Chapter 300 Brain Waves

Fang Yu has a clear self-awareness.

If he hadn't made some money from this game and had some capital, he wouldn't dare to think about how to live his life in the future.

Just then, the phone vibrated.

Fang Yu was taken aback.

Picking up the phone and scanning it, it was actually sent by the landlord sister Jin.

Fang Yu remembered the last chat record, it was the day when Sister Jin got into a car accident.

Since that day, Sister Jin has been busy with something and hardly sees anyone.

Fang Yu also sent a message asking Sister Jin if he needed help, but Sister Jin just told him to stay at home and avoid going out.

Fang Yu wanted to help, but he couldn't do much no matter whether he had financial resources or connections, finding a lawyer to sue someone, etc.

In other words, Sister Jin, a rich second generation, has more connections than him, so he doesn't need to worry about it at all.

Strong woman...

Fang Yu sighed.

No wonder he is more attracted to game characters.

In reality, only Sister Jin is such a strong woman, a rich girl, whose gap is too big to be possible.

I haven't contacted other female students or anything since they graduated.

After all, it is not a secret that he lost money and owed debts in the last game leveling, and it was spread among his classmates. It left a bad impression on people, and it is reasonable not to contact him.

There is no contact with the female classmates, sister Jin who is rich and beautiful can't be climbed, and Fang Yu's circle is narrow, so in reality he has no one to talk to.

"Buy a career first! Earn money to buy a house and then go on a blind date, reaching the pinnacle of life!"

Fang Yu secretly cheered himself up, then turned on his phone to check Sister Jin's news...

"Fang Yu, are you free tomorrow morning? Accompany me to the hospital, I want to visit my eldest sister."

to the hospital?
Fang Yu replied the message.

"Free! Sister Jin, what time do we meet?"


phone vibration.

"You haven't slept yet?"

"Just finished playing the game..."

Through the phone screen, Fang Yu smiled awkwardly.

If it weren't for the popularity of the game "Seeking Demon", Fang Yu's behavior of playing games late at night in the past would be a pure symbol of a dead house.

The strange thing is that after he finished sending the message, there was no movement from Sister Jin's side.

In doubt, Fang Yu continued to take a bath, but it didn't take long.

Jingle Bell!
At the door, a bell rang.

who? ?

Ring the doorbell in the middle of the night? ?
The phone vibrated.

It's sister Jin's news, only two words.

"Open the door."

Fang Yu: ...

He quickly dried himself, put on his clothes, and before he even had time to dry his hair, Fang Yu went to open the door.

"Sister Jin!"

Compared with usual days, Qi Xiaojin's face is a bit more haggard and tired, and the dark circles under her eyes are also conspicuous. It seems that she hasn't slept well recently.

But as soon as he saw Fang Yu, Qi Xiaojin couldn't help but smile.

"Fang Yu, you just took a shower? Your hair isn't even dry."



When Qi Xiaojin walked into the room, she was even more familiar with the arrangement of the house than Fang Yu, and immediately got the hair dryer.

Looking at the hair dryer full of cheap plastic, Qi Xiaojin's thoughts seemed to return to the days of the last apocalypse.

She turned her head to look at Fang Yu with soft eyes.

At that time, things like hair dryers had already become scrap iron, and even power supply was a luxury.Fang Yu helped take care of her long hair.

Later, when I left the community and wandered around, I found a shelter with a power supply. It was used to imprison the demons, and the power of the demons was used to generate electricity to provide the power consumption of the shelter.

It's a pity that under the great hospitality, there is an unavoidable maliciousness behind the scenes.

However, the leader of the refuge did not recognize the strength gap between the two.

The moment of attack is the moment when their refuge is destroyed.

Qi Xiaojin misses those days, and let her remember them.

Her eyes turned cold, and she knew in her heart that she could no longer hesitate.

Plug in the power, let Fang Yu sit down, and Qi Xiaojin turns on the hair dryer to blow Fang Yu's hair.

"Fang Yu, I'm going to let my eldest sister wear the game helmet of [Qiaomo]."

Fang Yu:? ? ? !

"Didn't your elder sister...become a vegetable?"

"Yes, because of this, it is necessary to stimulate her nerves through games and give her a chance to wake up."

This is bullshit.

Qi Xiaojin understood what this game was about.

The doomsday will come sooner or later. At that time, if the eldest sister can achieve something in the game and the power returns, the eldest sister will be able to save herself.

Originally, Qi Xiaojin was a little hesitant to let his family members into the game.

Now, this trouble is saved.

It's a pity that there are too many uncontrollable ways to let the eldest sister enter the game.

Fortunately, she has completed the preliminary accumulation in the game, as long as the eldest sister shows her talents, she has a chance to find someone.

