Chapter 272 Ideals and Steps

Fang Yu was completely dumbfounded.

He never thought that Li Baizhen would appear here.

It seems that he still has an affair with the Black Tiger Gang.

What exactly is going on?

As far as Fang Yu knew, Li Baizhen was not someone who would hang out with gangs like the Black Tiger Gang.

If it wasn't for the fact that he was on a mission now, and there was Zhuo Xueer next to him, he would have tore off his disguise mask and went up to ask Li Baizhen what was going on.

The last time I asked Qing Yao, Li Baizhen was still staying at Li's house, he was grounded and couldn't go out, and he couldn't see anyone.

People are sure to be fine.

Why was this suddenly released by the Li family?

Fang Yu looked at Zhuo Xueer beside him.

Feeling Fang Yu's gaze, Zhuo Xueer also slowly restrained her stunned expression, and Fang Yu shook her head slightly.

Li Baizhen is her subordinate.

And it was taken away by members of the Li family in front of her.

In name, although Li Baizhen is still holding an official position in Yudi Mansion.

But in fact, people have been controlled by the Li family, and it is impossible to judge the specific situation.

Now that it suddenly appeared, to be honest, Zhuo Xueer was also very surprised.

People definitely can't take it away.

The Li family won't let him go, so let's go up to meet each other now, and bring Li Baizhen back to Yudi Mansion.

As long as the Li family sends people, they can still be taken away.

Unless the Li family took the initiative to release the person, Zhuo Xueer would have nothing to do about Li Baizhen now.

"Diao Deyi, don't be impulsive. It's useless for us to bring people who are gifted with hundreds of needles back to Yudi Mansion. You should understand this truth."

Although Fang Yu was still calm and restrained, Zhuo Xueer still reminded him aloud.


"Everything is under my arrangement!"

Zhuo Xueer comforted her again.

Today's task is to capture the top leaders of the Bonfire Club and give enough deterrence to the foreign warriors.

Everything else has to be pushed back.

Even though the appearance of Li Baizhen made Zhuo Xueer feel a little shaken, she still could tell the priority of the matter.

And...Although Li Baizhen looked a little weird and dull, he didn't seem to have any injuries on his body, which meant that he stayed in Li's house quite safely, but he lost his freedom.

Liu Ningran next to her seemed to have heard Zhuo Xueer's words, and looked at the two of them strangely.

"Sister Xue'er, what's the situation? Are there any problems with the three members of the Black Tiger Gang?"

"The one on the right with the bow on his back is called Li Baizhen. He used to be a Baihu of our Yudi Mansion."

"It's the same now!" Fang Yu added.

Liu Ningran:? ? ?

It seems a bit complicated.

She resolutely pretended to be a coward and didn't ask any more questions.

Suo Fengxiang, who was on the other side of the crowd, also glanced at Fang Yu.However, when he felt that Fang Yu's gaze was about to sweep back, he quickly withdrew his gaze, his heart pounding.

Fortunately, the response was quick!Otherwise, if you meet your eyes, you will be in trouble!Maybe it scared him again!

At that time, that guy shrank into Master Zhuo Xueer's arms, how can I explain it!
When Suo Fengxiang had nothing to think about, Lin Kuanglong and his party in front were almost surrounded by members of the Black Tiger Gang.

Yuwen Wuji, Wu Xinbang, and Li Baizhen, presenting the momentum of the Big Three, stood in front of everyone.

And from the point of view of position, Yuwen Wuji is the absolute core of the three.

Li Baizhen is just like a bodyguard, guard, follower, simply following behind Yuwen Wuji to support the scene.

After many days, I saw Li Baizhen again, but at this moment, his face was numb and dull.His eyes were glazed over, not knowing what had happened.

Fang Yu's heart skipped a beat.

Didn't Qing Yao say that Li Baizhen stayed well at Li's house, why did she become like this?

He felt a little uncomfortable for a while.

After all, when he first entered the Yudi Mansion, he was relying on the big tree Li Baizhen to dawdle, and Fang Yu never forgot this kindness of support.

It's just that he was a little powerless against the Li family, or against a big monster like Shu Niaoyao.

"If my strength can be further improved, reaching the tree level, or even the wood level, maybe I can beat the Shu bird demon and rescue Li Baizhen from the demon land of the Li family."

"But at this moment, I... can't do anything."

Fang Yu sighed.

But if Li Baizhen's life was in danger, he would not stand by and watch.

The "Big Three" of the Black Tiger Gang stood in front of Lin Kuanglong, although they were menacing, but the comparison of strength was not at the same level at all.

On one side, Lin Kuanglong with 2000 HP.

On one side, Yuwen Wuji, who took the lead, is less than a thousand blood.

Fang Yu didn't know where Yuwen Wuji got the courage to stand in front of Lin Kuanglong like this.

