Chapter 298 Mysterious Equipment
Che Linfang's so-called old place is naturally the meeting point for their monsters.

While walking, Fang Yu also took out the [Spring Bud Kungfu] Zhuo Xueer gave him, and looked at it.

This is called time management master, don't idle time on the road.

I don't know if the blood has awakened the ability of [organ control], even if I use two things at once, I don't feel any pressure.

"Qi, like the source of life, the beginning of all things."

"The so-called observation of qi is like observing the original state of spring, the budding and growth of all things..."

[Chun Ya Gong] The obscure and mysterious content started to give Fang Yu a headache.

I don't know if it has something to do with the cultivation of the mind, but the content in it is always false, and there is no intuitive feeling.

After reading it over and over again, Fang Yu didn't quite understand what this thing said.

Rather than saying it is a practice method, it is more like a diary of insights.

Fortunately, it still provides a method of cultivation, from every breath, a little bit of the existence of qi.

Fang Yu was not in a hurry, so he had to understand [Chun Ya Gong] first.

With the help of organ control, Fang Yu's current concentration is unmatched by others.

Coupled with the advantage of the bloodline of the same attribute, it is more effective in learning, and all that is needed is a little patience that has settled down.

The tree realm after the grass realm, the most important criterion is whether one can control the power of [Qi].

Before his master Yuan Hongxin died in battle, Fang Yu still remembered those waves of [Qi] used and exploded.

The skills are of the same origin, and when he has mastered [Qi], the first thing Fang Yu wants to imitate is naturally the use of Yuan Hongxin's [Qi] moves, which can also be regarded as adding a little bit of killer moves and cards to himself.

On the way, when I saw [Chun Ya Gong] about seven or eight times, I arrived at Lingyun Inn.

After reading it the first few times, there was almost no progress, but when the fifth time started, it seemed that I was immersed in it, and my understanding began to increase a little.

After that, it became more and more clear.

By the time he arrived in front of the Lingyun Inn, Fang Yu was already in the mood.

It's a pity that there are still things to do, so I have to stop first.

Fang Yu feels that his organs are controlled, and if he wants to play a role in this aspect, there is also a warm-up process, instead of entering a state similar to an epiphany all at once, the advantage is that this state can be triggered infinitely, and there is no need to rush for a while.

Put away [Spring Bud Art], and push open the door of Lingyun Inn.

"Master Fairy Tail!"

"Master Fairy Tail!"

There are monsters waiting inside.

These monsters are also night owls, and they haven't rested at this point.

Fang Yu glanced.

It's [Bu Ange] and [Rong Qiulu].

These two guys were originally the two most powerful monsters under Fang Yu's command, with the strength of two or three thousand blood.

Later, the red and blue hammer giant ape demon and other monster tail level powerhouses joined, and they retreated to the second line, but they are still one of Fang Yu's generals.

He patted the shoulders of the two of them as a signal, and strode into the inn.

There are actually not many monsters in the inn, but familiar monsters should be there.

Che Linfang, Zhang Xiaoli, Bie Huzi, the red and blue hammer giant ape demon in human skin again, the sound-stopping demon in human skin, and some ordinary monsters with a strength of about a thousand blood.

Almost, even at the cadre level, they were all present.

"Diao Deyi! You are finally here!"

Che Linfang strode forward, and the others saluted one after another.

"Master Fairy Tail!"

"Master Diao..."

"Master Fairy Tail..."

As soon as he grabbed Fang Yu's hand, Che Linfang led him to the big table where the few people gathered.

"Before the chaos between the Lin family and the Li family this morning, Lord Blindfold found us, not only drove us away, but also gave us a new mission. You were not there at the time, so I dared not disobey, so I had to accept it."

"Blindfolded sir?"

Fang Yu raised his head in doubt.

"It's Lord Death Eye Demon, who likes to be blindfolded on weekdays, even if he is disguised as a human body, he also likes to dress up like this. She is in the position of a monster and has direct jurisdiction over us. She wants us to go east, so it is impossible to go west " said the Red Hammer Giant Ape Demon.

The Red Hammer Giant Ape Demon used to be a Fairy Tail, and had more rules than Che Linfang and the others, so he naturally understood it better.

Fang Yu frowned slightly.

"Which big demon does she belong to?"

"I don't know. In the past, it seemed that the Red Moon Demon was under direct control. I wonder if it was because the Red Moon Demon complained to the higher authorities, which led to the demon feet coming over to control us."

The superior of the Red Moon Demon?

Good guy, you're doing something again, aren't you?

