Chapter 278
As Zhuo Xueer whispered, Fang Yu had already passed her and stepped on Lin Kuanglong's chest.

Without any words, the sword is about to stab!
There is no such thing as a life-and-death fight.

Even if they joined forces before, but now that Lin Kuanglong wanted to kill him, Fang Yu would naturally not be polite.

But this move frightened Zhuo Xueer, who had come to her senses.


"and many more!"

"Leave someone under the sword!"

At this moment, three voices sounded almost simultaneously!
However, Fang Yu's sword did not intend to stop at all.


Before the long sword touched Lin Kuanglong's neck, something hit the blade of the long sword in an instant so fast that Fang Yu could hardly see it clearly.

boom! ! !
The long sword of Egret Son and Mother Sword.

This long sword that accompanied Fang Yu for a long time, under this blow, instantly shattered into dozens of pieces of iron fragments. Trembling, the tiger's mouth overflowed with blood.


Fang Yu was honest.

If covered with bone armor, it would be able to kill Lin Kuanglong forcefully.

But a person who can make such an attack, even if he kills Lin Kuanglong himself, will not be easy to deal with in the future.

Let's find out the opponent's background first!

Blood bar, show me it!
Fang Yu looked forward, and the crowd over there retreated to both sides after a moment of astonishment.

The white-bearded old man with only his bald head was walking slowly while holding the iron ball in his hand, smiling.

"Keep someone under the sword, no matter what mistakes he has made, for my [old man Iron Stone]'s sake, let him live, okay?"

[Lin Nanshuang: 3000/3000. 】

3000 blood!

Fang Yu's pupils shrank slightly.

Dude, this is really a bit annoying.

All the cards are out, maybe you can still play a dozen?
But to the public, Fang Yu didn't want to reveal too much of his strength.

After all, Fang Yu is only a fighter with 1500 blood, but his blood volume is very high.

Lin Kuanglong, who leapfrogged to 2000 blood, was still okay, but when he went up, he started to be reluctant.

The strangest thing is that Lin Kuanglong doesn't seem to have inherited the Lin family's sour blood skills, and I haven't seen him use it.

That thing is very perverted, the physical defense power instantly becomes a monster level, and it also sprays acid blood, and its lethality is explosively high.

Lin Jie, who had 500 blood before, made himself feel uncomfortable at that time.

Even now that his strength has improved, he still has deep scruples about the Lin family's unique knowledge.

But the Lin family's unique learning, shouldn't all the Lin family be qualified to learn it?Lin Jie was the son of the head of the Lin family, and it was normal for him to be sour and bloody. This Lin Kuanglong didn't seem to be famous, and he probably didn't have a high status in the Lin family.

"It turns have been hiding your clumsiness...sword skills are your...real trump card!"

Lin Kuanglong on the ground spoke intermittently, his chest was stepped on by Fang Yu, and he was out of breath.

Lin Kuanglong was the closest to Fang Yu, so he could see clearly that the deadly attack was not a sword technique, but...a sword technique!
I thought that the ultimate move that concealed the opponent's clumsiness, on the short sword, even devoted part of his energy to guarding against it when he made the move, but he didn't expect... This person has a deep scheming!
Fang Yu didn't know, inexplicably, he was given a strange label by Lin Kuanglong.

[Lin Kuanglong: 475/2043. 】

Fang Yu looked at Lin Kuanglong's blood volume, and there was still a lot left.

Li Xunxue is still not strong enough.

Before, it seemed that the arrogance was monstrous and the offensive was fierce.

But in fact, neither Fang Yu nor Lin Kuanglong did much real damage.

The real trouble is simply that blood wave's confinement ability.

This point can be seen from the fact that Li Xunxue left the blood pool to single out two people, but was instantly killed instead.

Even if he hid in the blood pool later, he didn't have much advantage.

So even if you count the amount of blood that Lin Kuanglong lost when he frantically chased and killed everyone before, the total calculation does not lose much blood.