If it was him, he would have hid in the crowd and run away long ago, let alone being tough.

Fang Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, his eyes swept away from the three people and looked around.

Fang Yu understood the strength of these three people at a glance, and had nothing to say.

If you want to challenge Lin Kuanglong, you must at least have a corresponding heavyweight player.

Fang Yu and Yuwen Wuji have met each other several times, and they know that this person is not a reckless type.

Since you dare to stand in front of the stage, you must rely on something.

[Ling Bingxia: 214/214. 】

[Weeping Song: 689/689. 】

[Cheng Yizhu: 327/327. 】

[Li Xunxue: 500/500. 】

[Yang Yifeng: 351/351. 】

and many more!

Fang Yu suddenly locked his eyes on one person.

Or rather, a woman.

The woman's whole body was hidden under the black robe, so she couldn't see her specific appearance.

But the blood bar on the top of the head is extremely conspicuous.

Li Xunxue?
Looking for snow?

this name...

The... woman from the Li family? ? ?
Fang Yu was a little taken aback.

As far as he knows, the Li family generally does not have women going out to participate in missions.

Anyone who can come out and do activities is a person with extraordinary strength.

Like Li Shisan, the level of a crazy woman can be like a man from the Li family, go out freely, and freely participate in the trials of the Li family.

If you have not reached that level, you are not qualified to leave the Li family.

But now this person named Li Xunxue, who obviously only has 500 blood, appeared here.

Could it be that Yuwen Wuji relied on this person? ?

Fang Yu felt a little weird.

Then roughly scan the other members of the Black Tiger Gang, the high blood volume is [-], and the low one is [-], which can be regarded as improving the overall strength.

But compared to Lin Kuanglong with two thousand blood, Fang Yu felt that these were not enough.

The only variable is probably Li Xunxue.

Of course, it is also possible that I was thinking too much, maybe this is some kind of foreign warrior who joined the Black Tiger Gang, and it just so happens that his surname is Li, not from the Li family.

"The members of the Black Tiger Gang are so rampant! That's the Lin family! What did the members of the Black Tiger Gang think? Even if they borrowed their courage before, they dared not do anything to the members of the Lin family! But today..."

"Didn't you listen to what they said? They are now hanging out with the Li family, backed by a big tree, and have a big background, so they naturally become arrogant."

"Hmph! So what if you have a background, come out to hang out, but pay attention to strength! What kind of strength can he have from the Black Tiger Gang, and he can challenge the monsters of the Lin family!"

"Successful for a while, lost his mind, his Black Tiger Gang is just looking for a dead end."

Although the Black Tiger Gang and Lin Kuanglong put on a stance, surrounded by a group, with a strong momentum, they still have an absolute advantage in numbers.

But no one is optimistic that the Black Tiger Gang can return with a big victory.

The reason is also very simple. The monsters of the Lin family, or the monsters of the five major families, have never been defeated by relying on a large number of people.

These harsh words fell into Yuwen Wuji's ears, but he just smiled lightly.

"Lin Kuanglong, today is the day of your death, and also the beginning of the decline of the Lin family! This moment is enough to be recorded in the history of Tianyuan Town, and I, the leader of the Black Tiger Gang, Yuwen Wuji, will personally open it!"

"A new era is coming!"

Powers will be shuffled!
The chaotic ladder has appeared!

And I will lead the Black Tiger Gang up the stairs!

"A new era? You are a reckless man, and you want to change the sky? You can't change your humble fate even if you talk full of words!"

Lin Kuanglong sneered.

Before Yuwen Wuji could speak again, he rushed towards the three of them!

To capture the thief, capture the king first, and kill Yuwen Wuji, and the rest will be scattered like birds and beasts!

Lin Kuanglong had a clear mind, but he didn't expect that Yuwen Wuji's level was higher than his.

Almost at the moment when Lin Kuanglong launched the charge, Yuwen Wuji and Wu Xinbang had already retreated together, opening a distance.

The skilled operation seemed to have been rehearsed long ago, the time card was precise, and the movements were extremely skillful, and there were two words in his mouth, which blurted out.


Whoosh whoosh—

As soon as Yuwen Wuji spoke, the three figures seemed to be waiting for a long time, and they attacked instantly for this instant order.

In an instant, he was in a pincer attack, rushing towards Lin Kuanglong... behind!The place where the eight sedan chairs are located!
That is where Lin Kuanglong's wife is located!
Lin Kuanglong, who was sprinting, was only taken aback for a moment before reacting immediately.

"How brave!"

He stopped abruptly, glared at Yuwen Wuji and the others angrily, turned around and retreated!

Its speed was so fast that the people retreated quickly like gliding at low altitude, and the three who came first were going to catch up with the sneak attack!