"Stimulate vegetative people through games..."

Fang Yu scratched his head, unable to understand.

But since it was Sister Jin's choice, he would only support it.

I used my mobile phone to find relevant reports, and it seemed that there were similar cases.

But in the same way, there are also examples of failure and deterioration, which makes people feel a little uneasy.

By this time, Fang Yu's hair had been blown dry.

Looking out the window, the sky is getting brighter, it is already morning.

"Let's go. I have arranged for the driver to wait downstairs."


Qi Xiaojin walked in front, and Fang Yu followed behind.

Suddenly, Fang Yu thought of something and asked.

"Sister Jin, has the driver of the accident been caught?"

Qi Xiaojin's body trembled suddenly, and then quickly returned to normal.

"Caught it, but the black hand behind the scenes is hiding."

Behind the scenes? ?
Fang Yu was taken aback, and immediately thought of some kind of conflict of interests between large commercial groups.

What business war movie.

High-end business wars are often plain and unpretentious?

Fang Yu gritted his teeth and said, "Breaking the law is breaking the law, and they will pay the price!"

"Of course!"

Qi Xiaojin narrowed her eyes, then turned her head to Fang Yu and said, "Don't worry about this matter, I will take care of it."

I can't control it either, a business tycoon who can confront you, killing an otaku like me is probably as easy as crushing an ant to death.

Fang Yu muttered in his heart.

By this time the two had already arrived downstairs.


The driver opened the door and the two entered the car.

There was a recent Trickster helmet in the car.

Fang Yu muttered in his heart.

This wouldn't be a lucky gift bag, would it?
I guess Xuan.

Lucky gift packs are only available for the first batch of helmets just sold in the game, and there are no gift packs for subsequent batches. ,
Although Sister Jin is rich, it is quite difficult to buy an unused helmet with a lucky gift bag. After all, before entering the game, who knows if there is a lucky gift bag.

There were not many vehicles on the road in the early morning, driving at high speed all the way, and soon arrived at the hospital.

Qi Xiaojin walked in front, like a VIP pass, unimpeded all the way.

In Fang Yu's puzzled eyes...

"I bought this hospital."

Fang Yu: ...

Inhumane! ! !
Pushing away from the ward, Qimeng, who was wearing a respirator, just lay there quietly, with a bunch of doctors who had been waiting beside her.

The trauma caused by Qimeng's car accident, after treatment, basically nothing can be seen, leaving only a wound.

But the brain damage turned into a vegetative state, there is nothing to do.

"Fang Yu, help my eldest sister put on the game helmet."

I come?

Fang Yu was suspicious, but he still carefully unpacked the game helmet.

Looking at the exquisite helmet design, and all kinds of fancy patterns, it is not at the same level as my ordinary game helmet.

At first glance, it is exclusive to the local tyrants!
It just lacks the rustic gold color of local tyrants, and it is a bright red color, with a bit of festive feeling.

Wearing Xiaoxiao Qimeng, Fang Yu looked at Qi Xiaojin.

Qi Xiaojin didn't say anything, just pursed her lips secretly.

The butterfly's wings were getting bigger and bigger, and she had already begun to feel that the situation was getting out of control.

The elder sister had an accident, the younger brother and his parents had already bought tickets to return to China, and they were due to arrive in two days, and there would be a lot of troubles by then.

It is not easy to convince stubborn parents, but fortunately Qi Xiaojin is already mentally prepared.

The doctors looked to adjust the medical equipment, and as the game helmet was switched on, everyone looked at the screen showing brain waves.

The originally stable and fluctuating EEG pattern suddenly began to fluctuate greatly!
"It's done!"

"The patient responded!"

"This method works!!"

All the doctors showed excitement, but Qi Xiaojin's expression remained calm.

Because she knew in her heart that this was the inevitable result.

The key is not the connection, but whether the eldest sister in the game can live a second life, whether she can connect with reality, and let herself find someone.

As long as the eldest sister can be found in the game, she can rely on the current resources to make the eldest sister transition smoothly to the moment of the end.

"This fluctuation range should mean joy!"

"No, the fluctuation frequency of joy will be higher, this should be the meaning of confusion!"

The doctors began to analyze the data, while Qi Xiaojin was on the phone to ask the security personnel to take possession of them. A dozen black-clothed bodyguards soon arrived, and after Qi Xiaojin's strict screening, they stayed to take turns guarding Qimeng's ward.

"Except for me, him, and these five attending physicians, no one else is allowed to enter."

In the list of candidates, Fang Yu was surprisingly included, which made him look astonished.

This is not treating me as an outsider at all.

Fang Yu looked strange and had complicated emotions.