It wasn't until Fang Yu's knife cut him into this appearance.

Fortunately, Lin Kuanglong doesn't know how to acid blood, otherwise the effect of this knife will be greatly reduced.

At this moment, although Lin Kuanglong still has blood, he has been suppressed by Fang Yu, and his chest is seriously injured.

If Fang Yu didn't want to let him go, he would almost certainly die if he cut off his head with another sword strike.

After all, most people will die if they lose their heads.

But with the three thousand blood fighters staring at them, and no one around them can fight against... it's better to be on the safe side.

"[Old Man Iron Stone] Lin Nanshuang... the deputy captain of the first team of the Lin family's Martial Arts Hall, is Lin Kuanglong's uncle."

Zhuo Xue'er, who was beside her, revealed the identity of that person in a murmur.

Is it also the vice-captain?
Fang Yu remembered that [Dong Xingzhou], the official deputy captain of their Yangshentang, also had 3000 blood.

It seems that the general vice-captains have this strength?
Zhuo Xueer's strength is not as strong as the alternate vice captain's strength.

"It's Old Man Iron Stone!"

"The real old monster of the Lin family has come out..."

"Old man Tieshi, the iron stone in his hand is said to be made of black iron. With the hidden weapon method, it is difficult to parry even if he faces the enemy head-on, not to mention that what this person is really good at... is sneak attack!"

"I've heard from my elders that Old Man Tieshi's hidden weapon skills. Within ten feet, there is no false hair. The power is astonishing. A stone can tear a human body apart! Even if it is hundreds of feet away, it is still accurate! I don't know how many masters in the early years, because they offended Elder Tieshi, his head suddenly exploded on the way, and he died inexplicably. Later, as he got older and had a family, he gradually restrained himself, and rarely appeared again."

Someone told about the brilliant achievements of the old man Tieshi.

But all the past is a thing of the past.

Lin Nanshuang had already passed the age of fighting fiercely, and she had a benevolent face.

"Little friend, seeing that Zhuo Xueer is also by your side, you should also be from the Yudi Mansion. Give me a face today and let my nephew go?"

Fang Yu was a little surprised.

The people around were frightened by the comments made by the old man Tieshi, and they hardly dared to offend him.

But the old man Tieshi himself was surprisingly easy to talk to.

Fang Yu thought of the scene just now.

Fang Yu really didn't react to that hard blow.

Calculating the distance between the two, it was probably within ten feet!
What a terrible method.

If he aimed at my head at that time, I am afraid that it is really possible to directly explode my head.

Ordinary people are definitely dead, but I just lost my head, vision and other functions.

Although death cannot die, its combat effectiveness will definitely be greatly reduced.

But with his own means, even if his head exploded, the situation at that time was enough to take away Lin Kuanglong's life in general.

I'm afraid this is one of the reasons why the old man Iron Stone only smashed the long sword to resolve the crisis.

"Hurry up and let Lin Kuanglong go! Elder Tieshi, we can't afford to offend him!"

Seeing that Fang Yu didn't move, Zhuo Xueer hurriedly approached and whispered, with deep fear in her eyes.

Obviously, even among warriors with 3000 HP, Old Man Iron Stone is still a first-class expert.

If the old man Iron Stone was really as strong as they said, and if he really wanted to kill someone, he could smash his own head with one shot of Iron Stone Broken Sword, and the next shot of Iron Stone.

Thinking of this, Fang Yu took a deep breath, lifted his right foot that was pressing on Lin Kuanglong, stepped back a few steps, and saluted.

"It turns out to be Old Man Tieshi, the young inspector of the Yangshen Hall, so be polite."

"It's just the inspector?"

The old man Tieshi smiled, and looked at Fang Yu meaningfully.

"Based on your strength, you shouldn't be in this position. If the Yudi Mansion can't tolerate this wandering dragon, you can come to the Lin family to find me. The Lin family will not treat people who are truly capable."