Don't be complacent, the head of the Yangshen Hall has decided to elevate my status for me, and you will be the first one to kill me!
"...what does she want us to do?"

"Find someone."


"Qiong Xiaolou."

Qiong Xiaolou?It seems a bit familiar.

But Fang Yu couldn't remember where he had heard the name before.

"What is this person's background?"

"One of the small families attached to the Hei family, the background is not deep, but..."

Che Linfang picked up the pen and paper that had been prepared on the table, and quickly wrote three words—Qiong Xiaolou.

Just finished writing, the handwriting was still wet, the three characters seemed to melt into the white paper, slowly disappearing, as if nothing had ever existed.

Fang Yu raised his head in doubt and looked at Che Linfang.

"What do you mean? What did you do?"

"On the contrary, we didn't do anything. It was Qiong Xiaolou who did something."

Fang Yu was startled.

Wiping words across the air, could it be...he is nearby? ? ?

No, if so, the monsters under his command would not be so calm.

Che Linfang continued to explain.

"This strange incident happened three days ago. All the written records about [Qiong Xiaolou] in Tianyuan Town have disappeared, even his name is missing from the Qiong family tree."

"This is a trivial matter. After all, even a small family has a lot of children. Qiong Xiaolou is considered a descendant, but he is only the tenth son in the family. He didn't get any other favors. Instead, he was a rich boy, eating, drinking and having fun." He has a special talent in life, and he can quickly get along with some family disciples of the same age. Therefore, he was arranged next to Hei Ao, the young master of the Hei family, as a foil, you muddy legs."

"Later, the young master of the Hei family suddenly devoted himself to practicing martial arts, and the mud-legged Qiong Xiaolou lost his job. He went to the brothel all day and played songs every night."

"Then three days ago, all written records about him suddenly disappeared and became blank. He himself also disappeared mysteriously."

"Blindfolded Master guessed that he might have obtained some [tool], so he decided to find Qiong Xiaolou first, take the [tool] away, and dedicate it to the big monster above."

After Che Linfang finished speaking in one breath, she also felt a little thirsty, so she picked up a jug of wine and poured it down.

All that just now, although part of it is her speculation, but it is basically the same.

At this moment, Fang Yu also remembered.

Hei Ao, whorehouse, mud legs...

Fang Yu suddenly slapped his thigh.

It turned out to be him!
When he was sweeping brothels before, when he met Hei Ao and the others, he temporarily rescued a little guy.

At that time, Fang Yu pretended to be from Kunshanhai to avoid trouble, but since he never saw him again, he naturally didn't pay attention to him.

But I didn't expect to hear this person's name here today.

I still remember that Qiong Xiaolou's strength at that time was only more than 100 blood?Not worth mentioning.

Now that so much time has passed, Fang Yu's strength has soared to tens of thousands of blood. Even if converted into the strength of a human warrior, he is a grass-level high-level warrior with 1500 blood. He has already thrown that guy out of the street.

But I didn't think about it, this guy seemed to be lucky, what kind of utensil he took, he even thought about the monster feet on it, and wanted to snatch it and borrow flowers to offer Buddha.

Fang Yu narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Have we heard from him?"

"No. But when it comes to finding news, we have some unique advantages."

Che Linfang was referring to their identities in Yudifu.

Other monsters, even if they have monster feet or bodies, they can only find targets within the range of the monster circle.

But Fang Yu and the others are different, they can directly use the resources of the Yudi Mansion, which is one of the reasons why the dead eye monster came to the door.

Otherwise, there are so many monsters below, how could they find them.

"This is our chance to climb up! If you can be favored by the blind lord, leave a good impression. When the next time there is a vacancy in the position of the demon foot, the lord will have the opportunity to replace it. At that time, the blind lord will also be beautiful for the lord." With a few words, the chances of winning the position of Demon Foot will be even greater."

The blue hammer giant ape demon got up and said.

They came to hang out with Fang Yu in order to seek a better career.

Now that the opportunity came, they naturally hoped that Fang Yu could seize it.

The other monsters had almost the same idea, looking at Fang Yu with eager eyes.

Seeing this, Fang Yu nodded slightly.

"I understand. Let's look for it. But Lord Blind probably not only arranged for us to find someone, but whether we can find someone is anyone's guess. Don't have too much hope."

Bie Huzi got up and smiled.

"My lord's words are enough. In the past few days, we have gained a lot of demon brothers. Your lord will have news at that time. Give me a place, and we will bring people in to search."

When a person reaches a high position, he no longer needs to do everything by himself.