[Chen Feishuang: 294/294. 】

[Wrong book white: 500/500. 】

[Zhuang Jiaxi: 416/416. 】

Fang Yu saw that the strength of these three people could only be regarded as average.But their will was unexpectedly firm. Facing the urgent approach of Lin Kuanglong, all three of them showed their will to die!If you don't complete the task, you will never give up!
Where did the dead man come from?
Fang Yu was dumbfounded.

In Tianyuan Town, he was a mixed bag of black and white, but there was no one person or monster who dared to say that he would sacrifice his life for him.

Of course, Brother Qing is an exception.

The second sister is also...

But these two people came from their own hearts.

What Yuwen Wuji is this, why?

How could this guy have such a charismatic personality that he could raise several dead men to work for him.

And the mere Black Tiger Gang can raise dead soldiers?
Fang Yu 1 did not believe it.

呲! ! !
When Fang Yu thought of this, there was already a flash of sword light in front of him.

[Chen Feishuang], who was in the third group of sneak attacks, didn't even have time to say his last words, and was cut into two halves by Lin Kuanglong, who was in a rage, and his body was separated from top to bottom, and rolled down beside the sedan chair with a bang.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

The servant, the maid screamed.

The guards have drawn their swords to guard Jiaokou.

But... the huge gap in strength made these guards unable to guard the proud son.

With a whoosh, one of the sneak attacking trio had almost slipped into the sedan chair!

Just as Lin Kuanglong pierced [Zhuang Jiaxi]'s heart with a sword, and when he rushed forward and grabbed the curtain of the proud son with his big hand, there was a stern shout from inside.

"Lin Kuanglong, move again, your wife's head will fall!"

Lin Kuanglong's outstretched hand froze in mid-air, motionless.

The right hand that was holding the long sword trembled slightly, with bulging veins.

As long as he wants, for a moment.

In just a moment, he can instantly kill the waste inside!

But he wasn't sure whether the timing at that moment would allow the people inside to decapitate his wife who had no martial arts.

Therefore, the outstretched hand was slowly clenched into a fist, and after taking a deep breath, Lin Kuanglong turned around slowly and asked Yuwen Wuji who was far away over there.

"You! Want! How! How!"

Lin Kuanglong gritted his teeth and said almost every word.

Yuwen Wuji smiled.

"Kill all those people brought by Lin Kuanglong."

What he ordered was not Lin Kuanglong, but his subordinates.

Some of his subordinates were still afraid of Lin Kuanglong's performance just now, and did not dare to act recklessly.

Some have already plucked up the courage to go up.

"Old, master save me! Master save me!"

The servants knelt down and begged Lin Kuanglong to save them, but...

After the knife was cut, the members of the Black Tiger Gang had already chopped off the servant's head.

The rest of the people followed suit and quickly killed this group of people.

The servants fell in a pool of blood one after another, becoming corpses all over the place.

And from the beginning to the end, Lin Kuanglong didn't even look back, but just stared at Yuwen Wuji coldly.

"Now, can you let people go?"

Yuwen Wuji pulled out a paper fan from his waist, unfolded it with a bang, fanned it slowly, and said with a smile.

"Lin Kuanglong, the guard of the Lin family, the vice-captain of the fifth team! A dignified tree-level martial artist, although he has not touched [Qi], he already has [Qi]. A guy like you is actually trapped by love, disturbed by love, How sad and deplorable!"

In the front, he said with a smile, but in the end, he gritted his teeth, with a ferocious face, like a raging lion.

"What happens to me has nothing to do with you, let me go! Otherwise, the Lin family won't let you go!"

Lin Kuanglong said coldly.

Yuwen Wuji sneered angrily.

"You think I'm sighing for you, mourning for you? I'm mourning for those countless people with mediocre qualifications, those ordinary warriors who have worked hard to improve their martial arts!"

"This world should not be like this! It is your five big families who control [-]% of Tianyuan Town's resources! Let other warriors never be able to look after you for the rest of their lives!"

"Aren't they qualified? Didn't they work hard? No! They don't have the resources! They don't have the qualifications!"

"Why can't our ordinary warriors soar to the sky! Why can't we ordinary warriors stand on top of your five big families!"

"The five major families should not have existed long ago."

"To grow old and not die is to be a thief."

"Just because of the existence of the five major families, just because your surname is Lin, a waste like you, a waste who can give up everything for a woman! You can step on the heads of those talented warriors."

"If your surname is not Lin, what are you!"

Yuwen Wuji's impassioned words moved the hearts of some warriors present.

But then what came out of my heart was helplessness and sighs.

The five big families, like five big mountains, crushed all the fighters in Tianyuan Town, and they couldn't breathe.

For so many years, no one has been able to overthrow the rule of the five major families. What can you, a small gang leader of the Black Tiger Gang, do?

(End of this chapter)

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