After all, the old man Tieshi walked slowly to the seriously injured Lin Kuanglong, looked at the knife wound on his chest, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Not getting up! Isn't it enough to be ashamed!"

His tone suddenly became harsh.

"Uncle! Use your iron stone to kill them all! Kill them all!"

Lin Kuanglong stood up clutching his wound, angrily waiting for Fang Yu and the others, but...

Snapped! !

The old man Tieshi slapped him directly on the face.

"Shut up! If someone spares your life, it is to give face to the Lin family. If you dare to be rude, you will be fined to enter the forbidden area for three months!"

When mentioning the forbidden area, even an arrogant person like Lin Kuanglong changed his face, and could only shut up and glared at Fang Yu and others.

Sure enough, when people get old, they will become kind?

Judging from what other people said, this old man Tieshi was very cruel in his early years.But now he is so easy to talk, much easier to talk to than those juniors of the Lin family.

"Thank you for your kindness. When I go back, I will definitely educate my nephew and make him behave properly."

The words and attitude of the old man Tieshi are like aliens from the five major families.

You know, even Hei Ao and heretics, before Fang Yu got to know the two of them well and was recognized, his attitude was either indifferent or arrogant.

It was after their strength was recognized and they got to know each other that they changed.

This is already known to Fang Yu, among the five major families, it is easier to talk.

So Fang Yu felt a little weird seeing old man Tieshi being so reasonable.

"Old Tie is being polite. Now that the matter is clear, Lao Tie just takes Lin Kuanglong back."

In any case, others were polite on the surface, and their strength had the upper hand, Fang Yu naturally didn't want to tear his face, and cooperated with the acting.

But the old man Tieshi really waved his hand, turned around and was about to leave, without any other movements.

Yet at this moment.

"and many more!"

It was Lin Kuanglong who spoke.

He clutched his wound on his chest, stared at Fang Yu firmly, and then slowly moved his gaze to Li Xunxue and Suo Fengxiang behind him.

"Uncle, this kid can be let go, but that woman, no! She ruined my dead wife's body! If you want to go, take her too!"

The old man Tieshi stopped and frowned.

"Nonsense! If you..."


Lin Kuanglong took out a dagger out of nowhere and pressed it against his neck, his face distorted and crazy.

"Uncle, I don't care about other things. That kid just ruined my good things, but that woman is different! She destroyed my wife's body. If I can't tear her into pieces and avenge my dead wife, I will live on in the future." It's meaningless, it's better to die now!"

Fang Yu:? ? ?
Why are you threatening?

As if helpless, the old man Tieshi slowly turned around, Fang Yu's heart skipped a beat.

Before the old man Tieshi could speak, Fang Yu spoke first.

"Old Tie, Li Xunxue is a member of the Li family and has some connections with me. I can't let you take her away for now."

"It turned out to be a girl from the Li family, nephew is determined, can you sell me some more face?"

The old man Tieshi smiled and opened his mouth.


Didn't listen at all.

"Give it to him!"

Zhuo Xueer leaned closer and whispered.

Fang Yu ignored her, but turned to look at Li Xunxue, but his eyes inevitably met with Suo Fengxiang's.

Suo Fengxiang's body trembled suddenly, and she turned away quickly.

It was Li Xunxue who was looking at Fang Yu with a sneer.

"This is really a difficult problem. Old man Tieshi, you can't afford to offend me. But hand me over, life and death are uncertain, what should you do? Diao Deyi!"

This crazy woman doesn't seem to care about her own life, her personality is really distorted.

Fang Yu was silent, closed his eyes, and thought.

"Release him quickly! There's no reason to hesitate!" It was Liu Ningran's voice.

"It's strange, what are the people in Yangshentang doing? The Lin family wants someone, just give it to him. Why do you meddle in the affairs of the five major families?"

