person to appear."

Zhuo Xueer spoke again, but someone really asked her a question.

Fang Yu thought that at times like this, when the leader spoke, the others would default to not speaking, even if they didn't understand, they wouldn't ask.

After listening for a while, it was all about the wanted people and some strength issues.

But Zhuo Xueer didn't have much information, so she couldn't say anything.

To be reasonable, among all the people at the scene, Fang Yu was the one who knew the strength of the so-called campfire executives most clearly.

But he can't say more, otherwise it's hard to explain.

Zhuo Xueer didn't wave her hand until no one had any questions.

"set off!"

It is said to be a departure, but it is actually dispatched in batches.

Otherwise, it would be too conspicuous for so many people to go out in a mighty manner.

And the purpose of passing ahead of time is just to observe latently, not in a hurry.

Fang Yu chose the last batch to leave and gave himself some time.

Seeing this, Zhuo Xueer only frowned slightly.

She was planning to keep Fang Yu by her side and act together, that is, the first batch of people to enter the arena.

This is to train Fang Yu to be a general under his command. Has he lost his enthusiasm before becoming a general? ?
"When you arrive at the target location earlier, you can observe the situation earlier and collect intelligence. This is a very important part of the successful completion of the mission, and it cannot be ignored..."

Zhuo Xueer began to educate Fang Yu, and did not let Fang Yu go until she felt that everyone else was waiting.

"Remember to come early."

Fang Yu could only answer yes again and again.

After Zhuo Xueer left with a group of people, Fang Yu turned around and walked towards his house.

The Lin family and the Li family were fighting in chaos, with the bonfire watching from the sidelines and the oriole in the Yudi mansion behind.

In such a chaotic situation, it was difficult for him not to make a killing.

But with his current evil spirit situation, there is no way to make a move.

I can only procrastinate for a while, go home and see if Hei Ao has delivered the evil-breaking thing.

If not...

Then I can only go to the Hei family to find someone.

This guy shouldn't be so unreliable.

On the other side of the monster...

Fang Yu frowned slightly. If there was no news, he might really go to Li's house to ask Brother Qing about the situation.

From leaving home, to Yangshen Hall, to Zhuo Xueer's release of the task, a lot of time has been spent.

Looking at the sky, it was almost scorching sun, Fang Yu hurriedly quickened his pace.

All the way straight to the house, only to see [Mi Hengpeng] and [Che Linfang] standing at the door of his house like two door gods.

[Che Linfang: 1410/1410. 】

[Mi Hengpeng: 100/100. 】

Fang Yu froze for a moment.

Che Linfang's strength actually increased slightly.

Mi Hengpeng did not change.

But thinking about it, Che Linfang is now attached to him, and his life is very nourishing, and there are all people under his command.

"grown ups!"

"Diao Deyi."

[Mi Hengpeng] saluted respectfully, while [Che Linfang] greeted her in a normal way.


Fang Yu nodded slightly, as a response, and strode into the house.

There are some members of Yudi Mansion standing inside.

[Zeng Xiancheng: 85/85. 】

[Zhu Lingqiang: 89/89. 】


Some of these people are familiar and some are unfamiliar.

They are basically the old team left by Li Baizhen, but their strength is generally not very good.

In other words, from Fang Yu's current perspective, these people could no longer keep up with him.

At that time, there will be no problem with the demons not being able to keep up with their strength.

After all, they have absorbed some Fairy Tails, and the overall strength of their subordinates is a bit stronger than the surrounding Fairy Tails.

"Master Diao!"

"Master Diao..."

I forgot about this.

These people kept the habit of being on Li Baizhen's side, and they would gather at the house above every day to wait for orders.

Fang Yu hadn't moved into the new house before, and lived outside without any place, so these people naturally didn't know where to gather and wait for others.

Now that Fang Yu has moved in, when the news came, they all came spontaneously.

This is equivalent to standing in line and dyeing yourself with the color of a faction.

Before he knew it, Fang Yu himself was an independent faction.

"My lord, is there any task for us today?"

Someone ventured to speak.

Fang Yu glanced, it was [Zeng Xiancheng].

"The higher-ups asked me to do something today. It's a bit troublesome, and it's not easy for you to participate. Just leave some people to patrol near my house."

Everyone was slightly taken aback when they heard the words.

"My lord... Do you think that my strength is low and I can't help you?"

Someone's face was a little ugly, but they still tried to suppress their emotions and asked.

Fang Yu squinted at him.

"Even I am not sure of surviving the task conveyed by the higher-ups today, and you are going to die if you follow."

Fang Yu spoke louder at this time.

The man was taken aback for a moment, then quickly lowered his head.

"It's a little ignorance, please forgive me!"

If even Fang Yu can't handle it, it's really useless for them to go there.

But Mi Hengpeng leaned over to Fang Yu's side at this moment, and said in a low voice.

"My lord, we may not be able to help you in a frontal battle, but if you need information, find out news and other miscellaneous tasks, we can still be of use. To tell you the truth, the few people over there were paying tribute to Lord Baizhen before. Those who work under his name have many years of experience and unique channels in inquiring about news, if you need something, you can just ask."

Fang Yu glanced at the direction Mi Hengpeng pointed in a little surprise.

It's [Zhu Lingqiang].