But soon sobered up, that was Sister Jin who was aloof, what a toad I was thinking about!
Only when people have self-knowledge and a clear positioning can they climb up step by step and make life go further.

"Fang Yu, stay with me for a while, and when the eldest sister is stable, we will go back together."

Qi Xiaojin's tone was pleading, and her eyes were sincere.

If it were just now, Fang Yu might be going crazy again, but now, he is very clear-headed.

Wave your hand.

"It's okay, I'm free!"

Sitting next to Qi Xiaojin, Fang Yu followed her and the doctor to look at the pile of completely incomprehensible medical equipment.

Qi Xiaojin held Qi Meng's hand tightly, her eyes were slightly rosy.

"Fang Yu, do you know that it's all my fault that the eldest sister became like this... Blame me... It's my fault!!"

Qi Xiaojin clenched her empty hand tightly.

She was careless, negligent, and tired!

If not, how could the Sheepskin Demon know the chance to make a move!
If I could have found out earlier, noticed earlier, that guy would have no chance of hurting the people around me!
Qi Xiaojin's breathing gradually became short of breath, and the coldness in his eyes became more and more intense.

There will be no next time!Absolutely not!
The kind of strong hostility that emerged from the depths of his heart, accumulated from years of doomsday experience, involuntarily radiated from his body, making his facial features slightly distorted subconsciously.


With Fang Yu's voice, Qi Xiaojin suddenly woke up.

She quickly restrained her expression, turned her head stiffly and smiled at Fang Yu.

"Fang Yu, what's wrong?"

"Sister Meng's EEG seems to suddenly become very active."

Fang Yu checked the instruments over there.

Fang Yu couldn't understand, but Qi Xiaojin was highly educated and could barely understand part of it.

Coupled with calling the doctor to explain, the two of them got a general idea.

"So my eldest sister is going through something drastic?"

"To be precise, it should be that in the game, when she encountered something, her own cerebral cortex reacted violently based on the incident."

The doctor tried to explain, but Qi Xiaojin's expression turned ugly.

What does this mean, she understands.

The eldest sister's start in the world of [Seeking Demons] may not be smooth.

But she can't do anything, unless she can know who the elder sister's role is in seizing the house over there, she can help accurately, otherwise everything can only depend on the elder sister herself.

Apart from taking care of her eldest sister's vegetative body in reality, Qi Xiaojin can do very limited things.

"I... go to the bathroom."

Fang Yu stood up suddenly, clutching his stomach.

Only then did Qi Xiaojin remember that neither of them had breakfast.

Asking Fang Yu to leave, Qi Xiaojin ordered someone to come over for breakfast.

She stared at Qimeng and prayed secretly.

"Sister, hold on!"

"Hold on, and you will survive!"

"Although the future is dark, at least there are family members waiting for you, and I am waiting for you..."



Fang Yu came out of the bathroom weakly.

Feeling a little cold.

Taking a cold shower in the middle of the night is really a bit fatal.

Compared with the powerful body in the game, my own body in reality is as fragile as a toy.

"Mr. Fang? Is Miss still upstairs in the ward?"

Suddenly, a voice sounded from behind.

Looking back, it turned out that it was the driver brother who had just come out of the bathroom.

Fang Yu has met Qi Xiaojin's exclusive driver several times.

Every time we meet, they are in sunglasses and suits, with a stern look.

But this time, he rarely took off his sunglasses and smiled.

The facial features on the face of the elder brother of the society, the way he forced a smile, was a bit out of harmony.

"Here, Sister Jin should take a while to finish."


The driver brother squinted his eyes and smiled, "Then I'll go downstairs and wait..."

Walking towards Fang Yu, the driver's brother suddenly inserted his hand into the pocket of his suit.

An inexplicable sense of disobedience came to my heart for some reason.

Fang Yu felt puzzled in his heart, but his mouth was not idle.

"I shouldn't have to wait too long. Sister Jin and I will go downstairs. Then please ask the driver to take me back to the community first... If Sister Jin has no other arrangements."

Hearing this, the driver brother suddenly stopped and seemed to be slightly stunned.

"Are you going to drive back together?"

"That's right, unless sister Jin has other arrangements, then I'll take a taxi back alone."

The big brother driver took his hand out of his pocket and smiled honestly.

"It's expensive to take a taxi. The lady certainly doesn't mind if I take you for a ride."

"Then please trouble the driver."

The brother driver smiled and nodded, then passed Fang Yu and walked out.

But right now...

"and many more!"

It was Fang Yu's voice.

The driver didn't turn his head and turned his back on Fang Yu.

"Mr. Fang, what's the matter?"

"What's in the driver's pocket? Can you show it to me?"

(End of this chapter)

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