"Since the old man Tieshi has come forward, if the Yangshentang does not have a captain or something, I am afraid that he is not qualified to negotiate terms."

At any time, the strong are respected.

Even if the strong man's tone is polite, it's just the strong man's self-cultivation.

If the strong have a firm attitude and their strength is weak, they should be obedient and take the best position.

Li Xunxue sneered, waiting for Fang Yu's joke.

For a gift of one hundred needles, would he dare to contradict the old man Tieshi?That traitor doesn't deserve, shouldn't, and won't have such a friend!
Suo Fengxiang was conflicted, if Diao De refused, should he help or run away?Master Zhuo Xueer would definitely give up on Diao Deyi immediately, but... what about me... what should I do?
"Let go!"

Zhuo Xueer yelled again!
Originally, the mission of this trip was to be these foreign warriors from the Bonfire Society, but now they didn't even see the shadow of others, but they wanted to take over the death feud with the Lin family for no reason. The mission can be said to have failed.

You know, she is now in the assessment period for the substitute vice captain!

This kind of red failure is simply terrible.

Fang Yu, now at her thunder point, repeatedly jumped sideways, just short of the last step.

"Dare to stand up against Lin Kuanglong, it is indeed courageous, but facing the old man Tieshi, it is better to be honest."

"I don't know what this person means. When the woman manipulated the blood wave to slaughter us, I didn't see him jumping out. Now that he is going to be taken away by the Lin family, he wants to protect her. He is really sick."

Discussions gradually spread from the surroundings. The old man Tieshi was really good-tempered, and he just waited for Fang Yu's answer like that, without urging or threatening, and his whole person revealed a kind of peace.

At this time, Fang Yu had slowly opened his eyes, and silently walked in front of Li Xunxue, protecting her behind him, and then turned to face Old Man Tieshi. Although he hadn't spoken yet, his behavior had already shown his attitude.

"Old Tie, the situation is a bit complicated. I can't hand over this woman to you for the time being. Can you give me some time? After one month, I will personally send her to the Lin family and deliver her to you."

The old man Iron Stone showed a little surprised look.

Under such oppression, he can still give this kind of answer... This son is quite determined, and he will not be easily influenced by others. He is a good embryo who practices martial arts, but it is a pity that he is not from the Lin family.

He looked at Lin Kuanglong.

The latter just sneered, the dagger slowly penetrated, blood spilled from his neck, his attitude was self-evident.

With a sigh, the old man Tieshi stopped playing with Tieshi's right hand.

"My friend, I'm sorry. It seems that I can only let you..."

Before he finished speaking, the old man Tieshi made a sudden move!
Whoosh! ! ! !

The terrifying piercing sound suddenly sounded!

what? !

Fang Yu's face changed drastically, he never expected that old man Tieshi would sneak up on him!

That sudden attack, it was too late to think about armoring at this moment!

Be deceived by the kindness of that old thing!Paralyzed, thinking that the other party is really a good talker! !
He watched helplessly as Tieshi zoomed in rapidly in his line of sight.


No!That's too late!

Take root!

Fang Yu roared in his heart, but he had already realized it in his mind, so he could only take a wave of damage first.

And just when the iron stone was about to magnify to the extreme in his eyes, and was about to hit him...

Snapped! ! !
Two fingers appeared abruptly.

And the iron stone that came at a high speed was actually just those two fingers, which were firmly caught in the air, and stood still.

Fang Yu subconsciously looked along the two fingers.

[Ceremony nine days: 35000/35000. 】

Fang Yu couldn't help but be astonished.

who? ? ?
The next moment, a familiar voice came from behind that [Li Jiuxun].

"It's so hostile, I want to see who is embarrassing me!"

This, is this voice? !

Fang Yu had an uncontrollable look of surprise on his face, and quickly restrained himself.

"Qing... gift ten knives?!"

A handsome and charming man with long hair cascading down his sides like a waterfall stepped forward and became the focus of the audience.

(End of this chapter)

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