Check the information from Yudi Mansion, and then act like a hands-off shopkeeper, leaving the rest to the younger brother below, and I just need to wait for the result.

"So good."

Stepping forward, Fang Yu took the pen from Che Linfang's hand, and wrote the three words Qiong Xiaolou on the paper, and sure enough, the words began to disappear soon.

Fang Yu was thinking, writing—where is Qiong Xiaolou in Tianyuan Town now?

When the pen falls, the handwriting disappears quickly, even a whole line of words disappears, returning to blank.

Fang Yu was surprised.

If this level of writing disappears, many documents and records will be affected, and the five major families should not have any reaction.

And that kind of equipment just fell into the hands of the little-known Qiong Xiaolou.

If it is used in the hands of more famous people, erasure of existence, anonymity, etc., various operations are possible.

An existence that will not be recorded in any written form, a person who does not exist, and a person who can only be passed on orally.

Utensils, weird.

"What about the portrait? What about the portrait of this person?"

"It will also disappear, just like the writing."

Well, fortunately, I have seen a real person and I still have an impression, otherwise I really don't know where to start.

In addition, the ordinary paper and pen records will disappear, and there may be special paper in the five major families or inside the Yudi Mansion, and it may be possible to leave this person's name and information.

"I see. I will investigate this matter and inform you if I have any news."


All the monsters responded.

Next, there are some daily reports.

For example, for the newly recruited monsters, which of the foolish mansions are patrolling the neighborhood and it is inconvenient for them to do things and so on.

This kind of subtle adjustment, through him or Che Linfang, made the staff of the Yudi Mansion misaligned in time, which can facilitate many things for the demon.


Fang Yu beckoned to Che Linfang.

"You bring someone to help me check these two...three people, check the details of these three people, don't make too much noise, just check in private."

Che Linfang looked at the three names and was a little impressed.

"These are the servants of the mansion."


The corners of Che Linfang's mouth curled up.

"I just said that the servants that humans find are unreliable! This is a good opportunity, why don't we take the opportunity to arrange the demons under your hand to your mansion?"

Fang Yu shook his head slightly.

"Not right, the risk is too great. You and I have successfully lurked in the Yudi Mansion, and it is easy to cause accidents if other monsters are suddenly inserted in. You also know how difficult that place is."

"The situation is different. Now that you have been promoted to some Yangshentang, it shouldn't be a big problem if you play a cover." Che Linfang insisted.

But Fang Yu still shook his head.

"It's not necessary, it's just a loophole. It's better to be stable for a while, and when the situation is stable, we will start to deploy people and gradually replace the people around us."

Demons can put on human skin and replace humans.

It's really not difficult to operate.

The hard part is not being discovered.

And Fang Yu didn't want people around him to suffer from this kind of thing, so he just kept Che Linfang steady.

Che Linfang felt that what Fang Yu said was reasonable, so she nodded slightly, and Fang Yu's clear-cut statement actually satisfied her.

What Ding Hui, what Mi Hengpeng, after all, they are only human beings.

The Blood Demon and I are the real ones of our own!What are they, they are just tools to disguise their identities!
Feeling overwhelmed, Che Linfang also relaxed, with a relaxed attitude.

"I'm impatient, everything is up to you."

After everything was explained, Fang Yu got up and prepared to leave.

After a pause, he turned around and asked.

"Recently, the Red Moon Demon and other Demon Tails have made any moves?"

I haven't done any inquiries about the surrounding Fairy Tail yet, so I have to collect some information and hand it over to the hall master above.

How the follow-up will be depends on how the Hall Master arranges it. If there are no major problems, Fang Yu will follow along and the matter will be over.

The sky fell and there was a tall man holding it up, but the hall master is a monster with [-] blood!
"The Red Moon Demon has recently been recruiting foreign monsters. I heard that she has attracted many people, but there are also rumors that she has tampered with these recruited monsters..."

"The rotten heart demon is taking over territories, some of which have even been given up to us. I don't know if they have received some news. They seem to be flattering us."

"The demon tail of the flax scale bird, it seems that there has been some development in the demon feet it seeks refuge in. The group of demons it brought with it have suddenly acted a lot bolder. Recently, they have always troubled us, but they have restrained themselves and have not caused any major troubles. Come, but small frictions continue, I am worried that the brothers below will not be able to help but take the lead and leave a quarrel."

"The Long Poetry Canvas Demon asked me to talk to the Blue Hammer Giant Ape Demon, and wanted us to vote for her. After being rejected by us, his tone was obviously bad. I don't know if he will do something out of the ordinary..."

 tomorrow chapter

(End of this chapter)

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