But today Fang Yu is just observing the situation secretly, there is no special information to collect...

But if you have talent in this area, you can really pay attention.

After thinking about it, Fang Yu beckoned to Zhu Ling.

"What's your order?"

Zhu Lingqiang was very knowledgeable and asked directly in a low voice.

"Look it up, among the foreign warriors, the East Gate Gulan of the White Lotus Sect, [Soul Reaping Hammer] Hebashan, and Yang Zhaoyu, what activities and footprints these people have in Tianyuan Town, and their movements these days."

Zhu Lingqiang looked shocked.

"My lord, these are all famous figures among foreign warriors. I can investigate, but... need help."

Fang Yu waved his hand.

"You can take away the people here. If necessary, you can transfer some people in my name."

Zhu Lingqiang nodded, and under the suspicious eyes of others, he took a few people by name and left.

But at this moment, Che Linfang pulled Fang Yu aside and said in a low voice.

"Diao Deyi, why are you looking for these information? What do you really want to look up, and do you need the help of the Yudi Prefecture? We can look it up ourselves!"

She seemed a little unhappy.

He is obviously a big shot at the Fairy Tail level, but he still has to rely on human means to find out the news?Lose share!

Fang Yu said a few words of comfort.

The Yudi Mansion has the channels of the Yudi Mansion, which is not the same as the way the demons probe for news.

Moreover, the Yudi government can investigate information openly, but the demons need to be more subtle.

Of course, obscurity also has the benefits of obscurity. If you don't have scruples, you can use some dark means.

So often the information on the demon side will be more detailed.

But there is still a difference between shady methods and open investigations.

And... if both sides investigate together, won't the information obtained be more comprehensive?

"By the way, Diao Deyi, the son of the Hei family has come here, and he came here specially to find you!"

Che Linfang suddenly said in a low voice with a serious expression.

Fang Yu was taken aback.

Good guy, Hei Ao has already come?
"Where is the man? Where is he?"

"Let's go." Che Linfang said as it should.


"That's right, you're not here, Mr. Hei Family left in a hurry after not staying for a while."

Fang Yu asked anxiously, "What about that thing?"


Che Linfang was stunned, she hadn't seen anything.

Fang Yu calmed himself down and asked in a low voice.

"Young master of the Hei family, you received him?"

"No, it was received by your human sister."

Oh... the second sister received it, that thing should be at the second sister's place.

Fang Yu felt relieved.

Hei Ao couldn't come here, he just took things back without giving anything, right?

This guy is really, he has no patience at all, he will die after a while!

"grown ups……"

Seeing Fang Yu and Che Linfang whispering for a long time, Mi Hengpeng also leaned over.

But Fang Yu waved his hand in astonishment.

"There's nothing else to do today, let's leave first."

After finishing speaking, he left in a hurry, leaving Mi Hengpeng behind.

Just when Mi Hengpeng was lost, Fang Yu suddenly stopped.

"By the way, the family needs some maids and servants, Mi Hengpeng, you will send some servants later, I will let the second sister choose one."

Mi Hengpeng's eyes suddenly brightened.

Selecting servants, which is related to a certain degree, is something that will be done, and it is a manifestation of trust.

He hastily bowed down and saluted respectfully, answered yes loudly, and after he finished speaking, he stood up and glanced at Che Lin Fang.

Although he didn't say anything, there was a sense of comparison in his eyes.

Unfortunately, Che Linfang didn't realize it.

She just felt baffled, even a little funny.

This guy doesn't know that Diao Deyi is our Master Fairy Tail.

Want to compare with me, who is closer to Diao Deyi?Let's talk about becoming a monster in the next life.

Che Linfang shook her head, ignoring him.

Mi Hengpeng also looked away, and like Fang Yu's spokesperson, he began to let others leave one after another, and he also prepared to go to the market to choose some suitable housekeepers and servants.

This matter can not be sloppy.

If you don't do it well, you will lose the trust of your lord!

Thinking to himself, Mi Hengpeng quickened his pace a little.

Soon left Diao Zhai.

But he didn't notice that after the others left, Che Linfang never left Fang Yu's house, but waited at the door, waiting for Fang Yu to come out.

On the other side, Fang Yu went straight to the hall.

At a glance, I saw the second sister sitting in the hall.

In front of her was a box with a black packaging.

The box was crumpled, from which corner Hei Ao took it out from, and sent it over without cleaning it properly.

"Second sister."


The second sister seemed to be taken aback and stood up from the chair.

"what happened?"

Fang Yu was surprised. He was all focused on the black box just now, but he didn't notice that the second sister seemed to be in a daze.

"No, nothing..."

The second sister blushed slightly: "That's right, I just think... our Diao family, we still have to stay... I mean... Dr. Ding is really good! Don't let her down!"

In the end, the second sister's voice was a little louder, as if she had found some justification.

Fang Yu:? ? ?
What and what.

The things in this box are the things I worked hard to get back last night, they are what I deserve, not from Hei Ao.

"Second Sister, you're thinking wildly again. Hei Ao came here just now, right? He brought what I wanted?"

"What do you want?"

The second sister reacted immediately.

It turned out that I had misunderstood myself!
Her face suddenly turned red with embarrassment...

(End of this chapter)

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